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Clinical Case Conference

Conversion Disorder

Cynthia M. Stonnington, M.D. worsened her symptoms, whereas sleep improved them.
Between episodes, she had a continuous head tremor.
Ms. A was then admitted to an epilepsy monitoring
John J. Barry, M.D. unit for diagnosis with video EEG recording. At admis-
sion, she was taking 40 mg/day of citalopram (later
Robert S. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D. switched to escitalopram), 3 mg/day of lorazepam, 1 mg/
day of benztropine, 600 mg/day of gabapentin, 0.1 mg/
day of levothyroxine sodium, 75 mg/day of clopidogrel,

T he diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures

has become easier with the assimilation of studies on the
1 mg/day of clonazepam, 30 mg/day of nifedipine, and
180 mg/day of fexofenadine. Except for levothyroxine so-
dium and fexofenadine, all medications had been pre-
scribed for neuropsychiatric symptoms.
clinical categorization of seizure-like events (1), video EEG
Several typical episodes with shaking, tremor, and ab-
monitoring (2), measurement of serum prolactin (3), the normal movements were recorded, with no clinically sig-
selective use of neuropsychological tests (4), and various nificant accompanying EEG changes. All event types were
other diagnostic methods. Much less information is avail- captured during the patient’s monitoring stay.
able to the clinician on what to do next. How should the Initial evaluation by a psychologist uncovered a his-
diagnosis best be presented? What is optimal treatment, tory of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse by Ms. A’s
and how best should it be individualized? How well does father with a later discovery that he had also molested
her sisters and daughters. Ms. A’s symptoms began
treatment work? We describe a patient with nonepileptic
around the seventh anniversary of her father’s death, af-
seizures and psychogenic tremors as a starting point for a
ter she discovered his abuse of her daughters.
discussion about how to proceed after establishing a diag- Her verbal IQ was 94, her performance IQ was 105,
nosis of conversion disorder. and her full-scale IQ was 99. Her verbal and visual
memory functions were intact. On the MMPI-2 (5), Ms.
Case Presentation A showed a classic “conversion V pattern”: on scale 1
(hypochondriasis) and scale 3 (hysteria), her scores
“Ms. A,” a 53-year-old left-handed woman, was ad- were elevated and considerably higher than on scale 2
mitted to our epilepsy monitoring unit for evaluation of (depression).
a 4-month history of tremors, head bobbing, and epi- Conversion disorder, the nonepileptic seizures sub-
sodic loss of awareness. The onset of these symptoms type, was diagnosed on the basis of video EEG record-
was 1 week after she had visited an ings, history, and psychological test-
emergency department for a sud- ing. The diagnosis was explained by
den-onset headache. In the emer-
gency department, she developed
“Hard-to-treat patients a neuropsychologist and a neurolo-
gist before Ms. A’s discharge from
transient numbness in her left face may engender feelings our video EEG monitoring unit. She
and arm and a left facial droop; she was initially skeptical and angry
also became increasingly distressed of powerlessness, about this diagnosis but ultimately
by the long delay in being attended
to. Ultimately, she left, quite frus-
frustration, and mistrust accepting. She was referred to a
psychotherapist experienced in
trated because a physician never ex- in their treaters, which, if working with patients with conver-
amined her, although she had labo- sion disorder. A movement disorder
ratory tests and imaging studies. unprocessed, may lead to a specialist diagnosed a psychogenic
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
showed a right cerebellar lacunar in-
poor relationship and tremor and voice disturbance. The
episodic shaking events largely re-
farct, suggestive of a prior stroke, excessive use of mitted, but Ms. A continued to have
but subsequent imaging proved it to voice disturbances and head bob-
be artifactual. medications, tests, and bing, which made her self-con-
Six days later, Ms. A started having
events in which her speech became
procedures.” scious, and she was no longer able
to work.
progressively more syllabic in ca- When she was first seen by one of
dence. Her arms, head, and then her body would shake us (C.M.S.), Ms. A reported that the depression caused by
for minutes without loss of consciousness. Lorazepam her loss of function had lasted more than a year but was
provided transient relief. improving. Her psychotherapist was helping her identify
Ms. A later visited a naturopath, who began neck ma- her normal emotions, express her feelings more directly,
nipulations, which triggered new episodes (i.e., she ut- and make choices that gave her a greater sense of control.
tered, “Ooh…ooh,” while clapping both hands and feet, The therapist also had pointed out the significance of the
sometimes accompanied by visual changes, tongue devi- feelings that were elicited in the emergency department.
ation, and unresponsiveness). These episodes lasted up As a teenager, Ms. A had suicidal ideation triggered by an
to 5 hours and occurred daily. Anxiety, music, and stress abortion that her father reportedly performed. Afterward,

