Agroforestry and Social Forestry: 5. Silvi-Agriculture Refers To

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1. In Southern India, the taungya system is called as

Ans : Kumarai

2. The most successful of the three taungya systems is

Ans : Village taungya

3. The oldest known agroforestry system is

Ans : Shifting cultivation

4. Basic set of elements or components of Agroforestry are

Ans : Tree, Crops, animals

5. Silvi-agriculture refers to
Ans : Growing trees along with agricultural crops

6. Tree planted in silvi-agriculture should be oriented in the

Ans : East west direction

7. “The Journal of Agroforestry Today” is published from

Ans : Kenya

8. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute is located at

Ans : Jhansi

9. The ratio of height and spacing in a shelterbelt is

Ans : 1:10

10. Hedgerow intercropping is otherwise called

Ans : Alley cropping

11. Rotation of aerable crops with two or more years of sown pasture is called as
Ans : Lay farming
12. The objective of improved fallow species in shifting cultivation is
Ans : To recover depleted soil nutrients

13. In north eastern hill region, shifting cultivation is called as

Ans : Jhum

14. Most common agroforestry system practiced in arid regions are

Ans : Agrisilvicultural systems

15. Based on temporal arrangement of AF system, homegarden’ is the example of

Ans : Interpolated

16. Social forestry is a forestry which aims at producing flow of protection and recreation
benefits for the community. This definition was given by
Ans : Westoby

17. Tree planted in silvi-agriculture should be oriented in the

Ans : East west direction

18. Nitrogen fixing non-leguminous tree

Ans : Casuarina

19. In systems of grazing in the forests, the grazing area is divided into convenient blocks known
Ans : Kancha system

20. Which forestry practice is not included in the scope of social forestry?
Ans : Protection forestry

21, Which social forestry programmes is purely managed by private efforts?

Ans : Farm forestry

22. A major cause of soil erosion is


23. Any sustainable land use system that maintains or increases total yields by combining food
crops with tree crops or livestock on the same unit of land either simultaneously or alternatively
is known as
Ans Agroforestry

24. An agroforestry system always has

Ans Two or more outputs

25. The cycle of an agroforestry system is always

Ans : More than one year
26. Normally an agroforestry system is more complex ecologically and economically than a
Ans Monocropping system

27, The international institute of tropical agriculture is established at

Ans : Ibadan (Nigeria)

28. The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute at is located at

Ans : Jhansi

29. Central soil and water conservation research and training institute is at
Ans : Dehradun

30. Central arid zone research institute is located at

Ans : Jodhpur

31. The national commission on agriculture emphasized agroforestry education in the

_________five year plan
Ans : Seventh

32. India has been classified into regions

Ans : Eight agroecological

33. The planning commission of India classified the agroecological regions in to

Ans : 15

34. The objective of improved fallow species in shifting cultivation is to

Ans : Recover depleted soil nutrients

35. Crop land left without crops for periods ranging from one season to several years is called as
Ans : Improved fallows

36. A system of production almost without capital inputs is known as

Ans : Shifting cultivation

37. The Shifting cultivation is called in the north eastern hill region
Ans : Jhum

38. The Shifting cUltivation is called in the Andhra Pradesh and Odissa
Ans : Podu
39. Taungya is a word
Ans : Burmese

40. Taungya system was introduced into India by

Ans : Brandis

41. The first taungya plantations were raised in year in north Bengal
Ans : 1896

42. Taungya is a modified form of

Ans : Shifting cultivation

43. In taungyas system the agricultural crops are allowed to practice for
Ans : 1 -3 years

44. In village taungya system usually each family has about of land to raise trees and cultivate
crops for 3 to 4 years
Ans : 0.8 to 1.7 ha

45. Alley cropping is otherwise called as

Ans : Hedgerow intercropping

46. Home garden is a subsystem of

Ans Agrosilvopasture

47. The first Taungya plantation was established in

Ans : North Bengal

48. On slopping land hedgerows should always be placed on

Ans : Contour

49. The ratio of height to width in shelter belt is

Ans : 1:10

50. Protein bank is a sub system of

Ans : silvi pastoral system

51. Allelopathy denotes

Ans : Negative and positive interaction
52. The subject Forestry is present in the
Ans : concurrent list

53. Home garden is highly suitable for

Ans : Humid/sub humid region

54. Generally Shelter belt assumes the shape of

Ans : Triangle

55. Energy plantation is established for

Ans : Fuel wood production

56. Waste land is the

Ans : Land with <20% productivity

57. When was JFM concept initiated in India

Ans : 1990

58. Who initiated JFM concept?

Ans : A.K.Banerjee

q, Who initiated Van Mahostava?

