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t © ype Tasaase2r7st " 2 o Indian Standard I TOLERANCES OF FORM AND OF POSITION | FOR ENGINEERING DRAWINGSS wae PART Il MAXIMUM MATERIAL PRINGIPLE | ' \ KB 4. Scope —Describos the maximum material principle and specifies its application to different tolerances. 2. Maximum Mat ial Principle 2.1 The free assembly of components depends on the combined effect of the actual finished sizes and 3A Tors of form of position of the mating features. The minimum cleerance for assembly occurs tre serhne features are’ in thelr maximum material conditions of size and the most disadventegeous Permissible errors of form or position are present. 2:44 Assembly may be carried out even under the most unfavourable conditions permitted by the divaitions! tolerances and those of form and position if the difference of the sizes of the two elements, Cine yhich ere. considered to be of maximum material, is at least equal to the total tolerance of position (see also 3.4 ). 2.1.2 However, more clearance of assembly will be present if the actual sizes of the mating features Ay from the maximum material limits of size, and if the actual errors of form or position are less are ake maximum. It follows, therefore, that if the actual sizes of the mating features are away. from tha pcimum material limits of size, the specified tolerance of form or position may be exceeded without endangering the possibilty of assembly. EDC 20:4 [Ref : Doe: EDC 20( 1951) 2.2 This increase of toletance, which is applicable to size tolerances ( see also 3.4.5 ) a8 well as to 20 andes ‘of position end 10 certain tolerances of form, is advantageous for menufacture, but may not seleaya‘be permissible from the functional point of view. For instance, in positional tolerancing the ways be Prolerance may generally be permitted on the centre distance of such features as bolt holes, wee ete, but it may not be permissible in kinematic linkages, gear centres, etc. in ll cases. the seshar ahall decide whether or not the application of maximum material Principle may be permitted ‘and, if it cen bo, the symbo! (@) shall be added to the tolerance in question (see 4.8 of IS: 8000 (Part 1)-1976 Tolerances of form and of position for engineering drawings: Part | Generalities, Symbols. indicetions on drawings } 2.2.1 This «ymbol indicates that the tolerance with which it is associated has been specified in reeach to the maximum material limits of size of the feature or features concermed, and thet if the eit tire of the feature is away from its maximum material limit of size, the specified tolerance of form actual ion may be Increased as permitted by the differance between the actual size of the feature and Or recom materi limit of size. Obviously the amount of this increase can never exceed the amount of the size tolerance on the feature. ional Committee, EDC 2% Drawings Subcom! 2.3 Iris important to note that the increase of form or position tolerance referred in 2.2.1 can be applied aoe ieee an assembly without feference to the Mating part. Assembly will olveys be possible, 1 On eto ating pert is finished on the extteme limits of the tolerances in the directions most evfovourable for assémbly, because the combined total of errors of size and of form or position specified for the one part is not exceeded. Drawings Se it else, it may be possible to apply the maximum material principle to the datu he f i f thereby to obtain full ed (see ‘Adopted ? Februn y 1976, 151 Price Re 7-90 "1S: 8000 ( Part 11) - 1976 ad The indication of ‘maximum material condition‘ is therefore shown by the symbol (®) placed after: 2) the tolerance value ( see Fig. 1), bb) the datum letter ( see Fig. 2), or ©) both after tolerance value and datum letter ( see Fig. 3 ), according to whether the maximum materi to be applied to the toleranced feature, the datum, oF both. [O]e0.04 [a ©]#0.04 [AW] [O]+0.04 @[A@) FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG. 3 ture [ see 4.2 and 4.8 of IS ; 8000 ( Part |)-1976]. It should be clearly understood that if the maximum material_principle tolerances of form or of poution, thege tolerances should bo ob not ( ott ay not be) spied > tual faished sizes of the indepencentiy by measur Seeigned pauses 3. Application of the Maximum Mats 3:1. Perpendicular — The appliation of the maximum matrat principle to perpendiculaity is shown in Fig. 3.4.1 The axis of