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कककक कककककक ककककककककककककक / Banaras Hindu University

भभभभभभ भभभभभ, भभभभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ, भभभभभभभ-221005, भभभभ

Department of Geology, Centre of Advanced Study, Institute of Science, Varanasi – 221005, India

Start EPMA

1. Start Chillier,
2. P10 & N2 Cylinder  Open
3. Start EPMA SXFive by Push Main Button & Turn Key  ON,
4. Start Vacuum Controller  Vacuum restart original state,
5. Switch ON PC  Start Vacuum ‘VT’
6. Electronic Key  ON & Power PC ‘VT’
7. SX Software ON  Double Click
8. Source  ON
9. Check Vacuum “Gun = <1.0x10-5 Pa; Chamber = <6.0x10-4 Pa; Spectro = 1.3x10-2
10. Load  Program “DP_LaB6_H196_IE90_HV15KV_40nA”
11. Check “Heat = 196; IEMS = 90; I(nA) = 40”, then EPMA is ready for use,


1. Stop E-Gun Source  Switch Off (wait for 10 minutes)

2. Close Software SX  CamClean (double click),
3. Shutdown PC  Window Shutdown,
4. Stop Vacuum Cabinet  Electronic Key  Switch Off Main Button (i.e.
Electronics, Camera, Shutdown PC, all stops),
5. Chillier  Switch Off
6. N2 & P10 Cylinder  Close.

Emergency Shutdown EPMA Instrument  Push Red Button

भभभभभभभ भभभभभ ./ Dr. Dinesh Pandit

भभभभभभभभभ भभभभभभभ / Assistant Professor
भभभभभभ भभभभभ / Department of Geology
भभभभ भभभ भभभभ: भभभभभभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभ: भभभभभभभभभभभ@भभभभभभभभभभभ.

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