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The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians Ascension Activation Meditation!

Extract from I AM University

The Lord of Arcturus and the

Arcturians Ascension Activation

- Projects & Learning - Anchoring of Inner Plane Ashrams - Ashram of the Arcturians and Ashtar Command -

I AM University

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The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians Ascension Activation Meditation!

Please close your eyes.

We now call forth the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and most specifically the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians!

We call to Archangels Michael and Faith to place a golden dome of protection around all involved in this meditation!

We call forth Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron to bring forth a Platinum Net to remove any and all
imbalanced energies.

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians to now take us in our etheric bodies to your ascension seat on
the Arcturian mothership&

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to bring down the Prana Wind Clearing Device to cleanse and clear all our nadis
and acupuncture meridians&

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to now install the Arcturian Plating System to each persons highest potential&

We now call forth the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians for a Light and Love Quotient building, to each persons
highest potential.

We now call forth to the Arcturians for the tightening of each persons grids to each persons perfect balance as GOD
would have it be&

We now call forth the Lord of Arcturus to anchor the Arcturian Liquid Crystals into each persons four-body system to
deactivate any and all negative energies

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus for the anchoring and activation of the "golden cylinder," to remove any and all
negative energies 100% completely, including all negative implants and negative elementals.

We call forth to the Lord of Arcturus to now be taken to the Arcturian Light Chamber.

We now call forth to be taken on the Arcturian mothership to the Arcturian Healing Chamber, for the specific healing
of any and all etheric and/or physical health lessons.

We now call forth from the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturian Temple workers, for the "Arcturian revitalization

Lastly, we call forth the Arcturian "Joy Machine." I tell you now, my friends, there is not a person on planet earth who
I have found who could not stop smiling or laughing once this Arcturian Joy Machine was turned on&

We now call to the Lord of Arcturus to connect each person officially up to your computers on your mothership, so if
they ever want to call on you again they are "on-line"!

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The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians Ascension Activation Meditation!

Take one last moment to thank the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians for their most gracious and generous help!

We ask the Lord of Arcturus now to help gently guide us in our etheric bodies back to earth, and safely back into our
physical bodies bringing with us in total recall all the Light and Love we have just experienced!

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