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3 Location of a place

State the location of each point on the surface of the earth in the diagram below

J : ……………………………..
K : ……………………………
A : …………………………… G: ………………………………
L : ……………………………
B : …………………………… K : ………………………………
M : …………………………….
C : ………………………… F : ………………………………
D : …………………………. H : ………………………………

J : ……………………………..
J : ……………………………..
K : ……………………………
K : ……………………………
L : ……………………………
L : ……………………………
M : …………………………….
M : …………………………….

State the location of point Q on the surface of the earth for each of the following.

PQ is a diameter of the earth PQ is a diameter of the earth PQ is a diameter of the earth and
and P(75⁰N, 35⁰E) and P(40⁰N, 80⁰E) P(55⁰N, 105⁰W)

Mark the location of the following points on the given diagrams.

Sketch and label the latitude and longitude of the following locations

1. A(63⁰S, 20⁰W) , B(17⁰N, 80⁰W) 2. C(20⁰S, 40⁰W) , D(50⁰N, 80⁰E) 3. E(27⁰N, 140⁰E) , F(45⁰S, 40⁰W)

9.4 Distance

Find the distance in nautical miles, between points P and Q in the diagram below

Find the distance along the common meridian between each pair of the following points

a) P(35⁰N, 100⁰E) and b) C(12⁰N, 26⁰E) and c) X(49⁰30’S, 55⁰W) and

Q(68⁰N, 100⁰E) D(33⁰25’S, 26⁰E) Y(13⁰S, 55⁰W)

Based on the given distance of PQ, find the latitude of Q.

P and Q are two points along the same meridian. Find the latitude of Q

1. Distance of PQ = 1500 n.m 2. Distance of PQ = 2520 n.m

Latitude of P = 48⁰N Latitude of P = 15⁰S
a) Q lies due north of P a) Q lies due north of P
b) Q lies due south of P b) Q lies due south of P

Find the distance along the equator between points P and Q

1. P(0⁰, 14⁰W) and Q(0⁰,69⁰W) 2. P(0⁰, 86⁰E) and Q(0⁰,42⁰E) 3. A(0⁰, 160⁰W) and B(0⁰,170⁰E)

Given the distance between A and B measured along the parallel of latitude, find the longitude of B or Q.

K and L are two points on the equator. Find the longitude of K.

1. Distance of KL = 3780 n.m 2. Distance of KL = 2700 n.m

Longitude of K = 100⁰E Longitude of K = 28⁰W
a) L lies due east of K a) L lies due east of K
b) L lies due west of K b) L lies due west of K

For each of the following, C and D are two points along the Equator. Find the longitude of D.

Relation between the radius of the earth and the radius of a parallel of latitude. (textbook pg 261)

Given O is the centre of the earth and D is the centre of the parallel of latitude. If R is the radius of the
earth and r is the radius of the parallel of latitude, find r in terms of R and 𝜗.

Find the radius of the parallel of latitude :

1. 20⁰N 2. 50⁰S 3. 37⁰S

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