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IBT Dilsukhnagar

Regional Head Office South India Delivering the best quality of studies

Faculty Santosh
1) A alone complete a certain work in 60 days & B alone can do it in 20 days then in how many days A & B
working together do it?
2) A alone can complete a certain work in 30days B alone can do it in 20days then in how many days A & B
working together can do it?
3) P alone can do a piece of work in 36 days, & Q alone can do it in 45days. In how many days P & Q working
together can complete the work?
4) A can do a piece of work in 9 days, B can do the same work in 12days. In how many days can the work be
completed if A & B work together
5) A & B together can complete a work in 12days. A alone can complete it in 20days. If B does the work only for
half-a-day daily, then in how many days A and B together will complete the work?
6) A alone can complete a work in 20days&A & B together can complete it in 15 days. In how many days B
alone can complete the work?
7) A & B together complete the work in 8 days, A alone can do it in 24days then in how many days B alone do it?
8) X is thrice as fast as Y & is able to complete the work in 40days less than Y. Find the time in which they can
complete the work together?
9) B is thrice efficient as A & together they can complete a certain work in 36 days then, in how many days ?
a) A alone can complete the work b) B alone can complete the work
10) A is twice as efficient as B & together they can complete work in 16 days then in how many days
a) A alone can complete the work b) B alone can complete the work
11) A is twice as efficient as B & B is thrice as efficient as C. Together if three of them can complete a certain
work in 12 days then in how many days
a) A alone b) B alone c) C alone can complete the work
12) A man, A women & a boy individually can complete a certain work in 6, 8, 24 days respectively then, how
many boys must assist one man & one women such that the work can complete in?
a) 1 day b) 2 days c) 3 days
13) 2 men & 5 women can do a work in 12days, 5 men & 2 women can do that work in 9 days, only 3 women
can finish the same work in?
14) A is thrice as efficient as B & alone is able to complete a certain work in 80days less than B. Then in how
many days
i) A alone ii) B alone iii) A & B together complete the work
15) A can complete a piece of work in 12 days, B is 60% more efficient than A. The no. of days that B will take
to complete the same work is?
16) A is 60% as efficient as B & alone is able to complete a work in 30 days less. Then in how many days B alone
can do it?
17) B is 20% less efficient than A & alone takes7days less than A to completes a certain work, then in how
many days (i) A alone (ii) B alone can do it
18) 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20days, 8 semi-skilled workers can build a wall in 25days, 10 unskilled
workers can build a wall in 30days. If a team has 2skilled, 6 semi-skilled & 5 unskilled workers, how long will it

take to build the wall?

19) A does 5th of the work in a week, B finishes the same work in fortnight. B starts the work & work only for
3days. Therefore A complete the job. He will finish it in?
20) A can do a piece of work in 2days & B in 3 days, Then with the help of C they together completed it in 1day.
C alone could complete the work in?

“Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”
—B. F. Skinner
IBT Dilsukhnagar
Regional Head Office South India Delivering the best quality of studies

21) A & B together can complete a piece of work in 72 days B & C together in 120 days, A & C together in 90
days. A,B & C together can complete the work in?
22) A can complete a piece of work in 36days, B in 54days & C in 72days. All the three began the work together
but A left 8 days before the completion of the work. B left the 12 days before the completion of work. Only C
worked up to the end. In how many days was the work completed?
23) A can do a certain work in the same time in which B & C together can do it. If A & B together could do it in
10days & C alone in 150days, then B alone could do it in?
24) A & B together can do a piece of work in 12days which B & C together can do it in 16days. After A has been
working at it for 5days & B for 7days, C finishes it in 13days. In how many days C alone will do the work?
a) 16 b) 24 c) 36 d) 4
25) A & B together can do a piece of work in 12days. B & C together in 15days. If A is twice as good as working
as C then in how many days B alone can complete the same work
26) If A works alone he would take 4days more to complete the job then if both A & B worked together. If B
worked alone he would take 16days more to complete the job than if A & B work together. How many days
would they take to complete the work if both of them complete them
a) 10 b) 12 c) 6 d) 8

CONCEPT : Sharing of wages

Wages are always shared in the ratio of the amount of work done i.e Wages α work done

