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Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No.

9, 1479–1496, 2000

Beyond Optimal City Size: An Evaluation of

Alternative Urban Growth Patterns

Roberta Capello and Roberto Camagni

[Paper Ž rst received, January 1999; in Ž nal form, August 1999]

Summary. The aim of the paper is to present a critical view of theoretical works on city size.
We begin with the consideration that, during the 1960s and 1970s, the question of optimal city
size tended to be expressed in a misleading way. The real issue is not ‘optimal city size’ but
‘efŽ cient size’, which depends on the functional characteristics of the city and on the spatial
organisation within the urban system. Economies of scale exist up to a certain city size. However,
urban development generates conditions leading to structural readjustments which may create
new economic advantages. These structural adjustments may either be sectoral trasformations
towards higher-order functions, or increases in external linkages with other cities. The paper
provides empirical evidence of these processes, and contains an econometric evaluation of urban
location beneŽ ts and cost functions with respect to different levels of network integration, size
and urban function. The model is applied to 58 Italian cities.

1. Introduction
In the real world, the number of people living large cities is continuing to grow, though
in cities is growing in all countries and conti- sometimes more slowly than previously
nents. Urbanisation is a phenomenon which, (Camagni, 1996).
in the past decade, has become increasingly The constantly increasing size of cities
intense in developing countries. The share of encountered in the real world is in contrast
urban population in the more developed con- with the famous ‘optimal city size’ theory,
tinents, such as Europe and North America, which envisages a size above which an in-
is extremely high and at the world scale is crease in physical dimension decreases the
nearly 50 per cent. This percentage, accord- advantages of agglomeration. The declining
ing to the forecasts of the World Resources rate of urban population growth recorded in
Institute (1994), is expected to rise yet fur- the past decade in most developing countries
ther in future decades. As a consequence of appears to be common to all cities, indepen-
increasing population, cities physically ex- dently of physical size, and represents a gen-
pand through processes which have been eral slowing down, rather than a speciŽ c
labelled as ‘ville éclatée’, ‘ville éparpillée’ crisis in the larger cities. Indeed, during the
and ‘ubiquitous city’. The population of 1970s, there were negative population
Roberto Camagni is in the Dipartimento di Economia e Produzione, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133
Milano, Italy. Fax: 2 2399 2710. E-mail: Roberta Capello is in the Department of Economics, University
of Molise and at the Dipartimento di Economia e Produzione, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano,
Italy. Fax: 2 2399 2710. E-mail: Although the paper is the result of a common research effort, R. Capello
is responsible for writing the paper.

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2000 The Editors of Urban Studies

growth rates in the urban system of the Po beneŽ ts and costs to aspects constituting
Valley in northern Italy, not only in the the city other than the mere economic
major cities, but also in a number of second- elements (section 3);
ary centres of 75 000 to 150 000 inhabitants —to deŽ ne a methodology to estimate these
(8 out of 19) and even in some smaller towns effects and their variations with respect to
of 20 000 to 75 000 inhabitants (27 out of the main determinants emerging from the
113) (Camagni et al., 1985, 1986). Accord- literature (section 4); and
ing to the theory, however, medium-sized —to apply this methodology to a sample of
towns are expected to increase their size, 58 Italian cities (section 5).
since the advantages associated with the
physical dimension are still higher than loca-
tion costs. 2. New Paradigms for an Old Problem
This seemingly mistaken interpretation of
The starting-point of our re ection is optimal
the real world by the optimal city size theory
city size theory, which claims that urban size
has already been pointed out by various au-
is the fundamental determinant of urban lo-
thors. Richardson (1972) was the Ž rst to
cation costs and beneŽ ts. The theory states
present a ‘sceptic’s view’, by emphasising
that the well-known indivisibility and syn-
that an apparent paradox existed between the
ergy mechanisms, which are at the basis of
theoretical acceptance of an ‘optimal city
economies of scale in cities, apply up to a
size’ and the contradictory development pat-
certain urban size, after which diseconomies
terns of urban systems in the real world.
of scale due to congestion effects take place
According to Richardson, this paradox could
and decrease the average revenues of an
be explained by the existence of other deter-
urban location. The optimal city size is cal-
minants in uencing urban agglomeration
culated as the result of the maximum differ-
economies, not merely physical size. Since
ence between a location cost curve, deŽ ned
Richardson’s paper, other interpretations
by Alonso as the land rent costs associated
have been given to this apparent paradox,
with urban size, and the aggregate agglomer-
through the ‘urban life cycle’ theory (see, for
ation advantage curve.1
example, van den Berg et al., 1983; Camagni
Although demonstrated by a large number
et al., 1985) and through the integration of
of empirical estimations, many criticisms
dynamic elements, such as innovation, con-
have been made of the neoclassical approach
tinuous information and knowledge acqui-
to optimal city size theory. These include the
sition, into the static framework of optimal
observations that:
city size theory.
In this paper, we accept the basic criticism —Cities are different from one another. They
of the optimal city size theory and the idea are characterised by different functions
that there are determinants of urban location and perform different specialisations (Hen-
advantages other than urban size. Such deter- derson, 1985, 1996). The use of the same
minants have already been identiŽ ed in the urban production function for all cities in
literature; these include the kind of economic econometric analyses estimating optimal
functions developed by the urban centre, the city size is extremely restrictive. In the
spatial organisation in which the centre oper- words of Richardson (1972, pp. 30): “We
ates and the efŽ ciency of each centre’s inter- may expect the efŽ cient range of city sizes
nal structure. The aims of the present paper to vary, possibly dramatically, according
are the following: to the functions and the structure of the
cities in question”.
—to identify the main theories which super- —If cities are different from one another, the
sede the limits of the neoclassical ap- optimal city size may be different, depend-
proach (section 2); ing on the speciŽ c characteristics.
—to extend the deŽ nition of urban location Richardson elegantly compares the opti-

