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Jewish left

The Jewish left consists of Jews who identify with, or support, left-wing or
liberal causes, consciously as Jews, either as individuals or through
organizations. There is no one organization or movement which constitutes the
Jewish left, however. Jews have been major forces in the history of the labor
movement, the settlement house movement, the women's rights movement, anti-
racist and anti-colonialist work, and anti-fascist and anti-capitalist organizations
of many forms in Europe, the United States, Algeria, Iraq, and modern-day
Israel.[1][2][3] Jews have a rich history of involvement in anarchism, socialism,
Jews protest the Muslim Ban at San
Marxism, and Western liberalism. Although the expression "on the left" covers a
Francisco International Airport
range of politics, many well-known figures "on the left" have been of Jews who
were born into Jewish families and have various degrees of connection to Jewish
communities, Jewish culture, Jewish tradition, or the Jewish religion in its many variants.

The emergence of a Jewish working class
In Soviets and against fascism
Radical Jews in Central and Western Europe
Socialist Zionism and the Israeli left
Apartheid South Africa
Contemporary Jewish left
21st century
Contemporary Israeli left
British Jewish left
See also
External links

Jewish leftism has its philosophic roots in the Jewish Enlightenment, or Haskalah, led by thinkers such as Moses Mendelssohn, as
well as the support of many European Jews such as Ludwig Börne for republican ideals in the aftermath of the French Revolution
and the Napoleonic Wars. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a movement for Jewish Emancipation spread across Europe,
strongly associated with the emergence of political liberalism, based on the Enlightenment principles of rights and equality under
the law. Because liberals represented the political left of the time (see left-right politics), emancipated Jews, as they entered the
political culture of the nations where they lived, became closely associated with liberal parties. Thus, many Jews supported the
American Revolution of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, and the European Revolutions of 1848; while Jews in England
tended to vote for the Liberal Party, which had led the parliamentary struggle for Jewish Emancipation[4] — an arrangement
called by some scholars "the liberal Jewish compromise".[5]
The emergence of a Jewish working class
In the age of industrialisation in the late nineteenth century, a Jewish working class emerged in the cities of Eastern and Central
Europe. Before long, a Jewish labour movement emerged too. The Jewish Labour Bund–General Jewish Labor Union was
formed in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia in 1897.[6] Distinctive Jewish socialist organizations formed and spread across the
Jewish Pale of Settlement in the Russian Empire. There were also a significant number of people of Jewish origin who did not
explicitly identify as Jews per se, but were active in anarchist, socialist, and social democratic as well as communist
organizations, movements, and parties.

As Zionism grew in strength as a political movement, socialist Zionist parties were formed, such as Ber Borochov's Poale Zion.
There were non-Zionist left-wing forms of Jewish nationalism, such as territorialism (which called for a Jewish national
homeland, but not necessarily in Palestine), autonomism (which called for non-territorial national rights for Jews in multinational
empires), and the folkism, advocated by Simon Dubnow, (which celebrated the Jewish culture of the Yiddish-speaking masses).

As Eastern European Jews migrated West from the 1880s, these ideologies took root in growing Jewish communities, such as
London's East End, Paris's Pletzl, New York City's Lower East Side, and Buenos Aires. There was a lively Jewish anarchist scene
in London, a central figure of which was, the non-Jewish German thinker and writer Rudolf Rocker. The important Jewish
socialist movement in the United States, with its Yiddish-language daily, The Forward, and trade unions such as the International
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers. Important figures in these milieux included Rose
Schneiderman, Abraham Cahan, Morris Winchevsky, and David Dubinsky.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jews played a major role in the Social Democratic parties of Germany, Russia, Austria-
Hungary, and Poland. Historian Enzo Traverso has used the term "Judeo-Marxism" to describe the innovative forms of Marxism
associated with these Jewish socialists. These ranged from strongly cosmopolitan positions hostile to all forms of nationalism (as
with Rosa Luxemburg and, to a lesser extent, Leon Trotsky) to positions more sympathetic to cultural nationalism (as with the
Austromarxists or Vladimir Medem).

