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Spiritual Surgery

Our life for the past decade in Australia has been publishing “WAY OF THE
HEART” - ELOHIM Journal, a role that has given us the most remarkable
journey, taking us around the world, meeting and sharing with remarkable
spiritual mentors and teachers.

While it was never our intention, somehow Suzanne and I have become
intrinsically linked to this particular healing modality of Spiritual Surgery and
we are now undertaking a continuous program of workshops in both Australia
and the USA to explain the process and connect people.

How many of us have puzzled about the work of Jesus and the stories handed
down for 2,000 years about the wonders of miracles. Of His saying, “All
things that I do, you shall do and more”. St. Francis of Assisi and the recorded
healings brought about by faith, and of the sacred shrines around the world.
Isn’t there something inside of us that senses we are all able to do this?

Imagine for a moment that you had the belief that through your hands you
could heal people of common everyday health difficulties. Pretty amazing
concept isn’t it? We freely give our power away to others in the belief that
they can heal us through modern science and technology, drugs and medical
procedures that are a mystery to us. Yet to even begin to contemplate that in
our own hands we have the power to create and make changes to the body of
another, is a challenge that most won’t consider.

Alternative healing is now a popular and accepted option. What might have
seemed strange at first has proven to be very effective and many now prefer
to seek alternative methods at the onset of illness. It can be even simpler and
gentler, if we but choose. What we are introducing here is another, even
more simple form of healing in the “hands on” category and most important,
anyone can do it. The only difficulty here is that it challenges common
accepted belief and can take a great stretch of the mind and the beliefs that
we hold.

If we are willing to allow that there is more to life than just the world we see.
If we can accept that there are other dimensions of us that are equally valid
as our physical body and forces beyond this dimension that want to assist us,
then the concept of spiritual surgery will not seem so strange. It will place a
healing gift in your hands that can change your life and enhance the quality of
life of those around you.

It is important not to confuse Spiritual Surgery with Psychic Surgery. Psychic

Surgery is a very real phenomenon that is available in other parts of the
world, by healers like John of God for example but for the most part, it is
virtually unavailable in the Western World. Spiritual Surgery designed to fill
the gap in Western cultures; however it is different in that it is a completely
non-evasive modality. Spiritual Surgery requires no skill, no sleight of hand
and no tricks, it is nothing more than providing the connection to allow a
healing to take place.

Illness resulting from emotional imbalance is where accumulated, unresolved

emotion is expressed through the body in the form of disease. This is the
consequence of a strong belief that permits the body to hold a physical
imbalance until that belief is changed. For this reason illness may be a gift for
our highest good and therefore it is beyond our knowing to predict what might
take place when we surrender to Spirit, in a request for transformation around
this issue.

Sometimes there are spontaneous healings, almost always relief and certainly
an energetic shift that can bring about change, if we allow. In order to be
successful, Spiritual Surgery requires that the patient be willing to let go of
the belief system holding the illness in place.

Why would anyone want to have a health issue? Many people are attached to
the generally accepted belief, that illness is a consequence of a cause outside
of them. They see themselves as the victim of something that has happened
to them, for a variety of reasons. The ego is able to prey on feelings of guilt,
sin and fear, to keep them entrenched in darkness and ignorance. Anything
that keeps us confused and powerless, serves the ego’s primary concern, that
of keeping us separate from united wholeness, and the truth of who we are.

Amazingly, this deceptively simple method of embracing healing allows for all
possibilities, because it surrenders to divine plan, and offers the highest good
in every instance. Because Spiritual Surgery is not done by you, or
determined by you, it bypasses the egoic need to have a particular outcome.
It relies solely on surrender to through the facility of Spirit determining what is
appropriate to every individual need.

This is why it is called Spiritual Surgery. It is an operation, performed by

Spirit, (your Guide), through spirit, (You), on Spirit, in the form of the 5th
Etheric template (Spirit) of the person you are assisting.

Spirit Surgeons are Souls who have a desire to continue to be of service to

humanity through healing. They are a vast cross section, from ordinary,
everyday folk some with previous healing interests, to others with full medical

The Spirit Surgeons appear to choose us for reasons of compatibility to enable

a bond to take place, a compatibly so effective that these Guides are able to
work intimately in our field. This bonding facilitates a number of remarkable
side effects.

