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Solution Guide

SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with

Citrix NetScaler

Solution Guide

This guide focuses on defining the process for deploying NetScaler as a SAML IdP
for most enterprise applications that support SAML 2.0. 1
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Citrix NetScaler is a world-class product with the proven ability to load

balance, accelerate, optimize, and secure enterprise applications.

NetScaler’s SAML integration capabilities allow NetScaler to act as a

SAML IDP (Identity Provider), enabling enterprise users to log on to their
enterprise SalesForce application portal through NetScaler, removing the
need to configure an additional authentication source.

NetScaler and NetScaler Gateway allow enterprise application users to enable single window SAML-based
authentication to all their applications, along with solutions requiring pre-authentication and end point analysis,
making applications more secure with the ability to limit access by username or IP address and several other
advanced security management capabilities.

Successful integration of a NetScaler appliance with a SAML 2.0 compliant application requires an appliance
running NetScaler software release 11.1 or later, with an Enterprise or Platinum license.

NetScaler features to be enabled

The following feature must be enabled to use single sign-on with the SAML 2.0 application:
Authentication, authorization and auditing (AAA)
The AAA feature controls NetScaler authentication, authorization, and auditing policies. These policies include
definition and management of various authentication schemas. NetScaler supports a wide range of authentica-
tion protocols. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 2
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Solution Description
Enabling SSO for the SAML 2.0 application with NetScaler consists of two parts – configuring the The SAML 2.0
application portal and the NetScaler appliance. The SAML 2.0 application should be configured to use NetScaler
as a third party SAML IDP (Identity Provider). The NetScaler is configured as a SAML IDP by creating the AAA
Virtual Server that will host the SAML IDP policy.

The following instructions assume that you have already created the appropriate external and/or internal DNS
entries to route authentication requests to a NetScaler-monitored IP address, and that an SSL certificate has
already been created and installed on the appliance for the SSL/HTTPS communication. This document also
assumes that a The SAML 2.0 application account has been created, the relevant domain has been added and
domain verification for the same has been completed.

Before proceeding, you should verify that you have the signing certificate that NetScaler will use to sign the as-
sertion. To get the certificate from the NetScaler appliance, follow these steps:

• Log on to your NetScaler appliance, and then select the Configuration tab..
• Select Traffic Management > SSL
• On the right, under Tools, select Manage Certificates / Keys/ CSR’s

From the Manage Certificates window, browse to the certificate you will be using for your AAA Virtual Server.
Select the certificate and choose the Download button. Save the certificate to a location of your choice. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 3
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Part 1: Configure the SAML 2.0 application

To configure the SAML 2.0 application, login to your account with administrator credentials, then perform the
following steps –

Note: This configuration description is for a generic SAML SSO setup, and will describe common configuration
methods for applications which should suffice in most cases. However, in case the required information can-
not be found using these means, the support team for the enterprise application should be able to provide the
required information.

1. The following information is required for SAML SSO Configuration on NetScaler -

• ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL
• IDP Certificate (This is the certificate used when configuring the Service Provider)
• SP Certificate (For some applications, the certificate used to sign the request may be different. This is
used to specify the certificate in such cases)
• Signature (Sign Assertion, Response or Both) - change this setting as per the SP's requirements. You
can also choose to send the password (if required)
• Issuer Name (This value is normally also specified on the SP. This corresponds to the Entity ID for
SalesForce, for example)
• If the SP provides a Service Provider ID as part of its request, it should be specified in the Service Pro-
vider ID field. NetScaler will match the value here against the value in the request.
• the Reject Unsigned Requests option is an added measure for securing the SAML deployment. Not all
SPs sign their requests, however, so this is disabled by default.
• Signature Algorithm and Digest Method - this information can normally be found in the metadata file
for the SP. Either SHA-1 or SHA-256.
• SAML Binding - POST or REDIRECT. This may or may not be documented by the SP, the most common
method is POST. If login fails with POST, REDIRECT should be used.
• Audience - Audience for which assertion sent by NetScaler is applicable. This is typically entity name
or url that represents ServiceProvider; not all vendors require it | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 4
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

