The Asian Age - 13 Nov 2010 - Page 2

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2 New Delhi ● Saturday ● 13 November 2010

Digvijay seeks It is a fight of Pune needs a

apology from principles, second airport,
BJP over says Sukhbir says civil
remarks by Badal on cousin aviation
Sudarshan Manpreet minister Patel


Raja refuses FIR filed against

to step down RSS ex-chief
NEW DELHI Karunanidhi’s daughter, Ms JAIPUR
Kanimozhi, also went on
Nov. 12: In the face of record saying that “there is Nov. 12: A local court in
mounting criticism from no pressure on the DMK- Jaipur has directed the
across the political spec- Congress alliance as both police to lodge FIR against
trum, “spectrum king” and the parties realise the ex-RSS chief K.S. Sudar-
Union telecom minister A. importance of the ties”. shan for allegedly making
Raja has virtually ruled out In Chennai, Mr inflammatory statements
stepping down from office Karunanidhi jumped to the against Congress chief
amidst increasing demands defence of Mr Raja by Sonia Gandhi while Con-
for his removal. declaring, “He is not a crim- gress workers protested
There are indications that inal. He just went by the against Mr Sudarshan and
a decision on Mr Raja’s procedures set by his prede- RSS at several place across
continuance in the Union cessors, Pramod Mahajan Rajasthan. Police personnel guard
Cabinet may be taken after and Arun Shourie of the pre- The court passed this the residence of former
Prime Minister Manmohan vious NDA government. order on Friday while hear- RSS chief K.S. Sudar-
Singh returns from Seoul. When he has followed the ing a criminal complaint shan in Bhopal on Fri-
However, a section in the rules, how can you say Raja Policemen try to disperse Congress supporters with a water cannon as they protest outside the RSS office filed by Congress leader day. PHOTO: PTI
DMK revealed that the flouted the rules?” He in New Delhi on Friday. PHOTO: AP Suresh Mishra against Mr
party was also toying with brushed aside the CAG Sudarshan. “We argued that
Houses of
RSS regrets Sudarshan remarks
the option of a portfolio indictment of the telecom such remarks were aimed to
change for Mr Raja as part minister, saying, “I know create hatred between the
of a “face-saving formula”. about the report. It has given people and communities,” Joshi, MPCC
In the meantime, Mr Raja adverse reports about all said Mr Mishra’s lawyer
told reporters, when asked
about his stepping down
Prime Ministers and chief
ministers.” AGE CORRESPONDENT The RSS had maintained RSS and the BJP were very gress chief, BJP national
A.K. Jain. Mr Mishra filed
the complaint before the
man attacked
from the Union Cabinet, The Opposition, led by the NEW DELHI that whatever Mr Sudarshan upset with Mr Sudarshan’s spokesperson Prakash court of chief judicial mag- AGE CORRESPONDENTS
“The question does not arise BJP and the Left parties, said against the Congress remarks, with the RSS Javadekar said: “The RSS istrate [CJM]. LUCKNOW/BHOPAL
at all. We will prove that however, are mounting Nov. 12: Both the RSS and chief in Bhopal on Wednes- deciding to keep away its has clarified its stand. The Mr Mishra contended that
everything has been done pressure on the government the BJP on Friday expressed day were not its views. The former chief from address- BJP’s views are the same as Mr Sudarshan made such Nov. 12: The house of
according to the law.” to drop Mr Raja from the regret over derogatory BJP also associated with the ing public meetings on the that expressed by RSS on remarks in a bid to help UPCC president Rita
Union law minister Veer- Union Cabinet. remarks against Congress RSS stand on the issue. “Hindu terror” issue. this issue.” Asked if the RSS RSS functionary Indresh Bahuguna Joshi in Alla-
appa Moily also came out in However, with the Assem- chief Sonia Gandhi by for- Senior RSS leader Bhaiya- The RSS has launched a has become a major embar- Kumar, who is allegedly habad was ransacked on
support of Mr Raja, saying bly elections just a few mer RSS chief K.S. Sudar- ji Joshi, in a statement nationwide campaign rassment, Mr Javadekar involved in the Ajmer blast Thursday night, allegedly
