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Detailed Program

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

(Computer Science Engineering)



RNB Global City, Ganganagar Road,
Bikaner, Rajasthan 334601
RNB Global University follows Semester System. Accordingly, each academic year is divided
into two semesters, Odd (July-December) and Even (January-June). Besides this, the
university follows a system of continuous evaluation along with regular updating in course
curricula and teaching pedagogy.

The curriculum for B.Tech. Program for (July-December) Odd Semester, 2021 along with
examination pattern is as follows:

Course Scheme

Semester –VII

S. No. Course Title L T P Credits
1. 19010400 Capstone Project 0 0 10 5
2. 19010500 Compiler Construction 3 0 0 3
3. 19010600 Compiler Construction
4. 19010700 Artificial Intelligence 2 0 0 2
5. 19010800 Artificial Intelligence Lab 0 0 4 2
6. 19010900 Elective V-Grid Computing 3 0 0 3
7. 19011000 Elective V -Grid Computing Lab 0 0 2 1
8. 19011100 Elective VI-Network Security and 3
3 0 0
9. 19011200 Elective VI- Network Security and 1
0 0 2
Cryptography Lab
10. 19011300 Design Project 2 0 0 2
11. 19010200 Ability & Skill Enhancement – VII 2 0 0 2
12. 99002800 Workshops & Seminars - - - 1
13. Human Values & Social
99002700 - - - 1
Total 15 0 18 26


The evaluation of the theory paper of B.Tech would be based on Internal and External
Assessments. Internal Assessment would consist of 50% of the marks (50 marks) and
external assessment (in form of End Term Exam) would consist of remaining 50% marks
(50 marks). Detailed scheme of Internal and External Assessments as follows:

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Internal Assessment

The distribution of Internal Assessment Marks is as follows:

Type Details Marks

Two Mid-term Sessional of 15 marks

Mid Term 30
each (15+15)

Marks obtained in various

Tests, Assignments,
Average of marks obtained 15
Presentations, Quiz,
Tutorials, etc.

Attendance 75%+ : 5 marks 5


External Assessment

Type Marks
Theory 50


The evaluation of the practical paper of B.Tech would be based on Internal and External
Assessments. Internal Assessment would consist of 50% of the marks (50 marks) and
external assessment (in form of End Term Exam) would consist of remaining 50% marks
(50 marks). Detailed scheme of Internal and External Assessment is as follows:

Internal Assessment

Type Details Marks

Marks obtained in various

manuals, practical file, Average of marks obtained 45
participation, any model

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prepared, output of practical

Attendance 75%+ : 5 marks 5


External Assessment

Type Marks
Practical 50


1. NCC/NSS will be completed from Semester I – Semester IV. It will be evaluated
internally by the institute. The credit for this will be given at the end of each Semester.

2. The students have to join club/clubs with the active participation in different activities
of club. The students would be continuously assessed from Semester-I to Semester-IV
and credits and marks would be given after the end of each Semester.


Course Name: Compiler Construction

Course Code: 19010500

Course Outline

Unit I: Introduction to Compiling

Compilers, Analysis of the source program, the phases of a Compiler, Compilation and

Lexical Analysis: The need for lexical analyzers. Tokens and regular expression, Notion of
a recognizer. Finite state Machines as recognizers. Converting regular expressions to a
minimized deterministic finite automate (DFA). Generation of lexical analyzer from
DFA. Introduction to LEX.
Syntax Analysis: The need for syntax analysis and its scope. Introduction to basic concepts
in parsing , context free grammars (CFG), derivations and parse trees, ambiguous

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grammars, top down and bottom up parsing. Top down parsing, LL (1) parsers and their
automatic generation, recursive descent parsing. Bottom up parsing.Basics of shift reduce
parsers. Introduction to the LR. Family of parsers. LR (0) items and the SLR (1) parsing
table. Look ahead symbols and their
Propagation, LALR(1) and LR(1) parsers, introduction to YACC

