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ee ee Economy Pittar- 4 Money, BANKING , 4:1. Barter System — Pros :— Simptest form @ Lode = No need to wory Jor & Finance , INSURANCE - $ exchange fate oy US Sanctto CONS $- Dovble coincidence of waits = Search cost P , Cost . tronsaction T ~ Stone Q perishable commodities , doss Q Value ~ Divisitity ania fongibitily problems Divisibivty Probiem s— Fungibiuity Problem 3—- * fongibte -Division and mutval subshionin & Cota bax, cumency,, coins ) ee iatmary juneti (Diamonds, shores, bonds ) , jou QR mony > Measvre ponies ye Seonday f, medium § exchange : oy noon money © Store of vate Transfer Q Value Deferred Payments , non fungible , * Continent furnes; ction ’ 4 money D Basis of credit system financiag mosket aon Invesiment , shaxe, bond -~ ) mpleying factor fapots Gand, Labour copi @pitad can be mobilsed ) ) Creation and Redishy nib” i : / ax on profit > Gout hiner nel : Evolution of Money ~ ats Commodity _, i ; me MY — Metalic —» Paper (foken | + Bank Mon ‘ ef ne ; ey, > CAypto ey far Money / Deposit m : o ‘ oney CuK Lepat Tender Digital Payment “ © Goat ‘ . 1 se | Ashwamedhs Corn > Simodsagupta gives _ Komatag upta -T g mond Mon OMY re 4 Gr In Medieval tude, why were coins getting fess and fess spectactar votth each succesive dynasty 7 ; Ane- Deine G Roman and Persian smpire Hoardriny Q € coins fr the metal Ziovddin Barani the heap 4 copper coins femained Lying on poodside ‘i in Tug htagobad ” 1) tntainate Value > Face Value. > (Melting, Hoaading , Shortage. fe Debosement of Copper “daa? : salary to 29 Mansabdarc Salary to 79 Mansabdaxs 204m Baster system a gm in ED ‘Jax collection J | me : !@ & Pt 40 Fssve Gold coins in India —> Kushana . QM to experiment with token coins in voortd > China- Persia Q: I* t issue silver coins ~> Delhi Sutanate (Silver tanka) INDIAN Fiat MONEY $ Who issves what 2 LL neers MIRAMAR REAARHARA « - Government > Cotnage Act 1906 # A coins and Z1 Note RBI > RBI Act 1934 e Ri-2 40 R200 ‘These Bank notes axe Syned by Governor (R81) Comemoxative cofns —» not a Aged tend . LeGat Jeneler = The MONY which a CKeditor ix vndes vom aupt im settement & his tatmes . &- Coins and Coveney notes IB dargveges 7 ee crguah | 7 17 Qe Hod 7 Aergoages pulsion +o

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