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Due with final ePortfolio by 2:00pm on December 11, 2019

Worth 25% of the total ePortfolio grade
Approx. 750-1250 words

Following the prompts and guidance given in class, reflect on your experience throughout
the entire semester. Reread your intro letter, memoir, profile, and the memoir and profile
reflections. Create the story of your semester and provide readers of your ePortfolio a guide
to your website. How do the different examples of your writing connect? What multimodal
and stylistic decisions did you make to appeal to readers? How did you craft and revise each
essay? How well did you address the habits of mind you identified in the Intro Letter?

Your reflection should do the following:

• Show thoughtful introspection about how you have evolved as a writer and student
• Reflect on the development of the habits of mind and intentions you identified in your
Introduction Letter
• Consider how you will apply the composing skills you’ve learned to future classes,
projects, and experiences.
• Discuss the process of drafting and revising the three major assignments
• Mention how each assignment changed from its draft version to its final version and
how/if the peer review and conferencing processes helped you along the way
• Identify a theme or concept that connects all of your assignments
• Reflect upon the experience of multimodal composing in your assignments
• Discuss and reflect upon the process of building an ePortfolio.
• Display appropriate organization and style


Your ePortfolio readers will use this essay to understand what your ePortfolio is all about. This
reflection will tell them how the essays connect and display your talents and progress as a
writer and UA student.

This reflection essay should help you think more deeply about the decisions you made and
processes you used to successfully complete this semester. This reflection activity is designed
to help you better achieve the intentions you laid out for yourself in the Intro Letter.

Published on ePortfolio in a readable, audience-friendly design.

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