Unit II : Error Analysis

Introduction to error analysis , detection, reporting and recovery from compilation
errors. Classification of errors-lexical, syntactic and semantic with examples. Desirable
features of error reporting. Lexical errors and their handling. Detection of syntactic errors
in LL and LR parsers. General syntactic error recovery methods such as panic mode error
recovery and error recovery through use or error symbols (as in YACC). Semantic errors
and their handling

Static Semantics and Intermediate Code Generation: The need for various static
semantic analyses in declaration processing, type analysis, name and scope analysis and
intermediate code generation. Limitations of context free grammar specifications.
Augmenting CFGs- attribute and attribute grammars. S-attributed definitions and their
evaluation in different parsing strategies. Semantic analyses through S-attribute
grammars, type analysis, name and scope analysis, intermediate code generation.
Limitations of S-attributed definitions, L-attributed definition and their evaluation.
Semantic Analysis through L-attribute definition declaration processing.

Unit III: Runtime Environment

Need for runtime memory management. Address resolution of runtime objects at compile
time. Language features influencing runtime memory management , data types, scoping
rules, recursion, parameter-passing mechanism Division of memory into code, stack and
heap areas. The notion of an activation record. Static and stack allocation of memory.
Handling languages with non-trivial nesting and scope rules-static and dynamic links,
displays. Handling different parameter passing mechanisms , call by value, call by
reference, and call by value result. Memory allocation for dynamic data
structures. Architectural support for memory management.
Code Generation: Code generation for expressions , operand descriptors, handling of
partial results. Issues in efficient code generation , instruction costs, register utilization and
evaluation order. The Sethi Ullman algorithm. The machine model kinds of operands,
address abilities and instruction costs. Cover of an expression tree. The dynamic
programming approach for optimal code generation tree. The dynamic programming
approach for optimal code generation. Introduction to retargetable code generation. Code
generation for control structures.
Unit IV: Code Optimization
The need for code optimization. Fundamental optimizing transformations. Local and global
optimization. Control flow analysis concepts from graph theory. Data
flow analysis setting up data flow equations. Solution of data flow equations. Performing
global optimizations. Global register assignment live ranges of runtime values. Graph
coloring Heuristics for assignment.

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Course Name: Compiler Construction Lab

Course Code: 19010600

Laboratory work:
• Write programs to convert RE to NFA, to convert a NFA to FSM, for SLR parser, for
LR (1) parser.
• Use LEX for lexical generation of a small set of RE. Use YACC to make a parser for the
output of LEX.

Suggested Readings:
1. Aho A. V., Ullman J. D., Sethi R., Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson
Education (2005).
2. John Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown, Lex and Yacc, O’REILLY (1992)
3. Kenneth C. Louden, Compiler Construction and Practice, Thomson Publication,
4. Dhamdhere, Compiler Construction, Macmillan Publication.

Course Name: Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: 19010700

Course Outline:

Unit I: Introduction and Overview

Introduction, Importance of AI and Applications of AI.
Problem Solving Techniques: Problem state spaces, problem characteristics, production
system, Search space control: Uninformed search- Depth first search, Breadth first search,
Depth first search with iterative deepening, Heuristic search – Simple Hill Climbing,
Steepest ascent Hill Climbing, A* algorithm, AO* algorithm,Min-max search procedure for
game playing, Alpha beta cutoffs.

Unit II : Knowledge Representation

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Propositional and predicate logic, resolution in predicate logic, question answering,
theorem proving. Semantic networks, Frames and scripts, conceptual graphs, conceptual

Unit III: Knowledge acquisition

Types of learning, General learning models, learning Automata, Intelligent Editors, Learning
by Induction.
Introduction to: Expert Systems, Pattern recognition, Natural Language Processing
,Evolutionary algorithm, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks.

Unit IV: Languages for AI Problem Solving

Introduction to Prolog- syntax and data structures, representing objects and relationships,
built in predicates. Introduction to LISP- basic and intermediate LISP programming.