1510 Am J Psychiatry 163:9, September 2006


she visited an emergency department for persistent bleed- chological processes. Functional imaging data suggest that
ing, where she experienced terror, anger, and loss of con- neural circuits linking volition, movement, and perception
trol when left unattended for hours. are disrupted in conversion disorder (8), although conclu-
We affirmed the diagnosis of conversion disorder, to- sions have been limited by the small number of subjects,
gether with major depression (recurrent in partial remis-
varying study designs, and heterogeneous populations.
sion) and an anxiety disorder. Despite some histrionic
and dependent traits, Ms. A was not considered to have
Frontal-subcortical circuits mediate many aspects of
a personality disorder. She was given a prescription for human behavior (9). The orbitofrontal cortex serves as a
aripiprazole (5 mg b.i.d.) for residual depression, anxiety, control center, coordinating various regions of the thala-
and mood lability, in conjunction with discussion about mus, amygdala, and cortex. Both the orbitofrontal cortex
its off-label use and its potential to induce abnormal and the anterior cingulate cortex mediate emotional and
movements. She was encouraged to return for follow-up central executive functions and are activated when sub-
to learn self-hypnosis to control the head tremor. jects suppress competing responses, suggesting an inhibi-
One month later, Ms. A reported improved energy, fo- tory role (10). The anterior cingulate cortex has been im-
cus, and concentration and said that she felt less over-
plicated in the mediation of consciousness (11). Blood
whelmed with everyday stress. She still had the head
tremor and the effortful near-monosyllabic speech. In
flow to the anterior cingulate cortex is positively corre-
her second therapy session, she was found to be highly lated with emotional awareness (12).
hypnotizable with the Hypnotic Induction Profile (6), Preliminary evidence suggests that during conversion
scoring 9.5 on a 10-point scale. reactions, primary perception is intact, but modulation of
Ms. A was then taught self-hypnosis; she focused on a sensory and motor planning is impaired by disruption of
visual image of herself floating on water with her head the anterior cingulate cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and
stabilized in a floating ring. She successfully used this im- limbic brain regions (8). Furthermore, reduced activation
age to eliminate the head bobbing. During the therapy of the frontal and subcortical areas involved in motor con-
session, she practiced turning the bobbing on and off at
trol is observed during conversion paralysis (13), reduced
will while in a trance-like state. She was instructed to
practice self-hypnosis 10 times a day. More than a year activation in somatosensory cortices is seen during con-
later, she continued to use this technique successfully. version anesthesia (14), and reduced activation in the vi-
However, the head bobbing recurred when she did not sual cortex is noted during conversion blindness (15).
practice regular self-hypnosis. Her interpersonal psycho- Marshall and colleagues (16) measured regional cere-
therapy visits decreased to monthly, her daily function- bral blood flow in a woman with left-side conversion pa-
ing improved, and she had no recurrence of the seizure- ralysis as she attempted to move her paralyzed leg and
like episodes. She stopped taking lorazepam, c lo- also as she moved her nonparalyzed right leg. Her attempt
nazepam, benztropine, and gabapentin but continued
to move the paralyzed leg failed to activate the right pri-
to take escitalopram and aripiprazole. She has tried dis-
continuing aripiprazole but felt anxious and functioned mary motor cortex, and there were significant activa-
less well without it. tions—not observed under other conditions—of the right
anterior cingulate cortex and the right orbitofrontal cortex
Terminology (16). With the same experimental design, Halligan and
colleagues (17) measured brain activity in a man with hyp-
“Conversion disorder” is the term used in the DSM-IV notically induced paralysis of the left leg. They found sim-
classification system, originating from the description by ilar activations of the right anterior cingulate cortex and
Breuer and Freud (7) of pseudoneurological symptoms re- the orbitofrontal cortex and no activation of the motor
sulting from conversion of an unconscious psychological and premotor cortex. The activations of the anterior cin-
conflict to somatic representation. Other adjectives his- gulate cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex apparently rep-
torically used to describe the same phenomena include resented inhibition of the subject’s voluntary attempt to
“hysterical” and “psychogenic.” The seizure subtype of move his left leg. Other functional imaging studies of pa-
conversion disorder is often referred to as “pseudosei- tients with acute conversion paralysis (18, 19) and astasia-
zures,” but we chose to use the term “nonepileptic sei- abasia (20) also implicated disruption of striatothalamo-
zures.” The term “pseudoseizure” may incorrectly imply to cortical premotor pathways, with possible pathological in-
the patient that the symptom is not real. “Nonepileptic hibition from activation of the anterior cingulate cortex
seizures” correctly describes the symptoms without in- and the orbitofrontal cortex.
voking a cause, and patients tend to prefer this term. Be-
ginning treatment with a power struggle over terminology Comorbid Conditions
weakens the doctor-patient relationship, and successful
outcome often depends on good rapport. Therapy for nonepileptic seizures must take into ac-
count the likelihood that a patient with conversion disor-
der will also meet criteria for another axis I disorder. Typi-
cal comorbid diagnoses include mood disorders, panic
At present, treatment is not based on an understanding disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic
of the underlying pathophysiology of conversion disorder. stress disorder, dissociative disorders, social or specific
Recent functional neuroimaging studies point to a neuro- phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorders (21–23).
physiological basis for conversion, albeit triggered by psy- Axis II pathology and having close relatives with psychiat-

