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Capacitor-less Low Dropout Voltage

Regulator with Improved Transient Response

in 65nm CMOS Technology Process
Joshua Christian Koppin, Johnny Tugahan and Jefferson Hora
Microelectronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City, Philippines and

Abstract—This paper focuses on the design of a In a conventional LDO, a large output capacitor is usually
capacitorless low dropout regulator with an improved transient required in order for the system to have a good transient
response. The LDO has four main blocks: a bandgap voltage response. Since this capacitor is large, it is usually incorporated
reference, an error amplifier, a pass transistor, and a feedback as an off-chip capacitor which requires it to have an external pin
network. This LDO is designed for digital loads with a high slew
for the off-chip capacitor. For the removal of the off-chip
rate error amplifier using a recycling folded cascode amplifier to
improve the overall transient response of the LDO to avoid system capacitor and reduce the size of the overall system, a capacitor-
latch-up and circuit malfunction. It was implemented using a less LDO can be implemented. In order to compensate for the
capacitorless design to reduce the overall chip size for System-on- removal of the off-chip capacitor techniques that improve
Chip (SoC) applications under TSMC 65nm CMOS process. The transient response are required. Moreover, downscaling the
LDO works with a voltage supply as low as 1.3V and delivers a large the power supply voltage in advanced CMOS
maximum load current of 100mA with a dropout voltage of technologies has considerably challenged the LDO regulators
300mV. An improved transient response achieves 247mV [4].
overshoot voltage and 200mV undershoot voltage with a settling
time of 1.055µs and 1.18µs respectively. The line regulation is
1.75mV/V and the load regulation is 0.411mV/mA. A maximum of
77% efficiency was reached. The chip’s dimension is 94.4µm x
221.045µm, achieving an area of 208.67 µm2.

Index Terms— LDO, capacitorless, high slew rate, transient



Power management is a significant factor in the design of

present technology electronics. In almost all applications that
use a battery as a voltage supply, they require methods that
Figure 1 : Conventional LDO Block Diagram [1].
lengthen or increase the overall battery life. In today’s
applications, there is an increasing number of electronic
components used for portable applications in a microchip and
designers consider having a power management block such as
A. Overall System Architecture
a low dropout regulator. An LDO can be used for any
The LDO is mainly composed of a power MOSFET or a pass
application that utilizes a constant supply voltage [1]. A high
device, an error amplifier, a feedback voltage divider and a
performing LDO should be able to produce a stable output
bandgap voltage reference circuit. Figure 1 shows a
voltage, should have a fast transient response, and high power
conventional LDO circuit. The gate voltage of the pass device
efficiency, smaller silicon area is a must for System-on-Chip
is controlled by the error amplifier, which compares the
reference voltage with the feedback voltage then amplifies the
In terms of transient response, a capacitorless LDO suffers from
difference between them to yield the desired regulated DC
large overshoot and undershoot voltage whenever the load
output voltage. When the voltage output of the error amplifier
varies from no load to full load [2]. When the system is inactive,
increases compared to the voltage output, the power MOSFET
it requires all units in the system to shut down including the
controls the changes to sustain a constant output. A power
LDO. The LDO should be able to start-up fast enough while
PMOS transistor, which should have a large width size, is
maintaining low overshoot and undershoot voltage. Excessive
chosen as a pass device because of its improved power
overshoot or undershoot voltage results in system latch-up, thus
efficiency and lower power consumption.
making the transient response a vital part of the LDO’s
The DC value of LDO output can be expressed as
performance [3].
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

