Taking Care Our Beac: Hes, Ocean, Sea

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Taking Care Our Beaches, Ocean, Sea

Knowledge of Indonesia as a maritime country that has great potential for its marine
wealth is no longer a taboo knowledge for people from all walks of life. Today, Indonesian
citizens should be understand and be aware of Indonesia's marine wealth that can be taken for
people's welfare. Besides , the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo has also
explained how Indonesia's seas are the future of the nation and aspires to make Indonesia the
world's maritime axis.

Being a country that has abundant marine wealth does not make Indonesia a prosperous
country succeed, there is nothing difficult from its people, nobles who take roles and make
policies. Although the Indonesian oceans contain unlimited wealth from both resources and
biodiversity and biological resources such as fish that can use nutritious food sources for the
people of Indonesia, in the provision of 1 in 3 children in Indonesia, growth is not healthy due
to malnutrition.

This fact is of course a hard slap for many circles, both academics and the government.
Because it is not only natural resources that are needed by this country, but it is the concern to
care for and the ability to make good use of it for public welfare.

Another worrying reality is that because the country with a vast sea is needed Indonesia
will meet the needs of independent fish. However, what was revealed was the effort of fishing
in Indonesia, a decrease in decline reaching 44.9% from 2003 to 2013.

Earth is a blue planet. The term occurs because the earth is a planet that is mostly filled
with the sea. While the coast is the outermost land which is a barrier between land and sea.
Beaches and the sea are an integral part of life's collection life. Especially in humans. Beaches
and the sea have human roles and challenges. Coral reefs are unique, biologically rich, and
complex ecosystems that are sometimes called the "rainforests of the ocean." Pollution, disease,
invasive species, and unaware tourists all cause them harm. The decline of coral reefs
destabilizes the world ecology and can have negative economic impact.
And its step of how to take care of our coral :
Avoid striking or touching a coral reef. Running your boat into a coral reef can cause it
serious damage. Protecting coral reefs depends on what experts call proper "vessel
management." Understand where coral reefs are so your boat doesn't strike them, even
incidentally. People can also damage coral reefs simply by touching them.[1]
 Corals on reefs are actually small animals. This living ecosystem is thus very fragile and
susceptible to damage. The coral animals are not mobile. They live in colonies, and possess
skeletons of hard calcium carbonate, which is what gives the coral reef its structure.
 Remember the feet. Control your flippers when diving or snorkeling so you don't accidentally
touch a coral reef.

Don't fish or boat near a coral reef. Contact with things like anchors and fishing nets is a key
way that coral reefs die or suffer damage. [2]
 Don't anchor your boat on a coral reef. Instead, anchor your boat in an area with a sandy bottom
or use a mooring. You could also use an installed buoy instead of an anchor. [3]
 Fishing lines, nets, and fishing hooks all cause damage to coral reefs. This is just another reason
why it's best to take your fishing elsewhere. Figure out where coral reefs are located before you
venture into the ocean.
 Don't discharge wastewater from your boat into the ocean. Find an acceptable wastewater
discharge facility in the area instead.
Don't litter on the beach or in the ocean. Leaving behind things like fishing nets or general
garbage on a beach can harm coral reefs. Throwing litter into the ocean itself can eventually
cause the trash to come into contact with the coral reef.
 When trash ends up on a coral reef, it can actually smother the corals. Remember, they are
living organisms. Sometimes people see corals as they see shells. However, corals are alive
and, thus, they are very susceptible to harm.[5]
 Littering can also cause harm or even kill the fish that populate coral reefs. The technical term
for this kind of litter is "marine debris." Marine debris also damages other organisms on coral
reefs that are necessary for their survival.
 Some organizations sponsor beach cleanups. If you help pick up other people's litter on
beaches, in addition to not littering yourself, you will help coral reefs.
Snorkel and scuba dive with care. Many people enjoy snorkeling near coral reefs because of
their unique beauty. Snorkelers and divers can cause serious damage to coral reefs, especially
in areas with heavy tourism.
 Don't ever pull a piece of coral reef off to take with you. They say you should leave only
bubbles and take only pictures when you are in the ocean. Remember that you are destroying
a living organism if you do take a piece of the reef.
 Practice snorkeling before you venture anywhere near a coral reef, so you don't come into
accidental contact with it.[6]
 Stay horizontal in the water and avoid kicking sand or flailing around with your fins. Don't
swim too fast or use your arms when swimming. [7]
 If you touch a coral reef, it can cause you harm, too. People have been cut and stung by coral
reefs. [8]
 Don't get too close to a coral reef while wearing a lot of sunscreen. The oils from the lotion
causes coral reefs damage. [9]

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