HVAC Design Using Psychrometric

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Email: ed.florindo@gmail.com
1.0 Insight of Mechanical Engineer In Response to Global Warming
Because of the effect of global warming, most climatic condition
record on the occupied territory on the earth surface changes
specifically those area experiencing hot summer days feel the
effect of rise in both dry bulb and wet-bulb temperature. For this
reason the use of air conditioning in most new building designed
by the architect become popular. In response, the Mechanical
Engineer or HVAC design Engineers shall develop a standard design
method that will facilitate the application of air conditioning on
these buildings. The main objective of this study is to develop
HVAC design method applicable in different location of a project
building using psychometric calculation leading to air conditioning
equipment selection.
2.0 Air Conditioning and Psychrometry & how to develop psychrometric chart

ASHRAE define Air conditioning as a process of treating air so

as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness and air distribution to meet the required
condition of a given space, while Psychrometry is the study
of thermodynamics properties of air and vapor mixture. So
therefore it is so important to plot these properties of air
and vapor mixture in a psychrometric chart for better
understanding of the different air conditioning processes the
should be done with air during summer cooling A/C and
winter Heating A/C.
2.0 Basic Psychrometry of air

Ps at 50% T@Y h@Y
T, Psat, Kpa W, Kg/Kg V, m3/Kg h, KJ/Kg hg
RH intercept intercept
-10 0.25071 0.125355 0.0015428 0.74678 t=-9.3476 -6.073 t=-6.0355
-5 0.40281 0.201405 0.0024825 0.76213 1.182
0 0.6108 0.3054 0.003772 0.77795 t=1.654oC 9.436 t=9.377 2501.5
5 0.8737 0.4369 0.0054099 0.79427 18.613 2510.75
10 1.227 0.6135 0.0076244 0.81141 t=13.46oC 29.351 t=29.17oC 2519.9
15 1.707 0.8539 0.010658 0.82972 42.047 2529.05
20 2.337 1.1685 0.014684 0.84950 t=26.91oC 57.394 t=57.04oC 2538.2
25 3.171 1.5855 0.020094 0.87134 76.340 2547.3
30 4.241 2.1205 0.027171 0.89572 99.645 2556.4
35 5.629 2.8145 0.036587 0.92371 129.07 2565.4
40 7.375 3.6875 0.048826 0.95615 165.945 2574.4
45 9.593 4.7685 0.065046 0.994919 213.31 2583.3
1.0 Basic Psychrometry of air
W, Kg/Kg V,m3/Kg
0.0015428 0.74678 5
0.0024825 0.76213 Vapour pressure, Psat
0.003772 0.77795
0.0054099 0.79427
0.0076244 0.81141
0.010658 0.82972 3
0.014684 0.84950
0.020094 0.87134 2
0.027171 0.89572 100% RH
0.036587 0.92371 Humidity ratio, W
0.048826 0.95615 1

0.065046 0.994919 50% RH

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Dry bulb Temperature ,oC
1.0 Basic Psychrometry of air SHR=0.45

100% RH
V SHR=1.0
50% RH
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Dry bulb Temperature oC
HVAC Design Indoor

