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Class: BE CE II Semester: VII Scheme: CBCS

Programme: Civil Engineering Batch: 2019 -20

Course: Theory of Reinforced Concrete Structures Course Code: CE-C702
Date of issue- 08-07-2019
Assignment 1-Working Stress Method (Due Date: 02-08-2019)
Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Explain the concept of Reinforced Concrete. Compare steel and RCC structures with L 2, CO 1
advantages and disadvantages of the same.
2 Summarize all clauses of Annexure B, IS 456-2000 L 2, CO 1
3 Explain the concept of under-reinforced, balanced and over-reinforced section with L 2, CO 1
neat stress block diagram for rectangular section. Also, derive expression for
moment of resistance for all three cases.
4 Determine / Evaluate the MR for a beam having dimensions 320 x 560 mm effective, L 5, CO 1
if it is provided with minimum tensile reinforcement. i) Use M 25 and Fe 415, ii)
Use M 20 and Fe 250.
5 Evaluate / Find MR for a beam 230 x 420 effective, reinforced with 3 bars of 16 mm L 5, CO 1
dia. Also find safe load the beam can carry over a span of 3.5 m. Use M 20 and Fe
6 Design a beam to support one-way slab 3 x 6.2 m. Use appropriate grade of steel L 6, CO 1
and concrete. The beam also supports a brick masonry wall, the floor to floor height
of the building is 3 m. Depth of the beam at the upper floor is 450 mm. Density of
the brick masonry is 20 kN/m3. There is an opening of 1.2 m from right support.
Thickness of the slab is 180 mm.
7 Find / Evaluate MR for a beam having size 300 x 450 mm overall reinforced with 6 L 5, CO 1
bars of 20 mm dia on tension side and 4 bars of 20 mm dia on compression side. Use
M 20 and Fe 415, cover to compression and tensile steel is 35 mm.
8 Design reinforcement for a RC beam 230 mm wide to carry a load of 55 kN/m over L 6, CO 1
a simply supported span of 8m when
i) Depth is not restricted
ii) Depth is restricted to 500 mm.
Use M 20 and Fe 415.
9 A T beam with effective flange width 1100 mm and slab thickness 120 mm is L 5, CO 1
reinforced with 4 bars of 25 mm dia. Width of the beam is 300 mm and effective
depth is 560 mm. Evaluate MR for the beam if M 20 and Fe 415 is used.
10 A T beam with effective flange width 1200 mm and slab thickness 150 mm is L 5, CO 1
reinforced with 6 bars of 25 mm dia. Width of the beam is 300 mm and effective
depth is 530 mm. Evaluate MR for the beam if M 20 and Fe 415 is used.
11 A T beam with effective flange width 1400 mm and slab thickness 120 mm is L 6, CO 1
subjected to a BM of 500 kN.M. Width of the beam is 300 mm and effective depth
is 520 mm. Design the beam if M 20 and Fe 415 is used.
12 Design shear reinforcement using only vertical stirrups for a beam 230 x 500 L 6, CO 1
effective carrying a factored load of 45 kN/m over a span of 8 m. It is reinforced
with 6 bars of 20 mm dia. Use M 20 and Fe 415
13 Design shear reinforcement using combination of vertical stirrups and bent-up bars L 6, CO 1
(angle of bent is 45 degree) for a beam 230 x 520 effective carrying a load of 45
kN/m over a span of 8 m. It is reinforced with 6 bars of 20 mm dia. Use M 20 and
Fe 415
14 A rectangular beam 230 x 400 mm overall is reinforced with 3 bars of 16 mm dia L 6, CO 1
on tension side. It is subjected to a SF of 18 kN, BM of 12 kN.m and torsional BM
of 1.2 kN.m. Design torsional reinforcement if required.
15 A rectangular beam 230 x 600 mm overall is subjected to a BM of 48 kN.m, SF of L 6, CO 1
48 kN and torsional moment of 18 kN.m. Design the reinforcement using M 20 and
Fe 415. Also design side face reinforcement if required.
16 Design a circular column with helical reinforcement subjected to 1300 kN. Use M L 6, CO 1
20 and Fe 415.
17 Design a short column to carry an axial load of 1500 kN. Use M 20 and Fe 415 L 6, CO 1
Assignment 2-Limit State Method (Due Date: 06-08-2019)
Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Explain design requirements for RCC Framed structure including consideration for L 2, CO 2
fire resistance.
2 Summarize clause number 18, 19, 23.2, 35, 36, 38 of IS 456 -2000. L 3, CO 2
Assignment 3- Limit State of Collapse (Due Date: 03-09-2019)
Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Solve question number 4 to question number 15 of Assignment 1 by Limit State L 5 / 6,
Method. CO 3
Assignment 4- Design of Slabs using LSM (Due Date: 17-09-2019)
Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Design a simply supported One-Way slab for a residential building having a clear L 6, CO 4
span of 2.5 m. It is supported by a 350 mm thick wall. Take LL = 2 kN/m 2. Use M
20 and Fe 415
2 Design a cantilever porch of 2 m width and 4.5 m long to be provided at 2.5 m above L 6, CO 4
floor level. Take LL = 1 kN/m2 and FF = 0.8 kN/m2. Use M 20 and Fe 415
3 Design simply supported slab for a room 4.5 x 4.5 m of a residential building using L 6, CO 4
M 20 and Fe 415. The slab is supported on all sides by a wall of 230 mm thickness.
4 An assembly hall of a public building measures 14.23 x 8. 46 m (external L 6, CO 4
dimensions). The beams are placed at 3.5 m c/c. If width of the beam is 230 mm,
design slab S1 and S2.
5 Design slab for living, kitchen and bed room for the following floor plan. Use L 6, CO 4
appropriate grade of materials and loads for residential building.

