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O nebunie de idee minunata

Re: About roman army composition: camilian,polybian,marian and imperial reforms.

I always try to be kinda historically faithful.

So for camilian era: just a spam of whatever I could afford since at that time you will be in a life or
death situation with Epirus. usually 2 Triarii, 3 or 4 Principes, 4 slingers, and the rest are a mix of
Hastati and Rorarii.

Once I get lvl3 towns, I start using some AOR units such as the axmen, Italian swordsmen, and
campanian hoplites (those 3 units will do you wonders until you capture Taras )

After the Polybian reforms my composition is more streamlined: A general, 2 Triarii, 4 Principes, 4
Hastati, 2 Velites, 1 Pedites Extraordinarii, 2 allied Principes, 2 allied Hastati, 1 Equites Extraordinarii,
and 1 Socii Equites.

Sometimes I might change the Pedites to a heavy Hoplite unit, or the allied Principes to the Apulii
shock infantry. The Socii Equites could also be changed to Tarantine cav, but I just feel wrong about
using them as Rome

The important thing for me is the proportion of each unit type in keeping with historical references
(and surprisingly it's quite cost effective, well maybe not for the cav).

For the Marian legions I consider each unit a Cohort, and build up with that, so you have 10 Cohorts
per legion + support auxiliary cav, spears, and archers.

usually it's something like this: A general, a Cohort Prima, 2 veteran Legionaries (or the German
veterans, but never both together), 7 standard legionaries, 1 legionary cav, 1 sword cav, and 2
normal cav (usually Gallic) or if available replace 1 with a shock cav, 2 Spear auxilia, and finally 3
archer auxilia (Cretan or Syrian archers).

In case I'm building a siege legion, I'd change 2 of the auxilia cav to a siege unit, and some auxiliary
melee unit (swords or axes).

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