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Temario Recuperacion

English & Writer’s Workshop

Primer Grado

 Understand the concept of a complete sentence.

 Distinguish between complete and incomplete
 Classify sentences and fragments.
 Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence
 Distinguish between declarative, interrogative and
exclamatory sentences.
 Identify and Use verbs in written compositions.
 Distinguish the uses of is, are, was, and were.
 Classifies verbs in present, past, and future tense.
 Know what an adjective is.
 Recognize and use adjectives that compare. ( er / est )
 Write sentences using adjectives.

*** Favor asegurarse de que el alumno traiga un cuaderno para

repaso ,su lapicera completa con todo lo necesario ( lápiz
grafito,colores,borrador,tijeras,sacapuntas y pegamento ) y ya sea
merienda o dinero para poder comprar algo.

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