In Soviets and against fascism

As with the American revolution of 1776, the French revolution of 1789, and the German revolution of 1848, many Jews
worldwide welcomed the Russian revolution of 1917, celebrating the fall of a regime that had presided over antisemitic pogroms,
and believing that the new order in what was to become the Soviet Union would bring improvements in the situation of Jews in
those lands. Many Jews became involved in Communist parties, constituting large proportions of their membership in many
countries, including Great Britain and the U.S. There were specifically Jewish sections of many Communist parties, such as the
Yevsektsiya in the Soviet Union. The Communist regime in the USSR pursued what could be characterised as ambivalent policies
towards Jews and Jewish culture, at times supporting their development as a national culture (e. g., sponsoring significant Yiddish
language scholarship and creating an autonomous Jewish territory in Birobidzhan), at times pursuing antisemitic purges, such as
that in the wake of the so-called Doctors' plot. (See also Komzet.)

With the advent of fascism in parts of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, many Jews responded by becoming actively involved in the
left, and particularly the Communist parties, which were at the forefront of the anti-fascist movement. For example, many Jewish
volunteers fought in the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War (for instance in the American Abraham Lincoln Brigade
and in the Polish-Jewish Naftali Botwin Company). Jews and leftists fought Oswald Mosley's British fascists at the Battle of
Cable Street. This mass movement was influenced by the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the Soviet Union.

In World War II, the Jewish left played a major part in resistance to Nazism. For example, Bundists and left Zionists were key in
Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Radical Jews in Central and Western Europe

As well as the movements rooted in the Jewish working class, relatively assimilated middle class Jews in Central and Western
Europe began to search for sources of radicalism in Jewish tradition. For example, Martin Buber drew on Hasidism in articulating
his anarchist philosophy, Gershom Scholem was an anarchist and a kabbalah scholar, Walter Benjamin was equally influenced by
Marxism and Jewish messianism, Gustav Landauer was a religious Jew and a libertarian communist, Jacob Israël de Haan
combined socialism with Haredi Judaism, while left-libertarian Bernard Lazare became a passionately Jewish Zionist in 1897, but
wrote 2 years later to Herzl – and by extension to the Zionist Action Committee -, "You are bourgeois in thoughts, bourgeois in
your feelings, bourgeois in your ideas, bourgeois in your conception of society.".[7] In Weimar Germany, Walther Rathenau was a
leading figure of the Jewish left.

Socialist Zionism and the Israeli left

In the twentieth century, especially after the Second Aliyah, socialist Zionism – first developed in Russia by the Marxist Ber
Borochov and the non-Marxists Nachman Syrkin and A. D. Gordon – became a powerful force in the Yishuv, the Jewish
settlement in Palestine. Poale Zion, the Histadrut labour union and the Mapai party played a major part in the campaign for an
Israeli state, with socialist politicians like David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir amongst the founders of the nation. At the same
time, the kibbutz movement was an experiment in practical socialism.

In the 1940s, many on the left advocated a binational state in Israel/Palestine, rather than an exclusively Jewish state. (This
position was taken by Hannah Arendt and Martin Buber, for example). Since independence in 1948, there has been a lively Israeli
left, both Zionist (the Labour Party, Meretz) and anti-Zionist (Palestine Communist Party, Maki). The Labour Party and its
predecessors have been in power in Israel for significant periods since 1948.

There are two worldwide groupings of left-wing Zionist organizations. The World Labour Zionist Movement, associated with the
Labor Zionist tendency, is a loose association, including Avoda, Habonim Dror, Histadrut and Na'amat. The World Union of
Meretz, associated with what was historically known as the Socialist Zionist tendency, is a loose association of the Israeli Meretz
party, the Hashomer Hatzair Socialist Zionist youth movement, the Kibbutz Artzi Federation and the Givat Haviva research and
study center. Both movements exist as factions within the World Zionist Organization, as well as regional or country-specific
Zionist movements; the two roughly correspond to the interwar split between the Poale Zion Right (the tradition that led to
Avoda) and the Poale Zion Left (Hashomer Hatzair, Mapam, Meretz).

Apartheid South Africa

South Africa's Jewish left-wing was heavily involved in left-wing causes such as the anti-apartheid movement. The most famous
member of the anti-apartheid Jewish left-wing was Helen Suzman, DBE. There were also several liberal left-wing Jewish
defendants in the Rivonia Trial: Joe Slovo, Denis Goldberg, Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Arthur Goldreich, Harold Wolpe, and
James Kantor.

