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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D Dr.

Rajneesh Kumar
deficiency induced Psychotic MD (Homoeopathy)

Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D

deficiency induced Psychotic disorders
© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttarakhand) INDIA
Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594
E. mail-

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Vitamin D and its role in human physiology ........................................................................................... 2
Types ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Sources ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Sun exposure................................................................................................................................... 2
Food ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Supplements ................................................................................................................................... 4
Serum levels of vitamin D ................................................................................................................... 4
Biochemistry ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Hydroxylation 1 ............................................................................................................................... 4
Hydroxylation 2 ............................................................................................................................... 4
Functions ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Hypervitaminosis D ............................................................................................................................. 5
Signs and symptoms ........................................................................................................................... 6
Hypovitaminosis D .................................................................................................................................. 6
Signs and symptoms ........................................................................................................................... 6
Hypovitaminosis D and psychotic disorders ........................................................................................... 6
Pathophysiology.................................................................................................................................. 7
Homoeopathy and vitamin D deficiency induced psychotic disorders................................................... 7
Symptoms of Psychosis ....................................................................................................................... 7
Prodromal symptoms of psychosis ................................................................................................. 7
Signs of early psychosis ................................................................................................................... 7
Symptoms of a psychotic episode................................................................................................... 8
Treatment of psychosis ....................................................................................................................... 8
Psychotherapy................................................................................................................................. 9
Homoeopathic remedies ................................................................................................................ 9
Short repertory of psychosis ........................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 17

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

Vitamin D is an essential secosteroid and has numerous functions in maintain healthy life. Its normal
concentrations are most critically needed for calcium metabolism as well as dopamine actions in nerve
synapses. In turn, it not only affects body, but also the mind, and may deteriorate the health
disparagingly. The ultimate result may come up in the form of worst forms of psychoses and the
individual may need constitutional treatment with Homoeopathy for restoration of health.

Vitamin D and its role in human physiology

Let us revise physiology of vitamin D in brief.

Several forms called vitamers of vitamin D exist. The two major forms are-

 Vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol, and

 Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol

These are known collectively as calciferol.

Chemically, the various forms of vitamin D are secosteroids, i.e., steroids in which one of the bonds in
the steroid rings is broken.

The other forms of vitamin D are given in the below table -

Name Chemical composition Structure

Vitamin D1 Mixture of molecular compounds of ergocalciferol with

Vitamin D2 Ergocalciferol (made from ergosterol)

Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol (made from 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin).

Vitamin D4 22-dihydroergocalciferol

Vitamin D5 Sitocalciferol (made from 7-dehydrositosterol)

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods, added to others, and
available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet rays from
sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis. There are three main sources of vitamin D-

Sun exposure
Vitamin D is formed through the conversion of 7- dehydrocholesterol in the skin upon exposure to
ultraviolet B (UVB).

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

The richest sources of vitamin D in food are-

Food International Daily Value

units (IU) (DV)

Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon 1,360 340

Swordfish, cooked, 3 ounces 566 142
Salmon (sockeye), cooked, 3 ounces 447 112
Tuna fish, canned in water, drained, 3 ounces 154 39
Orange juice fortified with vitamin D, 1 cup (check product labels, 137 34
as amount of added vitamin D varies)

Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole, vitamin D-fortified, 1 cup 115-124 29-31
Yogurt, fortified with 20% of the DV for vitamin D, 6 ounces (more 80 20
heavily fortified yogurts provide more of the DV)

Margarine, fortified, 1 tablespoon 60 15

Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 2 sardines 46 12
Liver, beef, cooked, 3 ounces 42 11
Egg, 1 large (vitamin D is found in yolk) 41 10
Ready-to-eat cereal, fortified with 10% of the DV for vitamin D, 40 10
0.75-1 cup (more heavily fortified cereals might provide more of
the DV)
Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce 6 2

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

With the marvelous evolution of knowledge about vitamin D and its effects, there has a come out of
abundance of supplements in every size, shape, and form, like tablets, capsules, powders, and fortified
food material.

Serum levels of vitamin D

Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] Concentrations and Health (1 nmol/L = 0.4 ng/mL)
nmol/L ng/mL Health status
< 30 < 12 Associated with vitamin D deficiency, leading to rickets
in infants and children and osteomalacia in adults
30 to < 50 12 to < 20 Generally considered inadequate for bone and overall health
in healthy individuals
≥ 50 ≥ 20 Generally considered adequate for bone and overall health
in healthy individuals
> 125 > 50 Emerging evidence links potential adverse effects to such
high levels, particularly >150 nmol/L (>60 ng/mL)

Vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, food, and supplements is biologically inert and must undergo
two hydroxylations in the body for activation-

Hydroxylation 1
The first occurs in the liver and converts vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], also known as

Hydroxylation 2
The second occurs primarily in the kidney and forms the physiologically active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D [1,25(OH)2D], also known as calcitriol.

 Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and
phosphate concentrations to enable normal mineralization of bone and to prevent
hypocalcemic tetany.
 It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

 Vitamin D sufficiency prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

 Together with calcium, vitamin D also helps protect older adults from osteoporosis.
 Vitamin D has other roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular
and immune function, and reduction of inflammation.
 Many genes encoding proteins that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis
are modulated in part by vitamin D.
 Many cells have vitamin D receptors, and some convert 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D.

Hypervitaminosis D
This is also called as vitamin D intoxication or VDI, hypervitaminosis D, vitamin D toxicity. This is caused
due to excessive accumulation of vitamin D in body. The main routes of its excessive accumulation

 There may be toxicity from excessive supplementation.

 Iatrogenic vitamin D toxicity due to empirical administration of very high doses of
intramuscular vitamin D injections at frequent intervals is not uncommon, especially in
elderly. It is increasingly being recognized as one of the most common causes of
hypervitaminosis D and hypercalcemia.
 Endocrine disorders like primary hyperparathyroidism, MEN I & II syndrome, malignancies
such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, granulomatous diseases like
sarcoidosis and tuberculosis have also been associated with hypervitaminosis D.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

Signs and symptoms

Hypercalcemia is responsible for producing most of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity. main
symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include-

 Lethargy, Weakness, Confusion, Coma, Hypotonia, Hyporeflexia

 Polyuria, Nocturia, Dehydration, Nephrocalcinosis, Renal failure
 Nausea, Anorexia, Constipation, Pancreatitis, Gastric ulcer
 Hypertension, short QT interval, arrhythmias, ST segment elevation
 Band keratopathy, hearing loss, painful periarticular calcinosis

Hypovitaminosis D
Hypovitaminosis D is a common syndrome with well-established risk factors. Only recently, however,
are the expansive implications of vitamin D deficiency becoming recognized, including cardiovascular
complications, cancer, psychosis and dementia. Main cause of hypovitaminosis D are-

 Indoor life style has prevented exposure of sun rays on our body
 Inadequate nutritional intake of Vitamin D
 Disorders limiting vitamin D absorption
 Conditions impairing vitamin D conversion into active metabolites including certain liver,
kidney, and hereditary disorders

Signs and symptoms

Very often, vitamin D deficiency remains obscured due to paucity of symptoms or due to the
adaptation of symptoms by the patients. Main signs and symptoms are-

 Osteomalacia -proximal muscle weakness and bone fragility

 Osteoporosis-reduced bone mineral density and increased bone fragility
 Amplified risk of bone fracture
 Rickets
 Unexplained myalgia and weakness
 Muscle twitching or fasciculation- is commonly seen due to reduced ionized calcium, sit down
from a low vitamin D
 Light-headedness
 Periodontitis
 Pre-eclampsia
 Depression- Hypovitaminosis D is a high risk factor for depression

Hypovitaminosis D and psychotic disorders

Vitamin D deficiency may cause a wide range of major psychiatric illnesses. Very often, the psychiatric
patients have suboptimal vitamin D levels. In individuals with schizophrenia, psychosis, major
depression, premenstrual mood symptoms in women, mood disorders and cognitive impairment in
older adults, elective mutism, and bipolar disorders there is a very low serum vitamin D level, even
below 20 ng/ml. Those with schizophrenia and autism have the lowest levels.