𝑅1 In a folded cascode, the transistors that conduct the most current

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 (1 + ) (1)
𝑅2 have the largest transconductance is M3 and M4. However their
role is just to act as a folding node for the small signal current
Where Vout is the regulated output voltage, R1 and R2 are the
generated by transistor M1 and M2. The input transistors M1 and
resistance of the resistors R1 and R2, and Vref is the reference
M2 are halved to carry equal currents. The same is done for M 3
voltage. Regulator output voltage is controllable through the
and M4 but their current mirror aspect ratio has a value of equal
reference voltage and the ratio of the feedback resistors. With
to K. Transistors M5 and M6 have a similar aspect ratio as M11
reference voltage equal to 550mV, R1 and R2 must have the
and M12 to ensure that the drain potentials of the current mirror
value of 18kΩ and 22kΩ, respectively.
are the same to achieve proper matching.
The slew rate is increased by a factor of K thus improving the
1) High Slew Rate Error Amplifier: There are many ways of
charging and discharging of the pass transistor which results in
improving the transient response of LDOs such as improving
the reduction of overshoot and undershoot voltage significantly.
the loop stability of the system and having a high slew rate error
The slew rate of the traditional folded cascode error amplifier
amplifier. The technique discussed in this paper for improving
is expressed as (2), while the slew rate of the recycling folded
the transient response is through increasing the slew rate at the
cascode amplifier is denoted as (3). Ib represents the bias current
gate of the pass transistor of the LDO. In order to achieve this,
that flows into the load capacitor CL which is the equivalent
a high slew rate error amplifier is applied to the LDO. This
capacitance at the gate of the pass transistor.
improvement reduces the voltage spikes in the system as
discussed in various studies. The error amplifier used in this
study is a recycling folded cascade error amplifier which has a
SRFC = 2Ib/CL (2)
high slew rate while maintaining good characteristics of an
error amplifier.
SRRFC = 2KIb/CL (3)

Figure 2: Conventional Folded Cascode Amplifier [6]

The conventional folded cascode is presented in Figure 2. A

conventional folded cascode also has a high slew rate which can
Figure 4: Conventional Bandgap Voltage Reference Circuit [5]
be. In this study, the researchers chose an improvement of the
folded cascade which has a much higher slew rate than the 2) Bandgap Voltage Reference: Figure 4 illustrates the
folded cascade. The recycling folded cascade is shown in traditional bandgap voltage reference architecture. The VBE of
Figure 3. the BJT has a negative temperature coefficient of about -
2mV/˚C, which is known to be CTAT or complementary to
absolute temperature. The VT has a positive temperature
coefficient of 0.086mV/˚C is multiplied by gain K, which is the
PTAT or proportional to absolute temperature, so that VREF can
be expressed as

VREF = VBE + KVT (4)

The output voltage VREF is obtained by adding the CTAT

voltage and PTAT voltage multiplied by a factor of K [5].
In traditional bandgap reference circuit, the output voltage is
usually around 1.25V where the supply voltage is usually larger
than 1.5V. Thus, it restricts the applications of low supply
voltages. Recently, new solutions of achieving a stable voltage
Figure 3: Recycling Folded Cascode Amplifier
below the classic 1.2V with power supply below or close to 1V 3) Pass Device: The pass element that will be used for this
are developed. study is a power PMOS. A PMOS LDO features low dropout
voltage without any excess circuitry compared to any other
types of voltage regulators. LDO that uses PMOS transistor as
a pass element can function from a lower input voltage and
since it is voltage-driven, the drive current remains fairly
constant as the battery voltage deteriorates. This effect is very
significant in applications where the regulator is designed to
operate in the dropout region for the majority of the battery life.


The proposed LDO regulator is simulated in TSMC 0.18um
CMOS process using synopsys custom designer.

1. Load Regulation
Load regulation is defined as the change in output voltage of
the regulator with sudden variations in the load current.