the CAG report “is not months away, the DMK, shan, saying it was “unfortu- issued on Friday, said: “As against the Congress for replied in the negative. “We case. The complaint has by RSS activists, after local
final”. Mr Moily added, which has been putting up a nate”. the joint general secretary of “maligning” its image by are not saying the RSS is given history of the Con- Congressmen burnt effigies
“You cannot call the CAG brave front, is somewhat jit- The RSS, which had on the RSS, I express my heart- “misusing” investigating becoming a major embar- gress Party and said it was a of former RSS chief K.S.
report an indictment. It is tery over the issue. Thursday distanced itself felt deep regrets over the agencies against it and rassment.” 115-year-old organisation Sudarshan. Ms Joshi was
not a final report.” He main- A section in the DMK is of from the controversial com- alleged comments (of Mr implicating some of its lead- Stepping up its campaign and had played a key role in not in Allahabad when the
tained that the report has to the opinion that the DMK ments of Mr Sudarshan, on Sudarshan), which had hurt ers names in terror attack against Mr Sudarshan, Con- freedom of India. incident took place.
be placed before Parliament would need Congress sup- Friday went a step further the sentiments, and the sub- cases. gress members held demon- “We contended that the This is the second time
and then the Public port to stay in power in the by issuing a statement sequent developments that When asked what was its strations across the country RSS has been banned that Ms Joshi’s house has
Accounts Committee “will state. The Congress, sources expressing regret over the are unfortunate.” stand on Mr Sudarshan’s and burnt the RSS leader’s twice,” Mr Jain said. The been targeted by political
scrutinise it”. said, has not taken former RSS chief’s remarks. Sources disclosed both the remarks against the Con- effigy. complainant praised Mrs rivals. In July 2009, the
The DMK is also resorting AIADMK chief Jay- Sonia Gandhi and said she UPCC president’s house in
to pressure tactics by sum- alalithaa’s offer of support was dedicated to the nation Lucknow had been torched,
moning all its MPs to
assemble in Chennai on
Sunday to discuss the issue.
The DMK high command is
seriously. The AIADMK
leader had offered the sup-
port of 18 MPs — nine from
her own outfit, six from the
PM must explain: BJP, JD-U and such derogatory com-
ments hurt the sentiments
of the people.
The complainant also sub-
allegedly by BSP members,
after she made a derogatory
remark against chief minis-
ter Mayawati.
expected to formulate its RLD and three from the AGE CORRESPONDENT ing 2G Spectrum allocation. before the DMK for survival the issue and Trai had never mitted media reports quot- According to reports
strategy to deal with the sit- JD(S). A majority in the NEW DELHI The BJP demanded that in office”. “The paralysis on recommended 2G spectrum ing Mr K.S. Sudarshan’s reaching here, RSS workers
uation in Chennai on Sun- Congress though feel that the PM drop Mr Raja from the part of the Prime Minis- allotment without auction?” speech. reportedly barged into her
day. “Jayalalithaa is not a reli- Nov. 12: Alleging that the his Cabinet. ter to take action against Mr Javadekar said. The Meanwhile, a defamation Allahabad residence, broke
DMK supremo and Tamil able ally”. Congress had surrendered Meanwhile, the Janata Dal Raja on the worst scam in party said if 2G allotment case against former Mr flower pots, damaged her
before its alliance partner, (United), the BJP’s alliance India proves that he was a without auction was right Sudarshan was filed on Fri- vehicle that was parked
the DMK, the main Opposi- partner, demanded Mr partner in the decision,” Mr mode of allotment, then why day in a court in Bhopal for inside and tossed plastic
‘Report not CAG: Unfair tion BJP on Friday said
Prime Minister Manmohan
Raja’s resignation and
explanation from the Prime
Javadekar said.
Posing questions to the
3G spectrum was allotted
through auction.
his derogatory remarks
against Mrs Gandhi, reports
chairs around.
Meanwhile in Bhopal,