The risk of schizophrenia and vitamin D status vary with-

 Season of birth- Children born in the months with low sun light (Causa occasionalis)
 Latitude- higher latitudes (Causa occasionalis)
 Skin pigmentation - dark skinned individuals (Causa occasionalis)

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

The main hypothesis correlating hypovitaminosis D with psychotic illness is development of an anti-
inflammatory mechanism-

 The schizophrenic individuals commonly have elevated markers of inflammation (Psora/

 Cells that are low in vitamin D produce high levels of inflammatory cytokines (Psora/ Sycosis)
 Cells with adequate vitamin D release significantly less of these cytokines

Another hypothesis is-

 Vitamin D regulates the transcription of many genes involved in pathways implicated in

schizophrenia, including genes involved in synaptic plasticity, neuronal development, and
protection against oxidative stress. (Psora)
 Vitamin D deficiency in the gestational period affects dopamine metabolism and alters the
dopamine system in the developing brain. Dopamine has been implicated in the pathogenesis
of schizophrenia. Vitamin D deficiency during the gestational period can also affect brain
structures that are associated with schizophrenia. (Psora)

Homoeopathy and vitamin D deficiency induced psychotic disorders

Psychosis is a condition that affects the information-processing by the brain. It leads to lose touch with
reality. The patient may see, hear, or believe things that are not real. Thus psychosis is a symptom,
not an illness. It can be caused by mental or physical illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or
trauma. (Psora/ Causa occasionalis)

Schizophrenia is the psychosis that usually affects for the first time in the late teen years or early
adulthood. Young people are especially affected, but cause is still unknown. As the first episode of
psychosis (FEP), the individual may show slight changes in his acts or way of thinks. This is called the
prodromal period and could last days, weeks, months, or even years.

Symptoms of Psychosis
Psychosis has an insidious pattern. Its course of progress may be defined as below-

Prodromal symptoms of psychosis

Warning signs before psychosis are-

 Gradual changes in the way of thinking about and understand the world (Psora)
 A drop in grades or job performance (Psora/ Syphilis)
 Trouble in thinking clearly or concentrating (Psora)
 Suspiciousness or unease around others (Psora/ Sycosis)
 Lack of self-care or hygiene (Psora)
 Spending more time alone than usual (Psora)
 Stronger emotions than situations call for (Psora)
 No emotions at all or total apathy (Psora/ Syhilis)

Signs of early psychosis

 Illusions of hearing, seeing, or taste (Psora)
 Absorbed in unusual beliefs or thoughts no matter what others say (Psora/ Syhilis)
 Pulling away from family and friends (Psora/ Syhilis)
 Stop taking care of him (Psora)

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

 Not be able to think clearly or pay attention (Psora)

Symptoms of a psychotic episode

All or most of the above and-

 Hallucinations (Psora)
o Auditory hallucinations- Hearing voices when no one is around
o Tactile hallucinations- Strange sensations or feelings
o Visual hallucinations- seeing people or things that are not there, or thinking the shape
of things looks wrong
 Delusions (Psora)
o Believes that are not in line with culture and that do not make sense to others as
 Outside forces are in control of your feelings and actions
 Small events or comments have huge meaning
 He has special powers, are on a special mission, or actually is a God

Treatment of psychosis
Homoeopathic treatment is the best one for curing psychosis. More than a thousand years later the
Swiss alchemist Paracelsus employed the same system of healing based upon the principle that “like
cures like”.

Over two hundred years ago, the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered the principle
that what substance could cause in the way of symptoms, it could also cure. But it was not until the
late 18th century that Homoeopathy as it is practiced today was evolved by the great German
physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He was appalled by the medical practices of that time and set
about to develop a method of healing which would be safe, gentle, and effective. He believed that
human beings have a capacity for healing themselves and that the symptoms of disease reflect the
individuals struggle to overcome his illness.

Homoeopathy does not treat disease per se. A Homoeopath does not concentrate his therapy on, say
arthritis or bronchitis or cancer. In other words he does not limit his treatment to painful joints,
inflamed bronchi or a malignant growth. Rather, he treats all aspects mental, emotional and physical
of the person who happens to be suffering with arthritis or bronchitis or cancer. Homoeopathy regards
each patient as a unique individual, e.g. six persons with hepatitis might get a different Homoeopathic
remedy, each one aimed at the individual’s totality of symptoms rather than at his liver alone. The
physicians’ interest is not only to alleviate the patients’ present symptoms but also his long-term

There are three factors that form a complete picture of a disease-

 The etiology of a disease- to be known through Practice of Medicine.

 The totality of the signs and symptoms- to be known through Case Taking.
 The constitutional temperament of the patient- to be known by understanding the
Homoeopathic Philosophy.

The constitution indicates an individual's character, disposition and tendencies as revealed in his
reactions; it also denotes the characteristic way in which an individual behaves especially towards

In Homoeopathy we often speak of the totality of the symptoms as the basis of selecting a remedy.
But sometimes we forget to include the causative factors, miasms, and the physical constitution of the

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

individual. Without them totality is not complete. Without complete Totality, similimum remedy
cannot be found. Without similimum remedy, cure cannot take place.

We already know, any external or internal morbid force or entity, capable of overpowering the
threshold of immune system, affects the entire organism and makes him sick. Here, the person as a
whole is involved, not a single part. Thus, in each and every case, a complete totality of signs and
symptoms is needed to establish a true cure. Now, let us study the effects of vitamin D on body, in its
various concentrations, i.e. deficiency, normal and excess.

The treatment is based on removal of cause, vitamin D supplementation, psychotherapy and

constitutional treatment with Homoeopathy.

Counseling, along with medicines, is necessary to cure psychosis. This may include-

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

This can help to recognize the psychotic episodes. It also helps to understand whether what you see
and hear is real or imagined.

Supportive psychotherapy
This helps to learn to live with and manage psychosis with healthy ways of thinking.

Cognitive enhancement therapy (CET)

This uses computer exercises and group work to help the individual think and understand better.

Family psychoeducation and support

This involves the loved ones of the patients and helps to bond and improves the way to solve the
problems together.

Coordinated specialty care (CSC)

It creates a team approach in treating psychosis when it is first diagnosed. CSC combines medication
and psychotherapy with social services and work and education support.

Homoeopathic remedies
Main Homoeopathic remedies for psychosis are-

Short repertory of psychosis

EYE – STARING Acon. Aeth. Agar. alum. am-c. Anac. ang. Ant-t. Arn. Ars-i. Ars. Art-v. asar. atra-r. atro.
aur-ar. aur. bapt. bar-c. BELL. ben-n. borx. Bov. brom. bry. Calc. Camph. cann-i. Canth. carb-ac. carb-
v. Carbn-s. cass. caust. Cham. chin. Chinin-s. Chlor. cic-m. Cic. cina clem. coc-c. coca Cocc. Colch. con.
Croc. crot-c. Cupr. dig. dor. eup-per. gels. Glon. grat. guaj. guar. Hell. Hep. hipp. hydr-ac. hydrog. HYOS.
Hyper. Ign. IOD. ip. ix. jab. kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. Kali-cy. Kali-i. kali-n. kali-p. kali-sil. kalm. kola Kreos.
lac-loxod-a. lach. lachn. Laur. LYC. lyss. m-ambo. m-arct. mag-p. manc. med. merc-c. Merc-cy. MERC.
Mez. morph. mosch. mur-ac. Naja nat-ar. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nitro-o. Nux-m. Nux-v. oena. olnd. OP.
ozone paeon. petr. Ph-ac. phos. Phyt. pisc. plat. plb-c. plb-chr. plb. positr. puls. ran-b. rhus-t. ribo. ruta
sang. sangin-t. santin. SEC. seneg. sep. sil. sol-ni. spig. Spong. Squil. STRAM. Stry. sul-ac. sul-i. sulph.
tab. tarent. ter. verat-v. Verat. vip. visc. zinc-p. Zinc.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

FACE - EXPRESSION – vacant Anac. anan. arn. Bell. Camph. cann-i. carbn-s. cic. Cocc. Ferr-p. Ferr. gels.
Hell. hyos. irid-met. ix. Kali-br. Lach. lycps-v. Mez. op. ozone Ph-ac. Phos. plb. psor. ruta sanic. sil.
Stram. sul-ac. tritic-vg. zinc.