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mal city size theory with the theory of the suburban location—is achieved via a com-
behaviour of Ž rms. We would never ex- pensation mechanism between accessibility
pect the optimal position for each and and urban rent ( Alonso, 1964; Fujita, 1985).
every Ž rm to occur at the same level of The result of the model is an indifferent
output, so why should we expect the opti- location choice among all possible loca-
mal point in each city to be located at the tions—i.e. lower accessibility to the centre is
same population level? compensated for by lower rents and higher
—Cities exist in an interurban environment. environmental quality. The same holds for an
The optimal city size theory, on the con- interurban equilibrium: in an equilibrium sol-
trary, does not consider the spatial context ution, the same proŽ ts and utility levels have
in which cities operate. to be guaranteed by each city. If this is not
—Cities generate a large variety of externali- the case, ceteris paribus, a city offering
ties as a result of the qualitative character- higher rents but lower agglomeration beneŽ ts
istics of the urban production (with the hypothesis of non-existent transport
environment. As long ago as 1961, Chinitz costs) would lose both residents and Ž rms.
expressed some doubts about the fact that Urban size is in this case the result of market
urban factor productivity depends mainly forces, pushing towards the maximisation of
on the physical size of cities. He empha- utility levels for residents and proŽ ts for
sised, on the contrary, the importance of a Ž rms.
diversiŽ ed and competitive urban pro- In a neoclassical approach, the use of the
duction system as a source of urban pro- same production function for all cities in-
ductivity. Such a system is able to provide evitably generates cities of the same size
a far larger variety of externalities for (Camagni, 1992). This evident paradox can
small Ž rms than an oligopolistic and spe- be overcome either through the hypothesis of
cialised urban structure. Chinitz supported different production functions for each city
his thesis with an empirical analysis of (and thus a single production function for
New York, a large and diversiŽ ed urban each city) as suggested by Henderson (1985),
area, and Pittsburgh, a highly specialised or by expressing the neoclassical logic
city. 2 through the use of the Christaller model. In
this second case, neoclassical logic leads to
The theories which have superseded the the deŽ nition of a hierarchical urban sys-
above limitations of the neoclassical theory tem—by deŽ nition in equilibrium, thanks to
on city size can be grouped into two different market forces—where differences in city size
conceptual paradigms.3 We refer to these two can be interpreted as the compensation be-
paradigms as the ‘neoclassical city inter- tween agglomeration advantages, on the one
preted within a logic based on the Christaller hand, and higher urban rents and disec-
model’ and the ‘network city paradigm’ onomies of congestion, on the other.
(Table 1). This reasoning, though elegant and fasci-
The Ž rst paradigm deals with some of the nating in its theoretical interpretation, over-
limitations of the optimal city size theory by comes perhaps rather too simply the problem
stating that: urban size is deŽ ned as the of optimal city size. The problem simply
equilibrium between production beneŽ ts and does not exist—thanks to the ability of an
location costs; and, cities are not all the urban system of any size to equalise costs
same, but produce different goods according and beneŽ ts, and to Ž nd by deŽ nition an
to their size. In the neoclassical city, location equilibrium solution. An indifferent location
beneŽ ts and costs are by deŽ nition equal. choice emerges over the whole of geographi-
This is true in an intraurban equilibrium cal space, since the agglomeration advan-
logic, according to which, in the Alonso – tages are perfectly capitalised into urban
Fujita model, the residential and production rents.
location equilibrium—for example, for a While optimal city size theory gives the

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Table 1. A comparison of three theoretical paradigms

Paradigms/ The neoclassical and

Elements Optimal city size Christallerian city The network city

Characteristics of Empirical Theoretical Theoretical and empirical

the approach
Characteristics of UndeŽ ned city Despecialised city Specialised city linked
the city (aggregated) with a large urban
Characteristics of Not considered Hierarchical Networked
the urban system
Characterising element Urban size Urban size interpreted Distinction between
through the urban size and urban
functions function. Analysis
developed in a
spatial context
Urban efŽ ciency Agglomeration economies Functional upgrading of Co-existence of network
economies externalities, economies
of agglomeration and
functional upgrading
Result of the An intraurban An intraurban and There exists an intraurban
analysis equilibrium exists which interurban equilibrium equilibrium which can
has to be reached exists by deŽ nition be reached through

interurban system

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Urban policy aims Achievement of an None: the Achievement of a
intraurban equilibrium system is in cost–beneŽ t equilibrium
between costs and equilibrium by through specialisation
beneŽ ts obtainable deŽ nition policies and/or
through the urban network integration

