Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028

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I. The Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028 Background

1. What is the Flight Plan 2028?
 The PAF Flight Plan 2028 is a long-term transformation plan for the
Philippine Air Force to enhance its air power capabilities.

2. What are the benefits of the Flight Plan 2028?

 Since the initiation of the Air Force in this transformation journey with the
Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA), it has achieved significant milestones
in the aspect of institutional governance and capability improvements in a
wide range of mission areas, with significant breakthroughs that are
heavily skewed on the development of the PAF’s ability to detect, identify,
intercept, and neutralize threats within the Philippine Air Defense Area of
Operations (PDAO).

3. Who conceptualized the Flight Plan 2028?

 The Air Force formally started its journey to its envisaged future in 2014
through the Flight Plan 2028 framework, in tandem with the Institute for
Solidarity in Asia (ISA), as the PAF’s partner in ascending to the different
stages of the governance pathway.

4. Why is there a need for the Flight Plan 2028?

 In order to have an organizational transformation that is multi-
dimensional, systematic, and robust, the PAF Flight Plan 2028 was
created as a long-term development strategy anchored on good
governance initiatives and performance excellence.
 With its strategic change agenda, the PAF intends to address the gaps
specifically in the key result areas: capability, organization, equipment,
training, bases, HR system, doctrine, support system, research and
development, organization culture, and funding.

II. The Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028 Implementation

5. What are the challenges with regard to the Flight Plan 2028
 The Philippine Air Force is highly technical with diverse functions; thus, a
lot of considerations should be done. Alignment of functions must be
considered, and their connections and interactions must be clearly
defined. Also, the existing systems and processes must be streamlined
according to the needs of strategy implementation.

6. What are the recommendations with regard to the challenges to the Flight
Plan 2028 Implementation?
 It was recommended for the offices and units to give importance to the
implementation of the Flight Plan as a tool for PAF’s transformation
journey. Offices and units were also tasked to align their strategies to the
enterprise strategy to achieved their vision of becoming a more capable
and credible air force responsive to national security and development.

7. What is the role of the Flight Plan Technical Working Group?

 The Flight Plan Technical Working Group is composed of the deputies of
HPAF Offices who are the overseer of the implementation, monitoring,
evaluation, and sustainability of the Flight Plan 2028.

III. The Elements of the Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028
8. What are the elements of the Flight Plan 2028?
 The Flight Plan 2028 is composed of the strategy map, enterprise
scorecard, and portfolio of strategic initiatives.

A. The Philippine Air Force Charter Statement

9. What is the Philippine Air Force Charter Statement?
 The Governance Charter Statement encompasses the organization’s
 Core Values: Integrity, Service above Self, Teamwork, Excellence,
and Professionalism (InSTEP);
 Mission “To organize, train, equip, maintain and provide forces to
conduct prompt and sustained air operations to accomplish the
AFP Mission”; and
 Vision of becoming “A more capable and credible air force
responsive to national security and development” statements.
 The Governance Charter Statement serves as the foundation of the
organization and is entrenched in everything that it does.

10. How did the Philippine Air Force internal stakeholders formulate the
Philippine Air Force Charter Statement?
 In tune to its military way, in 2005, the Philippine Air Force conducted a
Strategic Planning Workshop in order to guide the design of the future Air
Force. PAF officers came up with the vision which, still stands even after
more than a decade.
 In the same year, another workshop identified the PAF Core Values. It
was strengthened in 2009 as part of enhancing good governance through
various leadership activities.

B. The Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map

11. What is the Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map?
 The Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map is a one-page graphical representation
of the Philippine Air Force’s long-term transformation plan to improve air
power capabilities of the organization.

12. How did the Philippine Air Force internal stakeholders formulate the Flight
Plan 2028 Strategy Map?
 The initial focus of the PAF Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map during 2014 is
centered on integrated air defense capabilities where the organization
should be able to detect, identify, intercept, and neutralize threats. The
refresh was because of the adoption of the Integrated Air Operations
Concept (IAOC), which includes additional capabilities other than the
integrated air defense system.

13. What is the story behind the Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map?
 The Philippine Air Force Flight Plan 2028 is grounded on PAF’s Mission
and Core Values to achieve its vision.
 There are five (5) perspectives to attain the organization’s vision, namely:
Capability Enablers, Support System, Core Systems, Strategic Focus,
and Impact.
 Overall, PAF would like to obtain an Impact of having “Capable Joint and
Combined Forces Enabled” and “Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

14. What are the Core Systems?

 The PAF Core Systems, as stated in the Integrated Air Operations
Concept (IAOC) which constitutes all air power capabilities across all
mission areas, is composed of the Integrated Command, Control,
Communications & Computer System (IC4S), Integrated Air Defense
System (IADS), Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance System
(ISRS), Search and Rescue System (SARS), Mobility Support System
(MSS), and Surface Strike System (SSS).

15. What are the Capability Enablers?

 Capability Enablers are composed of the DOTMPLF – Doctrines,
Organization, Training, Materiel, Personnel, Leadership, and Facilities –
plus the Values, Budget and Finance, and Stakeholder Engagement.

16. What is the Strategic Focus of the Philippine Air Force?

 The Strategic Focus states the direction PAF wants to pursue, which is to
“Develop a Credible Air Defense Posture.” The focus is defined by two (2)
milestones: Waypoint and Breakthrough. By 2022, the Waypoint Goal is
to “Develop a credible air defense posture in the priority areas with
exhibited competence in Integrated C4 System,” and by 2028, the
Breakthrough Goal is to “Develop a credible air defense posture in the
Philippine defense area of operations.”