Ans K.M.Munshi

60. The people’s representation body on each of the identified management unit of JFM is
Ans : VFC

61. The key features of Diagnosis and Designs are

Ans : Flexibility, Speed and Repetition

62. The Diagnosis and Designs can be done at two levels namely
Ans : Macro and Micro D & D
63. Vanamahostava was started in the year
Ans : 1950

64. The first state to create separate Social Forestry wing was
Ans : Maharastra

65. Taungya system of cultivation is otherwise called as

Ans : Cyclic cultivation

66, Riparian buffers are managed forest and shrubs belts in areas bordering lakes, streams, rivers,
and wetlands
Ans : Riparian buffers

67. Wind breaks are

Ans Strips of trees

68. Shelter belts may by be raised in if the wind direction tends to change very often
Ans : Quadrangles

69. In wind breaks the wind velocity in the protected area may be reduced to % of the open wind
Ans : Between 25 and 75 per cent

70. The production of woody plants combined with pasture is referred to as

Ans : Silvopastoral system

71 A silvopastoral system is widely practiced in

Ans : Dry areas

72. The home gardens is widely practiced in areas

Ans : High rainfall

73. Primary function of most of the home garden is

Ans : Food production

74. The characteristics of home gardens is

Ans : High species diversity

75. The fundamental attributes of all agroforestry systems is

Ans Productivity and sustainability
76. Alley cropping system is especially beneficial to the
Ans : Small farmer

77. The value of a wood as a fuel depends mainly on its

Ans Combustability

78. The efficiency of wood utilization depends on

Ans : The moisture content of wood

79. The freshly cut wood contains about of moisture content

Ans : 23 — 25 %

80. The agroforestry systems always produces

Ans : Two or more outputs

81. The cycle of an agroforestry system is always

Ans : More than one year

82. Any agroforestry systems emphasis on the use of

Ans : Indigenous trees and Shrubs

83. Benefit sharing concept is a core objective in

Ans : Joint Forest Management (JFM)

84. The practice of forestry in and around the farms/village lands is called as
Ans : Farm forestry

85. The practice of forestry in areas devoid of tree growth and other vegetation outside the
conventional forest areas is
Ans : Extension forestry

86. The practice of forestry with the object of raising flowering trees is called as
Ans : Recreation forestry

87. Plantations grown as linear strips of land on the sides of public roads, canals and railway
lines are called as
Ans : Linear strip plantations

88. Van Mahotsav is a festival of

Ans : Tree planting
89. National Wasteland Development Board came into existence during the period
Ans : 1985

90. The major species used for planting on tank bed is

Ans : Acacia nilolica

91: Which type of tree is better for noise abatment?

Ans : Evergreen tree

92. 1-leliotropic type of branching should be preferred for

Ans : Roadside planting

93. Social forestry project phase I was launched during the year of
Ans 1981

94. Social forestry project phase I was launched during 1981 with the assistance from
Ans : Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

95. Social forestry project phase I was implemented during

Ans : 1981 to 1986 and extended upto 1987 to 1988

96. Social forestry project phase II was implemented during

Ans : 1988-89 to 1992-93

97. Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project (TAP) is funded by

Ans : Japan Bank for International Cooperation

98. Joint Forest Manaement Project is being implemented in Tamil Nadu state since
Ans : 1997-98

99. The forest area is divided into three zones namely

Ans Lower Zone, Middle Zone and Upper Zone

100. In Social Forestry, the peoples representative body is called as

Ans : Village Forest Council (VFC)
101, Allelopathy is the best example for
Ans Amensalism

102. Tree competes with the neighboring crops mainly for

Ans : Light, Moisture and Nutrients

103. Allelochemicals are released by means of

Ans : Volatilization, Leaching and Exudation

104. Allelochemicals produced by plants are

Ans : Secondary plant metabolites

105. The direct or indirect effect of one plant upon another through the production of chemical
inhibitors is called
Ans : Allelopathy

106. When an immediate supply of a single necessary factor falls below the combined demand of
the plant is called as
Ans : Allelospoly