Assignment 5- Limit State of Collapse-Compression (Due Date: 03-10-2019)

Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Design a short column of square cross section to carry an axial load of 2000 kN. Use L 6, CO 5
M 20 and Fe 415
2 A short column of size 300 x 350 mm is subjected to a factored load of 1500 kN. If L 6, CO 5
the unsupported length of the column is 3.2 m design the column, if required revise
the dimensions of the column so that the column does not exceed minimum
eccentricity limits. Use M 20 and Fe 415
4 Design a circular column with helical reinforcement subjected to 1300 kN. Use M L 6, CO 5
20 and Fe 415.
5 A short column of size 300 x 550 carries a factored axial load of 960 kN and factored L 6, CO 5
moment of 300 kN.M about the major axis. Design the column if moment due to
minimum eccentricity is less than applied BM. Take clear cover 40 mm and diameter
of bar as 25 mm. Use M 20 and Fe 415
6 A short column of size 300 x 550 carries a factored axial load of 1200 kN, factored L 6, CO 5
moment of 150 kN.M about the major axis and factored moment of 90 kN.M about
the minor axis. Use M 20 and Fe 415
Assignment 6- Design of Foundations (Due Date: 03-10-2019)
Sr. No. Question L & CO
1 Design a footing for column 300 x 450 mm carrying an axial load of 1300 kN. SBC L 6, CO 6
of the soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
2 Design square footing for a 300 x 300 mm column carrying a load of 1500 kN. SBC L 6, CO 6
of the soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
3 Design rectangular combined footing for two columns A and B spaced at 3.2 m c/c. L 6, CO 6
Both columns are 300 x 300 mm in C/S and are subjected to 600 kN and 850 kN
respectively. SBC of the soil is 175 kN/ m2.
NOTE: Due dates might prepone or postpone as per the completion of syllabus. Keep completing the
assignment as and when the related topic is taught in the theory lecture.

Additional incentives will be given to the students if they use Python programming / Excel
Spreadsheet. (Watch the introductory Python video here)

Link to download the conference paper on Python for RCC design

Shivaji M. Sarvade

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