Tag Questions British Council PDF

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Grammar videos: Question tags – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Preeti. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of
question tags.

1. Check your grammar: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

auxiliary positive negative be do

1. If the main part of the sentence is positive, we add a _______________ question tag.

2. If the main part of the sentence is negative, we add a _______________ question tag.

If the sentence contains an _______________ verb or modal verb, we use that for the question

The other exception is the verb _______________ – we use that for the question tag if it appears
in the main part of the sentence.

If the main part of the sentence contains a different verb, we make the question tag using
_______________, in the correct form.

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice

Circle the correct tag to complete the questions.

1. It's next to the supermarket, don’t it / isn’t it ?

2. You've met my brother before, don’t you / haven’t you ?

3. He was born in 1970, didn’t he / wasn’t he ?

4. Bela can help, can’t she / doesn’t she ?

5. I'm right, aren’t I / am I ?

6. You can't drive down your road, can’t you / can you ?

7. They won't be late, will they / are they ?

8. You're coming tomorrow, aren’t you / do you ?

Grammar videos: Question tags – exercises

3. Check your grammar: gap fill

Write the correct verb to complete the question tag.

1. It’s a lovely day, _______________ it?

2. That pasta wasn’t very good, _______________ it?

3. He didn’t wash up, _______________ he?

4. You couldn’t check my homework, _______________ you?

5. I’m going in your car, _______________ I?

6. You booked the tickets, _______________ you?

7. She's finished, _______________ she?

8. He eats meat, _______________ he?

9. They're coming tomorrow, _______________ they?

10. You've been to Paris, _______________ you?


Other languages don't really have question tags, do they?

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