(Izet) The Elements of Syllabi and Their Description Are As Followed

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The elements of syllabi and their description are as followed:

1. Course Basic Information. This component provides some basic information about the

course such as name of University, course title, course meeting times and location, as well

as instructor names and contact information (Altman & Cashin, 1992).

2. Course Description. The course description or often called as course rationale provides brief

introduction about the course. Davis (2009) present four substances to be put in course

description they are firstly, prerequisites, which is requirements to join the course such as

the need of prior course, mastering certain knowledge or getting instructor permission.

Secondly, overview of the course such as what the course about, the general topics or focus,

the role to other course, aims, and reasons to learn the course. Third, students learning

objectives in a brief, which the detail will be elaborated in the next element. And the last is

a brief of instruction methods which in this syllabus design will also be explained in the

following element.

3. Course Learning Outcomes. Course learning outcomes is a formulation of expected

students’ ability which covers cognitive, psychomotor and affective goals that students

acquired during the course. The course learning objectives have to in line with description

of the course aims. In Indonesia, course learning outcomes need to follow the Intended

Learning Outcomes (CPL) set by National Standard for Higher Education (SNDIKTI). CPL

covers three elements which are Knowledge, Attitude, and (general and specific) Skills. For

ELESP that belong to undergraduate degree, the level of mastery formulated in CPL is in

level 6 of Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI).

4. Schedule. The schedule provides information about when the learning of each topics

undertaken. The calendar or schedule should also include the dates for exams, quizzes, or

other means of assessment. For examples are paper or performance due date and any required

special events such as seminar, public Research Skills and Professional Administration etc.

5. Unit Objectives. Unit objective is learning outcomes at level of units, the unit outcomes

accumulation should portray the course learning outcomes. The unit objectives should in line

with the content or materials of each unit.

6. Content/Materials. Course content provides the list of knowledge or skills, topics, units that

will be learn during the class. the content needs to be arranged and distributes in each

meeting. In Research Skills and Professional Administration Courses syllabuses, the content

will be a list of Research Skills and Professional Administration Courses items.

7. Teaching Method. The decision to employ certain learning method is based on the belief that

the method will enhance and support students’ achievements. Teaching methods can be

group discussion, simulation, case study, collaborative learning, cooperative learning,

project-based learning, problem-based learning etc.

8. Time allocation. It is the time span provided by the instructor for each class meeting.

9. Indicators is measurable learning result that need to be achieved by students. the students

will be assessed referring to the indicator.

10. Resources provides list course references. It may in the form of documents, articles, and

books etc. In the resources part, instructor need to provide how to access or get the resources.

While Supplementary Reading is the addition to the detailed bibliographic information, the

supplementary reading list should indicate whether the readings are compulsory or merely a
recommendation, and whether the books or articles are available in the library or need to be

purchased in the bookstore.

11. Assessment, Evaluation and Requirement. Assessment and Evaluation is the details about

how the students will be evaluated or assessed and what type of exams and assignments will

be made up. While Requirements contain some necessary things that student needs to fulfill

to pass the course. As the examples are the maximum times of students’ absence from class

sessions and the minimum grade students acquired in final examination.

12. Course policy consist of rules for students’ guideline to reach the expected classroom climate

and objectives should address consequence related to cheating, plagiarism and other

academic dishonesty. The course policy covers Attendance, Academic Dishonesty, Rights,

Missed Exams, Course Participation, Laboratory Safety Guideline and Disclaimer.

Disclaimer within a syllabus is statements that meant to prevent incorrect understanding

about the syllabuses.

13. Instructor Information. The information about the instructor that need to acknowledge by

students such as name, phone, mail, etc.

These 13 components will be examined in data analysis for their employment in the existing
syllabuses and integration with ICT competences.

(Deni)-Assessment components the table of specification. Here are the components of table
of specification according to (Profesional Testing Inc (PTI), 2006)
a. Test Description

b. Test Blueprint

The description will be explained on chapter 4 and table of specification on the

Meanwhile, Brown (2001) stated the term elements of model of teaching and learning clearly,

they are Approach, Method, and Technique.

a. Approach

Approach is theoretically well informed positions and beliefs about nature of language, and

the applicability of both pedagogical settings which are teaching and learning (p.14-19). An

approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning. Underlying any language teaching

approach is theoretical view of what language is, and of how it can be learnt.

b. Method

Method is a generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives.

Method tends to be concerned primarily with teacher and behaviors and secondarily with

such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. An

Approach gives rise to methods as the way of teaching something, which use classroom


c. Technique

Technique is any of wide variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used in the language

classroom for realizing lesson objectives. It is set of procedure in activities of classroom. It is

involved practices, behavior from the method, resources in term of time, space, and



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