Condition (ASHRAE STD.) 3.0 Basic Psychrometric Process as applied to

Summer Design: cooling & and heating process in air conditioning
24oC to 26oC & 50% RH
Winter Design:
20oC to 22oC & 50%RH W W
Basic Psychrometric Process O
1.0 Sensible Cooling (blue) and Sensible Heating (red)
2.0 Humidification Process (black)
3.0 Cooling and Dehumidification process (Green)
4.0 Chemical humidification and Dehumidification m
5.0 Mixing Process 100% RH
V SHR=1.0
50% RH
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Dry bulb Temperature oC
HVAC Design method always started with the determination of
heat load imposed on a building envelop where both sensible and
latent heat needs to be calculated from the different sources of
heat, such as external heat source, ventilation heat source,
infiltration heat source and internal heat source from people or
occupant, lighting fixture, miscellaneous equipments or appliances
and partition heat sources. The designer should understand fully
how to established the required information and respective
parameter, guidelines and limitation to calculate the correct heat
loads. He should be acquainted in following ASHRAE standard
procedure to obtain the objective of heat load calculation.
II. Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
Establishing HVAC design Calculation Framework
1.0 Establish the required data for heat load calculation of the specified
building structure “Project building for A/C”.
➢ Establish design outdoor condition
➢ Establish design indoor condition
➢ Establish to analyzed building components to develop resistance
to heat transfer on building envelop of heat transfer wall, windows
and sky lights, roof, floor and partition.
➢ Establish building orientation in order to determine the maximum
exposure of the building envelop.
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
a.) Establish design outdoor Condition
The design dry bulb and wet bulb temperature is base on the
current climatic condition of project location. It can be taken
from the weather profile of the nearest weather station of the
project location. Adjustment for design dry bulb and wet bulb are
necessary to consider the elevation of the place, air mass
adjustment for areas closer to the bodies of water, and adjustment
for vegetation. ASHRAE manual recommend 1oC per 110m for
design dry bulb and 1oC per 274m elevation for design wet bulb
as adjustment for elevation. Adjustment to higher elevation
decreases at this rate and increases to lower elevation. All
adjustment to design dry bulb and wet bulb temperature are
applicable only for summer design and not for winter design.
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
b) Establish design indoor Condition
The indoor design dry bulb and humidity are the indoor
condition of the occupied space that consider human comfort
factors, occupant activity level, ventilation fresh air required
and air velocity at occupant comfort zone level and condition
air distribution to the occupied zone.
ASHRAE manual recommend 24 to 26oCDB & 50% RH for
summer design and 20 to 22oCDB & 50% RH for winter design
c)Establish to analyze the building components
Typical materials of construction for walls, roof, floors,
glass windows and skylights are consider to determine total
resistance to heat transfer and the corresponding U-value
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
together with ASHRAE type of wall and roof classification
code. A good example is the comparative material of
construction for wall in the Philippines and wall made in KSA.
Materials R-m2oK/watt D-Kg/m2
Outside air film 0.0440 0.00
25mm concrete plaster 0.0347 39.95
150mm CHB, Sand & Gravel 0.1350 147.00
25mm concrete plaster 0.0347 39.95
Inside air film 0.0120 0.0
Total Resistance 0.3684 226.9- Type F
U = 2.714W/m2oK wall (ASHRAE)
Fig.1 Overall Coefficient of heat transfer for common wall in the Philippines
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
Wall Section for Wall in KSA
Materials R-m2oK/watt D-Kg/m2

Outside air film 0.0440 0.0

25mm granite 0.0560 42.5
2 x 25mm fabricated bricks0.6950 104
Air space 0.1700 0.0
16mm gypsum plaster 0.0660 25.6
Inside air films 0.1200 0.0
Total Resistance 0.525 172.1Type F
U = 1.902W/m2-oK Wall (ASRHRAE)
Take note the respective material of construction of wall is applicable to
the existing climatic condition of the place.
Fig.2 Overall Coefficient of heat transfer for common wall in KSA
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
d) Establish building orientation in order to determine the
maximum exposure of building envelop

60o NL &SL

Fig.3 Occupied territory on the surface of the Earth surface
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
2.0 Heat load calculation
Heat load calculation objective is to provide convenient,
consistent, and accurate method of calculating heat loads and
to enable the designer to select the air conditioning
equipment that meet the requirements for efficient energy
utilization, responsive to environmental needs and consider
the appropriate psychrometry. Heat gain from different heat
sources such as external heat source on building envelop
through wall, roof, and glass skylight and windows
previously discuss must be followed. The following table
shows combine Carrier & ASHRAE recommendation for the
selection of heat load calculation method.
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
Heat Load Calculation Method Application
Maximum peak hour Space by space or Room by room
Single hour at 3:00 PM Space by space or Room by room
*Block load Max. Peak Hour All spaces per floor is one block
*Block load Single Hour All spaces per floor is one block
Table I. Heating and Cooling load Calculation Methods
Note: * Block Load Normally applied to Multi-storey building to minimized number of spaces
Choices for heat load calculation option can be any of the above tabulated
methods but for multi-storey building use either block load maximum peak hour
or block load single hour so that we can minimized the number of spaces
because in block load calculation option a floor of multi storey building is
considered as one block space, besides it is always consider that that typical
floor of multi storey building is consider similar floor so therefore the heat load
of one typical floor is simply multiply by the number of floors to get the total
heat load.
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
External Heat Sources Internal Heat Sources
1. External Wall Heat Load 1.0 Occupant heat load
2. Roof Heat Load 2.0 Lighting Heat Load
3. Glass Heat Load, Windows & Skylights 3.0 Misc. Equipment
4.0 Ventilation Heat Load 4.0 Partition Heat Load
5.0 Infiltration Heat Load
Table 2. Heat sources on Building Envelope
Heat Transfer Equation to identify heat sources on building envelop
1. External wall & Roof: 2. Glass Windows & Skylights
Qth = U g Ag  t
Q = UA ( CLTDAdj )
Qsg = SHGF ( SC ) ( Ag ) ( CLF )
Heating & Cooling Load Calculation
in HVAC Design
Heat Transfer Equation to identify heat sources on building envelop
3.Ventilation and Infiltration 4. Internal (Occupant)