Source: Capello (1998a).


impression that it is an empirical exercise oriented dynamic approach) model (Camagni

without an underlying theory, 4 we could ar- et al., 1986), which argues that
gue that the ‘neoclassical city interpreted
within the logic of Christaller’ is a theory —Higher-order functions are characterised
without empirical application. The result by higher thresholds for the level of ap-
achieved by the model—a general equilib- pearance in the city (in terms of urban
rium of cities, all of the same size—is un- population) (d1, d 2, d3 …).
doubtedly unrealistic. This approach leaves —The average (aggregate) beneŽ t–cost
no space for normative interventions. curve increases for higher-order functions,
An interesting paradigm that has emerged due to: growing entry barriers; decreasing
recently, which overcomes some of the limits elasticity of demand which allows extra
of both the optimal city size and the neoclas- proŽ ts to be gained in all market condi-
sical/Christallerian approach (Table 1), is the tions; and, increasing possibility of obtain-
so-called network city paradigm. The most ing monopolistic revenues due to the use
important theoretical novelty provided by of scarce, qualiŽ ed factors.
this paradigm is the break of the link be- —The location cost curve has the traditional
tween urban size and urban function imposed form suggested by Alonso.
by the Christallerian logic. With Christaller’s
approach, it is in fact impossible to explain When the average beneŽ t function is com-
why a city like Zurich, with only 300 000 pared with Alonso’s traditional location cost
inhabitants, is specialised in international curve, the following results are achieved. For
Ž nance in the same way as the city of New each economic function and each associated
York or Tokyo. In the real world, urban size urban rank, it is possible to deŽ ne a mini-
is not always characteristic of function. mum and a maximum efŽ cient city size,
The break between the relationship be- which would increase with the level of the
tween urban size and function is one of the urban function and rank (Figure 1).
main characteristics of the SOUDY (supply- The interest of this model is that it over-

Urban advantages
and location costs





d1 d3 d2 d4 d5 d6 Urban size

Instability area

Figure 1. EfŽ cient urban size for different urban functions. Source: Camagni et al. (1986).

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comes some of the limits of the optimal city now attempt to prove this statement from an
size theory, by suggesting: empirical point of view.
—the need to replace optimal city size by an
interval within which the city size is 3. The Indicators of City Effect and Urban
efŽ cient—i.e. where average beneŽ ts ex- Overload
ceed average location costs; 5
Our empirical analysis is based on the con-
—that the interval of efŽ cient city size corre-
sideration that in an urban area three environ-
sponds to greater urban size, the higher the
ments exist—the physical (natural and built)
economic functions developed in the city;
environment, the economic environment and
—that, as a result of the previous statement,
the social environment—each of them ex-
the economic functions characterising the
plaining in part or in combination the exist-
city are an important determinant of the
ence and persistence of a city. All three
efŽ cient city size.
environments generate advantages and disad-
The interpretation of the SOUDY model be- vantages—i.e. user beneŽ ts and costs for a
comes more interesting if analysed jointly city. All three have to be considered together,
with another theoretical paradigm, that of the because they interact with one another and
network city (Camagni, 1993; Camagni and represent, or express, goals, means and con-
de Blasio, 1993).6 The logic underlying the straints to human action in the city (Table 2).
paradigm is that the spatial organisation in The interactions between the economic
which cities operate is fundamental to under- and physical environments in a city are usu-
standing their efŽ ciency, growth, factor pro- ally characterised by negative externalities.
ductivity and sometimes their specialisation. The negative effects generated by economic
While the organisational logic underlying activity on the natural/built environment are
Christaller’s central place model is a terri- well known and can be seen in various en-
torial logic, emphasising a gravity-type con- vironmental disasters—the depletion of natu-
trol over market areas, in the network model ral resources, noise, water and air pollution,
another logic prevails. This refers to long- loss of green areas, trafŽ c congestion and
distance competition and co-operation re- intensive energy use are all negative external
gardless of the distance barrier (Camagni, effects caused by excessive economic activi-
1993). While, in the more traditional analy- ties in cities. Given the role of cities as
sis, transport costs and economies of scale vehicles for economic growth, they are
were the principal forces shaping the spatial recognised as the places where the pro-
organisation of functions and cities, in the duction of environmentally damaging gases,
new logic other kinds of economies come to such as emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous
the fore—economies of vertical and horizon- oxide or ozone, is concentrated.
tal integration, and network externalities On the other hand, we have to recognise
similar to those emerging from ‘club goods’. that many of these negative effects are also
The joint application of the SOUDY highly visible as a consequence of the mass
model and the network city theory implies and high-density effect. If the same amount
something very important for the deŽ nition of economic activity were to take place in a
of economies of agglomeration: that size is more diffused territorial pattern, the spatial
not the only determinant of factor productiv- concentration of emissions would be re-
ity and economies of agglomeration in large duced, but the absolute consumption of natu-
centres. The presence of higher urban func- ral resources such as energy and land would
tions and integration in the network of urban be much greater. In other words, the concen-
systems are also extremely important in ex- tration of activities and proximity are not
plaining the size of the city. Both of these only a precondition for social interaction and
elements may permit the achievement of economic efŽ ciency, but also are the source,
economies of scale, even in small cities. We up to certain levels, of increasing returns in

