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Anna : What’s the matter, Tom?

You look Andi : I heard that Rani is going to

upset? celebrate her birthday next Saturday
Tom : I’ve got two meetings scheduled at the at 8.00 p.m
same time with two extremely Beny : I got the information from Shinta.
important clients. Will you come to the party with me?
Anna : Let me help. Andy : Sure, it will be more interesting to
Tom : Thanks Anna, but these are big come there with you,.....
clients. They need someone of Beny : I’ll be waiting for you, then
a. I will pick you up at 7
Why does Tom decline Anna’s offering? b. If you invite me I will come
A. He thinks Anna still hasn’t got c. When will you pick me up?
enough experience to handle big d. Will you come along with me?
B. He has asked someone else’s help to
handle anything his problems.
C. He can manage all of his problems
by himself.
D. He can put off his work later on.

Mima : Aisyah, Will you come to Any : I heard that Ahmad Mundzir has
Our school gathering at Retired.
Clarion Hotel tomorrow? Andy : It is Mr. Didi Wahyudi. He is the
Aisyah : I would love to, but I Manager now.
Haven’t gotten the invitation Ani : Which one is Mr. Didi Wahyudi? What
From the committe. If they Does he looks look like?
Ask me to come, I will come Andy : He is good looking man. ........
From the conversation, we know that.... a. He just moved to this city
a. Aisyah will ask Mima to come instead b. He loves to work with us
b. Mirna isn’t invited by the committe c. He has many friends
c. Aisyah may come to the gathering d. He is tall and well-built
d. Mirna is the committe of the gathering

Iwan : My cell phone is broken and I don’t Jane : Thomas and I are celebrating
Have money to repair or buy a new one Our wedding anniversary soon.
Putra : Hey, Why don’t you take a part time Julia : Congratulation!
Jane : Thank you very much, Julia
Job after school like me. You can use
.......... it will be on next
The salary to buy yourself a new phone Sunday.
Iwan : That’s a good idea. Where do you Julia : Thanks you for inviting me,
Work? Jane.
Putra : At a fast food restaurant near our a. It’s lovely tobe in the party
School. The problem is you have to b. How about going out together
Work late at night sometimes and then c. Would you like to come over?
Go to school the next day. d. Come on, you should get married soon

What did putra do in the conversation? He.......

a. Invited Iwan to a restauran
b. Showed sympathy
c. Offered some help
d. Suggest Iwan to get a job
Dea : Risma, My refrigerator is Dani : Dina, are you OK?
Broken. Do you know who Dina : I’m having stomachache
Can fix it? .......... Dani : Is there anything that I can Do
Risma : Let’s have my father check for
It. He is a mechanic you?
Dina : No need, thanks. Everything Will
Dea :Ok. Thank you
a. I should give him money OK.
b. I need him badly What is the purpose of the dialog?
c. You must call my father a. To advice someone in taking medicine
d. You have to find a new one b. To ask about someone’s opinion
c. To give someone’s motivation
d. To offer someone a help
Rani : What do you think about providing an Mimi : I think I want to join “Grab”.
interesting website? Andre : What? Are you kidding me?
Rina : ... it can be a media to greet our Mimi : No. I’m serious. I need to make a lot
customer of money. I want to travel to Korea
A. I don’t agree with you next year.
B. I can’t agree more
C. I’m not sure
D. No, you’re wrong What is Mimi going to do to make money for
Rino : Yesterday, I came to your house, but A. Ask for a salary hike.
you weren’t there. Where were you B. Go by “Grab Car”.
actually? C. Become a “Grab” driver.
Ria : … I’m sorry I didn’t tell you D. Save her pocket money.
A. I washed my car at my back yard
B. I went shopping with my daughter
C. We had our lunch at home
D. You came yesterday

Andra : Hi, Anya. Have you seen The Rino : Yesterday, I came to your house, but
Conjuring movie? you weren’t there. Where were you actually?
Anya : Hi, Andra. I have not seen that Ria : … I’m sorry I didn’t tell you
movie. Why? A. I washed my car at my back yard
Andra : Would you like to see The B. I went shopping with my daughter
Conjuring movie with me C. We had our lunch at home
tonight? D. You came yesterday
Anya : Unfortunately. I can’t because
I am scared of horror movie.
Andra : Okay if you are scared of Beckham :Did you know what Fingo said
horror movie. Shall we come to yesterday?
fireworks party in th
Raul : Of course. He said that......last year
Anya : With pleasure. I love firework a. He had gone to that place
much. b. He has gone to that company
c. He will go to this city
Why does Anya refuse to watch the d. He went to his country
Conjuring with Andra?
A. Anya feels afraid to watch it.
B. He is scared with horror movie.
C. She likes attending the party.
D. Indra makes Anya in love with him.
Andy : What are you doing Tommy? Opik : What are you going to do this
With all those books and weekend?
papers, Joni : …………He is getting married
it looks like you're cramming a. I will have an overtime job
for a test. b. I will buy some new books
Tommy : Yup. I'm preparing myself for c. I am going to swimming with my cousin
the National Exam next month. d. I am going to my cousin’s house
Andy : I see. Don't worry too much.
You have been the best student Viona : I can believe the stove doesn’t
for two work again
Bob : ….. I will check the gas
a. Maybe the gas runs out
Tommy : Thanks. b. You have to clean it regularly
c. The gas is very expensive
What advice does Andy give to Tommy? d. Probably you haven’t turned it on
A. To have confidence.
B. To study harder.
C. To take a deep breath
D. To change careers