107, The competition is also referred as

Ans Allelospoly

108. Increased damage to crops due to pests for which the tree serve as ________
Ans Alternate host

109. Protection and reforestation of degraded forests with the involvement of local people is
Ans : JFM

110. The unit of management under JFM is a

Ans Village

ill. TCIPstandsfor
Ans : Tree Cultivation Incentive Program

112. Tamil Nadu afforestation project was implemented with financial assistance from
Ans Japan
113. JFMC stands for
Ans Joint Forest Management Committee

114. FDA stands for

Ans : Forest Development Agency

115. NAP stands for

Ans : National Afforestation Programme

116 are cropland left without crops for periods ranging from one season to several years.
Ans Fallow land

117. The members of Executive Committee elect their president from themselves who is also
known as
Ans : President of VFC

118. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between

Ans : District Forest Officer and VFC President

119. Agroforestry systems can be grouped into two categories namely

Ans : Nature of components and Arrangements of Components

120. The taungya is a Burmese word coined in Burma in the year

Ans : 1850

121. In alley cropping the spacing adopted is usually between rows and between trees within

122. In alley cropping systems, on sloping land the hedgerows should be placed on
Ans : Contour line

123. Agroforestry systems can be grouped into two categories based on

Ans : Nature of components and Arrangements of components

124. Taungya system can be classified into three categories namely

Ans : Departmental Taungya, Leased Taungya and Village Taungya

125. The protein rich trees are —lanted in or around farmlands and range lands are called as
Ans : Protein bank
126. The production of woody perennial combined with annuals and pastures is known as system
Ans Agrisilvopastural

127. Home garden is practiced extensively in the states of

Ans : Kerala and Tamil Nadu

128. Home garden can also be called as

Ans : Multi-tier system

129. The primary function of home garden is

Ans Food Production

130. Home garden are characterized by high species diversity and usually of canopy strata
Ans : 3 to 4 vertical

131. Various trees and shrubs preferred by fish are planted on the boundry and around fish ponds
are called as
Ans : Aqua forestry

132. Based on the arrangement of components, Agroforestry systems are classified into two
categories namely
Ans : Spatial and Temporal arrangements

133. Agrforestry systems that are intermediate between commercial and subsistence scales of
production and management is called as
Ans : Intermediate system

134. The broad and well known classification of agroforestry systems was given by
Ans : Nair

135. A common example of the zonal pattern of agroforestry is

Ans : Home gardens

136. The fundamental attributes of all agroforestry systems are

Ans : Production and Protection function

137. Integration of trees with grass is known as

Ans : Silvipasture

138. When the use of land is directed towards satisfying basic needs and is managed by the
owner is called as
Ans Subsistence agroforestry system

139. Jhum cultivation is also called as

Ans : Shifting cultivation
140. The deliberate use of land for the production of crops including trees and crops is called as
Ans : Agrisilviculture

141. The main aim of raising crops in departmental taungya is to

Ans : Reduce the weed growth

142, Shelter belts should posses a typical shape

Ans : Triangular

143. Strips of trees planted to protect fields, homes, canals from wind is referred to
Ans : Wind breaks

144. Planting nectar producing trees on the boundry of the agricultural field is called as
Ans Apiculture

145. Integration of various farm enterprises in farming system is called as

Ans : Integrated Farming System (IFS)

146. Judicial management of resources in such a way to sustain productivity and high
environment quality is termed as
Ans : integratred resource mamagement

147. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are major food for

Ans Fishes

148. The main host plant of silk worm is

Ans : Mulbery

149. The hydrological unit that drains at a common point is called

Ans : Watershed

150. The drainage area of tertiary stream or river is

Ans : 4,000 to 40,000 ha

151 The drainage area of catchments is

Ans : More than one lakh hectare

152. The drainage area of a sub-catchment is ha

Ans : 40,000

153. The continuous circulation of water among the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere is
called as
Ans Hydriogical cycle

154. The drainage area of sub watershed is ha

Ans 2000 — 4000

155. The drainage area of a mini watershed is ha

Ans : 400 — 2000

156. The drainage area of a micro watershed is ha

Ans : > 400

157. The practice of rotational cropping helps in

Ans : Soil and water conservation and Improving soil fertility

158. Erosion permitting and erosion resisting crops grown alternatively at right angle to the slope
of the land is called as
Ans : Strip planting