27) A alone can complete a piece of work in 30days B alone can do it in 40days, they undertook to do a piece of
work 840/- & finished it together then find the shares of wages of A & B respectively?
28) Amar can complete 1/4th of the work in 3days & Shankar can complete 1/6th of the same work in 4days.
How much will Amar get if both work together & are paid 1800/- in all
29) ‘A’ alone can complete a certain work in 10days, ‘B’ alone can do it in 15days then undertook to do a piece
of work for 780/- with the help of ‘C’. They finished it in 5days then find the share of wages of ’C’.
30) P, Q & R are employed to do a work for 5750/- P & Q together finished 19/23 of the work, Q & R together
finished 8/23 of the work wages of Q in Rupees is?
31) ‘A’ alone can complete a certain work in 30days, ‘B’ alone can do it in 40days. They started the work
together but after 12days ‘B’ left the work then in how many more days ‘A’ alone can complete the remaining
32) A father & son together can complete a job in 6 days. The father alone can complete it in 8 days. Both of
them worked for 3 days & then the father had to leave. In how many more days will the son alone complete
the remaining work?
33) “A” and “B” each working alone can do a work in 10 and 15 days respectively. They started to work
together but “B” left after sometime and A finished the remaining work in 5 days. After how many days from
the start did “B” leave?
34) “A” can do a work in 12 days. When he had worked for 3 days “B” joined him. If they complete the
remaining work in 3 days. In how many days “B” alone can finish the work?
35) P can complete a piece of work in 20days & Q in 30days. P worked alone for 4days & left, then ‘Q’
completed the remaining work along with ‘R’ in 18days. In how many days can ‘R’ working alone complete the

36) A & B can do a work in 12 days, B & C in 15days, C & A in 20days. Then all worked together for 8days &
then A left. In how many more days can B & C finish the remaining work?

CONCEPT : People working on alternate days

“Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”
—B. F. Skinner
IBT Dilsukhnagar
Regional Head Office South India Delivering the best quality of studies

37) ‘A’ alone can complete a certain work in 6days & ‘B’ alone can do it in 9days then in how many days they
can complete the work, if they work on alternate days starting with
(i) ‘A’ on the 1st day (ii) ‘B’ on the 1st day
38) A & B working separately can do a piece of work in 6 & 12days respectively. They work on alternate days
starting with ‘A’ on the 1st day. In how many days will the work be completed?
39) ‘P’ & ‘Q’ working separately can do a piece of work in 12 & 15 days respectively. They work on alternate
days starting with Q on the 1st day. In how many days will the work to completed
40) ‘P’ & ‘Q’ working separately can do a piece of work in 18 & 24 days respectively. In how many days will the
work be completed if they work on alternate days?
41) A, B & C can do a piece of work in 40, 60 & 120days respectively. In how many days can ‘A’ do the work, if
he is assisted by ‘B’ & ‘C’ on every 3rd day?
42) ‘A’ can do a work in 8days B can do a work in 7days. ‘C’ can do a work in 6days. A works on the 1st day, ‘B’
works on the 2nd day & ‘C’ on the 3rd day respectively that work on alternatively days. When will they finish the
43) 3 taps P, Q & R can fill a tank in 12, 15 & 20 hours respectively. If P is opened all the time Q & R are opened
for 1hour each alternatively starting with ‘Q’ the tank will be full in?