• For the Request Signature Method, select the hashing algorithm for encrypted requests, either RSA-SHA1 or
RSA-SHA256. (we have used SHA-1 for this test, make sure the setting in the NetScaler device matches this
• Select Assertion Not Encrypted in the Assertion Decryption Certificate field. This field is available only if
your organization supports multiple single sign-on configurations..
• For the SAML Identity Type, select Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object.
Note: For each user requiring login to The SAML 2.0 application, the Federation ID (which should correspond to
the email address specified in the user’s Active Directory profile) should be defined by navigating to Manage
Users>Edit <user name> and then specifying the Federation ID under Single Sign On Information.
• For the SAML Identity Location, select Identity is in the NameIdentifier element of the Subject statement.
• For the Service Provider Initiated Request Binding, select HTTP POST.

Typically, these values should be available in the SAML Metadata for the Service Provider. A sample of the meta-
data file's contents is given below -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"
entityID="" validUntil="2020-03-15T20:11:08.690Z">
<md:SPSSODescriptor WantAssertionsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration=
<md:KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:binding
s:HTTP-POST" Location="
mBjf6gxNnMi5wH81tWueqkgT.8RCAFkZUMyp" index="0" isDefault="true"/>
</md:EntityDescriptor> | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 5
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Part 2: Configure the NetScaler Appliance

The following configuration is required on the NetScaler appliance for it to be supported as a SAML identity
provider for the application:
• LDAP authentication policy and server for domain authentication
• SSL certificate with external and internal DNS configured for the FQDN presented by the certificate (Wild-
card certificates are supported.)
• SAML IDP policy and profile
• AAA virtual server

This guide covers the configuration described above. The SSL certificate and DNS configurations should be in
place prior to setup.

Configuring LDAP domain authentication

For domain users to be able to log on to the NetScaler appliance by using their corporate email addresses, you
must configure an LDAP authentication server and policy on the appliance and bind it to your AAA VIP address.
(Use of an existing LDAP configuration is also supported)

1. In the NetScaler configuration utility, in the navigation pane, select Security > AAA – Application Traffic >
Policies > Authentication > Basic Policies > LDAP.
2. To create a new LDAP policy: On the Policies tab click Add, and then enter LDAP_SSO_Policy as the name. In
the Server field, click the ‘+’ icon to add a new server. The Authentication LDAP Server window appears.
• In the Name field, enter The SAML 2.0 application_LDAP_SSO_Server.
• Select the bullet for Server IP. Enter the IP address of one of your Active Directory domain control-
lers. (You can also point to a virtual server IP for the purpose of redundancy if you are load balancing
domain controllers)
• Specify the port that the NetScaler will use to communicate with the domain controller. Use 389 for
LDAP or 636 for Secure LDAP (LDAPS).

3. Under Connection Settings, enter the base domain name for the domain in which the user accounts reside
within the Active Directory (AD) for which you want to allow authentication. The example below uses
4. In the Administrator Bind DN field, add a domain account (using an email address for ease of configuration)
that has rights to browse the AD tree. A service account is advisable, so that there will be no issues with
logins if the account that is configured has a password expiration.
5. Check the box for Bind DN Password and enter the password twice. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 6
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

6. Under Other Settings: Enter samaccountname as the Server Logon Name Attribute.
7. In the SSO Name Attribute field, enter UserPrincipalName. Enable the User Required and Referrals options.
Leave the other settings as they are.

8. Click on More at the bottom of the screen, then add mail as Attribute 1 in the Attribute Fields section. Leave
Nested Group Extraction in the Disabled state (we are not going to be using this option for this deployment)

9. Click the Create button to complete the LDAP server settings.

10. For the LDAP Policy Configuration, select the newly created LDAP server from the Server drop-down list,
and in the Expression field type ns_true. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 7
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Configure the SAML IDP Policy and Profile

