Scale: 5 - Strongly Satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Neural 2 - Dissatisfied 1 - Strongly Dissatisfied

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5 - Strongly satisfied
4 - Satisfied
3 - Neural
2 - Dissatisfied
1 - Strongly Dissatisfied

1. How satisfied are you with your recent purchase of pizza from Pizza Club?

 Strongly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Strongly Dissatisfied

2. How satisfied are you with the quality of pizza and sides of Pizza Club?

 Strongly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Strongly Dissatisfied

3. How will you rate the attitude of the staff of Pizza Club?

 Average
 Good
 Very good
 Excellent

4. Are you satisfied with the time taken by the Pizza Club to deliver your order?

 Strongly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Strongly Dissatisfied
5. Which factor drives you to prefer Pizza Club over other restaurants?

 Quality
 Delivery Service
 Fair Price


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