Am J Psychiatry 163:9, September 2006 1511


ric illness or severe somatic disease are also common (21). Treatment
Treatment of the associated psychiatric conditions will
Treatment begins with presentation of the diagnosis.
benefit overall functioning and recovery. Our patient prof-
Even before a formal discussion of treatment options, the
ited from treatment of comorbid depression, which im-
diagnostic workup and the presentation of the diagnosis
proved her overall functioning and responsiveness to psy-
offer opportunities to improve the patient’s outcome.
chotherapeutic interventions.
Conversely, the use of intravenous saline or placebo
Patients with conversion symptoms commonly report a patches to induce nonepileptic seizures for diagnostic
history of physical or sexual abuse. A study comparing 54 purposes may be perceived by the patient as dishonest,
patients who had conversion disorder with 50 matched and therefore, it may risk serious damage to the doctor-
patients who had an affective disorder (24) found a higher patient relationship (33, 34). It may even induce unrepre-
incidence and longer duration of physical or sexual abuse sentative nonepileptic seizures in patients with epilepsy.
and more incestuous experiences in patients with conver- Hypnosis can avoid the pitfall of deception, if its purpose
sion disorder. and aims are fully explained in advance. Once in a trance-
Whether some of our patient’s memories were false is like state, patients are directed to turn the seizure-like
unknown. Having false memories may be a form of conver- event “on” and “off” (35), a technique that can be used
sion, with pathophysiological mechanisms similar to those again for treatment purposes.
of motor conversion (25). Although specific details of any Many physicians are uncomfortable presenting a diag-
abuse may be questionable, many patients undoubtedly nosis of conversion disorder to a patient. Angry reactions
experienced substantial family dysfunction, attachment from patients may derive from a perceived sense (some-
disorders, or impaired object relations. In contrast to pa- times based on reality) of abandonment by a physician. A
prior experience of abandonment or abuse by authority
tients with motor conversion symptoms, patients with
figures compounds these reactions (36). Therefore, careful
nonepileptic seizures are more likely to have experienced
attention to how the diagnosis is presented can often help
childhood abuse (26).
maintain an ongoing therapeutic relationship. Key points
In patients with nonepileptic seizures, depression is the are listed in Appendix 1.
most common comorbid diagnosis, occurring in 12%– A discussion of the diagnosis must be timed sensitively
100%. Also common are anxiety disorders (11%–80%), dis- to occur after confirmation of the diagnosis but before the
sociative disorders (90%), other somatoform disorders patient has been upset by indirect and fragmentary dis-
(42%–93%), and personality disorders (33%–66%) (27). cussions (37). Discussion ideally should take place after
The strong overlap of nonepileptic seizures with dissocia- the patient and family have agreed that representative
tive disorders has prompted some authors to propose re- events have been captured by video EEG monitoring. If
classifying conversion disorders within the dissociative not all types of events have been characterized, as is often
disorders spectrum (28). the case, then the clinician should openly admit that other
Patients with nonepileptic seizures appear to have types of episodes may be extant. A standard protocol for
greater psychopathology and somatization, as measured presenting the diagnosis (38) can be individualized and
by personality tests, than healthy comparison subjects or updated to conform to the current base of evidence and
patients with epilepsy. Owczarek (29) found that such pa- experience. We also find it useful to give printed educa-
tients scored significantly higher on four of five MMPI so- tional materials on conversion disorder to patients and
matization parameters than patients with mixed epilepsy their families. Because patients with conversion disorder
and nonepileptic seizures or epilepsy alone. A tendency to may be less open to psychological explanations than are
patients with defined neurological illness (30), the
discount the importance of psychological factors contrib-
groundwork for a discussion of psychological and stress-
uting to illness, denial of external stressors, and an exter-
related factors must be laid carefully.
nal locus of control are additional cognitive factors shown
We start with a recapitulation of the results of the tests,
to be more prevalent in patients with nonepileptic sei-
central to which is the observation that brain waves were
zures than in patients with epilepsy (30). When Reuber
unremarkable during the episode. Although some brief,
and colleagues (31) compared 85 patients with nonepilep-
focal, and deeply situated seizures show no scalp-re-
tic seizures with 63 with epilepsy and 100 healthy volun- corded EEG changes (39) and may be associated with his-
teers, they found that the patients with nonepileptic sei- trionic behaviors (40), epilepsy episodes severe enough to
zures had more personality abnormalities and that alter consciousness, memory, responsiveness, and gener-
outcomes varied by personality profile. Cragar and col- alized motor activity should show EEG correlates. We
leagues (32) further defined three clusters of personality avoid mentioning “real” or “unreal” seizures because pa-
subtypes among patients with nonepileptic seizures and tients should know that the medical care team believes
79 epilepsy patients prospectively evaluated in an epilepsy that the symptoms are “real” even if the patients are not
monitoring unit and noted significant differences be- epileptic and that they have a negative impact on the pa-
tween the two groups. Our patient’s relative lack of severe tient’s functioning and quality of life. We reassure such pa-
axis II pathology may have contributed to her ability to tients that we know they are not intentionally producing
benefit from treatment. their episodes and that the episodes do not mean that they

