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Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (Watermelon

Stomach)—An Enigmatic and Often-Overlooked
Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Elderly
Hien Nguyen, MD
Connie Le, MD
Hanh Nguyen, MD Case Report
Abstract A woman, age 63 years, with a chronic hepatitis
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) syndrome, C infection, esophageal varices, and hemodialysis-
also known as watermelon stomach is a significant dependent end-stage renal disease secondary to
cause of acute or chronic gastrointestinal blood loss diabetes and hypertension presented at our institution
in the elderly. is characterized endoscopically by and reported several weeks of intermittent generalized
“watermelon stripes.” Without cirrhosis, patients are abdominal pain and vomiting and daily minimal stools
71% female, average age 73, presenting with occult that appeared blood-streaked on wiping but without
blood loss leading to transfusion-dependent chronic hematemesis or melena. Laboratory findings showed
iron-deficiency anemia, severe acute upper gastroin- a hemoglobin of 6.8 g/dL; a hematocrit of 20%; and
testinal bleeding, and nondescript abdominal pain. normal hepatic function, platelet count, prothrombin
time, and international normalized ratio. Although the
Introduction anemia was consistent with iron deficiency, the low
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) syndrome, also hemoglobin level invariably decreased to pretransfu-
known as watermelon stomach, is a rare but significant sion levels within days of blood transfusion. Contrast
cause of severe acute or chronic gastrointestinal blood computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed
loss in the elderly.1–4 Although it is associated with hepatomegaly but no other significant gastrointestinal
heterogeneous medical conditions, including hepatic, pathology. Because our patient had had endoscopically
renal, and cardiac diseases, its pathogenesis is un- proven portal esophageal varices and PHG two years
known.1-3 The diagnosis of GAVE syndrome in patients before we examined her, which had been treated with
with renal or hepatic disease is often problematic be- sclerotherapy and propranolol, esophagogastroduo-
cause there are more frequent causes of gastrointestinal dendoscopy was repeated in anticipation of further
bleeding in these diseases (vascular malformations, sclerotherapy for esophageal varices, PHG, or peptic
peptic ulcer disease, esophageal or gastric varices, ulcer disease.
and colonic and rectal ulcers) that overshadow GAVE Instead, a repeat endoscopy revealed extensive
syndrome. Furthermore, diagnosis may be challeng- vascular ectasias and patchy erythema in the distal
ing because gastrointestinal bleeding may be occult or antrum that were diagnostic of GAVE syndrome, but no
overt, and the endoscopic appearance of GAVE syn- esophageal or gastric varices. A colonoscopy showed
drome resembles that in portal hypertensive gastropa- hemorrhoids. It was thought that hemorrhoidal bleed-
thy (PHG) or antral gastritis. However, differentiation ing alone could not explain the severe and relapsing
of GAVE syndrome from these other causes is critical anemia, and GAVE syndrome was considered a more
because of the vastly disparate therapies required for plausible cause of severe anemia from gastrointestinal
each. Building on a leading theory that mechanical blood loss. The endoscopist considered primary medi-
stress is involved in the pathogenesis, we speculate cal therapy with laser photocoagulation but because of
that the diverse medical risk factors may be related to the presence of diffuse and advanced vascular ectasias
GAVE syndrome through an autonomic dysfunction.5,6 did not believe that this would be sufficient and would

Hien Nguyen, MD, is an Internist at the Camp Springs Medical Center in Temple Hills, MD, and an Attending
Internist at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC. E-mail:
Connie Le, MD, is an Attending Internist at the Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax, VA. E-mail:
Hanh Nguyen, MD, is a Resident at the University of California Irvine Medical Center in Irvine, CA.

46 The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2009/ Volume 13 No. 4

Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (Watermelon Stomach)—An Enigmatic and Often-Overlooked Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Elderly