For your users to receive the SAML token for logging on to a SAML 2.0 application, you must configure a SAML
IDP policy and profile, and bind them to the AAA virtual server to which the users send their credentials.
Use the following procedure (this is an example configuration for SalesForce. Other application configurations
will be similar):
1. Open the NetScaler Configuration Utility and navigate to Security > AAA – Application Traffic > Policies >
Authentication > Basic Policies > SAML IDP
2. On the Policies Tab, select the Add button.
3. In the Create Authentication SAML IDP Policy Window, provide a name for your policy (for example – ap-
4. To the right of the Action field, click the ‘+’ icon to add a new action or profile.
5. Provide a name (for example, application_SSO_Profile).
6. In the Assertion Consumer Service URL field, enter the URL obtained earlier during SAML application con-
figuration (https://<yourdomain><encoded value>)
7. In the SP Certificate Name, provide the name for the certificate that was downloaded from the SAML 2.0
application and added to the NetScaler. In case you haven’t, you may do so here by clicking on the + button
and providing the certificate file and requisite information.
8. In the IDP Certificate Name field, browse to the certificate installed on the NetScaler that will be used to
secure your AAA authentication Virtual Server.
9. In the Issuer Name field enter https://<AAA vserver FQDN>/saml/login
10. Set the Encryption Algorithm to AES256
11. Set the Service Provider ID field to https://<yourdomain>
12. Set both the Signature and Digest algorithms to SHA-1.
13. Set the SAML Binding to POST. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 8
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 9
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

14. Click on More, then put https://<yourdomain> in the Audience field.

15. Set the Skew Time to an appropriate value. This is the time difference that will be tolerated between the
NetScaler appliance and the The SAML 2.0 application server for the validity of the SAML assertion.
16. Set the Name ID Format to Unspecified, and put HTTP.REQ.USER.ATTRIBUTE(1) in the Name ID Expression
field. This directs NetScaler to provide the mail attribute attribute that was defined earlier during LDAP
configuration as the user ID for The SAML 2.0 application.
17. Click Create to complete the SAML IDP profile configuration and return to the SAML IDP Policy creation
18. In the Expression field, add the following expression: HTTP.REQ.HEADER("Referer").CONTAINS("<enterprise
application name>")
19. Click Create to complete the SAML IDP Configuration.

Note that this is an example configuration for SalesForce. In general, the following values are sufficient for most
applications - ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL, Issuer Name, Certificates. some SPs use SHA-1 while oth-
ers use SHA-256; SPs also vary in terms of binding, with some using POST while others use REDIRECT. It is best
to try out different values for these two settings to see which ones will work.

The ACS url, Issuer Name and certificates can generally be obtained from the SP.

To Configure your AAA Virtual Server

Login requests to SAML applications are redirected to a NetScaler AAA or Gateway virtual server that validates
the employee's corporate credentials. This virtual server listens on port 443, which requires an SSL certificate.
External and/or internal DNS resolution of the virtual server's IP address (which is on the NetScaler appliance)
is also required. The following steps require a preexisting virtual server to be in place. In addition, they assume
that DNS name resolution is already in place, and that the SSL certificate is already installed on your NetScaler
(This configuration uses the AAA configuration workflow, but the same policies can be used with VPN virtual
servers as well)
1. In the NetScaler Configuration tab navigate to Security > AAA – Application Traffic > Virtual Servers and
click the Add button.
2. In the Authentication Virtual Server window, enter the virtual server's name and IP address. (av1 and in this example)
3. Scroll down and make sure that the Authentication and State check boxes are selected.
4. Click Continue.
5. In the Certificates section, select No Server Certificate.
6. In the Server Cert Key window, click Bind.
7. Under SSL Certificates, choose your AAA SSL Certificate and select Insert. (Note – This is NOT the applica-
tion SP certificate.)
8. Click Save, then click Continue.
9. Click Continue again to bypass the Advanced Policy creation option, instead opting to add a Basic Authenti-
cation Policy by selecting the ‘+’ icon on the right side of the window.
10. From the Choose Type window, select Choose Policy from the drop-down list, select LDAP, leaving Primary
as the type, and select Continue.
11. Select Bind and from within the Policies window select the LDAP_SSO_Policy created earlier.
12. Click OK to return to the Authentication Virtual Server screen.
13. Under Basic Authentication Policies click the ‘+’ icon on the right to add a second Basic Policy.
14. From the Choose Policy drop-down list, select SAMLIDP, leave Primary as the type, and click Continue.
15. Under Policies select Bind, select the SSO policy created earlier, and click Insert and OK.
16. Click Continue and Done. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 10
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

After completing the AAA configuration above, this is how the Basic Settings screen of the AAA vserver will look:

Validate the configuration

Point your browser to https://<application FQDN>. You should be redirected to the NetScaler AAA logon form.
Log in with user credentials that are valid for the NetScaler environment you just configured. Your application
profile should appear. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 11
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

To help with troubleshooting, here is the list of entries that should be in the ns.log file (located at /var/log on
the NetScaler appliance) generated by a successful SAML login. Note that some of the entries such as encrypted
hash values will vary.