GENERALS – CATALEPSY abies-c. acon-c. Acon. aether Agar. aran. art-v. asaf. bell. camph-mbr. Cann-i.
CANN-S. canth. caust. cham. chlol. cic. Cocc. Coff. Con. Crot-c. crot-h. Cupr. cur. Ferr. gels. graph. hipp.
hydr-ac. hyos. ign. indg. iod. Ip. lach. laur. mag-c. Mag-m. merc. Morph. Mosch. Nat-m. nux-m. ol-an.
Op. Petr. Ph-ac. pip-m. Plat. plb. Puls. raph. reser. sabad. sep. spong. staph. stram. stry. sulph. tab.
tanac. thuj. Valer. verat. Zinc.

MIND - ABSTRACTION OF MIND acon-l. acon. Agath-a. agn. Alum. am-c. aml-ns. anac. ang. Apis arg-
met. arizon-l. Arn. aur. Bar-c. bell-p-sp. bell. berb. bov. bufo Calad. calc. camph. Cann-i. cann-s. canth.
caps. carb-ac. carc. caust. Cham. chin. choc. cic. Cocc. colch. con. cortico. Croc. cycl. cystein-l. dream-
p. dulc. elaps Falco-pe. gink-b. Graph. guaj. Hell. hep. heroin. hydrog. Hyos. ictod. Ign. ignis-alc. irid-
met. kali-c. KALI-P. kali-s. Kreos. lach. laur. led. limest-b. lyc. Lyss. m-ambo. m-aust. mag-c. mang. Merc.
Mez. mob-ray mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-M. nux-v. Oena. Ol-an. olnd. Onos. op. petr. ph-ac.
Phos. plat. plb. psil. PULS. ran-b. rhod. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sal-fr. sars. sec. sel. SEP. sil. spig. spong.
stann. stram. sul-ac. Sulph. symph. tax. thuj. Tub. Verat. verb. vesp. viol-o. viol-t. Visc.

MIND - ANSWERING - confusedly as though thinking of something else bar-m. Hell. mosch. puls.

MIND - ANSWERING – disconnected coff-t. coff. Crot-h. kali-br. lac-e. phos. stram. stry.

MIND - ANXIETY – hypochondriacal Acon. AGAR. agn. All-s. alum. am-c. anac. anag. Arg-n. Arn. Ars.
asaf. asar. Aur. Bell. bry. calad. Calc. CALEN. canth. Carc. caust. cham. Con. conch. cupr. dros. ferr-p.
graph. Grat. hyos. ign. Iod. KALI-AR. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-p. lach. LEC. lyc. m-arct. mosch. nat-c. NAT-M.
NIT-AC. Nux-v. orot-ac. ox-ac. ph-ac. PHOS. plat. psor. Puls. Raph. Rhus-t. Sep. Spect. squil. staph.
sulph. tarent. valer.

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his agar. Agath-a. aids. ALUM. Alumn. ANAC. Anh. ant-c.
arg-n. aur-m-n. aur. bapt. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. chr-met. cic. cocc. cycl. cypra-eg.
daph. des-ac. dulc. falco-pe. galeoc-c-h. gard-j. gels. haliae-lc. ham. hydrog. hyper. irid-met. kali-br.
lach. lil-t. lyc. med. moni. mosch. musca-d. naja nat-m. nat-sil. neon nux-m. olib-sac. op. oxal-a. paro-
i. petr-ra. petr. phos. plb. positr. psor. puls. Pyrog. pyrus sabin. sal-fr. sec. sep. sil. Spong. stram. sulph.
syph. taosc. ther. thuj. tril-p. Tritic-vg. valer. verat. xan.

MIND - DELIRIUM – fantastic alum. ambr. Bell. calc. carbn-s. cham. con. dulc. graph. hyos. lyc. nat-m.
nux-m. op. plat. rhod. sep. sil. spong. Stram. Sulph.

MIND - DELIRIUM – maniacal acon. Aeth. agar. ail. ant-c. apis ars. BELL. bry. Camph. cann-i. Canth.
carbn-s. chinin-s. Cic. Coff. colch. con. cori-r. crot-h. Cupr. dig. glon. Hell. HYOS. indg. Kali-bi. Lach. led.
lob. lyc. merc-c. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m. Oena. Op. Phos. plb. rhod. Sec. STRAM. tarent. ter. thuj.
Verat. zinc-act. zinc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - Christ, himself to be cann-i. plb. VERAT.

MIND - DELUSIONS - devil - he is a devil ANAC. camph. cann-i. Hyos. kali-br. pegan-ha. positr. stram.

MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of Acon. Aeth. agar. alum-sil. alum. am-c. Ambr. anac. ang. anh.
ant-c. ant-t. apis arn. ars-i. Ars. aur-ar. aur-s. Aur. bar-c. bar-i. Bell. berb. bism. bit-ar. bry. bufo bufo-
s. calc-ar. calc-p. calc-sil. calc. camph. CANN-I. cann-s. Cann-xyz. canth. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-s. caust.
cham. chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. cic. Cina Cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. Crot-c. cupr. cycl. dig. dros.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

dulc. euphr. falco-pe. Fl-ac. graph. hell. hep. HYOS. IGN. indg. iod. kali-ar. Kali-br. kali-c. Kali-p. kali-sil.
lac-c. LACH. lact. Laur. led. lyc. Lyss. m-arct. mag-c. Mag-m. mag-s. meny. Merc. musca-d. nat-c. nat-
m. Nit-ac. Nux-m. nux-v. olib-sac. olnd. Op. par. petr. Ph-ac. phos. Plat. plb. positr. psil. puls. rheum
rhod. Rhus-t. Sabad. samb. sec. sel. sep. sil. spong. stann. Staph. STRAM. sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. Tarent.
thuj. valer. vanil. verat. verb. viol-o. visc. zinc-m. zinc-p. zinc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - identity - errors of personal identity aids. Alum. androc. anh. ant-c. bapt. cann-i.
cann-s. cic. gard-j. kali-br. lac-c. lach. lil-t. mosch. myric. naja ol-j. orig. petr. phos. plb. pyrog. pyrus
raja-s. spong. stram. thuj. valer. VERAT.

MIND - DELUSIONS - identity - someone else, she is Alum. cann-i. cann-s. gels. Lach. mosch. phos. plb.
pyrog. Valer.

MIND - DELUSIONS - insane - become insane; one will Acon. act-sp. agar. ail. alum. am-br. ambr. antip.
aq-mar. arg-n. ars. asar. bar-br. bar-i. brom. Calc. CANN-I. cann-s. cann-xyz. cham. Chel. chlor. CIMIC.
coff. colch. cupr. cycl. cypra-eg. Eup-per. falco-pe. gels. glon. ham. hydrog. hyos. Ign. iod. iris-t. kali-bi.
kali-br. kali-p. lac-c. Lac-e. lam. lil-t. limen-b-c. maias-l. MANC. med. merc-i-f. merc. nat-m. nat-s. nat-
sil. nitro-o. nux-v. pall. phys. plat. psor. sil. spig. streptoc. sulph. Syph. tanac. tarent. vario.

MIND - DELUSIONS - noise - hearing noise anh. bell. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. coff. colch. con. crot-c.
dulc. hyos. lac-e. mag-m. naja olib-sac. ph-ac. rad-br. spong. sulph. verat.