CONCEPT : Pipes & cisterns

44) Pipe ‘P’ can fill a tank in 20min & pipe ‘Q’ can empty in 36min. If both the pipes are opened into an empty
tank then in how many minutes will the tank be full
45) A tank is filled by 2 pipes in 10hrs & 15hrs respectively & then emptied by a 3rd pipe in 8hrs. If all the 3 taps
are opened, in what time the tank is filled?
46) Two taps can fill an empty tank in 36min & 60min respectively. A 3rd tap can empty the full tank in 90
minutes. At what time will an empty tank be filled if all the 3 are opened simultaneously at 8:50am?
47) Two pipes can fill half of the tank in 20min. If one of the pipes fills the whole tank in 60 minutes, find the
time taken by the other pipe to fill the tank individually?
48) A tank is normally filled in 8hrs but takes 2hrs longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom. If the tank is full,
the leak will empty it in?
49) A tap can a fill a tank in 20min & another can empty it in 15min when the tank is 3/4th fill, both taps are
opened. In what will the tank be completely empty?
50) If two pipes function simultaneously, the reservoir will be filled in 12hrs. 1st pipe fills the reservoir 10hrs
faster than the 2nd. How many hours does it take the 1st pipe alone to fill the reservoir?
a) 25hrs b) 20hrs c) 60hrs d) 30hrs
51) 2 pipes can fill a tank in 20min & 24min respectively. And a drain pipe cam empty 9 gallons per minute. All
the 3 pipes working together can fill the tank in 15min. The capacity of the tank is?
52) A tank has a leak, which could empty it in 8hrs, when the tank is full, a tap is turned on which admits 6liters
a minutes into the tank & the tank is now emptied in 12hrs. How many litres does the tank hold?
53) 3 taps can fill a tank in 10, 15 & 18 minutes respectively. In a empty tank all the three taps are kept open &
after 3minutes the 3rd tap is closed. In how many minutes more will the tank be full?
54) 2 pipes ‘P’ & ‘Q’ can fill a tank in 12minutes and 18 minutes respectively. They are tuned on at the same

time. If the tap ‘P’ is tuned off after 4minutes, how long will tap ‘Q’ take to fill the rest tank?
55) Pipe ‘A’ fills a water tank in 24min. Pipe ‘B’ fills the same tank 7times as fast as pipe ‘A’. If both the pipes
are kept open in how many minutes will the empty tank be filled.
56) 2 pipes ‘P’ & ‘Q’ can fill a tank in 10min & 15min respectively. But an empty pipe ‘R’ can empty it in 5 min.
The pipes P & Q are opened for 4min & then the empty pipe R is also opened. In what time is the taken

“Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”
—B. F. Skinner
IBT Dilsukhnagar
Regional Head Office South India Delivering the best quality of studies

CONCEPT 7: Chain-Rule “W = mxdxhxe”

57) A piece of work can be done by 16 men in 8days working 12hrs day. How many men are needed to
complete another work, which is 3 times the 1st one, in 32 days working 8hrs a day?
58) 15 men take 10days to complete a job working 12hrs a day. How many hours a day should 10men work to
complete the job in 20days?
59) 25 men take 25days to construct a wall 10m high. How many men would be required to construct a similar
wall, which is 8m high, if it is planned that the work would be completed in 10days?
60) 250men can finish a work in 20days with 5hrs a day. To finish the work within 10days with 4 hrs a days the
minimum no. of men is requires?
61) 28 men take 30days to complete a certain work then. How many men are needed to complete the work in
62) 24 men can complete a certain work in 18days, they started the work together but after 13 days 6 more
men join the work then in how many more days the remaining work would complete?
63) A contractor decided to complete the work in 40days & employed 60 men at the beginning & 40 men
additionally after 10days & got the work completed as per schedule. If he had not employed the additional
men, how many extra days would he have needed to complete the work?
64) A certain no. of men can do a work in 20days. If there were 4 more men, the work can be done in 5 days
less. How many men were there initially?
65) The work done by (x+2) men in (x-3)days & work done by x men in (x-2)days is equal. Find x
a) 6 b) 4 c) 8 d) 9
66) 30 workers can complete a job in 36 days, after 30days, some more workers joined & the job was
completed 2days earlier. How many new workers joined
67) 10 women can complete a work in 7 days & 10 children take 14 days to complete the work. How many days
will 5 women & 10 children take to complete the work?
68) 3 men or 4 women can construct a wall in 78 days. Then how many days 6 men & 5 women together can
do it?
69) 4 men or 5 women can construct a wall in 82 days. How long will it take 5 men & 4 women to do the same?
70) A & B undertook a work for 350/-. A got 150/- more than that of B. When they worked together. ’B’ takes 9
days more than ‘A’, when they work individually. In how many days ‘A’ & ‘B’ working together can do it the
whole work.
2 5 4
a) 5 b) 4 7 c) 4 7 d) 5 7

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“Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”
—B. F. Skinner

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