Jan 24 21:59:49 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:21:59:49 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-

fault AAATM Message 4097 0 : "SAMLIDP: ParseAuthnReq: signature method seen
is 4"
Jan 24 21:59:49 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:21:59:49 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-
fault AAATM Message 4098 0 : "SAMLIDP: ParseAuthnReq: digest method seen is
Jan 24 21:59:49 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:21:59:49 GMT 0-PPE-0 :
default AAATM Message 4099 0 : "SAML verify digest: digest algorithm SHA1,
input for digest: <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML
:2.0:protocol" AssertionConsumerServiceURL="
SAML 2.0" Destination="https://nssaml." ID=" _ 2CAAAAVMF2dNRME8wMjgwMDAwMDA0Qzk3AAAAxmsWAke7ouL
ln-jaXRvQESM03 _ sXxdORaoCaRGabpLrqsZjb _ eoAsZKfpXgnuLPpb8uRkVWNvhAa2ni2xV-
F7AQ1kij21CA6 _ JNaLgtvPIAV6jhWMUIl-rje3Pq _ _ dW0nFqRzsl96yv766q7aa5bvd02rdqvT-
pQz38jWz-oOnsnQh5sa7L9EyhHhDpAUrl1VXbyPnmZFlUakABTLWClT _ qXZyN3J3xhSaYnLc7-YiB-
D8VrsehWUyP0dp7Qoeu5RVkwQ" IssueInstant="2016-01-24T22:01:15.269Z" ProtocolBindin
g="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer xm
SAML 2.0</saml:Issuer></samlp:AuthnRequest>"
Jan 24 21:59:49 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:21:59:49 GMT 0-PPE-0 :
default AAATM Message 4100 0 : "SAML signature validation: algorithm is RSA-
SHA1 input buffer is: <ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="
sig#"> <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="
c14n#"></ds:CanonicalizationMethod> <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www."></ds:SignatureMethod> <ds:Reference URI="# _ 2
CAAAAVMF2dNRME8wMjgwMDAwMDA0Qzk3AAAAxmsWAke7ouLln-jaXRvQESM03 _ sXxdORaoCaR-
GabpLrqsZjb _ eoAsZKfpXgnuLPpb8uRkVWNvhAa2ni2xVF7AQ1kij21CA6 _ JNaLgtvPIAV6jh-
WMUIl-rje3Pq _ _ dW0nFqRzsl96yv766q7aa5bvd02rdqvTpQz38jWz-oOnsnQh5sa7L9EyhH-
hDpAUrl1VXbyPnmZFlUakABTLWClT _ qXZyN3J3xhSaYnLc7-YiBD8VrsehWUyP0dp7Qoeu5RVkwQ">
<ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="
xmldsig#enveloped-signature"></ds:Transform> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://"><ec:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:ec="http://www." PrefixList="ds saml samlp"></ec:InclusiveNa
Jan 24 21:59:50 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:21:59:50 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default SSLLOG SSL _ HANDSHAKE _ SUCCESS 4101 0 : SPCBId 936 - ClientIP - ClientPort 60823 - VserverServiceIP - VserverSer-
vicePort 443 - ClientVersion TLSv1.0 - CipherSuite "AES-256-CBC-SHA TLSv1 Non-
Export 256-bit" - Session Reuse