MIND - DELUSIONS - persecuted - he is persecuted abrot. absin. aids. allox. ambr. anac. androc. ars.
aur. bell. brom. calc. canth. Cench. CHIN. choc. Cocain. con. crot-c. crot-h. cupr. Cycl. dendr-pol.
dream-p. DROS. falco-pe. hell. hydrog. Hyos. Ign. iodof. KALI-BR. lac-leo. Lach. lyc. manc. med. meli.
merc. moni. nat-c. nat-m. nux-v. petr-ra. podo. positr. puls. rhus-t. sal-fr. sil. spect. spong. staph. stram.
stry. Sulph. syph. tarent. thiop. thyr. urol-h. verat-v. verat. Vesp. Zinc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - pursued; he was - enemies, by absin. anac. ars. aur. Bell. carneg-g. Chin. cic.
Cocain. con. crot-h. cupr-act. cupr-f. cupr-m. cupr-p. cupr. cycl. dros. hell. Hyos. Kali-br. Lach. lepi. lyc.
med. meli. merc. nat-c. nux-v. plb. positr. Puls. rhus-t. sil. stram. stry. zinc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - pursued; he was absin. aids. alco. am-br. ambr. Anac. apis ars. aur. bar-br. bell.
brom. bry. carc. carneg-g. Chin. choc. cic. cob. Cocain. con. crot-h. cupr-act. cupr-f. cupr-m. cupr-p.
Cupr. cycl. dros. germ-met. hell. hydrog. Hyos. Kali-br. lach. lepi. lyc. manc. med. meli. merc. moni.
nat-c. nicc. nux-v. op. phos. plat. plb. positr. Puls. rhus-t. sanguis-s. sil. spect. spong. staph. stram. stry.
thuj. verat-v. verat. vip. zinc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - strange - everything is aids. anac. Anh. bac. Bar-m. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-
xyz. carb-an. Cic. coca-c. cypra-eg. germ-met. glon. Graph. heroin. Hydrog. lyss. nad. Nux-m. petr. Plat.
plb. podo. positr. sep. staph. stram. tub. valer.

MIND - DELUSIONS - strange - familiar things seem strange arg-n. atro. bar-m. bell. bov. calc. Cann-i.
Cann-s. carb-an. carc. choc. cic. Cocc. croc. dream-p. glon. Graph. heroin. hydrog. hyos. irid-met. kali-
p. lyss. mag-m. med. merc. mosch. Nux-m. op. petr. phos. Plat. puls. ran-b. rhus-t. staph. stram. sulph.
thuj. tub. valer. verat.

MIND - DELUSIONS - superhuman; is - control; is under superhuman agar. anac. carc. cypra-eg. des-
ac. falco-pe. kali-br. Lach. Naja op. petr-ra. plat. psil. sal-fr. Thuj.

MIND - DELUSIONS - voices – hearing abrot. acon. agar. anac. anh. aster. bell. benz-ac. calc-sil. calc.
cann-i. Cann-s. cann-xyz. canth. carb-v. carbn-s. cench. CHAM. chir-fl. chlol. coca coff. con. Crot-c. crot-
h. Cupr-act. dros. Elaps germ-met. hyos. hyper. ign. Kali-br. Kola lac-c. lac-mat. lach. lyc. mag-m. manc.

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med. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. ph-ac. Phos. plb. plut-n. rhus-t. sabal sol-ni. spong. stram. Sulph. tarent. thal-
xyz. thuj. ulm-c. verat. Zinc.

MIND – ECCENTRICITY aesc. agar. agn. alco. am-c. ambr. ang. Anh. apis apoc. ara-maca. arg-n. ars-h.
ars. Asar. asc-t. Bell. Cann-i. caps. caust. coff-t. coff. con. cub. cupr-act. cupr-ar. cupr. cycl. dendr-pol.
form. glon. hoit. hyos. iodof. kali-c. lac-ac. LACH. lact. loxo-recl. lyss. MED. muru. nitro-o. nux-v. Op.
pall. petr. plat. puls. raja-s. sang. sel. sep. spig. stram. sul-ac. sulph. sumb. Tarent. tax. teucr. thea valer.
verat-v. verat. verb. zinc.

MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his am-c. anac. arn. ars. bell-p-sp. choc. con. dream-p. falco-pe. hep.
hydrog. lac-e. limest-b. lyc. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. nat-sil. Nit-ac. nux-v. phasco-ci. phos. plat. plut-n.
positr. psor. puls. Sep. staph. Tritic-vg. verat.

MIND - ESTRANGED - society, from anac. choc. cygn-be. cypra-eg. dream-p. dulc. falco-pe. limest-b.
positr. sanguis-s. Vanil.

MIND - FANCIES - absorbed in anh. arn. aur-ar. bar-i. bell. cann-i. cocc. cupr. dream-p. irid-met. kali-p.
limest-b. marb-w. ozone positr. sil. stram.

MIND - FANCIES – confused Ail. BAPT. camph. chin. con. Glon. ham. HYOS. Lil-t. phos. STRAM.

MIND - FANCIES - exaltation of Absin. Acon. Agar. agn. alum-sil. alum. Am-c. Ambr. Anac. anan. androc.
Ang. anh. ant-c. apoc. arg-n. arn. Ars. Asaf. aur-ar. aur-m-n. aur-s. aur. bar-c. bar-ox-suc. BELL. borx.
Bry. bufo bufo-s. calc-sil. calc. camph. CANN-I. cann-s. cann-xyz. Canth. carb-an. carb-v. Carbn-s. caust.
cham. chel. Chin. chinin-ar. Cic. coca cocc. coff-t. Coff. coloc. con. convo-d. croc. Crot-c. cupr. cycl. dig.
Dulc. elaps euphr. fl-ac. Graph. hell. hep. hipp. hydr-ac. hydr. HYOS. ign. iod. irid-met. kali-ar. kali-br.
kali-c. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. Lac-c. LACH. lact. Laur. led. lil-t. Lyc. M-arct. m-aust. mag-m. meph. merc-c.
Merc. mosch. mur-ac. naja nat-c. nicc. nit-ac. nitro-o. Nux-m. nux-v. olnd. Op. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac. Phos.
pic-ac. pip-m. plan. Plat. Plb. positr. psor. puls. pyrog. rhus-t. sabad. samb. Sec. seneg. sep. Sil. spong.
stann. staph. STRAM. sul-ac. Sulph. thuj. valer. vanil. verat. verb. viol-o. viol-t. zinc-p. Zinc. ziz.

MIND - FANCIES – vivid acon. alco. ambr. androc. Ang. bell. Cann-i. cann-s. carb-an. cham. coff. croc.
cycl. dig. hell. hyos. ign. kali-br. LACH. lact. Lyc. meph. morph. naja nat-m. nitro-o. nux-v. op. par. phos.
pic-ac. puls. sabad. STRAM. valer. Viol-o. zinc.

MIND - FEAR – insanity acon. agar. alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. alumin-s. alumin. Alumn. ambr. anac. antip.
aq-mar. arg-n. ars-i. ars. astat. aur-m. aur-s. aur. bar-br. bar-i. bar-met. bism-sn. bov. bry. cact. caes-
met. Calc-ar. calc-i. calc-s. CALC. CANN-I. Cann-xyz. carb-an. carbn-s. Carc. Chel. chlor. chord-umb.
Cimic. cinnb. cupr. cypra-eg. dendr-pol. Dig. Eup-per. falco-pe. gels. Graph. guare. haliae-lc. Hell.
hydrog. ign. iod. irid-met. kali-bi. Kali-br. kali-c. Kali-s. Kola Lac-c. Lac-e. lac-h. lach. lat-m. laur. levo. lil-
s. Lil-t. limest-b. Lyss. mag-c. maias-l. malar. MANC. mang-i. mang-m. mang-met. mang-p. mang-s.
med. merc-d. Merc. merl. mosch. mur-ac. Nat-m. Nux-v. ol-j. osm-met. Phos. phys. pin-con. plat. plb-
m. plb-p. plb. polon-met. prun-cf. psor. PULS. rhen-met. rhod. sanic. sec. Sep. spect. spong. Staph.
Stram. sul-i. sulph. sumb. syph. tant-met. taosc. tarent. tax. thal-met. thuj. tung-met. verat. zinc-n.