159. The process of taking up nutrients from deeper soil profiles and depositing them on the
surface layer is referred to
Ans : Nutrient pumping

160. The process of cycling of nutrients from soil to the plant and back to the soil is called as
Ans : Nutrient cycling

161. The process by which the complex organic substances are broken down to simple inorganic
elements is called as
Ans : Mineralization

162. NWDB classified wastelands into types

Ans : Two

163. The land comprising deep gorges,gullies in deep alluvium and draining into a major river is
known as
Ans : Gullie/ravines
I 64. The last stage of water erosion is the formation of
Ans : Ravines

165. The wastelands formed due to canal seepage and improper drainage is called
Ans : Water logged and marshy lands

166. On the basis of structure, Agroforestry Sysytem can be grouped into ... categories
Ans : Two

167. Third Forest policy implemented in

Ans : 1988

168 The basic unit of Diagnosis & Design analysis is

Ans : Land use system (LUS)

169 A family of procedures for the diagnosis of land management problems and potentials for
designing an agroforestry solution is called as
Ans : Agroforestry D & D

170 The important key features of agroforestry D & D is

Ans : Flexibility

171 Tropical Forest Research Institute is located at

Ans : Jabalpur

172 The Forest Survey of India (FSI) conducts Forest Cover Survey once in every
Ans 2 years

173 Head quarter of IUFRO is

Ans : Vienna

174 Total number f biomes in the world is

Ans : 12

175 Growing stock per hactre of Indian forest is

Ans : 58.46 m2 / ha

176 Country which has the maximum per capita forest area is
Ans : Canada

177 Climate vegetation productivity index was given by

Ans : Paterson
178 is a type of social forestry programme which is purely managed by private efforts
Ans : Farm Forestry

179. Agroforestry D & D covers entire ecological zone within a country is known as
Ans Macro D & D

180, An example for live fence is

Ans : Euphorbia

181. Several countries in developing world started social forestry programmes to meet the
demands of
Ans : Fuel, Fodder and timber

182. Home garden Agroforestry system is practiced in

Ans : Humid tropical climate

183. Tree selected for Agroforestry should have

Ans : Deep root system, Nitrogen fixing and Leaf fall in winter

184. Agroforestry D & D covers within the chosen ecological zone is

Ans : Micro D & D

185. The main criteria for good Agroforestry design are

Ans : Productivity, Sustainability and Adoptability

186 analysis gives an idea whether a system is technically feasible and economically viable.
Ans : Ex ante economic analysis

187 analysis indicate whether a system should be readjusted so as to better meet the objectives.
Ans : Ex post economic analysis

188. Private economic analysis is otherwise known as

Ans : Financial analysis

189. Public economic analysis is also known as

Ans : Economic analysis

190. The tool of agroforestry system evaluation are

Ans: BCR, NPV and IRR
191. Which tool determines the earning power of the money invested in a particular venture?
Ans: IRR

192. Market prices are applied when

Ans : Inputs are commonly purchased or hired by individual

193. In case of tree fodder, the valuation may be given to it as

Ans : Energy / Protein content

194. The analysis in which loans and repayments should be included to show the flow of cash
expenditure and receipts is called as
Ans Cash flow analysis

195. The watershed is considered to be synonymous with

Ans : Catchment and drainage basin

196. A type of wind break composed of multiple rows of trees, usually on large scale is known as
Ans : Shelterbelt

197. An example for live fence species is

Ans : Euphorbia

198. Growing more than one crop on the same piece of land during one calendar year is termed
Ans : Multiple cropping

199. Repeated growing of the same crop on the same land is known as
Ans : Monoculture

200. The pattern of water flow in a given region or basin is called as

Ans : Hydrology

201 is a first country to have separate policy on agroforestry

Ans India
202 is the only alternative to achieve 33% tree cover as per National forest policy 1988
Ans : Agroforestry

203. TCPL stands for

Ans Tree Cultivation on Patta Land

204. The World average of land holding per person is about

Ans : 3.7 ha

205. The homestead garden area is around ha

Ans : 0.2 ha to 0.5 ha

206, Taungya system was introduced in India by Brandis in 1890 from

Ans : West Bengal

207. National Agroforestry Policy was enacted in the year

Ans : 2014

208. On the basis of Agroecological zone India is divided in to how many zones?

209, The word forest is derived from

Ans : Foris

210. The word forest is derived from language

Ans Latin

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