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Name _________________________ Klasse ________________ Datum _______________

1 Wer bist du?

Level 1

A. Your German class is planning to visit Germany this coming summer. Your teacher has
asked you to find information about places in Germany you would like to visit. List at
least five Bundesländer.

B. Look at an online map of Germany and decide on three Bundesländer you would
like to visit and find one city in each. Name the Bundesländer that border each
Bundesland you choose.
Name of Bundesland 1 and city: ____________________________________________
bordering states ___________________________________________________________
Name of Bundesland 2 and city: ____________________________________________
bordering states ___________________________________________________________
Name of Bundesland 3 and city: ____________________________________________
bordering states ___________________________________________________________

Write the name and Name: ____________________________________________

URL of each site you
URL: _____________________________________________
visited to complete
Activity B. Name: ____________________________________________
URL: _____________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
URL: _____________________________________________

Copyright © Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 1

Name _________________________ Klasse ________________ Datum _______________

C. Take a look at the citizens of Stenkelfeld and with the vocabulary you already know
describe them by filling in as many of the spaces below as you can.

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3


Er/Sie kommt aus...


Beruf (occupation)

Write the name and Name: ____________________________________________

URL of each site you
URL: _____________________________________________
visited to complete
Activity C.

D. In Activities B and C you visited places and met people. Which place and which person
looked most interesting to you? Write a postcard telling your friend about what you
saw. (Check pages 34 and 35 in your textbook for examples of postcards.)



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_____________________________________ ___________________

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