Population Growth in Philippines

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Population Growth in Philippines

Exponential Population Growth. When resources are unlimited, a population can

experience exponential growth, where its size increases at a greater and greater rate.

Philippines Population 2019. The population of the Philippines has been steadily growing
for many years. It is the 13th most populated country in the world, between Mexico and
Ethiopia, and grew at a rate of 1.72% between 2010 and 2015. The 2019 population is 108.12
million, according to the latest UN estimates.

Growth Rate
Population in the world is currently (2018-2019) growing at a rate of around 1.07% per
year (down from 1.09% in 2018, 1.12% in 2017 and 1.14% in 2016). The current
average population increase is estimated at 82 million people per year.

OVERPOPULATION IN MANILA. The Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations
in Southeast Asia. ... By the year 2050, the global population is expected to pass nine billion
people, a significant increase from the six-and-a-half billion today. In the Philippines, they are
already running out of space.

Overpopulation is caused by number of factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities,
depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in overpopulation. ... A
direct result of this has been increased lifespan and thegrowth of the population.

As human populations grow, human demands for resources like water, land, trees, and energy
also grow. ... Population growth has relatively easy and inexpensive solutions and
because population impacts every environmental challenge — it is an essential element to
achieve sustainability.

Adverse Effect on Environment:

Rapid population growth leads to the environmental change. Rapid population
growth has swelled the ranks of unemployed men and women at an alarming rate. Due
to this, a large number of people are being pushed in ecologically sensitive areas such
as hill sides and tropical forests.

Benefits and Advantages of an Increasing Population of a Country! The consequences of

a growth in a country's population depend on its cause, size ofpopulation relative to
optimum population and the rate of population growth.

What are the disadvantages of overpopulation one may ask? Insufficient natural resources to
provide adequate goods and services. Education facilities may not meet the requirements of the
entire population. Higher crime rate due to unequal distribution of wealth and insufficient
financial resources.

The major components of population growth are Birth Rate, Death Rate and Migration. Birth
rate is the number of live births per thousand persons in a year. It is amajor
component of growth. Death rate is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year.

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