It takes no particular skill or intuitive wisdom to perform Spiritual Surgery,

only a willingness and patience to allow the surgeons to work through us.
This wonderful process can be used by healers already working with other
modalities, or by any individual who would like to be able to help friends and
family in times of physical distress.

I often wonder if the Spirit World that exists around us, yet outside of this
dimension, is perplexed by our seeming lack of interest in benefiting from
their abilities and willingness to be of service. I can only say that in the case
of Spiritual Surgery I would urge you to spend a couple of hours and make
friends with an energetic consciousness that is able to make you and those
around feel better physically. It is such a great gift to have.


Spiritual Surgery –
What do you need to know?
Spiritual Surgery is a very simple ‘hands on’ healing modality.
Anyone of any age can do it.
It does not require any special skills, or any previous healing experience.
It does not require diagnostic skills or medical intuitive ability.
It does not require psychic ability, clairaudience or clairvoyance.
Sometimes these abilities are accelerated through practicing Spiritual Surgery
but they are not necessary for its success.

Spiritual Surgery is not a replacement for allopathic medicine. It can be used

harmoniously with any other healing modality and will enhance them all.
However because of the nature of the purpose of Spiritual Surgery, which is for
the Highest Good of the recipient in any situation, the outcome of the
procedure cannot be predicted. It may result in a complete cure, relief,
improvement, a healing crisis, or the onset of pain.

Spiritual Surgery achieves things that might be missed in other healing

modalities. What can only be understood in a metaphysical context is that
there is always a higher perspective to every circumstance that we find
ourselves in. Spirit is able to determine the opportunity from the perspective
of the Soul’s Journey, and enhance it for your patient.

Spiritual Surgery is at once, quite deep and yet very simple. It offers maximum
healing opportunity at the highest level, in ways that may not be able to be
determined from the human perspective, yet it is so simple and effortless,
asking nothing of the one who delivers the healing.

Our experience has been predominantly great relief and spontaneous healing.
However we have repeatedly found from our own experience that Spiritual
Surgery will not change illness that we create out of a re-occurring fear that we
have not addressed. Often in these circumstances we will be directed to do
body work to help release the stress. We usually combine this with a Personal
Counseling session to explore emotional and mental healing that might support
the process.


I have found over a period of time that Spiritual Surgery always brings about
deep relaxation. Where patients have experienced stress as a result or cause
of their debilitation, or where resistance to the experience is weighing heavily
on them, the love and nurturing that comes from Spirit, will often cause them
to fall asleep or into a deep state of meditation.

For this reason whenever possible I like to use a massage table, bed or couch,
so that they feel relaxed and supported. This enables them to receive the
healing in trust and surrender completely to it. Often I incorporate S.S. with
massage and find that the patient will fall deeply asleep while I perform the
S.S. and awaken again as the massage resumes. If I am out in a circumstance
where I can’t do this, I use a chair and have them sit sideways on the chair so
that I have complete access to their back and do most of the healing from

Always bear in mind as well that the body is holographic and there is a
complete set of meridian points for the entire body in the ears, hands and feet.
This means that you can work on babies with one hand over their ear and
another on their shoulder as they sleep. People in restricted circumstances –
bedridden, who you cannot access any other way for a number of reasons, can
be worked on through their feet or their hands.

It is important that you are not interrupted during the procedure and I
personally recommend peace and quiet where possible. Ensure that you find a
comfortable position for both of you, especially you, or you will need a healing
at the end as well. It is embarrassing and inconvenient to get halfway through
and find your back aching or your arms cramping because of the angle that you
have chosen.


The Spiritual Surgeons work through your forearms or hands. They move into
your etheric field to undertake the procedure. They can work within a two-foot,
½ metre radius of where your hands are.

As you place your hands on the body, ask them to commence and they will

Once the connection is made, they work on the Fifth Etheric Template. This is
one of our finer bodies, located with our emotional and mental bodies and as it
describes, it is the fifth layer that surrounds the body.

The Etheric Template is an exact blueprint of the physical body and reflects
perfectly and instantly every single nuance that occurs in the physical. If you
cut your finger, it shows up on the Etheric Template. If a mosquito bites you, it
shows up on the Etheric Template. As a bone quietly knits itself back together,
this process occurs on the Etheric Template as it is happening.

Because Spirit can access the Etheric Template and easily make adjustments
to it, they are able to perform what seem like miracles in light of our generally
accepted beliefs about the limitations of physicality. Any change that they
make to the Etheric Blueprint can change the physical body immediately and
will do if it is for the highest good of the soul concerned. There is only one
limitation to that process and that is that change cannot be inflicted on a
person or soul if that person is resistant.