MIND - INDIFFERENCE - everything, to acet-ac. Acon. adam. agar. agn. ail. ambr. anac. androc. Apis
arg-n. arn. Ars. asaf. aur-m-n. Aur-m. Aur. bamb-a. bapt. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. buth-a. CADM-
MET. calc. cann-s. canth. caps. CARB-V. carneg-g. cham. chin. choc. cic. Cimic. Cina con. croc. cypr.
cystein-l. cyt-l. dig. Falco-pe. fl-ac. Gels. germ-met. gink-b. glyc. granit-m. Ham. Hell. heroin. hydr-ac.
hydr. hyos. ign. indol. irid-met. kali-ar. kali-chl. kali-m. Kali-p. kali-s. kola Lac-h. lach. lepi. lil-t. Lyc. mag-
c. meny. Merc. merl. mez. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nat-sil. nit-ac. Nit-s-d. nux-m. Nux-v. Op. ozone petr-

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ra. PH-AC. Phos. phyt. Pic-ac. pitu. Plat. podo. polys. Positr. psil. Puls. pycnop-sa. Rheum rib-ac. sal-fr.
sec. sel. Sep. stann. STAPH. sulph. syph. tax. thuj. THYR. verat. ziz.

MIND - INDIFFERENCE - loved ones, to Acon. aids. All-c. allox. arge-pl. ars-i. ars. bell-p-sp. bell. carb-v.
carc. cina dendr-pol. dream-p. falco-pe. Fl-ac. ham. HELL. heroin. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. ketogl-ac.
lavand-a. lil-t. melal-alt. merc. myric. nat-p. nat-sil. petr-ra. PHOS. plat. positr. pseuts-m. sal-fr. SEP.

MIND - KILL; desire to - sudden impulse to kill ALUM. arg-n. Ars-i. Ars. crot-c. dendr-pol. Hep. Hyos.
iod. kali-ar. med. merc. nicc-met. Nux-v. Plat. rauw. staph. sulfon. sulph. tarent. thea thuj.

MIND - KILL; desire to acon. agar. aids. alco. alum. anac. androc. arg-n. Ars-i. Ars. aur-m-n. Bell. calc.
camph. caust. chin. chlf. cimic. cinnb. crot-c. cupr. cur. dendr-pol. der. germ-met. haliae-lc. HEP. HYOS.
Iod. jab. kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. lac-lup. Lach. Lyc. lys. lyss. Med. meli. merc-i-f. Merc. nat-m. Nat-s. nicc-
met. nit-ac. Nux-v. oncor-t. op. pegan-ha. petr-ra. Petr. Phos. Plat. positr. prot. pseuts-m. rauw. rhus-
g. rumx. sec. sil. spong. Staph. Stram. sulfon. sulph. syph. taosc. tarent. thea thuj. thyr. tritic-vg. x-ray

MIND – MISANTHROPY acon. adam. all-c. Am-m. Ambr. Anac. ant-c. arizon-l. ars. Aur. bar-c. bell. Calc.
cic. clem. con. cop. crot-h. cupr. cur. ferr. fl-ac. galla-q-r. germ-met. graph. grat. guaj. haliae-lc. hep.
hydrc. Hyos. ign. iod. kali-bi. kali-c. kola lach. Led. Lyc. mag-m. merc. NAT-C. nat-m. nit-ac. olib-sac.
pall. Phos. plat. psor. Puls. rhus-g. rhus-t. sel. sep. Stann. staph. stram. sulph. tab. taosc.

MIND - ROCKING - amel. acon. ars. calc. carb-an. cham. cina hyos. kali-c. phos. puls. pyrog. rhus-t.
sacch. sec.

MIND – SADNESS Abies-n. abrom-a. abrot. acal. acet-ac. achy. acon-f. ACON. act-sp. adam. adlu. adon.
Aesc. aeth. aether agar. Agath-a. agav-t. Agn. aids. ail. alco. alf. all-c. all-s. allox. aln. aloe alum-p. alum-
sil. Alum. alumin-s. alumin. alumn. am-br. Am-c. am-caust. am-f. Am-m. Ambr. Aml-ns. ammc. amp.
amph. amyg. Anac. anag. anan. androc. androg-p. ang. ange-s. anh. Ant-c. ant-m. ant-met. ant-o. Ant-
t. anthraci. anthraco. anthraq. aphis apis apoc. aq-mar. aqui. ara-maca. Arag. aran-ix. aran. arb-m. Arg-
met. Arg-n. arg-p. arge-pl. Arist-cl. Arn. ARS-I. ars-met. ars-s-f. ars-s-r. ARS. art-v. arum-d. arum-m.
arum-t. Asaf. asar. asc-t. astac. aster. astra-e. atis. atra-r. Atro-s. atro. aur-ar. aur-br. aur-i. Aur-m-n.
AUR-M. Aur-s. AUR. aza. bac. bacls-10. Bamb-a. bapt. bar-act. bar-br. Bar-c. bar-i. Bar-m. bar-ox-suc.
bell-p-sp. Bell. benz-ac. berb. beryl. bism-sn. bism. bit-ar. boerh-d. bol-la. bor-pur. bora-o. borx. both-
a. both-ax. bov. bran. brass-c. brass-n-o. Brom. bros-gau. bruc. Brucel. Bry. Bufo bufo-s. bung-fa. buni-
o. but-ac. buteo-j. buth-a. cac. Cact. cadm-m. cadm-met. cadm-s. caesal-b. caj. calad. calc-act. CALC-
AR. Calc-f. CALC-I. calc-m. Calc-p. CALC-S. calc-sil. CALC. camph-br. Camph. cann-i. Cann-s. cann-xyz.
Canth. Caps. carb-ac. CARB-AN. Carb-v. carbn-o. CARBN-S. carc. card-m. Cardios-h. carl. carneg-g.
cartl-s. cass. cassia-s. castm. castn-v. CAUST. cecr. cedr. cench. cere-b. cerv. CHAM. Chel. chen-a. chim.
chin-b. CHIN. Chinin-ar. Chinin-s. chir-fl. Chlol. chlor. chloram. chlorpr. choc. chord-umb. chr-ac. chr-
m. chr-met. chr-s. Cic. CIMIC. Cina cinnb. Clem. cob-m. cob-n. cob-p. cob. coc-c. coca coca-c. Cocc.
coch. cod. Coff. Colch. coli. Coloc. colocin. colum-p. Con. conch. convo-d. convo-s. cop. corian-s. Corn.
cortico. cortiso. corv-cor. cot. crat. Croc. CROT-C. Crot-h. crot-t. cund. Cupr-act. cupr-ar. cupr-f. cupr-
m. cupr-p. Cupr. Cur. Cycl. cygn-be. cypr. cypra-eg. cystein-l. cyt-l. Daph. dendr-pol. der. des-ac. Dig.
Dios. Dioxi. diphtox. dirc. dream-p. Dros. Dulc. dys. echi. elae. elaps elat. ergot. erig. ery-a. esp-g. eug.
euon-a. euon. eup-per. eup-pur. euph. euphr. fago. fagu. falco-pe. Ferr-ar. ferr-br. ferr-f. FERR-I. ferr-
lac. ferr-m. ferr-n. Ferr-p. ferr-sil. FERR. ferul. fic-m. fic-r. fl-ac. fl-pur. flav. flor-p. foll. form. frax. fuli.
fum. gad. gaert. gal-s. galla-q-r. gamb. gard-j. gaul. GELS. ger-i. germ-met. gink-b. glon. glycyr-g. goss.
gran. granit-m. GRAPH. Grat. guaj. GUAR. guat. haem. haliae-lc. halo. ham. helium HELL. helo-s. helo.
helodr-cal. Helon. Hep. hera. heroin. HIPP. hippoc-k. hir. hist. Hura hydr-ac. Hydr. hydrc. hydrog.

