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Ancient of Days

Yg Lanjut Usia

Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.

Yg Lanjut Usia

We give you all the glory.

Our Saviour , Our Healer, Our Provider,

Our defender

We give you all the glory forever.

Father we gloryfy in Jesus name.

Father we are here this morning on your behalf. To pronounce blessing on your children.

Lord let them be bless.

Bless them in morning, bless them in afternoon, bless them in evening and bless them night time

When they going out,Let them be bless

When they coming in , Let them be bless

In the work place, Let them be bless

Everywhere they go,Let them be bless

Whatever they touch,Let it PROSPER

As result of today Service , let be their major turnaround

Please ,my Father God

Bless everyone of them today.

Promote them, PROSPER them , defend them

Fight their battle for them.

Increase their Joy & take them to higher level

Show them your favour

So they can serve you as never before, release your grace & blessing unto them

In Jesus name we pray.

I'm bless already

Kejadian 12,:1-3

Berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Abram: "Pergilah dari negerimu dan dari sanak saudaramu dan dari rumah
bapamu ini ke negeri yang akan Kutunjukkan kepadamu;

12:2Aku akan membuat engkau menjadi bangsa yang besar, dan memberkati engkau serta membuat
namamu masyhur; dan engkau akan menjadi berkat.

12:3Aku akan memberkati orang-orang yang memberkati engkau, dan mengutuk orang-orang yang
mengutuk engkau, dan olehmu semua kaum di muka bumi akan mendapat berkat."

One of most powerful in earth is BLESSING

Blessing is invitation to all forced on earth & heaven to assist somebody to SUCCESS.

Angels ,the ground you walking on, water you drink .

When you are bless, they work together to make you Success.

I wan to decree that any curse left in your family, It's destroy today.

Kej 24 :35 TUHAN sangat memberkati tuan saya itu dan menjadikan dia kaya raya. TUHAN telah
memberikan kepadanya kawanan domba, kambing, sapi, unta, keledai, dan juga perak, emas, serta
hamba laki-laki dan perempuan.

When God bless you, as result you become Great

He has flock, gold & silver

When God bless you, you become great, PROSPER.

What you touch became Success.

How do you do it ?

Because I'm just blessed

I decree again this morning everyone of you be bless...Yeeaaah

Esau dapat Sisa blessing aya nya

400 body guards

Kej 32: 1-6

Berkàt yg Sisa sja powerful,apalagi berkàt dosis full


Kej 32 24-28

Berkàt full jadi Nation bangsa

I decree you will become nation ...yeahhh

Kej 48:17-20

Jusuf, Ephraim

May I decree today that blessing belongs to first born is given to you

Kej 33:17


Blessing Ephraim with in short period of time , become 10.000

Blessing ,It's Powerful force.

I pray for you today, very2 soon , your peer will see you far far ahead.

Kej 27: 1-4

Isaac to Esau

Give me food I love

You have to pay for something special as blessing

Contoh: bahas berat

Toba bandara Heathrow

Satu say good morning, Satu angkat kopor

You greet me I greet you

You take my bagasi...Son, God bless you

Want God blessing?

Do something that will please Him.

2 tawarik 1: 6-12

Solomon offer 1000 lembu

You done for Me , that no one ever done before.

Let me do for you what I have never done for anyone before

Ask anything what you want?

Blank check!!

Solomon ask Wisdom

So I can serve you

So I can take good care of your people

What you need to serve me I give to you

The thing you not ask for, I will add for you
In mathematics,certain formula only work If meet certain condition

If you meet God condition , you will be bless & will do more than your college

Give house for mission, then God response in marvelous way

I Decree everyone of you here today ..God will bless you ...yeaaaahh

Win soul the best way to please him

God great desire John 15:16

Possible lose blessing?

Ephraim when success come he forgot God

Ephraim don't want go to war...keep his Prosperity

Hosea 4:17 5:19

I believe that as result of blessing I pronounce of you this morning.

You will begin to SUCCESS....SUCCESS you never imagine before

Don't forget God, for he has the power to give & power to take it back

Your blessing will permanent in Jesus name....Yeeaaahhh

You waste time unless you surrender your life to Jesus

He never give you blessing

God will save your soul, wash away your sin and then you qualify the Blessing of Good.

You want to be bless, come on be saved.

Thx you Jesus

Those are you clapping hand will never be empty.

Ask Him, have mercy

Ask Him to be your saviour & save your soul , & wash away your sin

Thx you Father in Jesus Mighty name

My Father my God I just want to say thank you

Thank you for your Words

And thank you for this people who has responded and coming to altar.

You promise Lord that they come to you,will never cast out.

They come to you Lord.please receive them in Jesus name.

Save their soul today,let Your blood wash away their sin

Receive them in family of God & begin to grant their request from this moment onward.
As they make up their mind to serve You, anytime they call on you please answer them.

In Jesus Mighty name we pray, Shout Hallelujah

Blessing is individual

I want you to lift your voice to heaven

Blessing is individual matter

God bless someone alone

Between you & God

Father God, please bless me & I will Serve

Bless me Mighty God, I won't fail you

I will Serve you

I will do everything that make you happy

I will not disappointed you

Please Lord , bless me Mighty today, bless me

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