Jan 24 22:00:05 <> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-

fault AAA Message 4106 0 : "In update _ aaa _ cntr: Succeeded policy for user
u3test = ldap2" | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 12
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-

fault AAATM Message 4107 0 : "extracted SSOusername: for user
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-
fault SSLVPN Message 4108 0 : "sslvpn _ extract _ attributes _ from _ resp: at-
tributes copied so far are "
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-
fault SSLVPN Message 4109 0 : "sslvpn _ extract _ attributes _ from _ resp: total
len copied 21, mask 0x1 "
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default AAATM Message 4110 0 : "SAMLIDP: Checking whether current flow
is SAML IdP flow, input U0ZEQ19TU09fUHJvZmlsZQBJRD1fMkNBQUFBVk1GMmROUk1FO-
Jan 24 22:00:05 <> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 : de-
fault AAA EXTRACTED _ GROUPS 4111 0 : Extracted _ groups "LyncDL,TestDL-LYnc"
Jan 24 22:00:05 <> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default AAATM LOGIN 4112 0 : Context u3test@ - SessionId:
28- User u3test - Client _ ip - Nat _ ip "Mapped Ip" - Vserver - Browser _ type "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Tri-
dent/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" - Group(s) "N/A"
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default AAATM Message 4113 0 : "SAMLIDP: Checking whether current flow
is SAML IdP flow, input U0ZEQ19TU09fUHJvZmlsZQBJRD1fMkNBQUFBVk1GMmROUk1FO-
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-0 :
default SSLVPN Message 4114 0 : "UnifiedGateway: SSOID update skipped due to
StepUp or LoginOnce OFF, user: u3test"

Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-

0 : default AAATM Message 4115 0 : "SAML: SendAssertion: Response
tag is <samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:prot
ocol" Destination=" SAML 2.0 applica-" ID=" _ c270d0f96123132442d36933c567946d
" IssueInstant="2016-01-24T22:00:05Z" Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:na
atus><samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"></
samlp:StatusCode></samlp:Status>" | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 13
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-

0 : default AAATM Message 4116 0 : "SAML: SendAssertion: Assertion
tag is <saml:Assertion xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:asserti
on" ID=" _ c270d0f96123132442d36933c567946" IssueInstant="2016-01-24T22:00:05Z"
Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-
ml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified">U3Test@</saml:NameID><saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names
:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer"><saml:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2016-
01-24T22:15:05Z" Recipient=" SAML 2.0 ap-"></saml:SubjectConfirmationData></
saml:SubjectConfirmation></saml:Subject><saml:Conditions NotBefore="2016-01-
24T21:45:05Z" NotOnOrAfter="2016-01-24T22:15:05Z"><saml:AudienceRestriction><
saml:Audience> SAML 2.0</
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default AAATM Message 4117 0 : "SAML: SendAssertion, Digest Meth-
od SHA1, SignedInfo used for digest is <ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="http://www."><ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www."></ds:CanonicalizationMethod><ds:SignatureMeth
od Algorithm=""></ds:SignatureMetho
d><ds:Reference URI="# _ c270d0f96123132442d36933c567946"><ds:Transforms><ds:T
ransform Algorithm=""></
ds:Transform><ds:Transform Algorithm="
c14n#"></ds:Transform></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www."></ds:DigestMethod><ds:DigestValue>LrFDglgJA/29P9jWEl
Jan 24 22:00:05 <local0.debug> 01/24/2016:22:00:05 GMT 0-PPE-
0 : default AAATM Message 4118 0 : "SAML: SendAssertion, Signature element
is <ds:Signature xmlns:ds=""><ds:SignedInfo
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></ds:S
ignatureMethod><ds:Reference URI="# _ c270d0f96123132442d36933c567946"><ds:Transf
orms><ds:Transform Algorithm="
ture"></ds:Transform><ds:Transform Algorithm="
c14n#"></ds:Transform></ds:Transforms><ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www."></ds:DigestMethod><ds:DigestValue>LrFDglgJA/29P9jWEl

Common error codes for SAML integrations are listed at This link
also includes details on additional troubleshooting steps as well as information on SAML counters for identifying
errors. | Solution Guide | SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler 14
SAML 2.0 Single Sign On with Citrix NetScaler Solution Guide

NetScaler provides a secure and seamless experience with The SAML 2.0 application by enabling single sign-on
into The SAML 2.0 application accounts, avoiding the need for users to remember multiple passwords and user
IDs, while reducing the administrative overhead involved in maintaining these deployments.

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