indictment procedures Singh must reply whether

his office gave assent to 2G
spectrum allocation without
Minister on the issue, in the
wake of the government fil-
ing an affidavit in the
Prime Minister, the BJP said
the Prime Minister must
answer if the decision to
JD(U) spokesperson Shiv-
anand Tewari said: “The ball
is now in the Prime Minis-
The case was filed by
local Congressman Pradeep
Madhya Pradesh Congress
Mishra’s residence
of Raja’ were adopted auction as suggested by tele-
com minister A. Raja. The
Supreme Court on the 2G
spectrum issue.
allot 2G spectrum without
auction was taken by the
ter’s court following the
affidavit, which showed that
Sharma in the court of chief
judicial magistrate (CJM).
Indore was attacked,
allegedly by Rashtriya
party said Mr Raja had BJP national spokesperson department of telecommuni- the PMO was in the loop at The publication of Mr Swayamsevak Sangh
AGE CORRESPONDENT GEORGE JOSEPH made PM a “co-accused” in Prakash Javadekar said gov- cations or the cabinet. “Is it every stage.” Sudarshan’s remarks activists, during the inter-
NEW DELHI NEW DELHI the scam by suggesting that ernment’s affidavit was a not a fact that the prime “If this was so why the against Mrs Gandhi had vening night of November
he kept the PM informed of testimony to the “abject sur- minister was fully informed Prime Minister did not inter- deeply hurt him, Mr Shar- 11 and 12. Mr Mishra has
Nov. 12: Following an all- Nov. 12: Even as communi- every decision he took dur- render of the Congress about the Trai position on vene?” he asked. ma said. lodged an FIR.
out attack by the Opposi- cation and IT minister A.
tion on the 2G spectrum Raja on Friday denied the
controversy, Union law and
justice minister M. Veerap-
pa Moily came out in
defence of telecom minister
charges against him in the
2G spectrum controversy,
the Comptroller and Audi-
tor General (GAG) is learnt
TN poses challenge for Congress
A. Raja on Friday. to have said that the minis- AGE CORRESPONDENT The current mood in the should be replaced but is him in Parliament. state Assembly elections.
He said that the report of ter, “for no valid reasons” NEW DELHI Congress is that Mr Raja unwilling to take a decision But the 2G spectrum allo- Interestingly, barring law
Comptroller and Auditor ignored the advice of law should either be dropped as he is unsure of its politi- cation issue is diluting the minister M. Veerappa Moily
General (CAG) on 2G spec- and finance ministries and Nov. 12: Tamil Nadu has from the Union Cabinet or cal consequences. Congress’ position on the no body is willing to back
trum allocation cannot be allocated the spectrum at posed a big challenge for the his portfolio be changed. The Congress has earlier corruption issue. Mr Raja.
called an indictment of Mr “less than its value, on flex- Centre and the Congress But DMK supremo and removed Mr Ashok Chavan The other day, the Con- He said the report of
Raja, as claimed by opposi- ible procedures adopted to high command on the issue Tamil Nadu chief minister from the Maharashtra chief gress sources felt the DMK Comptroller and Auditor
tion, as the report had not benefit a few operators”. of controversial 2G spec- M. Karunanidhi is ignoring ministership on the Adarsh leadership to take a call on General (CAG) on 2G spec-
yet been finalised. The report, submitted to trum allocation and the role these feelers after realising housing scam and Mr this issue. But on Friday, it trum allocation cannot be
“You cannot call it an President Pratibha Patil of telecom minister A. Raja that it would be seen as a Suresh Kalmadi from the asked why the BJP is shying called an indictment of Mr
indictment. It is not a final Wednesday, has been sent in it. Now, they would either victory of AIADMK chief post of CPP secretary on the away for a discussion on it Raja, as claimed by the Congress president
report. Technically no one to the finance ministry and have to defend or disown Jayalalithaa ahead of the mess up in the Common- in Parliament. The Congress Opposition, as it is not final. Sonia Gandhi wears a a
can call it indictment,” Dr the Prime Minister’s Office. him inside and outside Par- state Assembly elections. wealth Games. and the DMK might be “You cannot call it an traditional cap during a
Moily stated and added that It will be tabled in parlia- liament. This is because the The PM is expected to take It had even targeted the wanting to target the BJP on indictment. It is not a final rally at Kangla, Manipur,
he had not seen any minis- ment later. Mr Raja, who issue is uniting the Opposi- a call on it in the coming then defence minister this issue but the real politi- report. Technically no one on Friday. PHOTO: PTI
ter resigning following a has refused to resign tion whose target is Prime days. If insiders are to be George Fernandes on the cal beneficiary could be Ms can call it indictment,” he
