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Training and Performance Improvement


Subject : Client Training Rollout, Completion, Reporting and Accountability
Client : T-Mobile
Audience : Training Leaders, Trainers/Training Assistants, Senior Managers, Coaches, Managers, RTA, Support Group, RA, CSMs
Requirements : SP Training Calendar, Workforce-Plotted Aspect Schedules


This document covers the process for treating client training, covering the following:

 Training Notification
 Training Preparation
 WBT Treatment
 ILT Treatment
 Reporting Process
 Accountability and Completion

The aim is to ensure that all impacted departments are aligned on the process. Compliance to the process outlined in this document and signed off by the
audience listed above is required to ensure that fulfillment of client expectations on client training delivery and completion are met.

Training Notification

I. Source - Weekly SP Training Calendar

A. WFM plots the schedules in Aspect and sends to Training, QA and Operations
B. Training identifies resource to conduct training
 Coaches drive completion of WBT and Coach-Led Huddles
 Trainers lead ILT courses and may get help from member of Support Group if necessary.
 Training Leaders will send course roll out plan.

Training Preparation

II. ILT: Facilitators complete all pre-work necessary, including participating in TTT and Q&A sessions
III. Coach-Led Huddles: Coaches review huddle guides and validate pre-plotted schedules in Spectrum
IV. WBT: Coaches validate pull out schedules in Spectrum as soon as announcement on course availability and pre-plotting comes out

WBT Treatment

I. By referring to pre-plotted schedules in Spectrum, Coaches coordinate with RTA to determine feasibility of pull out
II. If the pull out is not feasible, the following should be completed:
A. Training Ticket movement request to sent to RTA and WFM for approval
B. Coaches remove original schedule to prevent discrepancies
C. Coaches to plot new schedule in Spectrum
III. The Training Auditor sends completion report.

ILT Treatment

I. Identified Facilitators prepare training materials.

II. Training Leaders books and confirms training venue.
III. Training Leaders sends communication on roll out plan including schedules, venue, facilitators, etc.
IV. Coaches/Managers notify Training Leaders of correct agent status – PTO, Absent, Resigned, Pending Term, LOA, etc.
V. The Training Auditor updates the tracker to ensure only active employees are reflecting.
VI. Identified Facilitators coordinate with RTA and WFM if scheduled pull out is feasible
VII. If the pull out is not feasible, the following should be completed:
A. Identified Facilitators send Training Ticket movement request to RTA and WFM for approval
B. Coaches remove original schedule to prevent discrepancies
C. Coaches to plot new schedule in Spectrum
VIII. The Training Auditor sends completion report.
Process Document
Revised: March 2018
Version: Version 2.1 Page 1 of 2
Training and Performance Improvement


Reporting Process

I. The Training Auditor sends updates on completion report to Operations, Training, LDPM and other stake holders.
II. The Revenue Ambassador sends the same when the Training Auditor is not available.
III. The Training Auditor updates Client SP Reporting site every Tuesday, 6AM PST.
IV. Weekly Training Compliance report to be sent by Training Auditor

Accountability & Completion

I. The Training Auditor reminds Coaches and Managers who are not compliant via email.
II. Senior Operations Managers oversee and drive completion with respective communities and account for overall site compliance.
III. The 1st reminder is sent 2 days prior to the course due date. The 2nd reminder is sent 1 day prior to the said date. The 3rd and final reminder
is sent on the due date.
IV. A 24-hour extension is given to complete the course after the 3rd reminder.
V. When at least 98% completion is not achieved by the Team after the 24-hour extension, the Manager issues progressive disciplinary action to
the Coach.
VI. When at least 98% completion is not achieved by the Community after the 24-hour extension, the Senior Operations Manager issues
progressive disciplinary action to the Manager.
VII. A Coach or Managers’ personal non-compliance will merit progressive disciplinary action following same timelines shown in Section II.
T-Mobile expects a leader to complete courses 48 hours upon release.
VIII. A Coach or Manager’s failure to notify the Training Leaders of the status of reps thereby resulting to SCM will not remove the SCM.
IX. Anyone with scheduled time off will need to complete all courses available prior to the start of time off.
X. Section II applies regardless of the number of days allotted before the course becomes due.
XI. A Managers’ inability to issue corrective action within 30 days will result to Negligence on his/her part.
XII. Tracking with corrective action as an expectation begins for all courses that are due on August and onwards.
XIII. The Training Auditor keeps track of SCM tracking and works with HR for all actions required.


I am affixing my signature to signify that I have read and understood the conditions of this process document. I also acknowledged that this process
document was clearly explained to me by my supervisor.


Signature over Printed Name of Employee/Date

Training Manager/Date

Process Document
Revised: March 2018
Version: Version 2.1 Page 2 of 2

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