not produce long-lasting results. The patient was noti- estrogen–progesterone combinations, tranexamic acid
fied of the higher risks of definitive surgery in light of (with a significant risk of ischemic events and pulmo-
her multiple comorbidities and underwent an uncom- nary emboli), thalidomide, α-interferon, calcitonin, and
plicated subtotal gastrectomy without a long-term need cyproheptadine.1,2 However, the effectiveness of all
for blood transfusions. these medications have been described only in reports
of single cases or small case series.1,2,7,8 Endoluminal
Discussion therapies are the mainstay of conservative management
Although GAVE syndrome is a rare medical condi- and include endoscopic band ligation, sclerotherapy,
tion, it is a relevant possibility in older patients with heater probe, and argon plasma coagulation, which
severe acute or chronic gastrointestinal blood loss, is emerging as the preferred endoscopic therapy.1,2
because it accounts for up to 4% of nonvariceal upper Although multiple intraluminal treatment sessions may
gastrointestinal blood loss.1–4,7 The initial presentation be required for cessation of transfusion dependence,
may include occult blood loss leading to transfusion- the safety of endoscopic therapy is well documented,
dependent chronic iron-deficiency anemia, severe acute and there is only a single case report of a complication
upper-gastrointestinal bleeding, nondescript abdominal —gastric outlet obstruction secondary to argon plasma
pain, or even gastric outlet obstruction, as described in a coagulation.8 Further, a recent case report described
prior case report. This disease entity was first described successful endoscopic mucosal resection of lesions in
by Rider et al1 in a patient with severe chronic iron- GAVE syndrome with resolution of anemia.9
deficiency anemia and gastroscopy showing “fiery red There is a paucity of reports of controlled studies
changes with marked hypertrophic mucosal changes, of GAVE syndrome in terms
and scattered profuse bleeding.” of medical versus surgical
A majority of patients without cirrhosis but with therapy. The consensus, how-
GAVE syndrome are female (71%) with median age of ever, is that primary surgical
73 years, whereas the majority of patients with both therapy is not advocated,
cirrhosis and GAVE syndrome are male (75%) with a because of reports of high
mean age of 65 years.1,2 Associated medical conditions morbidity and mortality from
include heart, liver, and kidney diseases; diabetes; patients undergoing surgery
connective-tissue diseases; hypothyroidism; and status with GAVE syndrome who
as a bone marrow transplant recipient.1–4 The epide- often have multiple other se-
miologic features of GAVE syndrome are attributed to rious medical comorbidities.
the age and sex distributions of the underlying medical However, Novitsky et al4 have
Figure 1. Endoscopic appearance
conditions, of which connective-tissue diseases and argued for a somewhat more of watermelon stomach.
cirrhosis are the most commonly related.1,2 aggressive surgical approach
The syndrome has the name watermelon stomach as second-line therapy, es-
because of the pathognomonic endoscopic appearance pecially in patients in whom
(columns of red tortuous ectatic vessels along longitu- a short trial of endoluminal
dinal folds of the antrum) that resembles watermelon treatment fails. They argue
stripes (Figure 1 and 2).1–5 Typical histologic changes that antrectomy is the only
include superficial hyperplastic antral mucosa, capillary reliable therapy with de-
ectasia with thrombosis, and fibromuscular hypertro- finitive and curative potential,
phy of the lamina propria.1–4 GAVE syndrome is often especially for unresponsive
misdiagnosed on endoscopy as PHG. Unlike water- or severe disease. Minimally
melon stomach, PHG causes predominant changes in invasive laparoscopic antrec-
the fundus and corpus.1,2 GAVE syndrome does not tomy has also been advocat-
respond to measures that decrease portal pressures ed as a novel approach to the
in PHG, including transjugular intrahepatic shunt and therapy of GAVE syndrome.10
β-blocker therapy.1,2,4,7 Furthermore, treatment of
Therapy for GAVE syndrome can be separated into underlying medical condi-
three categories: pharmacologic, endoluminal, and tions can lead to resolution
Figure 2. An alternate endo-
surgical approaches. 1,2,7–9 Pharmacologic therapies of GAVE syndrome.1,2,4,7 For scopic appearance of watermelon
have been described with the use of corticosteroids, instance, liver transplantation stomach.

