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05; Ry=L/D=002. 0.05: on 409) 9 100) 200 0) ‘ i OL 02 03 04 05 060708 10 29 ~=—«30—«4.0«5.0 6.0 7.08.0 10 Ry=WID Factor de forma en’ rectangulos perpendiculares que tienen un borde comin. Fa 02 rt 0 10 20 30 40 60 60 R= WD Factor de forma en recténgulos paralelos y opvestos. View factor expressions for some common geometries of finite size (3-D) Geometry Relation Aligned parallel reetangles K=NiLand ¥= iL 0473)! e nf X20 9)! 0 5 72 14X74? aye ~Fiaw! FF" Fh Coaxial parallel disks cel Pespendicular rectangles tna common edge & H=ZiXond W= VX Faz (ae Hon +0)? ant awl w # 1 P+ Wye lig {+ WH) 4 WA + W24 H) Tee? 1+ WW ") HPC + H+ W) +P HW) View factor expressions for some infinitely long (2-D) geometries. Geometry Relation Parallel plates with midlines connected by perpendicular line We= wifl and W,= W/L 2 2 vs Wy i= Inclined plates of equal width and with a common edge ve! Perpendicular plates with a common edge —_ ‘Three-sided enclosure oN SS J», —} Infinite plane and row of eylinders ©00068" —_J) lee "| I VV Wt eae | was Faos- |_| on | wo 3 os oa wo ob A wot EE Tacos FIGURE 13-7 ol eee ny a factrbatween two coax br or tts Oe SO parallel disks ly uy T T t—1—4 os) w 1 as os ¢ os Fe ve Z oo a os Fro 05] oa r a os oo as ons 0 od 0s 06 Os 10 0 or 02 03 4 05 06 OT ON 09 10 ot vir FIGURE 13-8 ‘View factors for 1wo concentric eylinders of finite Iengd (a) outer eylinder to inner eylinder: (b) outer cylinder to itself ‘Table 10.2. View factors for a variety of two-dimensional con- figurations (infinite in extent normal to the paper) Configuration Equation L reo m7 =< _. fe tt RasRa>yi+(2) 2 4 2 Poy mei Fi2= Fea =1-sina/2) J 3 Fp » wt fie *- il i ran3[re Bie 4. - A Fina (Ai+ Ap ~As)/2Ar 7 5: 6. 7, . 521 Table 10.3 View factors for some three-dimensional configurations Configuration Equation 1 Za Let X = aje and Y = bfe. Then: 1 aye br | in] 2t29G + ¥2)) 1 Z. T+X24¥2 ! Car ~Xtan?X -¥tant¥ 4 xvio Yan A + WI an? = T+ a a1 gem tH =h/€and W = w/e, Then: i ie zs 1 in JH? + W? tan! (H? 2) fhe Fyg= ap ]W tant VRE We tan? (HE + We we Li (+ W2)(1 +H?) a1 La ffaewaa sy var gine] [Wea wee) YP nec He + w2) 7 away] [OH W) 3. Let Ry = ri/h, Ro = ro/h, and X= 1+ (1+ 3) / RP. Then: Fa 3 [x- a? aR] 4 Concentric spheres: Fa Pois(nin)®, Fe2=1-(min) 522 + 523 €o] AGEL UY UMOYS suOTIEMBGUOD s0j SI019e3 MITA YL OT'OT ANB OT sae. *e eF89“somp ouaueou0e Butes ty COL 498k "2 om “s(bue20: BonsesseLT eyo tet sore oe rourpig puewWBIU —~ 09 = ¢ ‘nevIEI9 oN] —joC = 9 a1 02 0608 1 2 4 6 10 20 we ee 0 at 07 0406 1 2 4 6 810 7 fa Figure 10.11 The view factor for three very small surfaces “looking at” three large surfaces (A1 < Ap). 524 .

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