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Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #1: Healthy Diet Tips and Removing

Food Triggers

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 5, 6, and 26

**Keep in mind that some people will make a slow transition to an elimination/AIP
diet, while others make the transition more quickly.

1. Eat at least 4 to 6 servings of vegetables per day, although 9 to 12 would be

even better

2. Reduce your intake of refined sugars

3. Drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water and/or spring water
out of a glass bottle

4. If you eat a high carbohydrate breakfast, then replace this with a breakfast
that is higher in protein and healthy fats (avocados, coconut oil, olive oil)

5. Introduce fermented foods (i.e. sauerkraut)

6. Eliminate gluten from your diet (refer to Chapters 5 and 23)

7. Eliminate dairy from your diet (refer to Chapters 6 and 23)

8. Work on eliminating the other excluded foods from your diet (refer to
Chapters 6 and 23)

9. Once you have eliminated all of the excluded foods, follow the
elimination/AIP diet for at least 30 days (refer to Chapters 23 and 26)

10.Please try your best to avoid genetically modified foods during this time (refer
to Chapter 20)

11.Try to eat in a relaxed state, and make sure to thoroughly chew your food!
Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #2: Balancing Your Adrenals

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 7 and 27

1. Eat a diet consisting of whole, healthy foods

2. Specifically eat plenty of healthy fats, add sea salt to your meals, minimize
your consumption of sugar, and take a break from caffeine

3. Get sufficient sleep

4. Write down all of the different stressors in your life

5. Make it a goal to try reducing some of these stressors

6. Choose one or two mind-body-medicine techniques (yoga, meditation,

biofeedback), and block out at least 5 to 10 minutes per day to focus on stress

7. Make sure you aren’t overtraining (refer to Chapter 15)

8. Test your adrenals through saliva or dried urine testing to see what your
circadian rhythm looks like (refer to Chapter 25)

9. Take nutritional supplements and herbs to support your adrenals, based on

your specific adrenal patterns (refer to Chapter 27)
Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #3: Getting Quality Sleep

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 7, 27, and 32

1. Eat a diet consisting of whole, healthy foods

2. Avoid refined foods and sugars

3. Correct blood sugar imbalances (refer to Chapters 17 and 27)

4. Take a break from caffeine

5. Take a break from alcohol

6. Improve the health of your adrenals (see separate checklist)

7. Reduce exposure to EMFs 2 hours before going to bed

8. Reduce exposure to EMFs while sleeping (turn of Wi-Fi router)

9. Make sure your room is completely dark

10.Correct certain nutrient deficiencies (i.e. magnesium)

11.Correct imbalances of the sex hormones (refer to Chapter 27)

12.Reduce inflammation

13.Correct neurotransmitter imbalances

14.Eradicate infections (refer to Chapter 21)

15.Make sure you have a comfortable mattress

16.Adjust the temperature of your bedroom

17.Take a hot bath 2 hours before going to bed

18.Eat a small snack before going to bed

19.Take supplements for sleep if necessary, while addressing the above problems
(refer to Chapter 32)
Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #4: Gut Healing

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 23, 26, and 28

1. Remove food allergens and foods that can have a negative effect on gut
healing (refer to Chapters 23 and 26)

2. Test for gut infections (refer to Chapter 25)

3. Remove gut infections (refer to Chapter 31)

4. Reduce toxic load (refer to Chapter (29)

5. Reduce stressors and improve stress handling (refer to Chapter 27)

6. Reduce systemic inflammation

7. Consider taking digestive enzymes

8. Consider taking betaine HCL and bile salts

9. Make sure you're consuming enough dietary fiber

10.Reinoculate with food sources of prebiotics and probiotics

11.Consider taking a probiotic supplement

12.Eat foods that will assist with gut healing (i.e. bone broth, cabbage juice)

13.Consider taking supplements that support gut healing (refer to Chapter 28)

14.Rebalance your body (refer to Chapter 28)
Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #5: Reduce Your Toxic Load

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 8, 20 and 29

1. Eat as many organic foods as possible to minimize exposure to the chemicals

present in food

2. Eat at least 4 to 6 servings of vegetables per day, and of course more than this
would be even better

3. Enhance phase one detoxification by eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables,

and omega-3 fatty acids

4. Promote methylation through diet and supplementation (refer to Chapter 29)

5. Stimulate bile production by eating dark green leafy vegetables, celery,

watercress, dandelion, and garlic

6. Use mostly natural cleaning products and cosmetics

7. If possible, replace your carpeting with low-VOC hardwood flooring

8. The next time you purchase a mattress get an organic mattress

9. If you dry clean your clothing use an organic dry cleaning company

10.Drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water and/or spring water
out of a glass bottle

11.Use safe cookware

12.Follow the advice in Chapter 29 to minimize your exposure to electronic

pollution, especially in your bedroom

13.Consider nutritional supplements and herbs to support detoxification,

including milk thistle, NAC, or a liposomal or an acetylated form of glutathione

14.Utilize infrared sauna therapy (refer to Chapter 29)

15.Invest in a quality air purification system

16.Consider coffee enemas
Hashimoto’s Triggers Action Plan Checklist #6: Overcoming Infections

Note: for more detailed information please refer to the following chapters of
Hashimoto’s Triggers

Chapters 9, 10, 31, and 33

1. Test to see if you have an infection (blood, comprehensive stool panel,

organic acids test, etc.)

2. Remove the infection using the appropriate protocol (refer to Chapter 31)

3. Consider using biofilm disruptors if treating a bacterial infection or a yeast


4. Follow the instructions in Chapter 31 for minimizing die-off reactions

5. When eradicating infections you should take probiotics AWAY from the
antibiotics or antimicrobials

6. Since infections commonly cause an increase in intestinal permeability you

should focus on healing the gut (refer to Chapter 28)

7. Retest to make sure the infection has been eradicated

8. Focus on improving your overall immune system health to prevent infections

from coming back

Dr. Eric Osansky is a chiropractor, certified clinical nutritionist, and is

a certified functional medicine practitioner through the Institute for
Functional Medicine. His best-selling book “Hashimoto’s Triggers” is
available on Amazon. For additional information on thyroid
autoimmunity please visit

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