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Exam Skills


A pressurised steam boiler requires an examination; at the same time a repair on an electrically driven pump, associated
with the boiler, is needed.

(a) Define the term ‘relevant fluid’ in relation to pressure systems safety. (4)

(b) Outline the typical contents of a written scheme of examination form for an
inspection of the boiler. (8)

(c) Identify the practical measures that should be taken to carry out the pump repair safely. (8)
(Unit IC, January 2009)

Possible Answer by Exam Candidate

(a) A pressure vessel is a vessel used to contain a relevant fluid. For a steam boiler a “relevant fluid” is steam at a
pressure greater than 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure.
(b) The contents of a written scheme of examination for a boiler would include: details of equipment to be
inspected – serial number of the equipment; pressure rating; scope of examination under the written scheme;
what examinations are to be carried out under the written scheme; the frequency of inspections; what
protective devices are in place; and what examination is required. The scheme would also include details
of any preparation work that is needed before the examination, together with details of previous repairs/
(c) Before the work takes place a permit-to-work would need to be raised and issued, which will highlight the
precautions to be taken with regards to the task. The task also should have a risk assessment and method
statement undertaken. The practical measures that result from these documents would include:
–– Need to isolate (electrically and from steam) and lock-off item of equipment before starting work.
–– Proving supply has been isolated and system depressurised safely.
–– Ensuring surface temperature is allowed to cool to a safe temperature.
–– Ensuring any residual energy or product is cleaned off the pump.
–– Providing suitable tools for the task that are in good condition.
–– Ensuring staff are trained and competent to undertake the work.
–– Providing suitable PPE to ensure residual risks are managed (gloves, goggles, overalls).

Suggested Answer Outline

For part (a) the examiner would expect the definition (such as the following one from the UK Pressure Systems
Safety Regulations 2000) to show that you understand what a “relevant fluid” is:
A “relevant fluid” means steam; any fluid or mixture of fluids which is at a pressure greater than 0.5 bar above
atmospheric pressure and which fluid or mixture of fluids is a gas, or a liquid having a vapour pressure greater than
0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure when in equilibrium with its vapour at either the actual temperature of the
liquid or at 17.5 degrees Celsius; or a gas dissolved under pressure in a solvent contained in a porous substance at
ambient temperature and which could be released from the solvent without the application of heat.
For part (b) the typical contents of a written scheme of examination form for the inspection of a boiler would
• Identification of the items of plant or equipment.
• A list of the parts of the system which are to be examined.
• Details of precisely what is going to examined.
• Identification of the protective devices installed, together with the examination required on these devices.
• Identification of the preparatory work required for the item to be examined safely, e.g. decontamination and
• Identification of the maximum period between examinations.

Exam Skills

• Deciding whether an imminent danger report is required to be given to the enforcing authority and/or the
• A list of the critical parts of the system (if modified or repaired) which must be examined by a competent
person before the system is used again.
• The name of the competent person certifying the written scheme.
• The date of certification.
For part (c) the examiner would expect the following practical measures::
• Issue a permit–to-work.
• Isolate/lock-off the electrical power to the pump.
• Isolate and de-pressurise pipelines (locking-off, draining and inserting blanks, etc.). Release stored energy to
de-pressurise the pump before draining and cleaning.
• Allow hot machinery to cool to at least 50ºC.
• Identify the work area, using barriers and signs and excluding personnel.
• Provide safe means of access for employees who were to carry out the repair work.
• Use competent maintenance personnel.
• Provide appropriate PPE.
• Provide adequate lighting and ventilation.
• Liaise with the person conducting the examination of the boiler.
An exam candidate would achieve poor marks for:
• Not including all the types of relevant fluid.
• Describing the actual examination of the boiler rather than the typical contents of a written scheme of
examination form.
• Answering part (c) about the boiler and not the pump as required by the question.
• Concentrating exclusively on electrical isolation and not considering isolation of pipelines or release of stored


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