C. The CG,PAF Scorecard

17. What is the CG,PAF Scorecard?
 Every strategy map has a corresponding enterprise scorecard. A
scorecard is a measurement tool used to check if the organization is able
to progress towards its prospected goals.
 The CG,PAF Scorecard is composed of key performance indicators which
acts as measures on the objectives written in the Flight Plan strategy
 This will allow the organization to be transparent in its conduct of
business, in the same way, to be accountable to certain targets that are
deemed valuable to the stakeholders.

18. What are Measures?

 Measures are Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that determine the
successful accomplishment of objectives or the desired project results.
KPI outlines in detail what will be measured, specifying quantity and time
as well as the baseline and the target. All indicators have to be
measurable and therefore expressible in numeric terms.

19. Who are the Measure Owners?

 The Measure Owners are those responsible for setting targets on the
measures and for managing the measure itself.

20. What are Targets?

 Targets are quantitative goals that the organization is vying to achieve. It
defines the gap expressed by the objective.
D. Portfolio of Strategic Initiatives
21. What is the Portfolio of Strategic Initiatives?
 The Flight Plan Portfolio of Strategic Initiatives help reach targets for your
measures and thereby achieve the objectives in the Flight Plan and other
PAF strategic plans. Each initiative is composed of transformational
programs, projects, and activities to actualize the Flight Plan 2028
Strategy Map.

22. What framework was used to design the transformational programs,

projects, and activities within each Strategic Initiative?
 The Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF) was used to analyze,
design, and implement the transformational programs, projects, and
activities as stated under each Strategic Initiative.
 Within the DMF is the Design Process, Logical Framework, Work
Breakdown Structure, Gantt Chart, and Risk Analysis and Management.

23. What are the sixteen (16) Strategic Initiatives?

 Establish, Secure, and Integrate the Air Force Integrated C4 System with
the AFT C4ISTAR System
 Attain a Full Spectrum Focused Integrated Air Defense Capability
 Institutionalize PAF Integrated Logistics System
 Attain a High Level 24/7 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
System Operational Readiness
 Enhance Air Mobility Capability
 Enhance Air Force Joint SAR and Inter-Agency Disaster Response
 Achieve an Effective Surface Strike Capability
 Optimize Air Force Special Operations Capability
 Institutionalize PAF Strategic Human Resource Management System
 Institutionalize a Relevant PAF Education, Training, and Doctrine System
 Fast-track the Implementation of the PAF Future Force Structure
 Develop a Responsive PAF Ready Reserve Force Across the Range of
Military Operations
 Institutionalize Strategic Leadership Culture at All Levels of the
 Institutionalize a Comprehensive Base Development and Support System
 Establish a Flight Plan-Driven Integrated Resource Management System
 Intensify the Flight Plan-Driven Stakeholders Engagement Program

IV. Strategy Monitoring and Reviews

24. What is the Flight Plan Monitoring System?
 The Flight Plan Monitoring System (FPMS) is a tool used to track down
the progress of the activities, projects, and programs being implemented
in line with the Strategic Initiatives derived from the Flight Plan Strategy

V. Performance Governance System

25. Who is the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA)?
 The Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) was established by economist and
former finance secretary Jesus Estanislao together with reform-minded
influencers from different disciplines as they envision a nation led by
strong and upright democratic institutions.
 The organization works with handpicked national agencies and local
governments to create strategies that yield big reforms and result in better
public service, more private enterprises and investments, and new
opportunities to raise household incomes.

26. What is the Performance Governance System (PGS)?

 Performance Governance System (PGS) developed by the Institute for
Solidarity in Asia (ISA) aims to establish institutional transformation and
holistic development of public agencies. It is based on the Balanced
Scorecard concept developed by Doctors Kaplan and Norton from
Harvard Business School.
27. What are the four (4) stages in the PGS Pathway?
 Initiation, Compliance, Proficiency, and Institutionalization.

28. What stage is the Philippine Air Force now?

 The Philippine Air Force attained the Proficiency stage on October 2016
and this November 2019, the organization is targeting the
Institutionalization stage.

29. What are the nine (9) PGS Hallmarks?

 Breakthrough Results – the PAF must be able to deliver evident and
relevant results attained through the implementation of the programs,
projects, and activities identified under each Strategic Initiative in line with
the Flight Plan Strategy Map.
 Basic Governance Documents – these include the Charter Statement,
Strategy Map, and Enterprise Scorecard that are all anchored on a
strategic positioning.
 PGS Core Team – formerly termed as Technical Working Group, the PGS
Core Team should be composed of governance champions who
represent strategic areas of the organization. In coordination with the
Office for Strategy Management (OSM), the PGS Core Team plays a
crucial role in the monitoring and evaluation of the strategy and its
progress through the regular conduct of operations reviews.
 Cascading Framework – the charter, strategy map, and enterprise
scorecard should be instilled in the minds and hearts of every airman;
thus, cascading sessions should be conducted. The strategies of each
unit should also be aligned to the enterprise strategy.
 Office for Strategy Management (OSM) – the OSM is mandated to
oversee the formulation of strategy design and execution of strategy as
well as strategy sustainability. This calls for the OSM to properly align the
strategy of the units to the organizational strategy. Moreover, the
cascading sessions should be spearheaded by the OSM.
 Strategic Performance Assessments (SPA) – formerly termed as Unit
Governance Practice, the SPA comes in the form of Strategy Reviews
and Operations Reviews conducted on a regular basis.
 Multi-Sector Governance Council – the council should be composed of
key external stakeholders to represent different sectors in providing
strategic and substantive advice to move the organization forward in its
governance journey.
 Governance Culture – good governance practices should be maintained
through execution of Good Governance Programs or Integrity Initiatives
across the entire organization.
 Governance Sharing – this involves sharing of best practices with internal
offices and external agencies as a learning experience for both parties.

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