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Consider the following points for Synopsis writing:

Title of Project:

1. Introduction : A brief about your research topic (1-2 paras)

2. Purpose / Need of the Study : (Explain the importance of studying this topic)

3. Aim of the Study : (The main objective of the study)

4. Objectives of the Study : (Mention other 3-4 Objectives)

5. Type of Research : Generally it is exploratory research. But if the study is of particular firm
or company, then it is a Case Study Method.

6. Study Population : (The type of people you are going to study)

7. Sample Size : (How many responses you will be considering for your study)

8. Data Collection Method : (Whether Primary or Secondary or Both). Also explain the sources
of data collection, that is how are you going to collect the data.

9. Tools of Data Analysis : (Mention the tentative tools or methods or techniques of data

10. Scope of the Study : ( explain the depth of your study ).

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