Luminaire Earl

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Earl June D.

John Carlos Matiga
Kevin Earl D. Torre
Zonal Cavity Ratio

Given the problem we are asked to solve for the luminaire setting as well as the cavity ratio of the
Classroom: 40’ x 15’ x 12’ E=55 fc
WP= 2’-6” AFF
ρc= 80% hcc= 0.0’
ρw= 50% hrc= 9.5’
ρf= 10% hfc= 2.5’
fixture: fluorescent (#38)
maintenance: yearly
replacement: on burnout
voltages & ballast: normal
environment: medium clean

Solving for the Cavity Ratio

RCR = 5 Hrc x (L+W)/(LxW) = 5(9.5) x (40+15)/(40x15) = 4.35

CCR = 5 Hcc x (L+W)/(LxW) = 5(0) x (40+15)/(40x15) = 0.0

FCR = 5 Hfc x (L+W)/(LxW) = 5(2.5) x (40+15)/(40x15) = 1.15

Solving for reflective relfectances

ρcc = 80%

Through interpolation
ρfc = 11.75%
ρwc = 50%
Computing for the Coefficients of Utilization

Through interpolation
Cu20 = 0.376
Correction Factor
Since the RCR is at floor effective reflectance is at = 11.75
This would require solving for the correction factor
Solving the correction factor at floor effective reflectance = 30

Correction at 30 = 1.04255
Solving for the correction factor at floor effective reflectance = 10

Correction factor at 10 = 0.9601

Interpolating for the correction factor for 11.75 floor effective reflectance
Cu11.75 = 0.3637
Load loss Factor
First we need to compute the load loss factor of the lamp
It is given by these factors

There should be computation for the number of luminaires

But to create the proper setting we should create a table near 15 luminaires to create the proper
number of luminaries to be used

Luminaire Placement
From the table, there should be 3 rows of 5 luminaires or 5 rows of 3 luminaire since it creates close to
the expected illumination which is 55fc

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