1512 Am J Psychiatry 163:9, September 2006


either are faking it or are “crazy.” The absence of epilepsy is FIGURE 1. Biopsychosocial Conceptualization of Conver-
presented as good news. We admit that we do not know sion Disordera
what causes nonepileptic seizures, but they result in gen-
eral from interactions between the subconscious mind Triggering Perpetuating Risk
and the body. event factor factor
At this point, we explain that many patients with con-
version disorder have a past history of trauma or stress Abuse or Accumulation
during the critical developmental years and tend to be trauma of life stressors
persons who value being emotionally “strong,” which
causes them to discount emotional reactions when coping Suppression of Family and socio-
with difficult situations. Even though the traumatic events expression of distress cultural factors
may have occurred years ago, the physical symptoms usu-
ally begin later in response to new—and often not imme- Impaired emotional Cognitive impairment
diately apparent—triggering events. The physician may processing and communication
Posttraumatic (disruptions in the difficulties
also add that prior to their disabling symptoms, patients
stress disorder, dynamic modulation
with conversion disorder are typically highly competent, dissociation between limbic Genetic, neuro-
caring individuals who prefer to focus on others rather and sensorimotor chemical, and
than themselves. Patients who relate to these generaliza- networks) hormonal factors
tions will find it easier to begin to accept the diagnosis of
conversion disorder and understand the need for psycho- Minimization of Family and socio-
logical interventions. psychological factors cultural factors
The neurologist may express the view that conversion and external locus
of control
disorder can coexist with neurological illness (i.e., epi- Psychiatric comorbid
lepsy), even when the neurological illness is not detected. factors
conditions other
than trauma
Some patients with partial seizures elaborate their symp-
Conversion reaction
toms under observation (41) but do have epilepsy. The
possibility of a mixed epileptic and nonepileptic patho-
genesis should be used as mutual motivation for ongoing After a diagnosis is presented, treatment begins by directly address-
vigilance. Offers to continue to follow the patient as long ing relevant risk factors (e.g., psychiatric comorbid conditions and
communication difficulties). Next, psychological interventions
as symptoms persist are usually welcomed, although such should focus on minimizing the perpetuating factors and recogniz-
visits can span a relatively long interval because the goals ing triggering events. These data are from references 30, 43, 48,
of the visits are surveillance and avoidance of abandon- and 50.
ment rather than medical therapy. Instead of the auto-
matic and usually futile addition of more medication, the in children and adolescents. Family therapy interventions
neurologist should work collaboratively with mental help the patient and family recognize and address key is-
health providers. All too often, neurologists and psychia- sues that may be fueling the symptoms. For example, in an
trists convey differing views on the cause of symptoms analysis of videotaped family interviews of adolescent pa-
and the ways to control them (42). Therefore, communica- tients, an unspeakable dilemma was imposed by family or
tion between the neurologist and psychiatrist will de- social circumstances in 13 of 14 cases, leading patients
crease these mixed messages and set the stage for more with nonepileptic seizures to suppress emotional distress
successful treatment. (48). An open-label trial of family therapy with a problem-
centered systems approach (49) for patients with nonepi-
Treatment Options leptic seizures is in process.
An overview of the existing medical literature on the Recognition and treatment of comorbid psychiatric
treatment of nonepileptic seizures has been presented conditions are almost always necessary for symptom reso-
elsewhere (43). Although most reports of treatment are an- lution. Indeed, it may be sufficient to treat the comorbid
ecdotal, there are a growing number of prospective trials. condition in conjunction with proper presentation of the
As a practical matter, we suggest a treatment paradigm conversion disorder diagnosis.
for patients with conversion disorder that takes into ac- However, if patients continue to be symptomatic after
count the risk factors, perpetuating factors, and triggering these risk factors have been addressed, then psychological
events Figure 1. First, the treatment team should consider treatments that focus more directly on “perpetuating fac-
the relevant risk factors for any given patient. tors” will be necessary. Patients’ (and physicians’) reac-
If the patient has substantial cognitive impairment or tions to their conversion symptoms can serve to unwit-
communication difficulties, treatment is best focused on tingly perpetuate them. Avoidant behaviors, minimization
simple behavioral interventions, physical therapy (44–47), of psychological factors, and suppression of expression of
reassurance, and helping the patient verbalize distress. distress reinforce an external locus of control. It is easy to
Working with the family unit may be necessary when see why cognitive behavior therapy would lend itself well
family and sociocultural factors predominate, particularly to addressing these issues. It is specifically helpful in ad-

