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‘Moringa seeds water purification’

A project proposal presented to the science department, Xavier

University Junior High School, Cagayan de Oro City

In partial fulfillment of the requirments for Grade 7- Science


Mil Gerard H. Tancawan

Accepted by:

Ma’am Mitzie Rose Godmalin

July 22, 2018

Table of contents:

Introduction: ............................................................................................................................................... 3
A. Background of the study................................................................................................................. 3
B. Statement of the problem / objective ............................................................................................. 3
C. Significance of the study ................................................................................................................. 3
D.Scope and limitation of the study ....................................................................................................... 4
Samples: ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Sources: ................................................................................................................................................ 4
E. Definition of terms .............................................................................................................................. 4
Review of related literature ........................................................................................................................ 5
1. Sunlight ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................ 5
A. Study site .......................................................................................................................................... 5
B. Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 5
A. Background of the study

Water is very essential in life. People usually drink water from the tap with out knowing the

bacteria that is in there. It would really help people in my community if theres a solution to the

problem of not having purified water due to lack of money. The moringa seeds could be a way to

solve the problem. The moringa seeds is from the malungay tree, it is the seeds in the pod that is

hanging from the malungay tree.

B. Statement of the problem / objective

The researchers need to solve the following problems:

1. Is is the best way to purify water with the lowest cost?

2. How effective the moringa seeds to the water?

3. Does it have side effects?

C. Significance of the study

Tap water is being used by most of the people in my community due to lack of money. Based on

my research, 738 million people in the world dont have access to clean water. This will not only

help my community but also in the whole world. This will contibute to a new knowledge of

purifing water with the lowwest cost. It improves quality of living by having a clean water with

the lowest cost. People in my community can use this idea to make a clean water which they can

drink safely.
D.Scope and limitation of the study
This study can be done with more or less 2 hours. This can be done anywhere with sunlight.



E. Definition of terms
Moringa seeds- Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa plant (Moringa

Oleifera) or the drumstick tree, native to Northern India. Fresh and raw moringa seeds are quite

tender, but as soon as they get dried, they become hard and start to resemble small beans. They

are greyish-white in color with unique wing-like structures. They can be steamed, boiled or

roasted for various purposes. (Dr. Divya Choudhary, Chief Dietitian, Max Super Speciality


Purified water- Purified water is water that has been mechanically filtered or processed to

remove impurities and make it suitable for use.(Wikipedia)

Review of related literature
Purifing water using:

1. Sunlight

SODIS, or solar water disinfection, is an age-old method touted by the World Health
Organization for areas where access to clean water is limited. UV rays in the sunlight tear
apart the microbes to make water safe. Drink up!

SODIS is quite effective, but scientists have found two hacks that make the technique
even better. One problem is that the water may be cloudy from sediment, which can be
fixed with a dash of salt. NPR’s Salt blog explains:

Some lime juice, on the other hand, cuts down the amount of time necessary to disinfect a

two liter bottle of water from six hours to just half an hour. Limes contain chemical

compounds called psoralens, which have been shown to kill pathogens in blood and, now,

also in water. (Sarah, 2012)

We could use this concept in this project. You need sunlight to help the moringa seeds to purify

the water. Based on my research, after you put the moringa seeds you shoud left it in the

sunlight. The sunlight method could actually work but it is not the fastest way. You could lessen

the time by using the moringa seeds.

A. Study site

This problem manifests in Acacia St. Everlasting Carmen, CDO. I observed that people are

drinking from the tap water and some are even drinking from the river since we are near from

the river.

B. Procedures

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