5. Lighting heat load 6.Partition heat load

III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
1.0 Air Handlers are selected from Catalog base on the result of
Psychrometric calculation process. Data regarding outdoor design
condition, indoor design data about the space, fresh air ventilation
required, sensible heat ratio, entering coil and leaving coil condition
are plotted on psychrometric chart to obtain the desired capacity for
air handlers. The Air handler connection diagram to serve the space is
shown figure below. Exhaust Air
Return Air

Condition Space
38oC DB & 28oC WB
Supply Air
Qs = 337.8KW
Fresh Air
Qt= 422 KW
FCU Cooling Coil TDB =24oC & 50%RH
Fig. 4 System Diagram for AHU & FCU connection
III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
2.0 The Manufacturer’s Cooling Coil Performance Curve
Psychrometric chart

Manufacturer’s Performance Curve

Fig. 5 Manufacturer’s Psychrometric Chart

III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
3.0 Entering coil: te =25.4oC
ms = 21.4Kg/s
Leaving coil: tL =11oC hL =31.44KJ/Kg O
mo = 2.14Kg/s
Cap.: 21.4(51.0925-31.44)=422Kw use:
Mixing line
∑=470KW FCU serving the whole area
Use: 120 TOR Chiller R
Sensible Heat Ratio line
Load Ratio line

Fig.6 Psychrometric Process Using Manufacturer’s Psychrometric chart

III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
4.0 The Cooling and Dehumidfying Coil Heat Transfer Equation
4.1 Air to coil wetted surface: 4.2 Wetted Surface to Refrigerant

4.3 The Ratio of heat transfer R 4.4 Cubic Equation for wetted sc

4.5 Combined Eq. 4.3 and Eq. 4.4

See Diagram for heat transfer on wetted surface

III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
He =51.09 KJ/Kg HL =29.349 KJ/Kg
Te =25.4oCDB
TL =10oCWB
Air In 2 3
e 1 4 Air Out
12oC 10.5oC 9oC 7.5oC 6oC CHW in
CHW out
Metal Tube
Fig.6 Heat transfer on wetted surface
Air enthalpy tR ti hi Area,m2 Air dry-bulb

he =51.09 trs =12.0oC ti =14.67147oC hi =38.223 - Te =25.4oC

h1 =45.65475 tr1 =10.50oC ti =12.94678oC hi =36.5345 197.183 T1=20.805oC
h2 =40.2195 tr2 =9.0oC ti =11.1739oC hi =32.1164 251.723 T2= 16.6097oC
h3=34.78425 tr3=7.50oC ti =9.5075oC hi =28.2193 295.575 T3= 12.8457oC
h4=29.349 tr4=6.0oC ti =7.4904oC hi =23.7933 357.696 T4= 10.154oC
III. Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
Using Cooling and dehumidifying coil heat transfer equations sum up in
Slide no.21 and tabulating the result values in Fig 7, the air enthalpy,
the chilled water temperature, the temperature on wetted surface, the
heat transfer area and the dry bulb temperature of air as it passes in
each quarter section of the coil were tabulated as follows:
Air enthalpy tR ti hi Area,m2 Air dry-bulb
he =51.09 trs =12.0oC ti =14.67147oC hi =41.13 - Te =25.4oC
h1 =46.1775 tr1 =10.50oC ti =13.0296oC hi =36.748 202.09 T1=20.73oC
h2 =41.265 tr2 =9.0oC ti =11.344oC hi =32.527 246.40 T2= 17.083oC
h3=36.3525 tr3=7.50oC ti =9.6158oC hi =28.4656 235.70 T3= 14.078oC
h4=31.44 tr4=6.0oC ti =7.647oC hi =23.30 244.497 T4= 11.569oC
These values were plotted in the actual Psychometric chart to compare
III.Psychometric CalculationLeading
Psychometric Calculation Leading to
to A/C
Equipment Selection
Equipment Selection in
the cooling and dehumidifying coils performance curve (red line) to
Manufacturer’s psychrometric chart cooling coil performance curve.
III.Psychometric Calculation Leading to
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
It shows that the trend of the curve being plotted with cooling and
dehumidifying coils heat transfer equation is almost coincide with
the manufacturer’s cooling coil performance curve and the capacity
of A/C Equipment:

Q cap = 120 TOR

A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
Project Model
HVAC design project model that uses Chilled Water System is the
Administration building located in Pilipinas Shell, Tabangao, Batangas
The schedule of A/C Equipment are tabulated as follows:
Capacity, Water Flow, Area Electrical Data Total Power,
TAG NO. QTY Description Make/Model ΔP, m
TON Lit/sec Serve V Φ HZ KW
Air Cooled
Carrier or
Chill 1 Package 120 25 4 All FCU 208 3 60 153
Water Chiller

Capacity, Water Flow, Area Electrical Data Total Power,

TAG NO. QTY Description Make/Model ΔP, m
TON Lit/sec Serve V Φ HZ KW/unit

Vertical Inline
CHW Chilled
3 Chilled Water EBARA - 12.5 25 220 1 60 7.5
Pump Water
A/C Equipment Selection in HVAC Design
Project Model
Water Electrical
Cap., Total
TAG NO. QTY Description Make/Model Flow, ΔP,m Area Serve Data
TON Power, KW
Lit/sec V Φ HZ
CHW Chilled Water 112,
22 Trane/Carrier 9 0.472 41 220 1 60
FCU-1 FCU 138
CHW Chilled Water
4 Trane/Carrier 10.8 0.57 44 104a,b,c 220 1 60
CHW Chilled Water All room
17 Trane/Carrier 9 0.472 41 220 1 60
FCU-3 FCU shown
CHW Chilled Water 111,116
4 Trane/Carrier 7.2 0.37 30.5 220 1 60
FCU-4 FCU 136,141
CHW Chilled Water All room
7 Trane/Carrier 5.4 0.28 38 220 1 60
FCU-5 FCU shown
CHW Chilled Water All room
17 Trane/Carrier 2.7 0.142 18.1 220 1 60
FCU-6 FCU shown
Complete A/C layout of Shell Project Model: left Wing
Complete A/C layout of Shell Project Model: Right Wing
A close observation in any HVAC design method the effect of local
climatic condition on rated capacity of A/C units shall always be
given a priority. Location on the earth surface framed by latitude
and longitude as to where the building is located and refer to air
conditioning as “climatic condition of the locality”, influence a
great variation in the ambient dry bulb and wet bulb temperature.
This variation in the outside ambient results a great
temperature difference between the comfort-condition known
as indoor design temperature and the outside ambient known
as outdoor design temperature. For countries located in the
zone of having two season of the year, the summer and winter
season, the design of air conditioning shall be both heating &
Cooling. On the other hand, countries located in the same
latitude in Asia –Pacific like Manila, Philippines cooling and
required ventilation will do. Probably Bagiou City for being
affected by elevation and geographical wilderness and having
an outdoor temperature of 12oC to 25oC does not necessarily
need cooling process, may be heating if temperature falls ≥
It is also observe that both manufacturer’s cooling coil
performance curve & the cooling & dehumidification curve develop
by heat transfer equation on wetted surface are identical to each
other and having similar curvature.
1.0 Considering the effect of design outdoor condition to
the corresponding design indoor condition serve the designer to
decide whether he will proceed to cooling or heating load
calculation and decide for the most convenient method of heat
load calculation as in Table 1 of this presentation.
2.0 For psychrometric calculation leading to A/C Equipment
selection, the designer can use either the manufacturer’s
psychrometric chart having cooling coil performance curve or the
heat transfer equation on wetted surface for having the same
curvature of line as cooling and dehumidification process curve
from entering coil to leaving coil condition resulting the same
capacity for selected A/C equipment.
•To obtain a more systematic and quick calculation method for air conditioning
load an analysis of building location, orientation, and components in reference
to heat transfer shall be given the big percentage and priority. The methodology
presented by the proponent in the preparation of this technical paper will serve
as a guide in establishing a more systematic approach in HVAC design specifically
in psychrometric analysis & calculation leading to A/C equipment selection.
•Never simply use the well-known “rule of a thumb in heat load calculation
without proper justification as to experience, technical information data and
systematic methodology approach.
•It is recommended to be a member of national or international organization
affiliated to your line of professional practice since the source of information
towards professional progress and competency are promoted by this
organization. Ex. Be A Member of MVAC Technical Division of PSME

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