Am J Psychiatry 163:9, September 2006 1513


dressing illness beliefs and denial of stress and in modify- tients invites the use of hypnosis in their treatment. A
ing the locus of control (50). Psychodynamic psychother- study of 44 outpatients with conversion disorder (59) ran-
apy can also serve to help patients reframe their world domly assigned to hypnosis or a waiting list found greater
view through empathic interpretations and the develop- improvement at 3 months with hypnosis. Another study
ment of insight, enabling the process of working through comparing a comprehensive treatment program compris-
past trauma rather than relying on dissociation as a de- ing intensive group therapy, social skills training, creative
fense (51). Both approaches will increase awareness of therapy, sports therapy, and physical therapy with or with-
“triggering events,” ultimately leading to greater sense of out hypnosis (58) showed no added benefit from hypnosis
control of symptoms. for resolving conversion symptoms and no predictive
value of hypnotizability for treatment outcome. Hypnosis
Psychotherapy can be a useful adjunctive treatment, but it is not essential
Cognitive behavior therapy for nonepileptic seizures is for improvement. A comprehensive approach is likely to
based on the concept that symptoms occur when a patient be the most effective. Hypnosis without other forms of
is confronted with “intolerable or fearful circumstances” psychiatric treatment may decrease conversion symp-
and that such symptoms are maintained by a “vicious cir- toms but have less impact on overall psychopathology.
cle of behavioral, cognitive, affective, physiological, and Our patient used hypnosis to reduce head tremor, but
social factors” (50). Specific techniques include graded ex- she also benefited from individual therapy using insight-
posure to feared or avoided situations, use of problem- oriented and cognitive behavior approaches and from
solving techniques, and the reframing of distorted cogni- medication treatment for overall improvement in func-
tive beliefs about their illness and powerlessness. An open tioning, quality of life, and self-esteem.
trial of cognitive behavior therapy decreased the fre-
quency of nonepileptic seizures and improved psychoso- Pharmacotherapy
cial functioning (50). One ongoing controlled study is
Given the lack of data for controlled trials on the phar-
evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy
macological treatment of conversion disorder, the current
for patients with nonepileptic seizures (43), but more well-
practice is to use medications appropriate for the comor-
controlled clinical trial data are needed.
bid psychiatric and somatic symptoms and to withdraw
At least five sessions of “counseling” by a therapist affil-
antiepileptic drugs unless they are benefiting the comor-
iated with a comprehensive epilepsy center proved to be
bid conditions. Anecdotal studies report improvement
more effective in reducing nonepileptic seizures than
with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-
therapy administered by a nonaffiliated therapist, as mea-
blockers, analgesics, and benzodiazepines (60). An open
sured by a retrospective telephone follow-up survey (52).
trial of antidepressants in patients with psychogenic
Referral to a therapist knowledgeable about nonepileptic
movement disorder and recent or current depression also
seizures or conversion disorder, as was the case for our pa-
showed that class of medications to be effective in reduc-
tient, may also increase the likelihood of a better outcome.
ing conversion symptoms (61). An ongoing randomized
To our knowledge, there are no prospective controlled
controlled study is evaluating the effectiveness of sertra-
trials of psychodynamic psychotherapy for nonepileptic
line for patients with nonepileptic seizures and comorbid
seizures (43), but Kalogjera-Sackellares’s (51) extensive re-
depression and anxiety (43).
view of 15 years of psychodynamic psychotherapy experi-
ence with patients with nonepileptic seizures provides a Our patient’s condition improved with an SSRI, but her
