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 Ways  To  Raise  Your  Vibration  Today  

About Kate Spencer

Kate Spencer is an author, speaker, energy healer, law of attraction coach and
psychic intuitive reader. She has loyal clients from all over the world and
generates referrals through her excellent personal
service and skills in helping people to develop
personally and spiritually.

Her FIVE star book Twelve Lessons is one of Amazons

best sellers with readers all over the globe.

Kate combines regular coaching techniques with

knowledge and experience of vibrational medicine,
psychology and the universal laws. Her work
consistently receives outstanding feedback and she is
proud to say that she has made a positive difference
to many people’s lives.

Getting people unstuck is a speciality and coping with change, life strategy
with a spiritual perspective and energy re-patterning are all services that
yield amazing results.

Kate can help you on a personal basis, with relationship challenges, energy
flow in business and your home. Emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical
and financial issues can all be worked with to great effect.
15 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Today!

Living Your Spiritual Life in Real Life

Welcome  to  earth!    
You  are  a  soul  in  a  human  body  having  an  experience  here  on  earth,  which  is  known  to  
be  the  hardest  school  in  the  galaxy.  So  what’s  it  all  about?  Why  are  we  here,  and  what  
should  we  no  next?  
This  journey  is  all  about  expanding  your  consciousness  and  getting  back  to  who  you  
really  are  in  truth.  That  means  without  all  of  your  human  hang  ups,  memories,  
programming,  fears  and  baggage.  It’s  about  opening  your  heart  and  allowing  the  love  
and  light  of  who  you  truly  are  to  shine  through,  from  deep  in  your  soul  while  you  are  in  
human  form.    
Sounds  easy  doesn’t  it?  But  anyone  that  has  made  a  commitment  to  living  their  life  in  a  
more  spiritual  way  will  tell  you  that  its  sometimes  anything  but!    

I  awakened  about  10  years  ago  and  since  then  have  learned  some  things  that  may  be  
useful  to  you  on  your  path,  take  what  resonates  with  you  with  my  love  and  blessings  
and  apply  to  your  own  life  as  you  need  to.  
1. Know  you  are  responsible  for  what  you  attract  -­‐  through  your  own  energy  
vibration  and  the  process  of  Law  of  Attraction  you  will  draw  in  matching  
experiences,  if  you  want  to  know  what  you  are  sending  out  there  look  at  what  
you  are  getting  back.  
2. Everyone  is  doing  their  best.  Their  best  may  not  fit  with  what  your  perception  
tells  you  is  “right”  but  they  are  doing  their  version  of  their  best,  based  on  their  
experiences,  beliefs,  fears  and  more.  You  are  also  doing  your  best  in  a  given  
moment,  as  you  grow  and  evolve  you  will  do  a  different  version  of  your  best  and  
so  will  others.  When  you  know  better,  you  do  better.  This  is  true  for  everyone.  
3. Unforgiveness  and  resentment  only  damages  you,  not  the  person  that  you  
perceive  to  have  wronged  you.  Foster  a  firm  belief  in  Law  of  Attraction  and  know  
that  whatever  people  send  out  they  will  get  back,  this  goes  for  you  and  everyone  
else  so  you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  revenge.  The  Universe  squares  things  up.  
4. Do  the  right  thing.  Your  gut  feeling  will  tell  you  what  this  is.  
5. Be  who  you  really  are,  people  that  resonate  with  you  will  be  drawn  to  you  and  
people  that  don’t  will  drift.  Don’t  adapt  who  you  are  to  please  other  people.  This  
sends  a  message  out  to  the  Universe  that  you  are  not  good  enough  for  who  you  
are  and  this  is  not  true.  
6. Be  Grateful.  Make  this  a  conscious  part  of  your  life  and  look  for  things,  people  
and  experiences  to  say  thank  you  for.  This  primes  the  pump  for  the  Universe  to  
help  more  goodness  flow  your  way.  
7. Focus  on  what  you  want  instead  of  what  you  don’t.  Worrying  about  what  might  
happen  in  the  future  is  negatively  creating  what  you  do  not  want,  observe  your  
own  mind  and  step  back  from  this  habit.  
8. Don’t  be  a  Right  Fighter.  This  drags  you  into  drama  and  can  steal  your  time  and  
energy.  If  someone  else  is  going  through  a  lesson  you  can  act  as  a  sign  post  for  
them  but  you  cannot  fix  them.  These  are  their  lessons  and  if  you  interfere  you  
are  robbing  them  of  a  chance  to  learn.  
9. Be  positive.  Thoughts  are  magnetic  and  your  dominant  thoughts  are  creating  
your  energy  vibration.  When  you  are  positive  and  you  expect  good  things,  good  
things  are  drawn  to  you.  
10. Keep  away  from  Dream  Stealers.  They  knock  you  out  of  alignment  with  what  you  
want  to  create  in  your  life  and  make  you  doubt  yourself.  Other  people  will  not  
always  see  your  vision,  know  that  this  is  the  case  and  don’t  take  on  their  opinion.  
11. Be  present.  Be  here  now  and  know  that  you  cannot  create  in  the  future  that  
which  you  cannot  feel  in  the  present  moment.  Law  of  Attraction  draws  into  your  
future  experience  what  you  feel  right  now.  Every  feeling  is  manifesting  your  
12. Find  your  Happy  and  live  it  out  loud.  Find  your  purpose,  what  excites  you  and  
makes  you  feel  happy  and  do  a  whole  load  more  of  that.  This  opens  you  up  to  
more  joy  and  happiness  to  come  into  your  life  and  also  helps  humanity  as  a  
whole.  You  have  a  unique  gift  and  mission    
13. Always  know  that  there  is  a  Higher  Power  and  that  you  are  created  from  a  part  
of  this.  You  are  powerful  and  magnificent  beyond  belief  and  you  are  worthy  of  all  
things  good  in  your  life.  You  did  not  come  here  to  suffer  or  struggle.  
14. Ask  for  help.  The  veil  is  thinner  than  you  think  and  your  guides  and  the  light  
beings  of  the  Universe  are  here  to  help  you.  
15. Love  Yourself.  Until  you  know  that  you  are  worthy  of  being  loved  you  will  
continue  to  sabotage  yourself  and  attract  people  and  situations  that  do  not  serve  
you.  You  are  precious  and  worthy,  and  once  you  know  this  to  be  true  your  life  
will  reflect  it  back.  
With  much  love  and  many  blessings  on  your  journey  from  Kate  Spencer  x  
Founder  of  The  Lightworkers  Academy  -­‐  You’ve  found  your  Tribe!  
Kate  x  

Join  our  consciousness  club  at  


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