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Teacher's day script 1

Narrator 1: Once upon a Time in a land far away….. Wait! this isn’t a fairytale, let me start again!

*plays record scratch sounds*

N 1- Now,you must be wondering who this sad and lonely woman is..

Teacher-*looks disapprovingly at the narrator* Excuse me, how dare you!

N 1 -Okay too far?Sorry I had to.

So what are you doing?

Teacher-Correcting horrible papers(starts ranting) which is exactly what I wanted to do in life when I
decided that I had wanted to become a teacher.Yes this excruciatingly boring job gives me indefinite
amounts of joy and fills my veins with adrenaline.This is exactly the life that I wanted,I'm living my
dream. I'm completely fine

N 1-She was in fact, not fine at all.

T-*first gets defensive and then realises that this not where she saw herself* You know what you're
right! this isn't where I envisioned myself. I'm not meant to be teaching the privileged class who'd be fine
without me anyway.(short pause) *with determination* Time to make a difference.I QUIT!

N 2 -And hence the epiphany dawned on her to give back to her country.She makes a few calls to
her friends back in Maharashtra looking to mobilize children who aren't able to attend school.
She left the place with bags in her hand and a conviction blooming in her mind. The conviction to
teach and shape the future of little children that are put to work rather than enrolled in schools, suffering
in the vicious cycle of poverty. She was not naive to enough to think she’d change the system but she
knew she could change something within it, she could give hope to the kids who had none. Finally, it felt
like she had found her calling.

(Next scene at makeshift school )

N 2 - We are now looking at a school in a slum in Maharashtra, called the Dharavi slum. The school
is to help poor children. They go to school for namesake and don’t understand much, preferring to be at
home helping their respective families. They see school as a burden and not a privilege, owing to their
misfortune, at no fault of their own. Mrs. Lata now addresses the motley group of students…...

T *nervously* - Hello all! Welcome to your first class at silver lining school. I’m your teacher, Miss
Child 1: Ma’am, I can’t afford to be here right now.I have my family to feed. I am the sole
breadwinner for my family as of now. My father does not earn much as a daily wage worker, and my
mother is suffering from an illness we cannot have diagnosed, as doctors are beyond our budget. We
have no money for food, let alone medicines. I cannot bear to be at school while my mother is in
ineffable pain.

*Rest of the children start ranting too making chaos and a lot of noise* Commented [1]: perhaps i can enact giving them
(me too! I’d rather be at home! I need to help my dad! School is a waste of time! etc.) books or sth to make it relevant with the ppt

T- Now quiet down children! I am here today, for exactly all of the complaints you have beleaguered
me with. I do understand that you may not have the time to gambol and play, but that does not mean
you shrug off your duties as a student. Education guarantees a change in your life, and it is your duty as
the future of our nation. Now let’s trust in each other, and we shall change your fortunes together.
Remember, hard times make strong people.

N 1 - The children looked at each other eyes for approval. They’d never been reprimanded like this
before. In fact, these poor children didn’t have a proper role model in their lives at all! All they’ve ever
known in to toil, doing odd jobs. Nevertheless, unanimously they decided they would give mrs. Lata a

( Through a series of ppt backgrounds, we show everyday life at the school. We see the bond
between the teacher and students grow.
1.Scenes of the teacher asking questions, children answering.
2.A scene of the teacher playing ball with them.
3. A scene of the teacher handing out free story books to them, children screeching in joy.)

N 2- And thus without realising it themselves, the students and the teacher had created a bond that
they would never forget. A bond that was eternal, set in stone, etched into their hearts forever. Parents
may give the child life, but it is the role of a teacher to shape and mould their minds.

N 1- The teacher had become a big part of their lives. She had even helped some of their parents
out of her own pocket. She had also invested money for the school. As she spent more and more of her
time with the students, she had unknowingly distanced from her own children.

( Now a scene of the teacher, a little older, blessing the students who had gotten jobs in
various fields, touch her feet and ask for her blessing. We see an emotional hug, and a sad

N1 - The chicks have finally left the nest. The teacher is now old, ready to retire. But alas, as fate
would have it, she was left alone. Her husband has passed away, and her own children had seen it fit to
abandon their mom and flee to other countries.
(At this time, we see the teacher having a fight with her children as they walk away with bags)
N 2- Why do bad things happen to the best people? Her duty as a teacher was pyrrhic, and now
she’s been left alone with the petrichor. Why do bad things happen to the best people?

(now in the next scene, we show the ppt saying ‘7 years later. The students, now grown up,
gather together)

Student 1: Hey guys! After our meet up last week, i was wondering what has become of our dear
lata ma’am!
Student 2: Why, you’re right! We are where we are because of her. I say a visit to her is long

N 1- And thus the former students plan a trip to visit their teacher back in Dharavi. They manage to
gather up information on whereabouts from a branch of their old school in the city they were in, and set
out to meet her.

(The students pretend to grab a folder from a table, as though seeing her address)

(We see the teacher having white hair, wheezing and coughing on the bed. The students
knock but no one comes to answer. So they forcefully open the door. Now comes the entry of the
students. They are shocked at her condition.They help her stand. )

Student 3 - Mrs. Lata! Do you remember us? We were your first batch here in Dharavi! Are you
alright? We’re sorry for barging.

Teacher: I’m sorry my darlings. I’m afraid, age has gotten the best of me. I remember you all as
clear as day…… why, I’ve been woebegone since the day you left. My children have left me, and this
sad old hut is all I’ve got now, I’m afraid.

Student 2: We can’t let this happen to you! You’re coming home with us. We’ll take care of you, right

( the others nod their heads in agreement. They all hug, and walk out the stage.)

N 2 - And there you have it friends. The tale of a hero teacher, who dedicated her life to changing the
misfortune of her students. She had become their talisman, their flashlight in the night. When life had
treated her poorly, her good karma came to her rescue. The students she had once helped, were now
helping her. They made sure she lived a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle, till the end of her days.

N 1- We hope this skit helped you understand the true power a teacher holds. A teacher’s impact on
a students life is sempiternal. Just a ripple of kindness, love and trust goes a long way to affecting our
futures forever. They can turn our languor to vigour, and our dreams to reality.

N 2 - And that’s a wrap folks! Let’s hear a big cheer for our teachers and today’s actors!
Teacher’s day impromptu script.
(note: it starts with a graduation ceremony at Harvard, as you might know guest speakers are
often invited to speak at graduations, so we can start like that)

Host: It is with the greatest honour that I,now invite Professor Annie on to the dias to grace us with a
few words.

*Annie walks upto the stage, host gives her a handshake and exits*

Annie: Dear students, I feel privileged to be here amongst all you ignited minds. There was a time
where i was the one in your place, heart thudding with anticipation and excitement for the future. When
Mr.Smith requested me to attend the ceremony, I was truly perplexed as to what I could say to such an
intelligent crowd. In the end, I decided it most appropriate to apprise the lessons I have learned in my
life. No matter where we reach in life, it is pivotal to cherish and always honour the people that have
helped you reach there, the people who inspired you and motivated you at your lowest. I grew up in a
small village, studying in a tiny government school. When I was in 7th standard, I failed in mathematics,
the subject that is most dear to my heart

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