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Love and Marriage - Torn City style

From our own Relationships Counsellor Serjeant Rock

Torn City....a jumbled urban wasteland littered with prone bleeding victims
and sidewalks aglitter with spent rounds, teeth and the odd discarded bunch
of black roses.

And yet, even here, amongst the desolation, human relationships blossom.
Some even flourish.

Whether it's to form a strong alliance with a tough co-player or because two
people just plain fancy the pants off each other's web-sourced Anime
avatars, Marriage in Torn is a routine event.

A ring, a visit to the City, a short dialogue presided over by Father Oleaginus
and - boom, another sucker...hem hem...upstanding citizen bites the dust.

So how do you even get to that point?

A fine question - let's see if we can set you on the road.

First off, consider the fact that males outnumber females in Torn by a factor
of 8:1.
Non-Torn rules don't apply here, in case you haven't noticed. Same sex
marriages abound. In fact << Boff,quoi? C'est normal? >>

Regardless of what is considered customary, 'right' or legal where you live,

guys marrying guys, dolls marryin' dolls, guys and dolls, humans and other
species - it's all up for grabs.

[The mechanics - what are the costs - how does a player benefit? - any

It's pretty idiot-proof. I've managed it twice.

Step 1 The Ring

Whether it is stolen (Crimes: Shoplifting or Larceny : House ) bought in the

Item Market with the hard-mugged cold cash ( c.T$500) or provided by the
bride's grim-faced Dad, you need a ring. Gold for preference.

Step 2: Engaged -send it to your intended vict...beloved. If they accept,

you're engaged. BOOM.

Step3: Church - yeah Torn doesn't do Civil Partnerships or broomstick-

hopping so take your soul in your hand and go down to All Saints there in the
City and look for Ceremony. Make sure to bribe that fat SOB priest too.

Step 4: Witness - you have to nominate another Player to witness the wicked
deed. Even now the blushing bride can run for the hills.

Step 5: The Vows - His Chedness allows you to write your own. Keep it
short. Copy,cut and paste into an off-site document - you may need evidence
for court later.

Example: I vow to keep an eye on [Player], to share such ill-gotten gains as

I may accumulate , and never ever use Capitals in conversation again....also
to not keep secrets but avenge any slight.

Step 6: Kiss - this is where interspecies marriages can sometimes come a

bit unglued. We've all kissed a lot of frogs - but an Anteater?

[IMG: Rodin's The Kiss]

That's pretty much it. If your Faction or co-workers don't stump up lavish
prezzies call them out on their crabby,cold-hearted stinginess.


Mostly, it's a mechanism to increase Happy.

One of the benefits of marriage is the ability to share a property. Either

player may move into a property owned or rented by the other player.

The owner of the property can kick his or her spouse out of that property.
Your spouse may not kick you from a property that you own.

Spouses are unable (by default, can be changed) to access vaults on the
others properties. Vault sharing was introduced on 29/09/2015. You can
choose to share your closely guarded precious Vault or not (the default is
not shared).

The last 10 actions of the vault are stored in the vault log accessed via
property / vault.

" You spent how much on a pink Mac-10??? "

" So... what's this T$20,000 bill from Del Monico's ya rat ? I was at Mother's
that night! "

and so forth.

Awards and Honors can be earned by staying married to the same person for
increasing amounts of time. For more information, visit the Awards's page.

Rose Garden -or road to ruination?

If you've never been married out there IRL, it's hard to know what to expect.
Players that have will know that there are good times and bad. Waking up to
a smile is the best thing...but ain't no lonelier place than a bad marriage.
Happily in Torn, Divorce is instant and Lawyer-free thus far. There are also
plenty of shovels around - it's amazing how many patios seem to need re-
paving every seven years or so.....

Let's leave the last word with my good friend Jimi:

" For fifty years they been married....and they cant wait for their 51st to
ROLL around "

' say you wanna be married...I aint ready baby, I aint ready..."

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