Narrative Report 2019m

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
District of Passi II (East)

Magdungao Elementary School

Sitio Alibayog, Brgy. Magdungao, Passi City, Iloilo

By virtue of Presidential Decree No. 491 signed on June 25, 1974, by then President
Ferdinand Marcos, the month of July was declared as the National Nutrition Month. The
National Nutrition Council, which was created by the same presidential decree, was tasked
to help promote greater awareness among Filipinos of the importance of nutrition. In
cooperation with the program of National Nutrition Council (NNC) we celebrate Nutrition
Month every month of July.
The 2019 Nutrition Month theme is “Kumain nang wasto at maging aktibo…
push natin ‘to!” (Eat healthy and do physical activity … let’s push this!) The theme
encourages everyone to advocate and realize the importance of healthy diets, increased
physical activity and reduced sedentary behavior. Pushing the advocacy means that each and
every one can contribute to better nutrition and physical activity for better health.

What is the rationale for promoting nutrition and physical activity?

a. Physical activity and diet are two modifiable risk factors to non-communicable diseases.
b. Regular physical activity protects against coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some
cancers, hypertension, obesity, clinical depression, and other chronic disorders.
c. Sedentary behavior (prolonged sitting) may be a distinct risk factor, independent of
physical activity, for multiple adverse health outcomes in adults.
d. There is some evidence that suggests that nutrition and physical activity have
complementary and interactive effects on many physiological parameters including energy
balance, lipid balance, and glucose balance. Improving both nutrition and physical activity
can result to better health outcomes.

During the 2019 Nutrition Month celebration, we highlighted the importance of healthy
diet and physical activity among different age groups. Streamers and posters were hung
within school premise about the Nutrition Month celebration. Nutrition Month theme was
integrated in different learning areas. Promotion and dissemination of correct information on
healthy diet and physical activity were practiced as well as the conduct of physical activities
appropriate for the learners.
In compliance with the said activity, the teaching staffs of Magdungao Elementary
School, which is headed by our school head, Mrs. Ana Liza A. Elardo, together with her ever
supportive Nutrition coordinator, conducted a program last July 25, 2019, Thursday at 8
o’clock in the morning. We invited our very own Barangay Midwife, Mrs. Nonalita G. Bautista
to share her expertise and to broaden the knowledge of the learners about the health
benefits of good nutrition.

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As part of the program, a group of enthusiastic intermediate learners performed on
stage following the groove of Wellness Dance. Primary learners also showcased their skills
which promote the consumption of healthy diets.
The Nutri-Food Exhibit Contest was voluntarily participated by the very active parents
who open-mindedly brought all the necessary nutritious foods/snacks for exhibits in their
corresponding tables located at the school’s covered gym. Each exhibits showed appropriate
example of foods belonging to the three basic food groups. Each participant provided their
own vegetables and fruits and other agricultural products which has potential to attract and
hold customers.
The said activity raise funds for the procurement of instructional materials / cleaning
agents for classrooms. Placing was based on rankings of teams, or numerical scoring, by
judges. An award program was held at the conclusion of the judging process.
It was indeed a day of fun and of talent show! Furthermore, this 2019 nutrition
month theme promote the consumption of healthy diets, increased physical activity, and
reduced sedentary behavior through activities of daily living among individuals and families

Prepared by:


Nutrition Coordinator
Noted by:


Head Teacher I

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During the 2019 Nutrition Month Celebration
Opening Program.

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2019 nutrition Month Talking
Points with Rural Midwife, Mrs.
Nonalita Bautista

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Nutri-Food Exhibit Winners
1st Place – Grade IV
2nd Place – Grade V
3rd Place - Kinder

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2019 Nutrition Month
“Kumain nang wasto at maging aktibo… push natin ‘to!”

Pambansang Awit ......................... Dario B. Pamonag, T-II

Panalangin ......................... Rhian Mae E. Ligasan

Passi City Hymn

Bating Pagtanggap ......................... Hom. Ruel Aguilario
Brgy. Captain, Brgy. Magdungao, Passi City

Pambungad na Pananalita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ana Liza A. Elardo

Head Teacher I
Pamukaw Sigla Grade IV

Pamukaw Sigla Kinder, Grade i

Pagpapakilala ng PAnauhin………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Honeylyn p. dignadice
Grade I Adviser

Mensahe .................. ....... Nonalita G. Bautista

Midwife IV, DOH
Pamukaw Sigla Grade ii, iiii
Pagbasa ng alituntunin sa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catherine p. isanan
Nutri-food exhibit contest Grade VI-MOlave Adviser
Nutrition coordinator

Pangwakas na pananalita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorna Palmes

President, P.T.a.
Pamukaw Sigla Grade v, VI

Francis Carl L. Pescante

Crystal Mae L. Libawan

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