good overview of that approach. The primary focus of this conversion symptoms fully resolved only after she started
therapy is on the role of trauma and dissociation (51), in- taking a low-dose atypical antipsychotic medication. No
adequate attachment, and the patient’s difficulty in cop- controlled studies have evaluated atypical antipsychotics
ing with intrapsychic conflict and anxiety (53). for the treatment of conversion reactions, particularly in
Group therapy, preferably in conjunction with concur- the absence of frank paranoia or psychosis. Reports of the
rent individual therapy, offers advantages of reinforcing benefits of antipsychotic medications in conversion reac-
psychoeducational concepts, while providing the oppor- tions (36, 62–64) are anecdotal.
tunity for patients to learn from and help each other. No general rule exists about whether to continue taking
Three noncontrolled studies have reported its benefit for antiepileptic drugs after establishing a diagnosis of non-
patients with nonepileptic seizures (36, 54, 55). Multidisci- epileptic seizures. If nonepileptic seizures seem to be the
plinary inpatient treatment may be preferred for patients exclusive diagnosis, and the patient willingly enters into
with severe and prolonged symptoms (56–58), but such re- treatment, then antiepileptic drugs usually can be ta-
sources are not available for many patients. pered. Even in this setting, it is prudent to discontinue one
medication at a time, each over a span of a few weeks or
Hypnosis months. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are habit
Hypnosis has been advocated for the treatment of con- forming and should be tapered gradually. Where nonepi-
version symptoms since the time of Charcot, Janet, and leptic seizures and epilepsy are believed to coexist, at least
Freud. Neuroimaging data reinforce the idea that conver- one antiepileptic drug should be maintained. Many anti-
sion symptoms and hypnosis involve common neurologi- epileptic drugs provide concomitant mood-stabilizing ac-
cal pathways, and the high hypnotizability of these pa- tions and are sometimes continued for this reason.

1514 Am J Psychiatry 163:9, September 2006


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation APPENDIX 1. How to Diagnose Nonepileptic Seizures

1. Monitor representative events before discussion of diagnosis
More recent anecdotal reports about the benefit of 2. Present the facts of testing
transcranial magnetic stimulation in refractory conver- 3. Admit that other types of events may exist
sion paralysis (65) and somatization associated with post- 4. Validate the reality of events
5. Affirm that the patient is not faking the events
traumatic stress disorder (66) are of particular interest
6. Discuss relationships to past and recent stressors
given the functional imaging data that infer disruption of 7. Discuss a treatment plan; avoid abandonment
the frontal-subcortical circuits. If transcranial magnetic
stimulation can target the specific frontal-subcortical cir-
cuit thought to be involved in the development of conver- Received Dec. 23, 2005; revised May 8, 2006; accepted May 17,
sion symptoms, then perhaps such future procedures will 2006. From the Division of Adult Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic; and the De-
ultimately benefit patients with conversion reactions. partment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Department
of Neurology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, Calif. Ad-
dress correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Stonnington, Divi-
Course and Prognosis sion of Adult Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic, 13400 East Shea Blvd., Scotts-
dale, AZ 85259.
Between 50% and 90% of the patients with conversion The authors thank Lois Krahn, M.D., for her help.
disorder exhibit short-term resolution of symptoms after
reassurance, but as many as 25% of these responders re-
lapse or develop new conversion symptoms over time (67,
68). A longer duration of symptoms, psychiatric comor- References
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