If the patient is not ready to accept the change, its effectiveness will be limited
and if the change is not in integrity with the alignment and choices of the Soul
for the highest good, it will not happen.

Therefore while Spiritual Surgery may assist in reducing pain in dis-ease

situations it will not necessarily produce any lasting results. On the other hand
when everything is aligned Spiritual Surgery has been shown to be amazingly


There are two ways:

1. You can call us and set up a time to have what we term “Initialization”.
This is a one and half hour process during which we provide an in depth
counseling consultation relating to your current emotional and physical
wellbeing. The counseling fulfils two functions – it is a wonderful
opportunity to explore what is going on for you in your life and receive
some completely impartial advice and suggestions based on the
guidance of Spirit.

We then link you to the surgeons and connect you, sometimes providing
a channeled message regarding the potentiality and expectation of your
new relationship.
We do this by phone, we pay the cost of the call – the fee is $125.00.
This is a one-time investment that, if you use it properly is priceless

2. You can establish your own connection by going into a state of light
meditation and asking for guidance from the highest source possible and
to be connected to the appropriate Spiritual Surgeon personality (even
without a body they are still a person) to step forward to partner with
you. Ask for the name and some explanation of who they are and when
they lived. It is possible to receive a name and this will be the one that
immediately pops into your mind. Other messages relating to the
personality or life of the person may come forward in the same manner.
A degree of trust is required by you to accept what you are receiving is
correct. Please do not expect anyone to shout their name at you – it is
unlikely. More often than not you will receive any communication in the
form of a thought as you would one of your “own” which you will
translate into language. It is merely a matter of determining whose
thought it is you are responding to.



I am often asked is it necessary to tell the patient you are giving them a
healing, and how much explanation is necessary. My response is that if you
feel that you are inspired to give someone a healing, just offer a ‘hands on
healing treatment’, without going into a great sales pitch. Hands-on healing is
as old as time and many people are receptive to it. In general it is a good idea
to have someone’s permission before imposing anything on them.

If the patient has approached you for a healing, or is curious about Spiritual
Surgery, some preparation is helpful. It may be appropriate to tell them:
• That they do not need to take their clothes off.
• That the treatment is non-invasive and nothing strange is going to
happen to them.
• They will probably feel very relaxed and may fall asleep and if this
happens, it is most beneficial.
• Tell them how long it is going to take approximately and encourage
them to stay quiet and receptive, and rest as long as feels right
• Tell them that you will keep your hands still on them for the entire time,
that you would like them to remain still as well and that you will warn
them if you are moving to another part of the body.
• Reassure your patient that this procedure is completely safe to be
integrated with any other treatment that they are receiving and nothing
will occur that is not for the highest good.
• Tell them that you do not make any claims about cures of effects and
every case is different.


Once you have the right environment and have prepared, you are ready to

Because the Surgeon can work in a wide circumference of where you place
your hands they can access most of the trunk of the body from the solar
plexus, front or back, depending what suits the situation. You can adjust as
you wish to accommodate the spine, reproductive organs etc. but it is not
necessary to have your hands on the exact spot.

Most people know if they have an injury or circumstance that affects their limbs
or their head, in which case you work there. This eliminates the need for
complicated diagnosis. The body can easily be divided up into zones that
cover any possibility. Most times you will work on the trunk of the body as this
covers the shoulders, spine, hips, lungs, digestive system, reproductive organs
and bowels.

When you need to work on the head or ears, we do not recommend that you
place your hands directly on the head, as this is quite oppressive for the
patient and can become very uncomfortable. Better to place your hands on
the side of the head or the back of the upper neck, with light pressure. This
means that the surgeons can access all they need, without your patient
becoming uncomfortable or distressed. For the eyes just place your hands
over the eyes, or on the temples without any direct pressure.

When working on the limbs, be as close as you can, while considering comfort
for you and the patient.

If there is a wound that is painful, work close to it but it is not necessary to

touch it.


Once you are set up and have placed your hands on the body, call in your
surgeon. You may feel some sensations in your hands or apparent sensations
in the body underneath your hands, but it is not important one way or the


This is perhaps on of the trickiest things to determine, so here are some

general guidelines to consider.