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Table 2. City effect and urban overload

Interaction between the Interaction between the Interaction between the

economic and economic and social social and physical
physical environments environments environments

City effect EfŽ cient energy use Accessibility to: Green areas for social
EfŽ cient use of non- good housing facilities; amenities
renewable natural skilled jobs; Residential facilities in
resources social amenities; green areas
Economies of scale in social contacts; Accessibility to urban
the use of urban education facilities; environmental
environmental health services amenities

Urban overload Depletion of natural Suburbanisation forced Urban health problems

resources by high urban rents Depletion of historical
Intensive energy use Social friction in the buildings
Water, air pollution labour market Loss of cultural
Depletion of green New poverty heritage
TrafŽ c congestion

Source: Capello (1998b)

the use of scarce and non-renewable re- social services, such as education, health,
sources. An interesting example in this re- social amenities (theatres and cinemas) and
spect is the Milan metropolitan area. highly paid jobs. Conversely, agglomeration
Although it represents 44 per cent of the diseconomies may cause negative external
population of Lombardy, Milan accounts for effects on the social environment through,
33 per cent of the region’s energy consump- for example, suburbanisation due to high ur-
tion for public lighting, 38 per cent of dom- ban rents, class segregation, new forms of
estic electricity and 31.8 per cent of poverty and inertia in social class division.
electricity for all uses. As a result of proxim- Negative social externalities may negatively
ity and indivisibilities in energy consump- in uence the economic sphere by generating
tion, the city may be an efŽ cient user of various frictions on the labour markets, urban
natural resources. con ict, repulsion of potentially incoming
The paradox is, however, that because of Ž rms, etc.
the concentration of environmental externali- The last form of interaction concerns the
ties in city areas, urban inhabitants are advantages and disadvantages stemming
tempted to move out to the surrounding area. from the physical and social environments.
The inevitable consequence is that, although To give some examples: green areas for so-
the individual level of well-being may rise, at cial amenities are environmental resources,
an aggregate level in a wider territorial set- which have a positive impact on social wel-
ting, the volume of environmental pollution fare, whereas the decay of historical build-
will rise due to reduced advantages of scale ings, loss of cultural heritage or urban health
and increased transport needs. This is a well- problems can create negative effects on the
recognised modern social dilemma. social environment (Camagni et al., 1998).
The interaction between the economic and The ‘city effect’ describes a situation in
social environments gives rise to speciŽ c which agglomeration economies should be
positive and negative external effects. The associated with positive environmental exter-
positive effects stem from accessibility to nalities and social network externalities. The

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most important difference from the tra- urban rent is assumed as a proxy for urban
ditional neoclassical view on optimal city economics and the well-being of the in-
size is that the advantages and disadvantages habitants, as it re ects the income and
referred to relate not only to the economic economic wealth of the city.
environment, but also to the interaction of —positive externalities stemming from the
the three environments constituting the city. interaction between the physical and the
The city effect is the result of a pure econ- social environments. The indicator chosen
omic efŽ ciency goal, but also responds to is the square metres per capita of green
wider policy objectives, deŽ ned as environ- areas in cities.
mental equity, long-term allocation
efŽ ciency and distributive efŽ ciency (Ca- Each indicator has been divided by its maxi-
magni, 1996, 1997). mum value, in order to standardise the differ-
According to this logic, an overload takes ent values and thus sum the different indices. 9
place when economic location costs are asso- The general city effect indicator is in fact
ciated with negative social and environmen- calculated as the unweighted sum of the dif-
tal externalities. On the basis of the ferent indices obtained; the indices refer to
traditional view, we incorporate in the cost cross-effects between the different environ-
curve all negative externalities stemming ments, and therefore the choice of a weighted
from an urban location. In other words, in the sum would imply an arbitrary choice of
case of costs, we widen the deŽ nition to all weights. The Ž rst group of indices, relating
negative externalities which are encountered to the interaction between the economic and
at the urban level and which have not been the natural environments enters the sum with
explicitly mentioned by Alonso. 7 The city their ‘complement to one’ value, re ecting
effect and the urban overload resulting can their negative correlation with city size. 10
be called the social city effect and social In the same way, the urban overload indi-
urban overload, since they incorporate all cator takes into account the negative aspects
positive and negative cross-externalities of the interaction between the three environ-
which can stem from an urban location. ments (see Table 3)—namely:
This approach is important since it —negative externalities stemming from the
in uences the choice of the indicators used interaction between the economic and the
for measuring the city effect and the urban physical environments. Here, all social
overload, shown in Table 3. These are: costs for the natural environments have to
be taken into account: per capita NOx
—positive externalities stemming from the emission; per capita quantity of urban
interaction between the economic and the waste; number of vehicles per sq km.
physical environments. The indicators —negative externalities stemming from the
chosen here are the per capita use of en- interaction between the economic and the
ergy, petrol and water. social environments. In this area, the indi-
—positive externalities stemming from the cator chosen is the percentage of unem-
interaction between the economic and the ployment in the total urban population.
social environments. In this area, the indi- —negative externalities stemming from the
cators chosen are: the share of people interaction between the physical and the
holding a university degree; the number of social environments. The indicator chosen
schools, of bank branches, and the supply is the number of crimes relative to the size
of urban services with respect to urban of the urban population.
population; 8 and the price of new houses
per square metre. In microeconomic terms, In this case also, the overall indicator is the
this last factor is generally regarded as a unweighted sum of the different indicators,
cost, like in the Alonso type of location each divided by its maximum value before
cost curve. In our macro-urban approach, being aggregated (see Appendix).