Load Regulation = (12)
Figure 5: Sub-1V Bandgap Voltage Reference Circuit
Where ∆𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the change in the output voltage and ∆𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 is
The architecture in Figure 5 is the sub 1-V bandgap voltage the change in output current. Load regulation indicates the
reference is capable of providing a stable reference voltage performance of the pass element and the closed-loop DC gain
lower than 1V compared to traditional architectures. Assume denotes a good load regulation. Figure 6 shows the load
R1A = R2A and R1B = R2B. When the operational amplifier has a
regulation of the low dropout regulator.
large gain, the inverted feedback loop of the amplifier will
ensure VA = VB. Resulting to I1a = I2a, and thus VC = VD.
Additionally, the current mirror M1 and M2 will make sure that
I1 = I2. As a result, I1b = I2b. We can obtain

VD = I2bR3 + VBE2 = VBE1 = VC (5)

I2bR3 = VBE1 - VBE2 = ΔVBE1, 2 (6)

I2b = (VT ln N) (7)

Let R1 = R1A + R1B = R2 = R2A + R2B. The current mirror formed

by M1, M2 and M3 with M1: M2: M3 = 1: 1: 1 will ensure I3 = I2 Figure 6: Load Regulation of a load of 10mA to 100mA and vice versa
= I2a + I2b, which produces
The measured values from the simulation are substituted into
VREF = I3R4 (8) (12) in order to get the line regulation of the low dropout
regulator. The load regulation is 0.411 V/mA.
VREF = (I2a + I2b) R4 (9)
2. Line Regulation
Note that Line regulation, refers to the capability of the regulator to
maintain an output voltage whenever there are variations in the
I2a = VD/R1 = VC/R1 = VBE1/R1 (10) input voltage. Line regulation is defined as
As a result, the reference voltage is given by ∆𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡
Line Regulation = (13)
𝑅4 𝑅1
VREF = (𝑉𝐵𝐸1 + (𝑉𝑇 𝑙𝑛 𝑁)) (11) Where ∆𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 and ∆𝑉𝑖𝑛 is the change in the output and input
𝑅1 𝑅3
voltages respectively. Vnom is the desired output voltage which
Therefore, the VREF for the bandgap reference circuit can be set in this case is 1V. The line regulation is shown in Figure 7.
to any level between near 0V and VDD by changing the
resistance value of R4.
The bandgap voltage reference is set to have a reference voltage
of 550mV.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

The calculated efficiency values of the LDO at different load

currents are listed in Table 1. Figure 10 shows the plot of the
LDO’s efficiency with respect to load current. At load current
of 100mA, the efficiency is 77% but drops to 76.5% at 125mA.
Therefore, the regulator is capable of only having a maximum
load current of 100mA and if exceeds the said value, the
efficiency will drop.

Efficiency of LDO at Cout = 1pF

Figure 7: Line Regulation from an input of 1.3V – 1.5V and vice versa

The measured values are substituted in the given equation (13)

with an input voltage range of 1.3V – 1.5V. The line regulation
is 1.75mV/V.

3. Transient Response
Load transient response is measured under load current change
from 0 mA to 100 mA. The measured overshoot voltage is
shown in Figure 8 which has a value of 247mV with a settling
time of 1.055 µs while Figure 9 shows the measured undershoot
voltage of the regulator which has a value of 200 mV with a
settling time of 1.18 µs under a load current range of 100 mA –
0 mA.

Figure 10: Graph of LDO Regulator’s efficiency versus load current

5. Overall Core Layout

The complete designed layout of this study is shown in Figure
11. The top level layout is a combination of all the blocks
presented earlier, this layout consist of a bandgap voltage
reference circuit, error amplifier, power MOSFET and feedback
Figure 8: Transient Response (Overshoot)

Figure 11: Overall Core Layout of LDO

Figure 9: Transient Response (Undershoot)
The chip’s dimensions is 94.4 µm x 221.045 µm and has a
4. Power Efficiency total area of 208.67 µm2
For the efficiency of the LDO regulator, output versus input
power was measured for different loads. The measurements are
listed in Table 3. (16) was used to calculate the efficiency of the
LDO regulator
Efficiency = (14)
Table 2 shows a detailed summary of the overall performance TABLE 3
Comparison of This Work to Other Related Works
of the designed LDO Regulator. The results in the Pre-
simulation and Post Simulation are similar to each other.

Overall Performance of LDO


This study was able to design an improved transient

response low dropout regulator (LDO) for microprocessor Table 3 summarizes and compares the performance of this work
applications in a 65nm CMOS technology process. The design with other related works.
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