the spigot should be contained in a cylindrical tolerance zone, perpendicular to the datum plane A; the diameter of this zone varies from 0'04 to 0°06 as the actual spigot diameter varies from 16 ( maximum material ) to 18°98 ( minimum material ). Note 1 — Tho gauge shown in Fig. AC and 40 checks the combined effect of perpendicularty and sizo. The size of the spigot shouldbe chacked independently to ensure thatthe limits of size are not exceeded, Note 2 ~ In this example the positional accuracy (that is, i relationship to another {eeture) is notin question. os bes Teo Gla] < N pe cairo oe ee Sake sistance bi Pig a b= ee salar LX tT 1 juin afc ue es Say aver ah oe erm tenn vei cane ioe ieee a, ear ae ese eet eebrares 8.2 Straightness —The application of the maximum materlal principle to straightness is shown in Fig. 5. 8.2.4 The axis of the pin should be contsined in a cylindrical tolerance zone of diameter varying from 0°07 to 003 as the ectual pin dismeter varies from 10-0 (maximum meterial ) to $98 (minimum material ). effect of strightness and s bin ‘The size of the thatthe limite of size aro net exceed N he pin shouldbe checked indopensent to en Note 2— If ts nocessary that the pia remains on the whole length within the imaginary cylinder of the maximum iameter permitted byt ter tolerance (Taylor pri nat to be Indicated on the ‘Generating line Instead of the nis {see €7 of $10 bor 5A Assembly 58 Detail of Pin TOLERANCE: “¢10.00 (9 998) ce Stralgnt- poss Tolerance 9 063 FIG. § 3.3 Perpendicutarity with Zero Form Tolerance —Where It Is necessary to specify that any ertors of orientation are 10 be contained within the maximum material limits of a feature, this shall be indicated a5 shown in Fig. 6. This indication means that if the feature Is finished everywhere on its maximum limits of size it should be perfect in form. Errors of form are permissible it the feature is finished away from the maximum material limits of size in the direction of minimum material, provided that the minimum limits of size are everywhere observed +p Ss 5.841 should be noted thet zero form tolerances may only be associated with the maximum materia condition a5 to do othe d be to de ts : 8000 ( Part I1)=1976 $2 Streightness —The pplication of the maximum materal principle to susighiness is shown 8.2.1 The axis of the pin should be contained in a cylindrical tolerance zone of diameter varying from 0°01 to 0°03 as the actual pin diemeter varies from 10°0 (maximum materiel ) to 9:98 (minimum ‘material ). 41.— The gauge shown in Fig. SC and 5D checks the combined eflect of straightness and s pin should be checked independently to ensurs thatthe limits of ize are not exceeds. ‘The size of the Note 2— If ts nocessa ior the ‘Generating lie Instead of th thatthe pin remains on the whole tength ter tolerance (Taylor prielpte 58 Detall of Pin Toverance +9.00 RANE : ZONE # 0.01 Pe (ea conve SC Matimum Material Pin 10 50 Minimom Material Pin ( 998 Shown in GaugeeEtecive Seis ‘Shon in Gaupe-tectve Saga ness Tolerance’ 9 09) ness’ Tolerance 9 008 FIG. 5 3.3 Perpendicularity with Zero Form Tolerance — Where it IS necessary 10 specity thet any errors of sntation are to be contained within the maximum material limits of @ feature, this shall be indicated ‘85 shown in Fig. 6, This indication means that if the feature Is finished everywhere on its maximum Timits of size it should be perfect in form. Errors of form are permissible if the feature is finished way from the maximum material limits of size in the direction of minimum material, provided thet the minimum limits of size are everywhere observed, (tin ye @)a] condition as to to demand perfection i ees “positional Tolerances (see also 24) — Figure 11 1 Totanetete the mexmmum materiel principle 1s applied both to iene the sight holes and of the datum cylinder will ellow additional tolerance of position on thi 020) FIG. 14 3.5.1 The actual hole diameters as compared with their maximum material size will determine te adtitional tolerance on the positions of the holes in relation to one another, The variation of the dott acidor from its maximum matarial size allows @ further increase of the position tolerance for ell the holes relative to the datum cylinder but not in relation to each other. Coarially ( see also 2.4) — The application of the maximum material principle to copxility is show?

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