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hydroph. HYOS. hyper. hypoth. iber. ichth. IGN. ina-i. ind. Indg. indol. influ. ing. IOD. Ip. irid-met. iris
jac-c. jug-c. kali-act. Kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-BR. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-fcy. Kali-i. Kali-m. kali-met. kali-n. KALI-
P. kali-s. kali-sil. kalm. ketogl-ac. Kola kreos. kres. LAC-C. lac-cp. Lac-d. lac-e. lac-h. lac-leo. lac-loxod-a.
lac-mat. LACH. lachn. lact-v. lact. lam. lap-la. lapa. lat-m. lath. Laur. lavand-a. Lec. led. lepi. LEPT. lil-s.
LIL-T. lim. limen-b-c. Limest-b. lipp. lith-c. lith-f. lith-i. lith-m. lith-met. lith-p. lith-s. lob-e. lob-p. Lob-s.
lob. lol. loxo-lae. loxo-recl. luf-op. luna lup. LYC. lycps-v. lyss. m-arct. m-aust. macro. mag-c. mag-f.
mag-m. mag-n. mag-p. mag-s. magn-gr. maias-l. Manc. Mand. mang-i. mang-m. mang-met. mang-n.
mang-p. mang-s. Mang. marb-w. med. medul-os-si. melal-alt. meli-xyz. meli. menis. meny. meph.
Merc-aur. Merc-c. merc-d. Merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. merc-sul. MERC. merl. methys. MEZ. Mill. mim-p. mit.
moly-met. morg-g. morg-p. morg. morph. mosch. mucs-nas. Mur-ac. MURX. musca-d. Mygal. myric.
nabal. Naja NAT-AR. nat-br. NAT-C. nat-caust. nat-chl. nat-f. nat-hchls. nat-lac. NAT-M. nat-met. nat-
n. nat-ox. Nat-p. NAT-S. nat-sal. NAT-SIL. neon nep. nept-m. nicc-met. nicc-s. nicc. niob-met. NIT-AC.
nitro-o. nitro. nux-m. Nux-v. oena. Ol-an. ol-eur. Olib-sac. olnd. oncor-t. onop. OP. orig. orni. orot-ac.
osteo-a. ox-ac. oxal-a. oxyg. oxyt. ozone pall. palo. pant-ac. parat. Parathyr. paull. ped. Pegan-ha. pen.
penic. perh. peti. petr-ra. Petr. Ph-ac. phasco-ci. phel. phenob. Phos. phys. Phyt. pic-ac. picro. pieri-b.
pin-con. pin-s. pip-n. plac-s. plac. plan. plat-m. PLAT. plb-act. plb-m. plb-p. plb-xyz. Plb. plect. plumbg.
plut-n. pneu. podo. polyg-h. polyp-p. polys. pop. positr. pot-e. Propr. prot. prun. pseuts-m. psil. PSOR.
ptel. puls-n. PULS. Pycnop-sa. pyrus querc-r. rad-br. rad-met. ran-b. ran-s. raph. rauw. reser. rham-f.
rheum rhod. rhus-g. Rhus-r. RHUS-T. Rhus-v. rib-ac. ribo. rob. rubd-met. rumx. Ruta sabad. sabal Sabin.
sacch. sal-ac. sal-al. Sal-fr. sal-l. samb. sang. sanic. santin. sapin. Sapo. sarcol-ac. saroth. sarr. sars. scop.
scroph-n. scut. sec. Sel. senec-j. senec. seneg. SEP. ser-a-c. sieg. Sil. sin-n. Skat. sol-br. sol-crl. sol-o.
sol-t-ae. spartin. Spect. Spig. spira. Spong. squil. stann-i. STANN. Staph. Still. Stram. streptoc. stront-c.
STRY. suis-em. Sul-ac. Sul-i. sulfa. sulfon. sulfonam. SULPH. sumb. suprar. syc. SYMPH. Syph. Tab. taosc.
tarax. tarent-c. Tarent. tax-br. tax. tell. Ter. tere-ch. tere-la. teucr. thal-met. thal. thea ther. thiam.
thioc-ac. thiop. thres-a. thuj-l. THUJ. thymol. thyr. thyreotr. til. titan-s. tong. toxi. toxo-g. tril-c. tril-p.
trinit. trios. TRITIC-VG. tub-d. tub-r. Tub. tung-met. ulm-c. ulm-pra. ulx-eu. upa. uran-met. Uran-n.
urol-h. ust. v-a-b. vac. valer. vanad. VANIL. ven-m. Verat-v. VERAT. verb. vesp. vib. vichy-g. Vinc. viol-
o. viol-t. vip-a. Vip. Visc. wildb. wye. x-ray xan. yuc. zinc-i. zinc-m. zinc-n. ZINC-P. zinc-val. ZINC. zing.

MIND - SITTING - inclination to sit - stiff, quite Cham. Hyos. kali-c. kali-m. nat-p. puls. Sep. Stram.

MIND - SITTING - inclination to sit – still alum-p. alum-sil. alum. arn. aur-s. aur. bar-c. bar-i. bar-m.
brom. calc-sil. calc. carbn-s. cham. chinin-ar. choc. cimic. Cocc. con. dulc. elaps falco-pe. fl-ac. Gels.
haliae-lc. ham. hell. Hep. HIPP. hyos. ign. irid-met. kali-ar. kali-m. kali-sil. lyc. mag-p. nat-ar. nat-p. nat-
sil. Nux-v. ol-an. Pic-ac. Plat. positr. PULS. sal-fr. Sep. spong. stram. thala. vanil. VERAT. zinc-p.

MIND - SITTING - inclination to sit acon. Agar. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. alum. am-c. Am-m. Ambr. Anac.
androc. ant-c. ant-t. arg-met. arg-n. Arn. Ars-i. Ars. asar. aur-s. Aur. bar-act. bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bell-p-
sp. Bell. borx. brom. bry. buteo-j. Calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. calc. camph. Cann-s. canth. caps. Carb-v.
Carbn-s. caust. cench. Cham. Chel. CHIN. chinin-ar. choc. cimic. Cocc. cod. colch. coloc. CON. croc.
cupr. cycl. dream-p. dulc. elaps Euphr. falco-pe. Ferr. fl-ac. Gels. glon. GRAPH. GUAJ. haliae-lc. ham.
hell. Hep. HIPP. hydrog. Hyos. ign. Iod. ip. irid-met. jac-c. kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. kali-m. kali-p. kali-s. kali-
sil. lac-c. lac-lup. lach. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mag-p. merc. mez. mur-ac. nat-ar.
nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. Nit-ac. NUX-V. ol-an. olnd. op. ozone petr. Ph-ac. PHOS. Pic-ac. plat. plb.
positr. PULS. ran-b. Ran-s. rheum rhod. rhus-g. rhus-t. ruta sabin. sal-fr. sanguis-s. Sec. Sep. sil. Spong.
SQUIL. Stann. staph. Stram. Stront-c. sul-ac. sul-i. Sulph. Tarax. Teucr. thala. tritic-vg. vanil. Verat. verb.
viol-t. zinc-p. Zinc.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

MIND - SLOWNESS - motion, in Anac. Calc. cartl-s. chinin-s. choc. chord-umb. cocc. Con. conin. crot-h.
diphtox. hydrog. irid-met. ozone PHOS. plb. podo. positr. ros-d. sep. spong. verat.

