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Big data management

Big data, as the name suggests, is an enormous amount of data. It can be defined by the 4V’s –
Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity. The ability to analyse this huge amount of
data is known as big data analytics. The analysis of big data makes valuable conclusions by
converting the data into information, that otherwise could not be exposed using less data and
traditional methods.
Big data has gained significant importance in the fashion world in the last decade. It is
increasingly being used in trend forecasting, supply chain management, analysing
customer behaviour, preferences and emotions.

More and more, the fashion world is embracing the digital age. Indeed, one need look no
further than Dolce & Gabbana’s Fall/Winter 2018 fashion show, where drones replaced
humans on the runway.


With access to such a wealth of consumer data, manufacturers and developers
can streamline their product lifecycle on almost every level, jettisoning superfluous
Fashion brands can measure customer reaction to samples and ideas, then adjust
their product accordingly. In this sense, consumers are literally taking part in the
design process. Such a high level of consumer buy-in all but guarantees a product’s
Building up digital impressions of customer segments isn’t new to retailers.
Businesses can categorize their consumers by age, gender, ethnicity, location, and so
on. It’s a widely used marketing tool, and offers huge benefits.


Big data can capture so much more than just basic customer information. A range of
shopper behaviours can be recorded and measured, answering not just who a
customer is, but what a customer is like.


This granular analysis of customer behavior will also lead to a more scientific
approach to predicting — and capitalizing on — fashion trends. The fashion industry
will be able to use big data to view popularity trends on a granular level, seeing who
is buying what, and why. Armed with this information, labels can divert efforts
towards focusing on products with nascent potential.



Tie dye made a big splash last season and shows no signs of slowing down.
It's usually associated with warmer weather

Real fur may be falling out of style, but wearing prints inspired by animals
certainly isn't
Python is a multi-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum.
It has wide range of applications from Web development, scientific and
mathematical computing to desktop graphical user Interfaces.

Features of Python
Python is a simple and minimalistic language. It allows you to concentrate on the
solution to the problem rather than the language itself.

Free and Open Source

Python is an example of a FLOSS (Free/Libré and Open Source Software). You
can freely distribute copies of this software, read its source code, make changes
to it, and use pieces of it in new free programs.

High-level Language
When you write programs in Python, you never need to bother about the low-level
details such as managing the memory used by your program, etc.

Due to its open-source nature, Python has been ported to (i.e. changed to make it
work on) many platforms. All your Python programs can work on any of these
platforms without requiring any changes at all if you are careful enough to avoid
any system-dependent features.

You can use Python on GNU/Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Solaris etc.

Python does not need compilation to binary. You just run the program directly from
the source code. Internally, Python converts the source code into an intermediate
form called bytecodes and then translates this into the native language of your
computer and then runs it.

Object Oriented
Python supports object-oriented programming. In object-oriented languages, the
program is built around objects which combine data and functionality. Python has
a very powerful but simplistic way of doing OOP, especially when compared to big
languages like C++ or Java.

If you need a critical piece of code to run very fast or want to have some piece of
algorithm not to be open, you can code that part of your program in C or C++ and
then use it from your Python program.

You can embed Python within your C/C++ programs to give scripting capabilities
for your program's users.

 Extensive Support Libraries

It provides large standard libraries that include the areas like

string operations, Internet, web service tools, operating system
interfaces and protocols.

 Integration Feature
Python integrates the Enterprise Application Integration that
makes it easy to develop Web services by invoking COM or
COBRA components.

 Improved Programmer’s Productivity

The language has extensive support libraries and clean object-

oriented designs that increase two to ten fold of programmer’s
productivity while using the languages like Java, VB, Perl, C,
C++ and C#.


 Weak in Mobile Computing

Python has made its presence on many desktop and server

platforms, but it is seen as a weak language for mobile

 Gets Slow in Speed

Python executes with the help of an interpreter instead of the

compiler, which causes it to slow down because compilation and
execution help it to work normally.

 Run-time Errors

The Python language is dynamically typed so it has many design

restrictions that are reported by some Python developers. It is
even seen that it requires more testing time, and the errors show
up when the applications are finally run.


Python is a robust programming language and provides an easy

usage of the code lines, maintenance can be handled in a great
way, and debugging can be done easily too. It has gained
importance across the globe as computer giant Google has made
it one of its official programming languages.

Starting off her fashion career as a wardrobe stylist, she logged in years of
editorial shoots with prominent fashion books and celebrities. hriselle founded
The Chriselle Factor to chronicle her daily musings and personal style. She also
launched her YouTube channel to empower and inspire women all over the world.
She helps them discover their true beauty and gives them the confidence they
need to feel beautiful.


