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Controlled Rectifier DC Drives

Mochammad RAMELI
Teknik Sistem Pengaturan - Departemen Teknik Elektro
Fakultas Teknologi Elektro
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

2017 4
 Power Electronics Converters for DC Drives
 Controlled Rectifier Fed DC Drives
Single Phase
 Two-quadrant
 Four-quadrant
Three Phase
 Two-quadrant
 Four-quadrant
 References
Power Electronic Converters
for DC Drives
 Speed Control Strategy:
 below base speed: Va control
 above base speed: flux control via Vf control
 Power electronics converters are used to obtain variable voltage
 Highly efficient
 Ideally lossless
 Type of converter used is depending on voltage source :
AC voltage source  Controlled Rectifiers
Fixed DC voltage source  DC-DC converters
Controlled Rectifier Fed DC Drives
• To obtain variable DC voltage from fixed AC source
• DC current flows in only 1 direction
• Example of a drive system

Controlled Rectifier Fed 
– Single-phase DC Drives Q2 Q1
 Two-quadrant drive Q3 Q4 T
 Limited to applications up to 15 kW
 Regeneration (Q4) only be achieved with loads that can drive
the motor in reverse (-ve )

Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Single-phase DC Drives +
• Two-quadrant drive phase Va
For continuous current: 
• Armature voltage
Va  cos  a
 2 Vm

where Vm = peak voltage
• Armature current Va  E a
Ia  90o 180o

• Field voltage
2Vm 
2 Vm
Vf  cos  f 

Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Single-phase DC Drives + +
• Two-quadrant drive phase
Va Ea 

For Quadrant 1 operation:  

•  positive  Ea and Va positive
• a  90 Va 
cos  a

• Ia positive 2 Vm

• Rectifier delivers power to motor,
i.e. forward motoring. 
90o 180o

2 Vm

Controlled Rectifier Fed ia

– Single-phase DC Drives Single-

 

phase Va Ea 
• Two-quadrant drive supply
+ +
For Quadrant 4 operation:
•  negative  Ea negative
• a > 90  Va negative Va 

cos  a
• Ia positive (still in same direction) 2 Vm

• Rectifier takes power from motor,
i.e. regenerative braking.

90o 180o

2 Vm

Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Single-phase DC Drives

 Four-quadrant drive
 Converter 1 for operation in 1st and 4th quadrant Q2 Q1
 Converter 2 for operation in 2nd and 3rd quadrant Q3 Q4 T
 Limited to applications up to 15 kW

Single- ia Single-
phase Va phase
supply supply
 Two rectifiers
connected in anti-
parallel across
Converter 1 Converter 2
motor armature
Four-quadrant drive
 For continuous current:
Both converters are operated to produce the same dc voltage across the terminal, i.e.:
V1  V2  0
2Vm 2Vm
where V1  cos  a1 and V2  cos  a 2
 
(Vm = peak supply voltage)
 Hence, firing angles of both converters must satisfy the following:
 a1   a 2  
+ 
Va  E a
 Armature current Ia  V1 V2
2V  +
 Field voltage V f  m cos  f
 Converter 1 Converter 2
Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Three-phase DC Drives 

 Two-quadrant drive Q2 Q1
 Limited to applications up to 1500 kW
Q3 Q4 T
 Regeneration (Q4) only be achieved with loads that can
drive the motor in reverse (-ve )

Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Three-phase DC Drives +

• For continuous current: 3-phase

• Armature voltage supply
3VL -L, m
Va  cos  a 

where VL-L, m = peak line-to-line voltage
3VL -L, m
Va  E a 
• Armature current Ia 

90o 180o

3VL -L, m
• Field voltage Vf  cos  f
 
3VL -L, m

(assuming a three-phase supply is used for field excitation)
Three-phase Controlled Rectifier 2Q DC Drive
A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 50 A separately excited motor with armature resistance of 0.5
Ohm, is fed from a 3-phase fully-controlled rectifier. Available ac source has a line
voltage of 440 V, 50 Hz. A star-delta connected transformer is used to feed the
armature so that motor terminal voltage equals rated voltage when converter firing
angle is zero.
(i) Calculate transformer turns ratio
(ii) Determine the value of firing angle when:
a) motor is running at 1200 rpm and rated torque;
b) when motor is running at – 800 rpm and twice the rated torque.
Assume continuous conduction.

Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Three-phase DC Drives

 Four-quadrant drive
Q2 Q1
 Converter 1 for operation in 1st and 4th quadrant
Q3 Q4 T
 Converter 2 for operation in 2nd and 3rd quadrant
Ia +ve, Ia -ve,
Va +ve or -ve Va +ve or -ve
Converter 1 Converter 2

3-phase 3-phase
supply Va
supply Two rectifiers
 connected in anti-
parallel across
motor armature
Four-quadrant drive
 For continuous current: ia
3VL L , m
Va  cos  a
 

Converter 1 Converter 2
where VL-L, m = peak line-to-line voltage.
 Similar to single-phase drive:  a1   a 2  

Converter 2: Converter 1: 0   a1  90

90   a 2  180 
Ia -ve, Ia +ve,
 a1     a 2 Va +ve Va +ve  a 2     a1
Q2 Q1
Q3 Q4

0   a 2  90 Converter 2: Converter 1: 90   a1  180

Ia -ve, Ia +ve,
 a1     a 2  a 2     a1
Va -ve Va -ve
Controlled Rectifier Fed
– Three-phase DC Drives
• For continuous current:
• Armature current I  Va  E a
• Field voltage 3VL -L, m
Vf  cos  f

• Disadvantages:
• Circulating current + ia
• Inductors L1 and L2 Va
added to reduce
circulating currents 

• Slow response
Converter 1 Converter 2
Three-phase Controlled Rectifier 4Q DC Drive
Motor of previous example is fed from a circulating current dual converter with ac
source voltage (line) = 165 V. determine converter firing angles for the following
operating points:
(i) Motor operation at rated motor torque and 1000 rpm.
(ii) Braking operation at rated motor torque and 100 rpm.
(iii)Motoring operation at rated motor torque and (- 1000) rpm.
(iv)Braking operation at rated motor torque and (- 1000) rpm.

Controlled Rectifier Fed

– Three-phase DC Drives
Q2 Q1
 Four-quadrant drive Q3 Q4 T
 One controlled rectifier with 2 pairs of contactors
 M1 and M2 closed for operation in 1st and 4th quadrant
 R1 and R2 closed for operation in 2nd and 3rd quadrant

M1 ia R1

+ Va -
R2 M2

Rectifier Fed DC Drives Problems
1. Distortion of Supply
 Controlled rectifier introduces harmonics to supply currents and voltages
which cause:
 heating and torque pulsations in motor
 resonance in power system network – interaction between rectifier RL with
capacitor banks in system
 Solution - eliminate most dominant harmonics by:
 install LC filters at input of converters – tuned to absorb most dominant
harmonics (i.e. 5th and 7th harmonics)
 Use 12-pulse converter – consists of two 6-pulse controlled rectifiers connected
in parallel
 Selective switching of supply input using self-commutating devices (eg. GTOs,
IGBTs) in the converter

Rectifier Fed DC Drives Problems
12-pulse converter – consists of two 6-pulse controlled rectifiers connected in parallel

Rectifier Fed DC Drives Problems
2. Low supply power factor
• Power factor related to firing angle  of rectifier
• Low power factor especially during low speed operations
• Solution:
• Employ pulse-width modulated (PWM) rectifiers using GTOs, IGBTs
• High power factor
• Low harmonic supply currents
• Low efficiency - high switching losses (disadvantage)

Rectifier Fed DC Drives Problems
3. Effect on motor
 Ripple in motor current – harmonics present (most dominant is 6th harmonic)
 causes torque ripple, heating and derating of motor
 solution: extra inductance added in series with La
 Slow response
 Discontinuous current may occur if
 La not large enough
 Motor is lightly loaded
 Effect of discontinuous current
 Rectifier output voltage increases  motor speed increases
(poor speed regulation under open-loop operation)

• Rashid, M.H, Power Electronics: Circuit, Devices and Applictions, 3rd
ed., Pearson, New-Jersey, 2004.
• Dubey, G.K., Fundamentals of Electric Drives, 2nd ed., Alpha Science
Int. Ltd., UK, 2001.
• Krishnan, R., Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 2001.
• Nik Idris, N. R., Short Course Notes on Electrical Drives, UNITEN/UTM,
• Ahmad Azli, N., Short Course Notes on Electrical Drives, UNITEN/UTM,

Three-Phase Full-Converter

Figure 10.5
Rashid, M.H, Power Electronics: Circuit, Devices and
Applictions, 3rd ed., Pearson, New-Jersey, 2004
Waveforms and Conduction Times
3  / 2 
Vo ( dc ) 
  / 6 
vab d 

3  / 2   

  / 6 
3 Vm sin     d
 6
3 3Vm
 cos 

3  / 2   
Vo ( rms ) 
  / 6 
3Vm2 sin 2     d
 6

1 3 3
 3 Vm  cos 2
2 4

Figure 10.5
Rashid, M.H, Power Electronics:
Circuit, Devices and Applictions,
3rd ed., Pearson, New-Jersey, 2004

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