Contemporary Jewish left

As the Jewish working class died out in the years after the Second World War, its institutions and political movements did too.
The Arbeter Ring in England, for example, came to an end in the 1950s and Jewish trade unionism in the US ceased to be a major
force at that time. There are, however, still some remnants of the Jewish working class organizations left today, including the
Workmen's Circle, Jewish Labor Committee, and The Forward (newspaper) in New York, the International Jewish Labor Bund in
Australia, and the United Jewish People's Order in Canada.
The 1960s–1980s saw a renewal of interest among Western Jews in Jewish working class culture and the various radical
traditions of the Jewish past. This led to the growth of a new sort of radical Jewish organization that was both interested in
Yiddish culture, Jewish spirituality, and social justice. In the US, for example, between 1980–1992, New Jewish Agenda
functioned as a national, multi-issue progressive membership organization with the mission of acting as a "Jewish voice on the
Left and a Left voice in the Jewish Community". In 1991, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice formed to fight for "equitable
distribution of economic and cultural resources and political power" in New York City. And in 1999, leftists broke from the LA
chapter of the American Jewish Congress to form the Progressive Jewish Alliance. In Britain, the Jewish Socialists' Group and
Rabbi Michael Lerner's Tikkun have similarly continued this tradition, while more recently groups like Jewdas have taken an
even more eclectic and radical approach to Jewishness. In Belgium, the Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique is, since 1969,
the heir of the Jewish Communist and Bundist Solidarité movement in the Belgian Resistance, embracing the Israeli refuseniks
cause as well as of the undocumented immigrants in Belgium.

21st century
During the first decade of the 2000s, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict became a defining element in the composition of the
diasporic Jewish left. A new wave of Jewish organizations formed to support Palestinian causes. Groups such as Jewish Voice for
Peace, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada), Independent Jewish Voices (UK) and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
gave renewed voice to Jewish Anti-Zionism. This perspective continues to be reflected in media outlets such as Mondoweiss and
the Treyf Podcast[8].

Following the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, many leftist Jewish organizations in the US and Canada focused on directly challenging
establishment Jewish organizations[9][10][11][12] such as the Jewish Federation, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the
Anti-Defamation League, and Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, for their support for Israel's actions during the conflict. In the
US, this intra-community conflict expanded to domestic politics following the 2016 United States presidential election.[13]
Groups such as IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice began organizing under the banner
of #JewishResistance to "challenge institutional Jewish support for the Trump administration and affiliated white nationalists".[14]

According to exit polls, 71% of American Jews voted Democrat during the 2016
US Presidential election.[15] Over the last decade, the Jewish vote has gone to
Democrats by 76–80%[16] in each election. A large majority of American Jews
also report feeling somewhat or very attached to Israel.[17] Increasingly,
however, young Jews are becoming more critical of the Israeli government and
feel more sympathetic towards Palestinians than older American Jews.[18]

Contemporary Israeli left Melbourne Jews protest Australia's

policy on refugees in July 2013
Operating in a parliamentary governmental system based on proportional
representation, left-wing political parties and blocs in Israel have been able to
elect members of the Knesset with varying degrees of success. Over time, those parties have evolved, with some merging, others
disappearing, and new parties arising.

Israeli left-wing parties have included:

Progressive List for Peace
Left Camp of Israel
HaOlam HaZeh – Koah Hadash
Notable figures in these parties have included: Amir Peretz, Meir Vilner, Shulamit Aloni, Uri Avnery, Yossi Beilin, Ran Cohen,
Matti Peled, Amnon Rubinstein, and Yossi Sarid.

British Jewish left

British Jews have been influential in the left-wing politics of the United Kingdom for many years, especially in the main social
democratic/socialist party, the Labour Party, but also in the socially liberal Liberal Democrats.

During the years when the Liberal Party was Britain's main party of the left, two Jews in particular attained high office: Herbert
Samuel, who led the Liberal Party from 1930–1935, and Rufus Isaacs, the only British Jew to have been created a Marquess.
Other notable Liberal Jews of the 1800s and early 1900s included: Lionel de Rothschild, the first Jew to serve as an MP, Sir
David Salomons, Sir Francis Goldsmid, Sir George Jessel, Arthur Cohen, The Lord Swaythling, Sir Edward Sassoon, The Lord
Hore-Belisha Edwin Samuel Montagu, Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln, and The Lord Wandsworth.

In the early part of the 20th century, the Liberal Party gave way to the more radical and socialist Labour Party. Leonard Woolf and
Hugh Franklin were among the figures influential in the early Labour Party, and Jewish MPs like Barnett Janner, Sir Percy Harris
and The Lord Nathan were among the radical Liberal MPs, many of whom switched from Liberal to Labour, economists like
Harold Laski and Nicholas Kaldor and intellectuals like Victor Gollancz and Karl Mannheim provided the intellectual impetus for
British socialism to take hold. Prominent early Labour MPs included The Lord Silkin, who became a Minister in Clement Attlee's
government, Sydney Silverman, who abolished capital punishment in Britain, and The Lord Shinwell, one of the leaders of Red
Clydeside who later became Secretary of State for War.

