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Archi Cleaning Procedure

1.Open a related standard form. Insert the original dxf file & explode .
Open the original dxf file ( For some files which can’t be inserted in the related standard form).
2.Save the correct file name in the related sub-directory.

3.Change the linetype scale for 1:100 to 1000.

4.Change the text style & dimension style. ( Refer to standard form creating item no.4 )

5.Check the status of Dwg ( Eg: Layer on/off/freeze/lock, title mode 0 or 1 ) & make all layers on.

6.Delete all internal dimensions expect grid to grid dimensions.

7.Delete all texts on material details. (Eg: beam, aluminium louver, etc,...). Delete all texts except
room text , level text , car park text , drawing title text.

8.Delete all section symbol except elevation. Delete All Area Calculation.Delete all revision no.Delete
door no. & window no. Delete all annotation.Purge all.

9.Delete all services. (Eg: plumbing, sanitary, etc... expect RWDP ( Rain water drain pipe) &
hosereel cabinet HR & HD.

10.Delete all hatching & solid entities.

11. Explode all line types with thickness.

12. Modify all blocks.

13. Bind external reference (Xr) files to the dwg if exist.

14.Create new layers (roomtext, level, grid,furniture,ceiling) & change all texts to the related layers.
Change all objects to related layer. All text change left justify.

15. Change all layers to colour 135 eexcept column & re wall ( yellow), room text & level (white),
grid, furniture, ceiling & structure (colour 8).Set layer 0 to colour no.7. Change all linetype to
continuous line and lineweight to default line weight.

16. The height of roomtexts must be 270, level texts 225, dwg title texts 450, dwg scale text 225.

17. Adjust the grid line (center linetype), grid circle ( radius 500) & grid text (450 height) & grid
dimension (standard).

18. Change old archi to colour 8 and line type to dotted 2

19. Adjust the insertion point with corresponding latest archi.

20. For first new cleaned-up archi, insert a correct scale title block (A1 & A0) & move it to correct
position in the title block.

21. Write block the roomtext, furniture, ceiling & structure to the related sub-directory.
22. Purge all.-

23. Write the dwg file name height 225 in the title block.

24. Finally, zoom all & Save.

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