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Can you cross from B to A? The Game of the Gods


News, Editorial, Arts&Culture and Entertainment

LEGITIMATE October 09, 2018

P.U.P. At its 114th Anniversary

“Great Things are Done
as We Strive Together
as One” is the theme of the 114th
anniversary of P.U.P. which showcased
different events such as the
controversial and awaited Pylon Run.
The institution is known for its
reputation in giving quality yet free P.U.P. Pylon Run
education for all. Through the years,
with the help and commitment of its Freedom of expression and exposition
faculty, leaders and staffs P.U.P. of the naked truth is the meaning
became one of the leading schools in behind this tradition of P.U.P. Students.
terms of academic performances and The members of this event run across
topped the charts in the most preferred the main campus wearing only their
school of job agencies across the beliefs and revealing the naked truths.
country. With its free education system, This is their form of expressing their
no wonder it can help more students to stand against different issues of the
reach their dreams. country.

Computer Games: Beneficial or not?

ne of the major problems of parents
nowadays is how to prevent their
children from playing “addictive”
computer games. As a teenager, I
can say that I’ve always experience this
situation because my mom always told me
that these computer games can give nothing
to me but poor eyesight, which I believe is
somehow true. It is scientifically proven that
the radiation in the screens of the computer
can make our eyesights poorer. Also, they
say that we can’t get any benefits from these
games, which I believe is not true. As a
gamer, I can say that computer games gives
us benefits, we can’t just recognize it. We all
know that all computer games uses English
language as their medium, meaning, it helps
us to increase our vocabulary and improve
Knowledge on different things. On the
our grammar by playing them. As we play
games, we tend to adapt the language so
other hand, even if I said that it is
that we can communicate to our team mates benificial, we must not take advantage
or understand what is needed to do. Another, of it and use it as a reason to play as
computer games often include some quests long as we want. Our bodies have
that needs critical thinking in order to finish limitations too and like computers, if it
it, which means that it helps us to function
overheat, it may not function well. We
our brain to think of the best way to complete
a task. It improves our decision making, must not put our health at stake just
reflexes and critical thinking which I can say for us to get what we want.
is a good thing. Through this, I can say that
computer games are beneficial to us, maybe
we can’t just feel it at first because we do
not think of it. We don’t know that gaming
enhances our

Dota 2, Example of a computer game


Arts and Culture

What is a Poem? What is a Painting?
It is a piece of writing that usually has It is a picture that is painted; a picture
figurative language and that is written in that is made by putting paint on a canvas,
separate lines that often have a repeated board and other medium.
rhythm and sometimes rhyme. Below are example of well-known
Below is an example of a well-known paintings:

See It Through
By Edgar Guest
When you’re up against a trouble,
Meet chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it’s vit squarely, face to face;
Lift your ain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you

And your future may seem grim, Abstract Painting ,Pablo Picasso,Oil On
But don’t let your nerve desert you; Canvas,Enamel Saucepan,Room Decora-
tion,Hand Painted
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through!

Even hope may seem but futile,

When with troubles you’re beset,
But remember you are facing
Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Don’t give up, whate’er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through!

The Retrato de Dora Maar , Pablo Picas-

so, Oil on Canvass

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