MIND - STRANGE - everything seems anac. Bar-m. cann-i. Cann-s. Cic. croc. cygn-be. glon. Graph.
heroin. Hyos. kali-p. Med. nux-m. Op. petr. plat. plb. podo. Ruta sep. spong. Stram. Tritic-vg. tub. valer.

MIND – STUPEFACTION abies-c. absin. acet-ac. acon. act-sp. adon. aesc-g. aesc. aeth. aether agar.
Agath-a. Agn. aids. Ail. allox. aloe alum-p. Alum. alumn. Am-c. am-m. ambr. aml-ns. amyg. anac. anan.
androc. ang. Anh. ant-c. ant-t. APIS apoc. arb-m. arg-met. Arg-n. Arn. ars-i. ars-s-f. Ars. arum-t. asaf.
asar. asc-c. aur-m. aur. bamb-a. BAPT. bar-c. bell-p-sp. BELL. bism. Bit-ar. borx. both. Bov. brass-n-o.
bruc. BRY. bufo cact. caj. calad. calc-ar. calc-caust. calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Camph. Cann-i. cann-s.
canth. caps. carb-ac. carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-h. carbn-o. carbn-s. caust. cench. cent. cham. chel. chin.
chinin-ar. chinin-s. chlf. chlol. chlor. chr-ac. Cic. cina cit-v. clem. cob. Coc-c. coca-c. COCC. coch. Coff.
colch. coli. coloc. Con. cor-r. cori-r. corn. cortico. croc. Crot-h. crot-t. cryp. cupr-act. cupr-ar. Cupr. cur.
cycl. cypra-eg. cyt-l. dig. digin. diosm. Dulc. echi. ephe-si. eug. eup-pur. euph. euphr. fagu. ferr-ar. ferr-
i. ferr-p. ferr. fic-m. fl-ac. gard-j. Gels. gent-l. gins. glon. gran. graph. haem. Ham. HELL. helon. Hep.
hipp. hippoc-k. hydr-ac. Hydr. HYOS. Hyper. ign. ind. iod. ip. jatr-c. just. kali-bi. kali-br. KALI-C. kali-chl.
kali-cy. kali-i. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. Kola kreos. lac-c. lac-h. lac-lup. lach. lachn. lact-v. lact. laur.
led. lil-t. lob. lol. lon-c. lon-x. lup. Lyc. Lycps-v. lyss. M-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mang. med. melal-
alt. Meli. meph. Merc-c. Merc. merl. mez. mill. moni. morph. mosch. mur-ac. musca-d. myos-a. myric.
myris. narcin. nat-c. Nat-hchls. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. nicc. nicot. Nit-ac. nitro-o. Nux-m. NUX-V.
Oena. ol-an. olib-sac. olnd. OP. ox-ac. ozone par. petr-ra. Petr. PH-AC. phasco-ci. phel. PHOS. phys.
phyt. pic-ac. plan. plat. Plb. plut-n. podo. positr. psor. Ptel. Puls. pyre-p. pyrid. ran-b. ran-s. raph. rat.
rauw. rham-cal. Rheum rhod. RHUS-T. rhus-v. ribo. ruta Sabad. sabin. sal-ac. sal-fr. samb. sang. sars.
scut. Sec. sel. seneg. sep. ser-a-c. sil. sol-ni. spig. spong. squil. Stann. staph. STRAM. stry. sul-ac. sul-i.
sulfa. Sulph. Symph. tab. tarax. tarent. Ter. teucr. Thuj. tritic-vg. tub. uran-n. valer. Vanil. verat-v.
VERAT. verb. vib. viol-o. viol-t. vip. Visc. zinc-p. Zinc.

MIND - SUICIDAL disposition acon. adam. Aeth. agn. alco. alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. alumin-s. alumin.
am-c. am-caust. am-f. ambr. Anac. anan. anh. Ant-c. Ant-t. aq-mar. arg-met. arg-n. arn. Ars. asaf. aur-
ar. aur-m-n. AUR-M. aur-s. AUR. bar-i. bar-ox-suc. Bell. berb. beryl. bism-sn. bor-pur. bov. buni-o. but-
ac. calc-p. calc-sil. Calc. camph. Caps. carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. cartl-s. cassia-s. caust. chel. Chin. chinin-
ar. chr-met. cic. Cimic. cinnb. clem. con. corv-cor. crot-c. crot-h. cupr-f. cupr-p. cupr. cur. cypra-eg.
der. Dol. dros. dulc. falco-pe. fl-ac. fl-pur. fuli. gamb. gels. glon. graph. grat. haliae-lc. hell. Hep. hipp.
hippoc-k. hydr-ac. hydrog. Hyos. Ign. iod. Iodof. iris kali-ar. Kali-br. kali-chl. kola kreos. Lac-d. lac-e. lac-
h. Lach. laur. led. lil-t. lith-c. lith-f. lith-i. lith-m. lith-met. lith-s. loxo-recl. lyc. Lyss. manc. mang-i. marb-
w. med. meli. Merc-aur. merc-d. Merc. mez. morg-p. morg. morph. musca-d. naja nat-c. nat-f. Nat-m.
NAT-S. nat-sil. nit-ac. nitro. Nux-v. oci-sa. ol-eur. op. orig. orni. oxyg. ozone parth. ped. petr-ra. phos.
plat. plb-m. plb-p. Plb. plut-n. positr. prot. pseuts-m. PSOR. Puls. ran-b. rat. rauw. reser. rhus-t. rumx.
ruta sarr. sec. sel. Sep. sil. spect. Spig. spong. stann. staph. Stram. sul-ac. sulph. symph. syph. tab.
tarent. ter. thal-met. thal. thea thuj-l. thuj. tritic-vg. tub. ust. valer. verat. zinc-i. zinc-p. Zinc. ziz.

MIND – SUSPICIOUS ACON. adam. Aids. ambr. ANAC. anan. androc. ang. anh. ant-c. apis arge-pl. Arn.
ars-s-f. ARS. aur-br. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Aur. bapt. bar-act. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bar-s. Bell. Borx. BRY. bufo Cact.
cadm-met. Calc-p. calc-s. calc. CANN-I. cann-xyz. canth. caps. carb-v. carbn-s. carc. carneg-g. CAUST.
CENCH. cham. chin. chinin-ar. CIC. Cimic. coca Cocc. con. cortiso. crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. Cupr. cygn-be.
dendr-pol. DIG. Dros. Dulc. elaps falco-pe. galla-q-r. granit-m. graph. ham. Hell. heroin. hydrog. Hyos.
ign. ip. KALI-AR. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-p. lac-cp. lac-leo. Lac-lup. LACH. LYC. Lycps-v. m-arct. macro.
marb-w. Med. meli. meny. Merc. mez. moni. Morph. mur-ac. Nat-ar. Nat-c. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. nicc-

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

met. Nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. Op. pall. ph-ac. phasco-ci. Phos. plat. plb. plut-n. polys. positr. pseuts-m.
psor. PULS. RHUS-T. ruta sacch-a. sal-fr. sanic. sarr. SEC. sel. Sep. sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. still. STRAM.
streptoc. suis-hep. Sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syph. thal-met. thuj. thyr. tritic-vg. urol-h. vanil. Verat-v. verat.

