D.W.A.R.F. (Don't Worry About Rules Fantasy) RPG

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3/11/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

D.W.A.R.F. Role-Playing Game

The Don't Worry About Rules Fanstasy Role-Playing Game Cleric
is inspired by the original RPG, published in 1974. The main
goal is to begin playing quickly and without fuss. As such, this Hit Dice: 1+1
game is intended for experienced referees who understand Armor Class: 17
the basics of running a fantasy campaign in the style of the Saving Throw: 11
original creators. Movement Speed: 120 feet

Equipment Attacks and Saving Throws

Level Bonus
D.W.A.R.F. RPG (you have it!)
1 Pair 6-Sided Dice 1st - 4th None
1 Pair 20-Sided Dice 5th - 8th +2
Scratch Paper and Pencils
1 Patient Referee
Players Cleric Level Versus Undead Hit Dice
Undead Hit Dice 2d6 Score To Turn *
Classes Same as Cleric Level 7
Each character begins the game with 3d6 x 10 gold pieces, 1 more than Cleric Level 9
weapons, armor, basic equipment, and maximum hit points at
1st level. 2 more than Cleric Level 11
3 or more than Cleric Level No Effect
There are three (3) main classes of characters:
1 or 2 less than Cleric Level Turn Away
Magic-Users 3 or less than Cleric Level Dispelled / Dissolved
*Up to 2d6 in number
Hit Dice: 1+2
Armor Class: 17
Saving Throw: 12
Movement Speed: 120 feet Character-Types
+1 Missile Fire All character-types have a 2 in 6 chance to locate secret
passages, detect sound, open doors, and spring traps (unless
otherwise specified.)
Attacks and Saving Throws
Level Attack Bonus Save Bonus There are four (4) types of characters:
1st - 3rd None None Humans
4th - 6th +2 +2 Dwarves
7th - 9th +5 +4
Magic-User Languages: Common
Hit Dice: 1+1 Class Limits: None
Armor Class: 10 (Human) or 17 (Elf) Detect Sound: 1 in 6
Saving Throw: 13
Movement Speed: 240 feet (Human) or 120 feet (Elf) Dwarf
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Gnome, Kobold and Goblin
Attacks and Saving Throws Class Limits: 6th Level Fighter
Level Bonus
1st - 5th None Bonus to saving throws equal to level
Able to note underground slanting passages, traps, shifting
6th - 10th +2
walls and new construction
11th +5 Half damage from Ogres, Giants and the like

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Elf Experience Points

Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc, Hobgoblin and Gnoll Surviving an adventure earns a character 1 XP
Class Limits: 4th Level Fighter, 8th Level Magic-User
Locate Secret Passages: 4 in 6 A character needs a number of XP equal to their next level
to advance
More able to note secret and hidden doors
May use weaponry and magic armor as Magic-Users
A character's XP total resets to zero upon advancing
Ghoul touch does not paralyze Characters gain a hit die when they advance and may
Move silently and nearly invisible reroll hit points while resting between adventures
+1 damage with magical weapons
May split-move and fire on foot
Referee Note
At this pace, it will take about a year of steady,
weekly play in order to run an entire campaign!
Languages: Common, Halfling
Class Limits: 4th Level Fighter
Open Doors: 1 in 6
Bonus to saving throws equal to level
+2 to hit with missiles Unless surprised, characters have the initiative to either:
1. Run away at double speed
2. Close the distance to hit in melee
3. Fire a missile
Monsters 4. Cast a spell
Saving Throw: 16 Roll d20 equal to or better than target AC to hit
+1 to hit for each full hit die (+10 max) Hits do 1d6 damage, unless otherwise specified
Roll d20 equal to or more than saving throw to save
Made saves will halve damage or negate the effect
Monster Saving Throws 2 in 6 chance to surprise a party, when possible
Hit Dice Bonus If monsters are surprised, characters may act twice
1-3 None Movement must occur prior to any other combat actions*
4-6 +2
Flank attacks are +1 to hit, while rear attacks are +2 to hit
Most actions will be foiled if attempted during melee
7-9 +4
*Only Elves may move, fire missiles, then move again!
10 - 12 +6
13+ +8
Sage Advice
Random dice rolls can decide any unknown outcome
Monster Stat Block d20 checks are often adjusted by the level bonus
There is usually a 1 in 6 chance that a wandering monster
Hit Dice: 6+3 appears after mapping a distance equal to the party's
Armor Class: 13
Speed: 60 feet
movement speed
For monster actions due to poor morale or hire attempts:
2 in 6 chance that bite will poison. 2d6 damage.
2d6 Result Random Reaction
2-5 Negative
6-8 Uncertain
Encumbrance 9 - 12 Positive
Carried weight over 500 in coins and gems incur the
penalty of half normal movement speed with 2,000 being Fight on!
the maximum load
Human Magic-Users may carry a weight of 1,500 in coins Credits
and gems without penalty of half normal movement speed
with 3,000 being the maximum load Thanks and gratitude to Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Daniel
Wagner, Nicolas Dessaux, and The Homebrewery.

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Cleric Spells Table
Spells & Level
All character-types may advance to 10th level. Level 1 2 3 4 5
Hit Dice: 1+1 1st - - - - -
Armor Class: 12
Saving Throw: 11 2nd 1 - - - -
Movement Speed: 180 feet 3rd 2 - - - -
+4 to hit from behind 4th 2 1 - - -
5th 2 2 - - -
Attacks and Saving Throws
6th 2 2 1 1 -
Level Bonus Backstab Damage
7th 2 2 2 1 1
1st - 4th None 2d6
8th 2 2 2 2 2
5th - 8th +2 3d6
9th - 10th +5 4d6

Basic Abilities
Open locks by picking or foiling magical closures
Remove small trap devices
Listen for noises behind a closed door
Move with stealth
Pick pockets
Steal items by stealth and/or sleight-of-hand
Hide in shadows
Strike silently from behind
Climb almost sheer surfaces rapidly, up or down

Level Basic Ability Check

1st - 2nd 2 in 6
3rd - 6th 3 in 6
7th - 10th 4 in 6

Magic-User Spells Table

Spells & Level
Level 1 2 3 4 5
1st 1 - - - -
2nd 2 - - - -
3rd 3 1 - - -
4th 4 2 - - -
5th 4 2 1 - -
6th 4 2 2 - -
7th 4 3 2 1 -
8th 4 3 3 2 -
9th 4 3 3 2 1
10th 4 4 3 3 2
11th 4 4 4 3 3

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