In The Matrix, a 1999 film by the Wachowski brothers, a black-clad computer hacker
known as Neo falls asleep in front of his computer. A mysterious message appears
on the screen: "Wake up, Neo."1 This phrase encapsulates the plot of the film, as
Neo struggles with the problem of being imprisoned in a "material" world that is
actually a computer simulation program created in the distant future by Artificial
Intelligence (A.I.) as a means of enslaving humanity, by perpetuating ignorance in
the form of an illusory perception called "the matrix." In part, the film crafts its
ultimate view of reality by alluding to numerous religious traditions that advance the
idea that the fundamental problem which humanity faces is ignorance and the
solution is knowledge or awakening. Two religious’ traditions on which the film draws
heavily are Gnostic Christianity and Buddhism. Although these traditions differ in
important ways, they agree in maintaining that the problem of ignorance can be
solved through an individual's reorientation of perspective concerning the material
realm. Gnostic Christianity and Buddhism also both envision a guide who helps
those still trapped in the limiting world of illusion, a Gnostic redeemer figure or a
bodhisattva, who willingly enters that world in order to share liberating knowledge,
facilitating escape for anyone able to understand. In the film, this figure is Neo,
whose name is also an anagram for "the One." Although as a "modern myth", the
film purposefully draws on numerous traditions, we propose that an examination of
Gnostic Christianity and Buddhism well illuminates the overarching paradigm of The
Matrix, namely, the problem of sleeping in ignorance in a dreamworld, solved by
waking to knowledge or enlightenment. By drawing syncretistically on these two
ancient traditions and fusing them with a technological vision of the future, the film
constructs a new teaching that challenges its audience to question "reality."
Christian Elements in The Matrix.
The majority of the film's audience probably easily recognizes the presence of some
Christian elements, such as the name Trinity or Neo's death and Christlike
resurrection and ascension near the end of the film. In fact, Christian and biblical
allusions abound, particularly with respect to nomenclature: Apoc (Apocalypse),
Neo's given name of Mr. Ander/son (from the Greek andras for man, thus producing
"Son of Man"), the ship named the Nebuchadnezzar (the Babylonian king who, in the
Book of Daniel, has puzzling symbolic dreams that must be interpreted), and the last
remaining human city, Zion, synonymous in Judaism and Christianity with (the
heavenly) Jerusalem. Neo is overtly constructed as a Jesus figure: he is "the One"
who was prophesied to return again to the Matrix, who has the power the change the
Matrix from within (i.e., to work miracles), who battles the representatives of evil and
who is killed but comes to life again. This construction of Neo as Jesus is reinforced
in numerous ways. Within minutes of the commencement of the movie, another
hacker says to Neo, "You're my saviour, man, my own personal Jesus Christ." This
identification is also suggested by the Nebuchadnezzar's crew, who nervously
wonder if he is "the One" who was foretold, and who repeatedly swear in Neo's
presence by saying "Jesus" or "Jesus Christ." In still another example, Neo enters
the Nebuchadnezzar for the first time and the camera pans across the interior of the
ship, resting on the make: "Mark III no. 11." This seems to be another messianic
reference, since the Gospel of Mark 3:11 reads: "Whenever the unclean spirits saw
him, they fell down before him and shouted, ' You are the Son of God!'"

Whether we view the film from a Gnostic Christian or Buddhist perspective, the
overwhelming message seems to be, "Wake up!" The point is made explicit in the
final song of the film, Wake Up! by, appropriately, Rage Against the Machine.
Gnosticism, Buddhism and the film all agree that ignorance enslaves us in an illusory
material world and that liberation comes through enlightenment with the aid of a
teacher or guide figure. However, when we ask the question, "To what do we
awaken?", the film appears to diverge sharply from Gnosticism and Buddhism. Both
of these traditions maintain that when humans awaken, they leave behind the
material world. The Gnostic ascends at death to the pleroma, the divine plane of
spiritual, non-material existence, and the enlightened one in Buddhism achieves
nirvana, a state which cannot be described in language, but which is utterly
nonmaterial. By contrast, the "desert of the real," is a wholly material, technological
world, in which robots grow humans for energy, Neo can learn martial arts in
seconds through a socket inserted into the back of his brain, and technology battles
technology (Nebuchadnezzar vs. A.I., electromagnetic pulse vs. sentinels).
Moreover, the battle against the matrix is itself made possible through technology -
cell phones, computers, software training programs. "Waking up" in the film is
leaving behind the matrix and awakening to a dismal cyber-world, which is the real
material world.

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