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Implementing Advances in Pediatric for

Better Child Health

Pre-KONIKA : 6 - 7 Agustus 2017 :: KONIKA : 8 - 11 Agustus 2017

UKK: Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care

Category: ePoster Presentation
Code: P - CRC - 017

Deep vein thrombosis associated with sepsis in

infancy: a rare case
Adhitya Agung Pratama, Fina Meilyana, Stanza Uga Peryoga, Dzulfikar DLH, Dadang H. Somasetia(1)

Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University Dr. Hasan Sadikin General
Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia (1)

Background: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is rare in infancy. The term thrombosis refers to the formation,
from constituents of blood, of an abnormal mass within the vascular system. Deep vein thrombosis occurs
within the deep veins. The presence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in an infant indicates a hypercoagulable
state. Several etiologies including genetic, malignant, traumatic, anatomic, iatrogenic and infective

Objective: We reported a case of deep vein thrombosis in infant, which confirmed by ultrasonography and
treated by heparinization.
Case: A previously 28-day-old female kg presented to the emergency department (ED) with a diagnosed
respiratory failure due to bronchopneumonia and septic shock. Patient was admitted to PICU and get a
mechanical ventilation, inotropic and antibiotic. Followed up at PICU, patient physical examination
showed tender, mildly swollen and bluish le thumb foot extend to le lower limb, consultation with
vascular surgery was made, they perform doppler ultrasonography with the the result flow decrease of the
le popliteal artery to the area of the le dorsalis pedis, need to be considered thrombus as high branching
superficial femoral artery or paroxysmal from the le poplitea artery and the advice is to started
heparinization. Heparinization treatment carried out for 10 days and then patient discharge with full

Conclusion: The identification of patient with DVT is likely to remain a challenge. Treatment should be
initiated as early as possible to prevent morbidity and mortality.

Keyword : deep vein thrombosis, doppler ultrasonography, heparinization, infancy, sepsis

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