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Pranit Mahajan, TE EXTC, Batch C, UID: 2017120037

August 21, 2019

1 Aim
To compare the I-V curve of a solar cells connected in series and parallel.

2 Software
Any OS with SEQUEL software installed is required.It provides a GUI for schematic entry and plotting.

3 Theory
3.1 Solar Cells in Series

Figure 1: Solar Cells in Series

Connecting solar cells together in series is used to increase the total system voltage. Solar cells in series are
generally used when you have a grid connected inverter or charge controller that requires 24 volts or more. To
series wire the cells together you connect the positive terminal to the negative terminal of each cell until you
are left with a single positive and negative connection.
Solar cell in series add up or sum the voltages produced by each individual cell, giving the total output voltage
of the panel.

3.2 Solar Cells in Parallel

Figure 2: Solar Cells in Parallal

Connecting solar cells together in parallel is used to boost the total system current and is the reverse of the
series connection. By parallel wiring cells you connect all the positive terminals together (positive to positive)
and all of the negative terminals together (negative to negative) until you are left with a single positive and
negative connection to attach to your regulator and batteries.
When you connect solar cells together in parallel, the total voltage output remains the same as it would for a
single cell, but the output current becomes the sum of the output of each cell.

4 Procedure
4.1 Solar Cells in Series

Figure 3: Series Schematic

The purpose of the simulation set-up shown in the figure is to compare the I-V curve of a single solar cell with
two solar cells connected in series. The I-V curve is obtained in each case by varying the load resistance which
amounts to changing the voltage from 0 V to Voc.

a)Run the simulation. Plot I versus V for the single solar cell and for the series connection of two cells.
Comment on the plots
b)Repeat for P (power) versus V relationship in the two cases.

4.2 Solar Cells in Parellal

Figure 4: Parellal Schematic

The purpose of the simulation set-up shown in the figure is to compare the I-V curve of a single solar cell with
two solar cells connected in parallel. The I-V curve is obtained in each case by varying the load resistance which
amounts to changing the voltage from 0 V to Voc.

a)Run the simulation. Plot I versus V for the single solar cell and for the parallel connection of two cells.
Comment on the plots.
b)Repeat for P (power) versus V relationship in the two cases.

5 Observations

Figure 5: Solar Cell in Series: Resistance = 0.001 to 10k ohm

Figure 6: Solar Cell in Parallel: Resistance = 0.01 to 1k ohm

6 Conclusion
The simulation of the above circuits helps us conclude that
a)For two cells connected in series, the current through the two cells is the same. The total voltage produced
is the sum of the individual cell voltages.
b)The voltage across parallel cell combination is always the same and the total current from the combination
is the sum of the currents in the individual cells.
c)Usually, for industrial purposes solar cells are connected in series cell combination to obtain higher voltages.

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