MIND – TACITURN abrot. Acon. adam. aeth. aether Agar. agra. aids. alco. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. alum.
am-c. am-m. ambr. amyg. anac. androc. androg-p. anh. Ant-c. ant-m. ant-t. apis apoc. Arg-met. arg-
mur. Arg-n. arge-pl. arizon-l. ARN. ars-s-f. ars-s-r. Ars. arum-m. Arund. astac. aster. atro. aur-ar. Aur-
m-n. aur-s. AUR. bamb-a. bapt. Bar-c. bar-m. bell-p-sp. Bell. berb. bism-o. bism. bit-ar. borx. Both. bov.
bran. brass-n-o. brom. bros-gau. bry. bufo bufo-s. bung-fa. buth-a. Cact. calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc.
camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. Caps. carb-ac. CARB-AN. Carb-v. carbn-o. carbn-s. carc. carl. cassia-s.
castm. CAUST. Cham. chel. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chir-fl. chlam-tr. chlf. chlol. cic. Cimic. cina Clem.
COCC. cod. Coff-t. coff. colch. Coloc. con. conch. cortico. cortiso. corv-cor. crot-c. crot-h. crot-t. cupr-
act. cupr. Cycl. cygn-be. cypra-eg. dendr-pol. dig. dios. dirc. dream-p. dros. dulc. elaps ephe-si. ery-m.
EUPH. euphr. fago. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-m. ferr-ma. ferr-p. Ferr. fl-ac. Gels. gent-c. germ-met. gink-b.
GLON. granit-m. graph. grat. guaj. haliae-lc. ham. HELL. helon. Hep. hera. heroin. Hipp. hippoc-k. hist.
hydr-ac. hydr. hydrog. Hyos. IGN. iod. Ip. irid-met. jab. jatr-c. jug-r. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-
cy. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. kola lac-ac. lac-d. lac-h. lac-leo. lac-lup. lach. lap-la. laur. lavand-
a. lec. LED. lil-t. linu-u. lol. loxo-recl. LYC. Lycps-v. lyss. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. mag-s. manc.
Mang. meny. merc-c. merc-d. Merc. mez. moly-met. mosch. Mur-ac. murx. myric. naja nat-act. nat-ar.
nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nat-s. nat-sil. nicc-met. nicc. Nit-ac. nux-m. NUX-V. oena. oeno. ol-an. ol-eur. olib-
sac. olnd. onos. OP. orig. ox-ac. oxal-a. oxyt. ozone passi. pert-vc. petr-ra. petr. PH-AC. PHOS. phys.
Pic-ac. pieri-b. pip-m. plac. PLAT. Plb. plumbg. Plut-n. podo. positr. psil. ptel. PULS. querc-r. rad-br.
rheum Rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabin. sacch. Sal-fr. sanic. sars. sec. Senec. sep. ser-a-c. sil. sol-t. spect. spig.
Spong. squil. Stann. STAPH. Stram. stront-c. stry. Sul-ac. SULPH. Symph. tab. tarax. Tarent. tart-ac. tax-
br. tax. tep. thea Thuj. tong. tril-p. tritic-vg. tub. ust. vanil. verat-v. VERAT. vesp. viol-o. Viol-t. vip. visc.
zinc-m. zinc-n. zinc-p. ZINC.

MIND - THOUGHTS - vanishing of abies-n. abrot. acon-f. acon. aeth. aether agn. aids. Alum. am-br. am-
c. Ambr. ANAC. androc. ang. anh. ant-t. apis apoc. arb-m. arg-n. arizon-l. Arn. ars-s-f. ars. arum-t. ASAR.
Aur. bapt. Bar-c. bell. berb. bit-ar. borx. bov. brom. Bry. calc-act. calc-p. calc-s. CALC. Camph. Cann-i.
Cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-h. caust. Cham. Chel. chin. chlorpr. cic. cinnb. cit-ac. clem. cocc.
cod. coff. colch. coloc. CON. conin. corn. cortico. cot. croc. cupr-s. CUPR. cycl. dig. dirc. dream-p. elaps
euon. gad. galla-q-r. Gels. glon. guaj. gymno. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hydrog. hyos. iber. ign. iod. ip. irid-
met. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-cy. kali-p. kalm. kiss. kola kreos. lac-c. lac-h. LACH. laur. led. lepi. lil-t.
limen-b-c. lob. lol. Lyc. lycpr. lycps-v. lyss. macro. Manc. med. melal-alt. Merc. Mez. morph. mosch.
nat-ar. NAT-C. Nat-m. NIT-AC. NUX-M. nux-v. oena. ol-an. olib-sac. olnd. op. orig. petr. ph-ac. PHOS.
pic-ac. pin-s. plan. plb. plut-n. positr. Psor. ptel. Puls. RAN-B. ran-s. rhod. rhodi. RHUS-T. rob. ruta
saroth. sec. sel. sep. sil. sol-ni. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. sulph. sumb. syph. Tab. tep. ther.
THUJ. trom. valer. verat-v. verat. viol-o. viol-t. yuc. zinc-p. zinc.

MIND - THOUGHTS – wandering Acon. alco. alet. all-s. Aloe am-c. ambr. anac. ang. anth. apoc. Arn.
ars-i. atro. bamb-a. Bapt. bell. bit-ar. calc. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carbn-s. caust. chinin-s. chlol. choc.
cic. colch. coloc. corn. crot-h. cupr. dig. dulc. ery-a. ferr. fic-m. germ-met. glon. Graph. haliae-lc. ham.
hyos. ign. iod. iris kali-br. kali-p. KALI-S. kola lac-e. lac-lup. lach. lavand-a. LEC. lyc. lycps-v. manc. melal-
alt. merc-c. merc. mit. naja nat-c. nat-m. nat-ox. nat-p. nicot. nit-ac. nux-m. olnd. op. opun-s. opun-v.
ozone peti. ph-ac. phos. phys. pic-ac. plb. plect. Puls. rauw. ruta sanic. sol-mm. sol-t-ae. staph. sul-i.
symph. tab. tax. thuj. valer. viol-o. yuc. zinc-m. zinc-p. Zinc.

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders


Book Chapter Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Health and Disease > Clinical and Laboratory
Findings Book: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20e ... Hypomagnesemia may cause
generalized alterations in neuromuscular function, including tetany, tremor, seizures, muscle
weakness, ataxia, nystagmus, vertigo, apathy, depression, irritability, delirium, and psychosis. Patients
are usually asymptomatic when serum magnesium concentrations are &gt...

Book Chapter Confusional States > HYPOCALCEMIA Book: Clinical Neurology, 10e...
Hypocalcemia (total serum calcium &lt;8.5 mg/dL or 2.1 mmol/L; ionized calcium &lt;4.6 mg/dL or
1.15 mmol/L) can be due to chronic kidney disease, hypoparathyroidism, hypomagnesemia,
pancreatitis, or vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms include irritability, delirium, psychosis with

Book Chapter Disorders of the Parathyroid Gland and Calcium Homeostasis >
Principles of Internal Medicine, 20e ... Chronic hypocalcemia is less common than hypercalcemia;
causes include chronic renal failure, hereditary and acquired hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D
deficiency, PHP, and hypomagnesemia. Acute rather than chronic hypocalcemia is seen in critically ill
patients or as a consequence of certain...

Book Chapter Disorders of the Parathyroids & Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism > Clinical
Manifestations Book: Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, 8e... TABLE
17–8 Symptoms and signs of hypocalcemia. Systemic Confusion Weakness Behavioral changes
Neuromuscular Paresthesias Psychosis Seizures Carpopedal spasms Chvostek and Trousseau signs
Depression Muscle cramping Parkinsonism...

Book Chapter Micronutrients: Vitamins & Minerals > THE VITAMINS ARE A DISPARATE GROUP
31e... TABLE 44–1 The Vitamins Vitamin Functions Deficiency Disease Lipid-soluble A Retinol, β-
carotene Visual pigments in the retina; regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation (β-
carotene is an antioxidant) Night blindness...

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Treatment: Psychiatry, 3e... Table 16–5 Medical Conditions Associated with Psychotic Symptoms Brain
neoplasm Cerebrovascular accident Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Encephalitis Deficiency states (vitamin
B 12 , folate, thiamin, niacin) Dementias (e.g., Alzheimer disease, Pick...

Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

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Role of Homoeopathy in Vitamin D deficiency induced Psychotic disorders

Radar 10

Tables Micronutrients: Vitamins & Minerals in Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 31e ... TABLE
44–1 The Vitamins Vitamin Functions Deficiency Disease Lipid-soluble A Retinol, β-carotene Visual
pigments in the retina; regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation (β-carotene is an
antioxidant) Night blindness...

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