CAG report. despite mounting demands Minister Manmohan Singh. believed, he wanted Mr Raja coffin scam and boycotted Jayalalithaa in the coming said.
He pointed out that the
CAG had raised similar
from the opposition, said he
was yet to receive a copy of Sonia writes
queries when the late
Pramod Mahajan was the
communications minister
in the NDA government.
“The NDA did not ask
the CAG report. “I cannot
comment on the facts put
up by the media,” he said.
The minister said he
would not comment further
Amarinder sworn in new Punjab PCC chief
ASIT JOLLY Singh charged the ruling would be available to listen
to PM on
NREGA wages
him to resign. I don’t as the matter was subjudice. CHANDIGARH coalition of “rampant cor- to their problems 24x7.
remember any instance Normal business in both ruption and misgovernance Though viewed as belated AMIT AGNIHOTRI
when a minister has houses of parliament was Nov. 12: Taking charge as of the worst kind,” which he by many party men, Capt. NEW DELHI
resigned following a CAG stalled Wednesday and the new Punjab Congress said was leading to “a com- Singh’s appointment at
report,” Dr Moily said. Thursday as agitated oppo- president amidst a huge plete collapse of the econo- PPCC chief drew support Nov. 12: Concerned over
However, he clarified that sition members disrupted crush of supporters and a my, joblessness, breakdown from several Punjab Con- reports of workers not get-
the Comptroller and Audi- the proceedings demanding galaxy of senior politicians of law and order and total gress veterans hitherto ting minimum wages under
tor General report has the resignation of Mr Raja on Friday, former chief min- anarchy in Punjab.” known to be inimical to him. the UPA flagship MGNRE-
“weightage” as it was a over the spectrum contro- ister Amarinder Singh Capt. Amarinder Singh Besides AICC secretary GA, National Advisory
constitutional body. versy alleging that the state promised his cadres that he said, “People have had it R.C. Kuntia and national Council chairperson Sonia
“The CAG report is actu- had lost “lakhs of crores” in would exact retribution from with the SAD-BJP and spokesman Manish Tewari, Gandhi has written to
ally a query raised by the the deal. The CAG report, those responsible for fabri- would throw them out if those present included CLP Prime Minister Manmohan
institution on a particular which was accessed by cating thousands of criminal elections were to be held leader Rajinder Kaur Bhat- Singh to examine the mat-
ministry,” the minister clar- IANS, said “the entire cases against Congress tomorrow.” tal, former governors Bal- ter urgently. “There was a
ified. “CAG is an important process of spectrum alloca- workers during the tenure of Thanking Congress presi- ram Jakhar and Raghunan- general agreement in the
institution to safeguard the tion was undertaken in an the ruling Shiromani Akali dent Sonia Gandhi for dan Lal Bhatia, and four ex- NAC that MGNREGA
interests of the exchequer. arbitrary manner”. “The Dal-Bharatiya Janata Party entrusting him with the huge Pradesh Congress chiefs — workers need to be paid
There is a process involved Prime Minister had stressed government. responsibility of rescuing Mohinder Singh Gill, San- minimum wages as notified
under which queries are on the need for a fair and An estimated 50,000 party Former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh (right) the state from its current dis- tokh Singh Randhawa, under the Minimum Wages
raised by the CAG follow- transparent allocation of workers at Chandigarh’s with his wife, MoS for external affairs Preneet Kaur tress, Capt. Singh vowed to Shamsher Singh Dullo and Act, 1948. Since the matter
ing which the opinion of the spectrum, and the ministry Punjab Congress Bhavan (second from left), and former PCC chiefs Rajinder travel to “every village, Mohinder Singh Kaypee. is of an urgent and inter-
particular ministry or of finance, and the ministry cheered wildly as the new Kaur Bhattal and Mohinder Singh Kaypee after being basti, town and city” to build Gurdaspur MP Pratap ministerial nature, you may
department is obtained. of law and justice had PPCC chief declared, “I sworn in as Punjab PCC chief in Chandigarh on Fri- a never before movement Singh Bajwa and CWC wish to have it examined
Then the report is presented sought for the decision promise to all of you here day. PHOTO: PTI against the present govern- member Jagmeet Brar, who and give suitable direc-
to Parliament and becomes regarding spectrum pricing today, that those responsible ment.” are still believed to be sulk- tions,” said NAC chairper-
its property,” the law minis- to be considered by an for fabricating false cases be spared when we form the ing Assembly elections.” He assured workers that he ing, were conspicuous by son Sonia Gandhi in her let-
ter stated. EGOM,” it said. —IANS against our workers will not government after the com- At his attacking best, Capt. was one among them and their absence. ter to the PM.

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