Course Name: Artificial Intelligence Lab

Course Code: 19010800

Laboratory work:

• Programming in C/C++/java: programs for Search algorithms-

• Depth first, breadth first, best first, hill climbing, implementation of games: 8-puzzle,
• Tic-tac-toe, programs for Towers of Hanoi using AI. Designing expert system using
logic in prolog.

Suggested Readings:

1. Rich E., Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hills.

2. George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving, Pearson Education Asia.
3. D.W.Patterson, Introduction to AI and Expert Systems, PHI.
4. N.J.Nilsson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Kaufmann,1980
5. Saroj Kaushik, Logic and Prolog Programming, New Age International Publications.
6. PH.Winston ,Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley.

Course Name: Grid Computing

Course Code: 19010900

Course Outline:

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Unit I: Introduction
Definition of Grid, history and evolution of Grid Computing, Virtual
Organizations, Computational Grid projects around the world, Grid challenges, Grid
organizations, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Issues in Management of Grid Models.
Architecture: Components of Layered Grid Architecture, Open Grid Services Architecture
(OGSA), Grid architecture models, Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS).

Unit II: Grid Middleware

Globus: Overview, resource specification language, information services, Globus Resource
Allocation Manager (GRAM), job submission with managed-job-globusrun, security,
scheduling, Grid FTP protocol, overview of other middleware like Condor, Condor-G.

Unit III: Resource Management and Scheduling

Resource Discovery and Information Services, Information directory services, schedulers
and resource brokers, Characterization of resource management problems based on job
requirements, algorithms, tools and sample resource management systems, monitoring,
scheduling, performance tuning, debugging and performance diagnostic issues.
Grid Security: Grid security demands and solutions; authentication, authority, assurance,
accounting, trust, group communication for large-scale, dynamic, multi-organization
Grid Portals: Functionality and underlying infrastructure for sample general and
application specific portals.

Unit IV:
Data Management: Key issues for data management in Grids, including file transfer, data
replication, data caching issues, catalog issues.
Case Studies: Topics from Seti project, Sun Grid engine, EuroGrid and some other national
grid projects like Garuda, Grid projects based on middleware like Globus and
implementation of grid applications, Grid Sim toolkit based applications, case studies of
Grid Portals based on Gridsphere, websphere etc.
Advanced Topics: Overview of: Grid simulation, Grid Economy, Semantic Grid, Autonomic
Grid, Cloud Computing.

Suggested Readings:

1. Joshy Joseph and Craig Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Person Edition, (2004).
2. Maozhen Li, Mark Baker, The Grid Core Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, (2005).
3. Ahmar Abbas, Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and
Applications, Firewall Media (2004).
4. Foster, I. and Kesselman, C. (eds.), The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing
Infrastructure, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, (1999).
5. Frederic Magoules, Jie Pan, Kiant-an Tan and Abhinit Kumar, Introduction to
Grid Computing, CRC Press, 2009
6. Pawel Plaszczak, Richard Wellner, Jr., Grid Computing, Savyy Managers’ Guide,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2006.

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7. Lucio Grandinetti, GRID COMPUTING: The New Frontier of High Performance
Computing, Elsevier, 2005.

Course Name: Network Security and Cryptography

Course Code: 19011200

Course Outline:

Unit I: Introduction
Terminologies, Architecture, Security - Attacks, Services and Mechanism.

Unit II: Symmetric Cryptography

Classical techniques, Block Ciphers – DES, Triple DES, AES; Stream Ciphers – RC4.

Unit III: Asymmetric Cryptography

Public key, RSA, Diffie Hellman. Data Integrity: Hash functions - SHA-1, HMAC; Digital

Unit IV: Key Management & Distribution

Kerberos. Network Security: SSL, TLS, HTTPS, SSH, PGP, IPsec.

Unit V: Information Security

IDS, Viruses & Worms, and Attacks & Firewalls.

Suggested Readings:

1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Printice Hall.

2. Alfred J. Meneze, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press.
3. Roberta Bragg, Network Security - The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill.

Note: The review of Syllabus happens on periodic basis for the benefit of the students. In
case there are changes in curriculum due to review, students would be intimated in writing.

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