Receptionist : Good afternoon, Salero Restaurant. Attention please! The girls’ basketball team
Can I help you? will have a short meeting right after school this
Hanum : Yes, ……… afternoon in the school library. Every member
Receptionist : Certainly. How many people?
a. I need a room for two days
needs to be present for this important meeting.
b. May I reserve a plane ticket to Medan?
c. I would like to make a dinner reservation for At what time will the meeting begin?
tonight? a. When the library is closed
d. Can I book two tickets for the concert? b. When classes are over
c. 5 hours after the last lesson
d. 45 minutes after school

To : All Employees Dennis : I don't know what to do!

From : Andika Budi, Head Manager Anna : What's the matter, Dennis?
Date : January 23rd, 2019 Dennis :We've lost presentation that
Subject : Company’s Anniversary we've been preparing for the last
two months. You emailed it to
Next sunday, we are going to celebrate our
Mr. Adrian to proof-read, didn't
company’s anniversary. The event will be
held at 3 p.m on December 26th, 2019., attend you?
this celebration on time. Anna : I did.
Dennis : Great! …
Why does the writer write that memo? A. Could you create a new one?
a. To ask all employees to come on time B. Will you check the file for me?
to the company C. Can you forward it to my email?
b. To invite all employees to the
D. Would you do a big office search for
Company’s Anniversary
c. to discuss about company’s
d. To remind all employees to come on
time to the meeting
Laras : Hey Kinan. We’re you going to Winda : So, where are you from?
Pizza House for lunch. …. Yenny : Well, originally I'm from Bandung,
Kinan : I’m sorry, I can’t.
but we moved to Semarang when
Laras : Allright then. See you later.
was about four years old. My
A. Do you want me to go there? parents now live in Surabaya.
B. Would you like to come along? That's where they first met. How
C. Could you buy me some food to eat? about you, Winda?
D. Would you be here to keep the office? Winda : I was born in Surabaya and...
Then, since my father worked for
the military, we moved to many

A. I went to Jogjakarta.
B. we had a great time.
C. we lived there until I was nine.
D. I continue my study at university.

Woman : Where have you been? I have not Evander : My goodness! I’m not prepared
seen you for two days for the exam. There was a
Man : I have been sick since last Sunday. power outage in our part of the
Woman : ….. district. Did your lights go out
a. That is very kind of you too?
b. How lucky you are Clara : Yes! It was terrible! I tried to
c. I hope you will feel better soon study by candlelight,
d. Thank you but I couldn’t see well enough,
… My mind is completely blank
Helena : What do you think of my now.
Firsty : Well, it was great but … if you A. so I turned on the light in my room.
had used media or slides. B. so I wore my glasses.
A. I wish you had done better C. so I went to bed and slept.
B. I think it would have been much D. so I went to see an ophthalmologist.
C. I hope it’ll be much better next
D. I don’t think you were all out.

Billy : Marry, my cousin, Jenny, is getting Lili : ……… I’m going out with Rian for a
married. …….. moment
Marry : I'd love to. When is the wedding? Bagas : I’m afraid you can’t. I’m going home in
Billy : It's today at 4 p.m. a few minutes. Seems that Dandy will work
Marry : At 4 p.m? But it's 10 a.m now! I'd overtime, maybe you can borrow his.
Lili : Okay. Thanks .
better get ready!
Billy : I'll pick you up at three o'clock.
a. May I leave this room
A. Are you invited?
b. May I have my lunch right now?
B. Have you heard about it?
c. May I borrow your helmet
C. With whom are you coming to the
d. May I go home earlier
D. Would you like to go to the wedding
with me?
Yossy : Have you decide where will we stay Tourist : I don’t know this place. Can you
on our vacation? tell me where it is located?
Sean : Not yet. Would you like to stay at the Native : Well, it’s far enough. Would you
Luxury Hotel or at the Queen? like me to show you the place?
Yossy : Well, the Luxury hotel isn’t as Tourist : Really? It’s very kind of you.
convenient as the Queen.
Sean : Yes, I think so.
What can we learn from the dialog above?
What are they going to do? A. The native accaepts the tourist’s help.
A. They will book a room in the Queen hotel. B. The native is in doubt about the
B. They’re going to stay at the Luxury hotel. location.
C. They will spend much money for the trip. C. The native is not really sure about the
D. They are going to postpone their holiday. location.
D. The native offers the tourist a help as a

Tourist : I’ve spent almost half an hour to

find the zoo. Can you show me
where it is?
Vio : Of course. ...
Tourist : Thank you very much.
A. Come to the town and I’ll show you the
Center of the city.
B. Go across this street, the bank is beside
the post office.
C. Find the zoo, and you’ll see the tall
building next to it.
D. Go along this street. It’s next to the

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