At the end of the Second World War, the Labour Party entered government again, and several newly elected Labour MPs were
Jewish, and often on the socialist left of the Party, radicalised by incidents like the Battle of Cable Street. Those MPs included
Herschel Lewis Austin, Maurice Edelman, and Ian Mikardo, as well as Phil Piratin, one of only four MPs in British history to
have represented the Communist Party of Great Britain. Several MPs elected in the 1940s and 1950s went on to be Ministers in
Harold Wilson's governments of the 1960s and 1970s: The Lord Barnett, Edmund Dell, John Diamond, Reg Freeson, The
Baroness Gaitskell, Myer Galpern, Gerald Kaufman, The Lord Lever of Manchester, Paul Rose, The Lord Segal, The Baroness
Serota, The Lord Sheldon, John and Samuel Silkin, Barnett Stross, and David Weitzman. A prominent Jewish Labour politician
in this era was Leo Abse, who put forward the private members' bill which decriminalised homosexuality and reformed the
divorce laws in Britain. Robert Maxwell, a Labour MP during the 1964–66 Wilson government, eventually became a leading
newspaper publisher when his holding company purchased Mirror Group Newspapers in 1984.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Labour Party experienced significant turbulence with the rise of the entryist Militant tendency (a
Trotskyist group led by Ted Grant), and the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SDP) breaking away and forming an Alliance
with the Liberal Party (who had two Jewish MPs, The Lord Carlile of Berriew and Clement Freud), later to unite as the Liberal
Democrats. One such parliamentary defector to the SDP was Neville Sandelson, and the Keynesian economist The Lord
Skidelsky also defected. Those Jewish Labour MPs who stuck with the party included Harry Cohen, Alf Dubs, Millie Miller, Eric
Moonman, and David Winnick.

During the late 1980s and 1990s, with the shift away from the socialist left of the party, and during Tony Blair's leadership of the
Labour Party, notable senior Jewish politicians included Peter Mandelson, one of the architects of "New Labour", Peter
Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith, The Lord Beecham, and The Lord Gould of Brookwood. Mandelson, party fund-raiser The Lord
Levy and Jack Straw (who is of partial Jewish ancestry), were accused by Tam Dalyell, MP, of being a "cabal of Jewish advisers"
around Blair.[19] Several of Blair's Ministers and Labour backbenchers were Jewish or partially Jewish, including Barbara Roche,
Dame Margaret Hodge, Fabian Hamilton, Louise Ellman, The Baroness Hayman, The Baroness King of Bow, and Gillian
Merron. Labour donors during the 1990s and 2000s who were Jewish included David Abrahams, The Lord Bernstein of
Craigweil, Richard Caring, Sir Trevor Chinn, Sir David Garrard, The Lord Gavron, Sir Emmanuel Kaye, Andrew Rosenfeld, The
Lord Sainsbury of Turville, and Barry Townsley. Several of these were caught up in the Cash for Honours scandal.

Under the government of Blair's successor, Gordon Brown, brothers David Miliband and Ed Miliband became members of the
Cabinet. Their father was the Marxist academic Ralph Miliband. The brothers differed in their view of the party's future direction,
and they fought a bitter leadership election against each other in 2010. Ed Miliband won the election and became the first Jewish
leader of the Labour Party. One of Miliband's Shadow Cabinet members, Ivan Lewis, as well as advisers David Axelrod, Arnie
Graf, and The Lord Glasman are all Jewish.

Current Jewish Labour politicians include: Alex Sobel, William Bach, The Lord Bassam of Brighton, Michael Cashman, The
Lord Grabiner, Ruth Henig, The Lord Kestenbaum, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Janet Neel Cohen, Meta Ramsay, Catherine Stihler,
Andrew Stone, Alan Sugar, Leslie Turnberg, and Robert Winston.

Since the foundation of the Liberal Democrats, several Jews have achieved prominence: David Alliance, the aforementioned Alex
Carlisle, Miranda Green, Olly Grender, Sally Hamwee, Evan Harris, Susan Kramer, Anthony Lester, Jonathan Marks, Julia
Neuberger, Monroe Palmer, Paul Strasburger, and Lynne Featherstone, who became a Minister in the Coalition government

Jewish groups on the left include Independent Jewish Voices, Jewdas, the Jewish Socialists' Group, Jewish Voice for Labour and
Jews for Justice for Palestinians. The Zionist Jewish Labour Movement, previously Poale Zion, is affiliated to the Labour Party.