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Table 3. Statistical deŽ nition of the city effect and the urban overload indicators

Interaction between the Interaction between the Interaction between the

economic and economic and social social and physical
physical environments environments environments

City effect indicator (ALB) Energy use per capita Number of graduates/ Green areas in city
Petrol use per capita population (square metres
Water use per capita Number of schools/ per capita)
Number of banks/
Supply of public
Urban rent per
square metre

Urban overload indicator (ALC) NOx emissions Unemployment/ Number of murders/

per capita population population
Urban waste
(kg per capita)

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Number of vehicles per
square kilometre

Other two indicators are necessary for the beneŽ ts (or average city effect); D the absol-
analysis, since they act as independent vari- ute size of the city; FUN the type of urban
ables. The Ž rst concerns the types of high- functions developed; and NET the network
order economic function developed in the integration level achieved in the city.
city. For this, the share of private tertiary For the average location costs:
value-added produced by the city is used. 11
The second relates to the level of network ln ALC 5 ln g 1 a 1 ln D 1
a 2 ln FUN
integration of the city with the rest of the 1
1 a 3 ln NET 1 b 1 (ln D)2
world: the lack of statistical information on 2
the  ows of interaction between our sample 1 1
1 b 2 (ln FUN) 1 b 3 (ln NET)2

cities (duration of phone calls or number of 2 2

phone calls) for these groups of cities has 1 d 1 ln D ln FUN 1 d 2 ln D ln NET
obliged us to choose a variable representing 1 d 3 ln FUN ln NET (2)
the number of telephone subscribers. How- where, ALC represents the average urban
ever, the share of  ows of international location costs, (or urban overload effect); D
phone calls (both duration and number of the absolute size of the city; FUN the type of
phone calls) and the number of telephone urban functions developed; and NET the net-
subscribers available for a different group of work integration level achieved in the city.
cities (municipalities) in the metropolitan ar- The translog function allows us to estimate
eas of Milan have shown a correlation equal the elasticity of beneŽ ts (or costs) directly
to 0.8. with respect to any of the right-hand-side
The database on which these indicators variables—that is, the percentage cost
have been built contains 58 Italian cities and (beneŽ ts) change due to a 1 per cent change
refers to the year 1991. The geographical of a speciŽ c determinant, other things being
area of reference is the urban agglomeration equal. If D is the absolute size of the city, in
area. order to test whether the size reduces the
beneŽ ts, it is enough to estimate from (1) the
4. The Measurement of the City Effect and following expression, and to test the sign of
the Urban Overload eD:
The methodology used for the measurement eD 5 a 1 1 b 1 ln D 1 d 1 ln FUN 1 d 2 ln NET
of urban agglomeration economies and disec- (3)
onomies is a cross-section analysis of 58
Italian cities, through an econometric model where, eD is the size elasticity of the urban
able to estimate aggregate city effects and city effect (SECE). Based upon equation (3),
urban overload. In particular, two functions the interaction of the elasticity of beneŽ ts
have been estimated, an aggregate location with the other two determinants can be stud-
beneŽ t function, and a location cost function, ied. In particular, from (3) one can see how
represented respectively by the following the size elasticity of the city effect (SECE)
translog functions: 12 changes in relation to different urban levels,
different economic functions and different
ln ALB 5 ln g 1 a 1 ln D 1
a 2 ln FUN levels of network integration, by estimating
1 the following parameters:
1 a 3 ln NET 1 b 1 (ln D)2
1 1 eDD 5 b 1 (4)
1 b 2 (ln FUN) 1
b 3 (ln NET)2 eDFUN 5 d (5)
2 2 1

1 d 1 ln D ln FUN
eDNET 5 d 2 (6)
1 d 2 ln D ln NET
The same logic applies for the cost function,
1 d 3 ln FUN ln NET (1)
so the size elasticity of the overload effect
where, ALB represents the average location (SEOE) with the other two determinants can