Spiritual Surgeons can work at approx 10 times the speed of a physical

surgeon. This means that if a procedure took an hour in an operating theatre,
it could be done in 6 minutes using spiritual surgery. Most treatments of
headaches, stomach disorders etc, can be covered in 10-15mins. Spinal
procedures and other operations that are complicated can be broken into a
number of consecutive treatments, of approx 20-25 mins. Talk to your surgeon
about what you want to do and get what guidance you can. For some people
this is very easy and for others like me, it is a blind guess or simply trust what
your intuition guides.

Those of you that have specific psychic abilities will find them very helpful
here, and the good news for those that do not have them, is that they do not
enhance the effectiveness of the procedure. Know that spirit is very
accommodating and as long as you are communicating what you plan to do
they will work with you.

For example, I do not hear or see my guide. But I do feel the presence of Spirit
in the form of energy once I get started. I usually work in a deeply meditative
state and when I feel myself naturally come out of that state, or feel fidgety or
bored, I figure the procedure is over. I tell my guide that I am going to shift my
hands, when I have counted back from 20, and ask to be made aware if I
should continue. This may be signaled through a sensation or a sense of
resistance as I lift my hands from the body, so I put them back again for five
minutes or so and repeat the procedure.

If in the course of the treatment, I find myself thinking about the person’s feet
or some other part of the anatomy; I affirm that I will move to that part of the
body, when I am finished where I am. Sometimes I feel guided to do some
energy work on the person afterward, working on the auric field or some gentle
massage. If it feels right I do it, other wise the procedure is complete and I
encourage the patient to rest for 20 minutes or so, before arising, or leave
them to sleep until they wake up naturally.


As a general rule, I find one treatment enough. Unless I undertake beforehand

to work with something I know is big, like spinal repair, or a deep-seated
disease that has been a long time in the making. If you are working with a
disease of this nature, be patient. Much of your early work may be supportive
to the emotional, mental bodies and this is still very effective, even though it
may not show much reward.

When we define anything at all we immediately create limitation and so in
regard to personal healing activity we attempt not to place conditions on to the
power of Spiritual Surgery. Who really knows the full potential of Love?

Our personal experience is that some healing can take place when placing
hands upon the body and connecting with our Surgeons. Many times,
particularly in times of stress or tiredness we have laid down and entered into
connection and placed hands on the chest and asked for and received energy
input feeling recharged and relaxed after 10 minutes or so.

However for specific healing for ailments and other discomforts it is preferable
to use a surrogate. Using a pillow, teddy bear, or another person to take the
place of self can do this. Proceed as normal asking for healing on that part of
the body where pain exists.

This is no different to distant healing on another.

I have relieved migraines through using my surgeon working with her hands on
my partner’s shoulders


Animals, pets in particular are wide open to love. Like children, they are
accepting and do not suffer from limitation. Usually the animal will sense the
presence of the surgeon and will be compliant and allow the healing, unless a
significant distraction appears, at which point it may become prudent to just let


• Because this is a ‘lay’ procedure it is most important not to make any

claims about outcomes.
• Never advise patients to forgo any other treatments they are undertaking
on the strength of the treatments you are providing.
• Do not make statements about the nature of their illness, or predictions
about it.
• Understand that you are one percent of a procedure that is performed by
Spirit. Don’t make claims about your healing prowess and don’t set up
false hopes about outcomes.
• If you receive messages for your patient, ask for confirmation before
passing them on, and if you do give a message, give it responsibly and
be prepared to help the person understand the context of it, in relation to
their soul and the greater journey.


We found after using Spiritual Surgery and teaching it for some time that it
usually opens up many wonderful opportunities and experiences of expansion
for those undertaking it. The depth and mystery of it often opens upper
greater inquiry in the patient as well. As we went deeper into the meaning of
illness in relation to a Soul’s Journey we eventually came to the understanding
that healing is an ongoing process for all of humanity.
What is really most beneficial to those we would help is to come to a deeper
understanding of the greater picture. By developing the ability to practice this
in your own life, you are also preparing to be of greatest help to others.

Out of this INTUITIVE HEALING was born and this continues to grow and expand
as the next natural step. See for further information.

The one hour telephone training session which includes initialisation with your personal Spiritual
Surgeon is with either Raj or Suzanne. $125 includes cost of the call and GST.

Phone for appointment Australia (07) 5563 0036 or ++612 7 5563 0036 from overseas
or use the contact form at right to send us an email enquiry.

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