Do You Know Your Blend

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Do you Know your blend?

Hello every one so this is my first article hope you guys like it if not
please feel free to give a constructive feedback on this.Lol!don’t worry i
am not going to annoying you guys by telling you about my whole life
story but at lest to let to know about my current status. So I am Akshay
Vinod Manisha Singh from Mumbai, first year MBA student from
Thakur institute of management studies and my article over
hear raises a question about weather you guys know your blend or not.
So you guys might be in a myth that this article might be something
related to a mixture or cocktail of any tasty and delicious fruit juice but
it probably not. So guys as I said I am an MBA student and soon after
some year I might be the part of any industry and an organization so I
am over hereto share my perspective related to management and some
real time scenario in modern industries so probably this article will now
get into some bit of technicalities of management and industry and my
concept which raises a question to the people weather they know their
blend or not is also something related to management and industrial

So on the above line as I have mentioned that this article is not about
the blend of tasty and delicious fruit juice but yes I can relate it to the
real corporate world by considering it as an example lol! I have already
made my first blend of fruit and industry just to explain this article to
you guys. So let us relate it with fruit example especially for some of my
foodie friends who might be reading this article through this one
question why does a roadside fruit seller has different options in their
juice menu card?. Like in form of mosambi-orange,beat or carrot etc.
why not just orange or just beat or just mosambi or just carrot probably
might be because this blend makes the juice more tasty and delicious or
lets take an another example for my foodie friend when ever you make
any Indian sabji you add n-number of Indian spice why not just one red
spice might be because the combination of n-number of spices might
make food very tasty. Lets take an another examples the food which you
eat might have various sets of micro-nutrients like
protein,carbohydrates,fats fibers etc. why not just protein, why not just
carbohydrates, why not just fats and why not just fibers simply because
all this micro-nutrients have a different role for your body protein helps
you to build muscles, carbohydrates provides you energy, fats produce
amino acids in your body, fibers helps to maintain proper digestion
hence each and every micro nutrients have different role for your body
Now if you just eat protein you might end up having a very upset
stomach hence fibers plays a important role along with protein for
proper digestion of food yet I have again made a blend of food and
industry just to explain you this article. Now if you consider a product
just say a mobile phone now especially in year 2017 what if your mobile
phone will just have a calling feature will it be a worth to buy such
mobile phone probably not what makes it worth money is the
combination of n-number of features the mobile phone has like calling,
good operating system,camera,easy of internet access through mobile
phones etc. Even while buying a car you might need a blend of n-
number of features in a car like power staring, power window, a/c etc.
Now just forget about buying a car even while driving a car requires a
combination of accelerator, break and clutch now just imaging when you
will drive a car by just an accelerator and not a break or a clutch lol! you
know the consequences right.
Now considering your self as a person in an industry or in a real
corporate world I would suggest you should definitely go for small
organization first. Now the question arises Why small organization? And
why now big at the initial stage probably because small organization
provides you n-number of job profiles which probably makes you
unique in your own way when you are the part of any large scale
organization. Now if you actually relate it to a real time corporate world
I would further like to segment it to three major factors which will
probably make you different in your own way in the industries. This
major factors are psychological factors,educationl factors and Talent
factors. In terms of psychological factors it is further segmented to
emotional and practical psychological factor of a person in the
corporate world. The industry doesn’t need neither too emotional guy
neither too practical but some one who knows how to make a perfect
blend of both this behavioral pattern like through emotional factors to
know that customer are always the key to success to get the customer
and through practical factor to know how to run the business after
getting out of emotional factors .This blend factors also play an
significant role in the educational factors as well. Now if I would like
to relate it with a real time example then I would like to relate it with my
own example because basically my basic graduation background is from
a technical background in the field of Science and Information
Technology(Bsc IT) and now rather then pursuing my Post-graduation
into same field I decide to pursue a different path of Post-graduation
program into management field which definitely makes me unique for
any organization since it makes me a perfect blend of both of this two
qualities one is in term of technical quality and another in terms of
managerial quality. Even many big IT companies are looking for people
of such blend probably people from basic graduation from an
engineering background and Post graduation from an Management
background i.e MBA hence engineering and mba makes a perfect blend
which you can ever imagine. Hence management can also be termed to
be as an art and science in true sense through its blend with engineering
field in terms of engineering perspective though there are probably many
other reasons to claim why management is an art as well as a science.
Engineering and mba can only become a perfect blend when you really
know how to make this blend in a right manner. Many people after
completing engineering gets into mba and after completing mba they
gets into investment banking and as you know in investment banking
there is no scope for engineering field. Now this blend (Engineering and
mba) can only become a perfect blend when you basically get into
project management field into any IT or in an Automobile industry and
hence forth it can make a perfect blend which it was meant to be. For my
Third segmented factor i.e. talent factor as I have mentioned in the
above line about what make you unique in an large scale organization
when you previously worked in an small scale organization. I would
probably like to relate it with an example of real time situation in an IT
industry.When ever you are doing a IT jobs in a small scale organization
they probably appoint you with n-numbers of job profile like software
engineer, software tester, project manager and many IT related job
profiles which probably makes you a unique employee wherever you
become a part of large scale IT organization.

So this were the three major blend factors from my perspective

through which the real corporate world is segmented and which further
helps a dedicated employee to fulfill the organization need and help the
organization to get the best possible results they can to achieve success.
This three major factors will definitely work your own organization as
well when you are willing to set up your own organization as well or in
future when you are willing to be an entrepreneur as well. Some years
back as Steav Jobs given his organization a name Apple. And has made
a unique blend of a fruit name Apple and technology or probably bill
gates by making a blend of four sided windows which are mainly used in
housed and technology by naming an operating system as windows
operating system as again to add a uniqueness in the name of that
particular operating system .So for now I am not going to ask you a
question weather you know your blend or not but would suggest you to
know your blend before stepping into real time corporate world. Talking
about my blend I have being currently involved into many
CSR(Corporate Social Responsibilities) activities of my college and I
have being associated with my social work organizations which
eventually has motivated me to make my perfect blend of social work
and IT by developing a great set of IT based product or softwares
which might somehow will help for the welfare of the society since I am
basically from an IT background. So I have over here in have discovered
my perfect blend what’s yours ?I hope you guys might like this article if
not I would really love to if you guys will give your constructive

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