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be studied with the same methodology ap- increases with urban size up to a certain
plied to the beneŽ t curve. point (approximately 361 000 inhabitants)
and then decreases (parameter estimations
are presented in Table A1 in the Appendix).
5. The Evidence
As far as the city effect is concerned, the
In this part of the paper, we present the results in fact show the possibility for a city
Ž ndings of the empirical analysis of 58 Ital- to exploit:
ian cities. The results obtained were satisfac-
tory from both the statistical and the —Economies of scale: our analysis shows
interpretative point of view. From the statisti- that economies of scale exist for public
cal point of view, the model concerning the services (like schools, public transport and
city effect as the dependent variable has an banks), and also for environmental re-
R 2 value of 0.48, showing an acceptable Ž t of sources, like water, petrol and energy use;
the model. In relation to the urban overload —Indivisibilities of public services in gen-
as a dependent variable, the model has an R 2 eral, since the larger the city, the greater
value of 0.56. the possibility of exploiting a critical mass
The results have regard to the size elastic- of users.
ity of the city effect and the urban overload The city effect, however, is exploited up to a
variables (SECE and SEOE), calculated in certain urban size, after which its slope be-
three speciŽ c circumstances: comes negative. The expected congestion ef-
—for different levels of urban size; fects and diseconomies of scale prevail in
—for different types of function; large cities (Figure 2a).
—for different levels of network integration. As far as the urban overload effect is
concerned, our results show a decreasing
In mathematical terms, the analysis has al- trend up to a certain urban size (approxi-
lowed us to calculate the slope of the average mately 55 500 inhabitants) and an increasing
city effect function and of the average over- trend afterwards, once again in line with the
load function with respect to urban size, for traditional expectations. Two elements seem
different levels of the three independent vari- to generate this trend:
ables above. The results are summarised in
Figure 2. —In small cities, an economic and territorial
effect: for very small cities, the results
show that an increase in the physical di-
5.1 Urban Size: Optimal City Size Validated
mension decreases urban overload, in
Once Again
terms of unemployment rates and all the
The Ž rst results relate to the variable tradi- social diseases associated with a peripheral
tionally interpreted in the literature as the local economy, dependent upon larger sur-
most important source of city effect and ur- rounding centres.
ban overload: urban size. Figure 2 (graphs a —In large cities, a negative environmental
and b) shows the estimated city effect and effect: for larger urban areas the results are
urban overload functions for different levels the opposite—an increase in urban size
of urban size. In economic terms, the calcu- increases the level of overload. The expla-
lated parameters re ect the elasticity of the nation is related to the natural environment
city effect with respect to size—i.e. how the indices contained in the general overload
city effect and urban overload change with indicator. Large cities pollute more and
an increase in size of 1 per cent, for different generate more environmental damage than
urban sizes. The results obtained are in line medium-sized ones; higher levels of pro-
with the abstract interpretation of the optimal duction, linked to increasing physical ur-
urban size theory. In fact, the curves are ban size, are likely to mean a higher
‘well-behaved’, showing a city effect which pollution density.

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2a 2b

Urban overload
City effect

361 000 55 500

Urban size Urban size
2c 2d

Urban overload
City effect

49 per cent
Presence of high-level functions Presence of high-level functions
2e 2f
Urban overload
City effect

Critical mass of users

Network integration level Network integration level

Figure 2. Estimated city effect and urban overload.

Medium-sized cities appear to have a greater sult conŽ rms the outcome of other economet-
endogenous capacity to keep social, econ- ric studies, which show a lower optimal size
omic and environmental costs under con- of the city when cost-efŽ ciency factors are
trol.13 Interestingly enough, we can see from utilised than when advantages are taken into
Figure 2a that the urban overload effect consideration directly.
reaches a minimum value at a lower urban Another interesting element is the
size than the maximum city effect. This re- signiŽ cance of the estimated parameters

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(Table A1 in the Appendix). While positive analysis, although from the statistical point
city effects are guaranteed by a Student’s of view some doubts remain (see Table A2 in
t-value, diseconomies of scale for large urban the Appendix). This is that a minimum
sizes are not so evident. In the same way, threshold of high-order tertiary functions has
urban overload is seen for large urban sizes, to be achieved before increasing returns to
while for small sizes, the urban overload is urban scale manifest themselves. Only if the
decreasing. This means that urban size is city achieves a substantial share of tertiary
important for explaining economies of scale activities (49 per cent of its total activities),
and the considerable ‘city effects’ of large can it exploit the advantages of urban size.
cities. On the contrary, other determinants The urban overload effects increase at a
are necessary to explain fully the disec- decreasing rate when there is a strong pres-
onomies of scale and decreasing overload ence of high-level functions. This means that
effects of small cities. the increase in tertiary activities tends to
The results presented above hold for cities entail congestion and location costs, but that
of different physical size, but characterised this negative aspect does not occur in a dis-
by the same type of economic function and ruptive and uncontrollable way, as in the
the same level of network integration. All case of increasing urban size (Figure 2d).
things being equal, we can say that the city The urban overload effect increases at a de-
effect and the overload curves have the slope creasing rate, which indicates that higher-or-
presented in Figure 2. But as we mentioned der functions produce economic
in the conceptual part of this paper, other development and also local congestion costs,
things are not equal—in the sense that both but with a decreasing marginal productivity,
the type of economic activity developed in and thus in a more controlled way. The
cities and the level of network integration are decreasing order of magnitude with which
different in the different cities examined and overload is generated in the presence of
thus in uence the results, as we shall see in higher-order functions may be explained by
the following. the following:

—From the point of view of environmental

5.2 The Type of Economic Functions: The
indices involved in the overload indicator:
Validity of the SOUDY Model
tertiary activities are by deŽ nition less-pol-
Our main conclusion up to now is that, ce- luting activities than industrial ones;
teris paribus, for the same type of economic higher-income communities (stemming
function and level of network integration from economies based on higher-order
with other cities, the city effect can be ex- functions and higher proŽ t levels) treat the
ploited up to a certain level of urban size. By environment as a luxury good, due to the
the same token, urban overload can be kept emergence of new social values with re-
under control up to a certain level. spect to the environment (Camagni, 1996).
The picture changes when the analysis is These results are in line with the apparent
made on the basis of the different types of paradox described by Baldwin (1995) in
economic function which can characterise a his provocative and very important state-
city. The results are quite interesting. As far ment: “sustainability requires growth”.
as the city effect is concerned, these results —From the point of view of the economic
are in line with the conclusions suggested by and social costs involved in the overload
the SOUDY model. The estimated curve indicator, tertiary activities have in the
conŽ rms the theoretical hypotheses of the past decade been characterised by high
SOUDY model (Figures 2c and 2d): higher- employment rates, and thus a higher per-
order functions guarantee a greater city ef- centage of these activities in a city guaran-
fect, due to the positive returns generated. tees a lower level of social disease
Another result seems to emerge from the resulting from the lack of jobs.

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—From the economic point of view, the and more qualiŽ ed input factors, as well as
increasing overload is the consequence of a wider market for Ž nal goods.
the broad economic development that
For the urban overload effect, the picture
higher-order functions generate. Higher-
which emerges is similar to that for different
order functions stimulate strong economic
levels of high-order functions (Figure 2f).
development because of their capacity to
When the level of network integration in-
generate greater multiplicative effects than
creases, urban overload increases, too. This
more traditional functions. This is a mech-
is what would be expected: higher levels of
anism which has been widely overesti-
network integration stimulate more economic
mated in the empirical analysis.
activities and generate higher city effects, but
with the negative counterpart of an increas-
5.3 The Level of Network Integration: The ing overload.
Existence of Network Externalities What is rather interesting is that urban
overload has decreasing growth rates. Again,
The results of the size elasticity of the city this result is different from the exploding
effect and urban overload for different levels situation which occurs when the city size is
of network integration produce an interesting taken into consideration. As the level of net-
picture (Figures 2e and 2f). work integration increases, positive mecha-
As far as the city effect is concerned, nisms come into effect, decreasing the size
the city effect decreases up to a certain level elasticity of the overload:
of network integration, when it starts to in-
crease (see Table A3 in the Appendix). —From the economic point of view, as the
These results are stimulating, since they sug- city increases its ability to exploit network
gest that externality advantages, unemployment and
social diseases related to a stagnating
—For low levels of network integration, ad- economy decrease.
vantages of autarchy and independence —From an environmental point of view, the
take place, although these results seem to city economy increases via the network,
be statistically weak. by keeping under control the local press-
—When the network integration process ure in terms of environmental costs. The
starts, cities are vulnerable and are weak networked city can reorganise its pro-
partners, risking in general being exploited duction system by decentralising the most-
by the network, rather than exploiting the polluting and less-attractive functions,
advantages of a network. This result is in while specialising in higher-order func-
line with the general idea that being part of tions like control and decision-making
a network does not necessary mean obtain- processes. In this way, it beneŽ ts from the
ing advantages from it (Camagni, 1993; advantages of an expanding economy,
Capello, 1994). As expected, this is true while keeping environmental costs and lo-
up to a certain level of network inte- cal pressures under control.
—After a certain threshold level, the city is
6. Conclusions
able to exploit the advantages associated
with the interconnected economy and net- A critical approach to the theory of optimal
work externality advantages are in full city size has produced the following Ž ndings.
operation. (See the vast literature existing The in uence of urban size exists and is
on network externalities, including important, but cannot be efŽ ciently assessed
Hayashi, 1992; and Rohlfs, 1974.) without overcoming some of the limitations
Through the network, the city is able to imposed by the theory. It is not a problem of
exploit more dispersed information collec- optimal city size, but of efŽ cient size, which
tion, the acquisition of more know-how largely depends on what the city produces,