See also
Ameinu J Street
Anti-fascism Jewish anarchism
Anti-globalization and antisemitism Jewish Anti-Zionist League
Anti-Zionism Jewish Bolshevism
Australian Jewish Democratic Society Jewish Communist Party (Poalei Zion)
Broit un ehre Jewish feminism
Cosmopolitanism Jewish political movements
Der jüdische Arbeiter (Vienna) Jewish Voice for Peace
Der royter shtern (Buenos Aires) Judaism and political radicalism
Der yidisher arbeyter (Paris) Judaism and politics
Dos Abend Blatt Labor Zionism
Folks-Ligue List of Jewish American activists
General Jewish Labour Bund List of Jewish feminists
General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland Naivelt
and Russia Neoconservatism
General Jewish Labour Bund in Poland Partners for Progressive Israel
Hebrew Socialist Union in London "Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti-
History of the Jews in Russia and the Soviet Union Semitism"
Independent Australian Jewish Voices Undzer emes
Independent Jewish Voices Vochenblatt
Internationalism (politics)

1. "The New Left." ( Jewish Virtual Library (2008);
retrieved 6 June 2015.
2. Henri Alleg, auteur de "La Question", est mort (
3. Naeim Giladi, "The Jews of Iraq": "In many countries, including the United States and Iraq, Jews represented a
large part of the Communist party. In Iraq, hundreds of Jews of the working intelligentsia occupied key positions
in the hierarchy of the Communist and Socialist parties."
4. Geoffrey Alderman (1983) The Jewish Community in British Politics, Oxford: Clarendon.
5. see Sharman Kadish Bolsheviks and British Jews, London: Frank Cass. (1992, e. g., pp. 55–60, 132); Jonathan
Hyman Jews in Britain During the Great War (
orkingpapers/wp_50.pdf), Manchester: University of Manchester Working Papers in Economic and Social History
No. 51, October (2001, e. g., p. 11). The phrase was coined by Steven Bayme.
6. Mendes, Philip. "The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Labor Bund" (
d-23131), Jewish Currents (Autumn 2013); accessed 8 June 2015.
7. Gabriel Piterberg (2008), The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics, and Scholarship in Israel, London: Verso, p. 10
8. "Treyf Podcast" (
9. "Direct action disrupts Jewish-Canadian complicity in settler colonialism – Canadian Dimension" (https://canadian Retrieved 2017-01-09.
10. "The rise of 'If Not Now' and the collapse of the pro-Israel consensus" (
rael-consensus). 2014-09-10. Retrieved 2017-01-09.
11. "17 Jewish Activists Protesting Israeli Occupation Arrested at ADL Headquarters" (
nal/339090/17-jewish-activists-protesting-israeli-occupation-arrested-at-adl-headquart/). Retrieved
12. "St. Louis Jews call on ADL to cancel honor to police" ( 2015-07-18. Retrieved 2017-01-09.
13. "PHOTOS: Young Jews march on Trump HQ: #StopBannon: Will the Jewish Federations of North America follow
suit?" ( Retrieved 2017-01-09.
14. "Hundreds join #JewishResistance protest against Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon" (
160010/hundreds-join-jewish-resistance-protest-against-trump-chief-strategist-steve-bannon#.mNWlaFWoe). 2016-11-21. Retrieved 2017-01-09.
15. Strickland, Produced By Jon Huang, Samuel Jacoby, Michael; Lai, K. k Rebecca (8 November 2016). "Election
2016: Exit Polls" (
ection-exit-polls.html?_r=1). The New York Times. Archived from the original (
e/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-exit-polls.html?_r=1) on 11 December 2016. Retrieved 16 January 2017.
16. "Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections" (
te.html). Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved 2017-01-09.
17. "A Portrait of Jewish Americans" (
survey). Pew Research Center. Retrieved 2017-01-09.
18. Waxman, Dov. "Young American Jews and Israel: Beyond Birthright and BDS" (
79/israelstudies.22.3.08), Israel Studies (Fall 2017); accessed 11 April 2019.
19. "Dalyell's 'Jewish cabal' remarks denied" ( BBC News.
Retrieved 9 January 2017.

External links
Jews and the workers' movement (Marxist Internet Archive) (
Yiddish language sections of American socialist parties (Marxist Internet Archive) (
Jewish Left-Wing Community (
Faith and Socialism Commission of the Socialist Party USA (
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