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Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (Watermelon Stomach)—An Enigmatic and Often-Overlooked Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Elderly

has been reported to lead to complete resolution of and heart failure.11–13 For several decades, it has been
GAVE syndrome.1,2 known that plasma norepinephrine levels are elevated
Our case presentation demonstrates the therapeutic in chronic renal failure, indicative of increased sympa-
dilemmas in this problematic disease, whereas reports thetic nerve activity.12 Interestingly, recent research has
of controlled studies comparing efficacy are lacking. hypothesized a role for the sympathetic nervous system
Our patient possessed multiple medical comorbidities in the modulation and expression of autoimmune lym-
that placed her at higher surgical risk. Thus, she was phoproliferative and connective-tissue diseases such
initially referred to an endoscopist for the purpose of as systemic lupus erythematosus.14 Thus, these diverse
conservative intraluminal therapy with argon plasma medical conditions may share a common autonomic
coagulation. However, the endoscopist con- dysfunction with GAVE syndrome.12–14 In a retrospec-
cluded that the patient’s particular mucosal tive chart review of our patient, we discovered that
… disordered lesions were so advanced and so diffuse that she had multiple symptoms suggestive of autonomic
peristaltic waves even intensive intraluminal therapy would neuropathy and dysfunction, including neuropathy of
may cause partial be inadequate and would surely result in the lower extremities, orthostatic hypotension, frequent
prolapse of distal the need for multiple therapies that would hypoglycemia, and gastroparesis.
gastric mucosa produce questionable long-term control.
through the This was significant because the patient had Conclusion
pylorus, leading a history of lack of compliance, including GAVE syndrome is an important diagnosis to con-
to formation of regarding taking medications and keeping sider in older patients with severe anemia and occult
ectatic vessels.5,6 appointments for multiple medical evalua- or profuse gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in the
tions across different specialties. The patient setting of heart, liver, or kidney diseases.1–4 The main
was advised about the risks and benefits of intraluminal inherent teaching point is that GAVE syndrome can
versus surgical therapy, the latter of which the surgeon be inadvertently overlooked as a remediable cause
believed offered a more conclusive and definitive cure; of gastrointestinal bleeding because there are more
the outcome was favorable. frequent causes of gastrointestinal bleeding (esopha-
The pathogenesis of GAVE syndrome, principally geal or gastric varices, PHG, and peptic ulcer disease)
considered an idiopathic disease, is unknown, and theo- among patients with renal or hepatic diseases, which
ries about it are controversial.1,2 An understanding of the are the same medical conditions in which GAVE syn-
pathophysiologic changes that lead to GAVE syndrome drome occurs. The endoscopic appearance of GAVE
is lacking because most theories are based on single syndrome often mimics that of PHG or antral gastritis.
case reports or on reports of smaller series of fewer Further, the case we reported here demonstrates that
than 15 cases. However, a leading and plausible theory GAVE syndrome may be underdiagnosed because
suggests antropyloric motility dysfunction.6 Quintero et observational studies of screening gastroscopies in
al5 first conceptualized a theory of mechanical stress, patients undergoing liver transplantation show that 1
where disordered peristaltic waves may cause partial in 40 patients has GAVE syndrome.1,2 Because this is
prolapse of distal gastric mucosa through the pylorus, a single-case report, we speculate that in larger case
leading to formation of ectatic vessels.6 This disordered series, further studies of neurohormonal factors that
peristalsis and loss of gastric propulsive activity and may be involved in sympathetic nervous system dys-
motility may occur secondary to denervation of the function and disordered peristalsis in GAVE syndrome
digestive autonomic nervous system, which is primarily may provide more insight into the pathogenesis of this
parasympathetic.6 The characteristic histologic finding enigmatic disease.11–14 v
of fibromuscular hyperplasia in GAVE syndrome further
supports this hypothesis.1–6 Disclosure Statement
We speculate that the altered gastric and antral The author(s) have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
motility in some patients with GAVE syndrome may
be modulated by vagal denervation and sympathetic Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank the Scleroderma Program,
overactivity, which are already known to exist in many
Division of Rheumatology, University of Michigan Medical
of the associated medical problems.5,6 Chronic liver Center for Figure 1 and the Pathology Department, University of
disease is known to impair cardiovascular autonomic Pittsburgh Medical Center for Figure 2.
reflexes, whereas sympathetic overactivity is implicated Katharine O’Moore-Klopf, ELS, of KOK Edit provided editorial
in the pathogenesis and progression of renal diseases assistance.

48 The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2009/ Volume 13 No. 4

Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (Watermelon Stomach)—An Enigmatic and Often-Overlooked Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Elderly

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No Bagel
When dealing with an intra-abdominal problem
the clinician’s greatest ally is the radiologist.
As a matter of fact, gastroenterology without
expert radiology is like lox without a bagel.
— Gerald S Foster, 1977

The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2009/ Volume 13 No. 4 49

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