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how it produces and the way in which it rather than chronologically, in that the
co-operates within the urban system. Urban Christaller model predates the optimal city
size theory.
size inevitably in uences location costs and 4. Mills (1993) argues that in this Ž eld econo-
beneŽ ts; however, the same also holds for its metric analyses are more advanced than the
level of specialisation and integration with theoretical framework.
the urban system. Economies of scale exist, 5. Richardson (1972) has already suggested re-
ceteris paribus, but turn into diseconomies placing the concept of optimal city size with
an efŽ cient interval of urban size in which
after a certain urban dimension. However, urban beneŽ ts are greater than location costs.
with increasing size, the preconditions in- 6. Camagni (1993) theorised the concept and
crease for developing structural changes al- applied it to urban systems. The same con-
lowing a greater mix of higher urban cept has already been applied to many Ž elds,
functions. such as the behaviour of the Ž rm and
macroeconomic organisational behaviour.
The present work has conŽ rmed these hy- For a review of the concept, see Capello
potheses from an empirical point of view. In (1998a); for the policy implications, see
particular, the type of economic function and Capello and Rietveld (1998).
the spatial organisation within which the city 7. Richardson (1972, p. 31) was the Ž rst to deal
is integrated appear to be strategic elements explicitly with the environmental costs asso-
ciated with city size, and with the problem of
for the deŽ nition of location beneŽ ts and valuing the negative aspects of city size not
costs, analysed in relation to all aspects con- registered in market prices.
stituting the city—i.e the social, environmen- 8. In this case, the information used is in fact
tal and economic aspects. the number of people using public services—
Our analysis has important normative con- i.e. the demand, which is used as a proxy for
the supply, as the latter data are unavailable.
sequences. Since it is difŽ cult to envisage a 9. Many methods exist for standardising the
large city having a strong city effect without variables. The one chosen has been applied
facing high overload costs, local urban poli- by Biehl (1986), where an aggregate physical
cies are absolutely vital and play a signiŽ cant infrastructure index was obtained as the sum
role in the deŽ nition of the growth potential of different indices of different physical in-
of our cities. These policies should focus, 10. The negative correlation between the con-
among other things, on upgrading the econ- sumption of energy, petrol and water and
omic functions within the city, as well as the city size has been estimated on the same
development of linkages outside the city, sample in Capello (1998b).
such as alliances, co-operation agreements, 11. Value-added is measured at the provincial
level, since an estimate at the urban level is
advanced international transport and not available.
telecommunications infrastructure. All of 12. Considerable discussion exists around the
these elements are undoubtedly important for need to impose restrictions on parameters of
guaranteeing the survival of a modern city. production functions, so that they are able to
approximate the stylised facts of economic
behaviour that neoclassical economists gen-
Notes erally agree characterise the real world
(Chambers, 1988). On the production func-
1. Alonso (1971) stressed the mistaken ten- tion, these restrictions relate to: monotonicity
dency of many authors to look for optimal (and strict monotonicity) of the production
city size only by minimising the location cost function; quasi-concavity (and concavity) of
function. As he argued, this would be sen- the production function; weak essentiality
sible only if output per capita were constant (strict essentiality); closed and non-empty
(p. 70). input requirement set for all outputs; the
2. Carlino (1980) provides a criticism of production function is Ž nite, non-negative,
Chinitz’ analysis, and demonstrates on a real valued for all non-negative and Ž nite
sample of 65 US towns that economies of inputs; and, the production function is every-
scale, both internal and external to the Ž rm, where twice-continuously differentiable.
play a role in the deŽ nition of urban produc- It has been emphasised, however, that
tivity. these restrictions have generally been re-
3. We mean ‘superseded’ in a conceptual way, jected in econometric analyses (Evans and

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Heckman, 1984). The decision to impose (Ed.) Economia e pianiŽ cazione della città
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Appendix. Results of the Estimated Parameters

Table A1. Size elasticity of city effect and urban overload for different levels of urban sizes

CoefŽ cient Student’s t

City effect
Average city 0.043 2.61
Largest city 2 0.014 2 0.21
Smallest city 0.102 1.91

Urban overload
Average city 0.10 4.29
Largest city 0.31 3.40
Smallest city 2 0.10 2 1.42

Table A2. Size elasticity of city effect and urban overload for different levels of high-order
economic function

CoefŽ cient Student’s t

City effect
Average city 0.024 1.13
City with the highest percentage of high-order functions 0.074 2.85
City with the lowest percentage of high-order functions 2 0.039 2 0.70

Urban overload
Average city 0.14 6.35
City with the highest percentage of high-order functions 0.06 1.97
City with the lowest percentage of high-order functions 0.24 4.80

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Table A3. Size elasticity of city effect and urban overload for different levels of network

CoefŽ cient Student’s t

City effect
Average city 0.04 2.61
City with the highest level of network integration 0.13 4.37
City with the lowest level of network integration 2 0.04 2 1.27

Urban overload
Average city 0.13 4.64
City with the highest level of network integration 0.12 2.60
City with the lowest level of network integration 0.14 2.92

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